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[FE8] Drafting Tourney VI


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Prologue 2 turns

.....Crits and shame befall me. Eirika's level: Str, Skl, Spd, Luk, Res.

Chapter 1 6 turns/8 turns

Solo. Lots of crits.

Chapter 2 7 turns/15 turns

Ross died. Though he and NPC Garcia actually killed some stuff. Missed the Pure Water village.

Chapter 3 8 turns/23 turns

Colm nabbed me treasure. Moulder got some heals.

Chapter 4 8 turns/31 turns

:Lute: :Lute: :Lute: :Lute: :Lute: Vanessa is starting to get Str screwed...not a single point yet. :Lute: :Lute: :Lute: :Lute:

Chapter 5 9 turns/40 turns

Okay, there we go. Got str Vanna. Time to turn some letters. Nab the villages, speed to Saar, get the Ring. Eirika murdernated Joshy and lost me my KE! >_>

Chapter 5x 14 turns/54 turns

Rah....at least I got the Killer Lance. >_> Could have done better probably.

Chapter 6 5 turns/59 turns

Torch staff spam! Lute nabs a Shield, and Moulder a Book. Vanessa runs and kills Novala, reaching B lances and Level 10.

Chapter 7 10 turns/73 turns (Colm Penalty)

8] Vanessa tanked the two archers near Murray and Javelined them on the EP to death. Nabbed the Ring for Moulder because lol 5 magic. Probably could have done it quicker since Eirika one rounded Murray with the Raiper, and I could have air dropped her, but I wanted more exp and the Ring. Moulder and Lute hit B weapon ranks as well.

Chapter 8 13 turns/90 turns (Colm Penalty)

Sold the Crest and Bolt for some cash. Is it sad Vanessa can tank the entire Armour treasure room? Nabbed the treasures and Eirika had a quick boss kill and almost hit level 20. 8] Moulder grabs the robe. Took my time cause I needed the Whip, and probably wanted the sword, but skipped it.

Eirika   19.84  31   12  20   19   16   10   7
Seth     1      Base
Vanessa  16.13  27   8   11   20   11   11   7
Moulder  6.68   29   7   8    12   2    3    6
Lute     11     22   15  9    10   13   5    12
Ephraim  11/12  Forgot the Rest

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Chapter 9 10 turns/100 turns

Promote Vanessa to help her strength issues. >_> Pierce helps that too. She runs and grabs the Rapier. Seth helps kill the Sniper. Vanessa solo'd the whole bottom, only flying away once to be healed. Lute nabs Amelia's wings, Moulder the Shield. Bought some Thunders. Lute promotes at 13.

Chapter 10 4 turns/104 turns

Thank to a little help from Life, I realize as long as Gerik survives, Tethys joins at the end of the chapter. Seth hands Eirika to Vanessa and they fly to the Throne. I don't need a Red Gem or a Talisman. Grab a Lancerever and Long bow and make Lute get hit on purpose for a quick heal from Moulder. I like the cash booster from Innes. ^_^

Chapter 11 8 turns/112 turns

Tethys grabs a robe. Sell Gerik's Crest. Torch Staff spam. Lute gets to join in on it too. :awesome: I leave the treasure, because lolBook, and lolIcanbuyRestorestaves. L'Archel even helps out by healing Lute after she tanks a mob and gets down to 9 HP.

Chapter 12 10 turns/122 turns

And so close to promoting Moulder. Level 9 and some. Seth hits S lances and grab a Barrier staff. Vanessa gets the Ring.

Chapter 13 2 turns/124 turns

Good thing I don't have Cormag. Nor do I want the Body Ring. Moulder + Tethys dancer barrier 2 turn spam though.

Chapter 14 17 turns/141 turns

Sent Eirika the wrong way. >_> Got the 10k, both Rings, and Rennac got me Hammerne and a Spear. Moulder promoted at level 11. Don't get to visit the Secret Shop.

Chapter 15 12 turns/153 turns

Vanessa grabs the Energy ring since she's 2 below and I can't decide between her or Moulder getting it for some Physic range later. >_> A Lute and Tethys combo heads south to nail Valter with later help from Knoll and Ephraim. Vanessa goes fro the Silver Card and Metis Tome, and the others head towards Calleach. Tethys boots, Knoll Metis Tome, Lute Body Ring. Skipped the Bow and Wyrmslayer.

Chapter 16 6 turns/159 turns

Knoll promotes at 11. Summoning fun and Horserush. Thought about Warp skip, but I halfed it and got Eirika over the wall. Brought Rennac for the Talisman, but didn't get it after all. Eirika promotes at 20, Eph at 18. I realize Moulder's range with staves suck, and hope Lute can grow a rank or two before Final. She ends the map at C.

Eirika   1.00   36   15  22   21   17   13   13
Seth     8.40   36   16  17   15   15   15   10
Vanessa  11.88  38   18  24   29   15   15   13
Moulder  3.26   38   12  14   16   3    10   11
Lute     9.41   31   24  12   18   17   10   18
Ephraim  1.00   38   18  22   17   15   15   10
Tethys   5.98   29   1   2    14   15   5    6
Knoll    1.70   25   12  12   11   0    3    14

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Chatper 17 2 turns/161 turns

Vanessa and a Killer Lance. <3 Got the Guiding Ring and Fimbulveter though, and Lute spammed Barrier a little.

Chapter 18 6 turns/167 turns

I love Phantoms. I also love how their move is counted as a flier. I'd have finished a turn earlier if I had had a ranged option for Eirika.

Chapter 19 3 turns/178 turns (Colm and Rennac Penalties)

Rush to Riev. Moulder warps Rennac to grab Foritfy and Bolting, and Colm for the Speedwings and Runesword. He hits S staves too. Grab the Brave Lance and Sword. Nice to get an Aura and Invaldi no one can use. A grand total of 3 green units survived. Hint: Two were the general and Mansel. >_>

Chapter 20 6 turns/184 turns

I give Seth the last Speedwings since Lute has 19 speed, Vanessa is capped, and lolTethys, Moulder, or Knoll. He had the lowest at 16. Out of the combat units that is. Vanessa flying off with a full inventory of Killer Lances and Bolting cover from Lute plus a quick Warp results in the 6 turn clear.

Final Part 1 6 turns/190 turns

Everyone heads to the right, and Rennac come to nab a quick robe. Moulder Hammernes Bolting and Warp. But then I realize they drop keys, so Rennac has to be a good boy and stay out of trouble. Vanessa does a direct approach from the south. Lute gets Barrier from Moulder, because otherwise she gets one-shotted >_>, and with a lucky Pierce from Vanessa and Eclipse from Knoll, Eirika is able to finish Lyon off.

Final Part 2 2 turns/192 turns

Lute used the robe from the last chapter. Excaliber, Sieglied, Siegmund, and a finishing Pierce from Vidofner win it.

Without penalties, final turncount is 177.

Final stats and reviews will be up in the morning.

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Chatper 17 2 turns/161 turns

Vanessa and a Killer Lance. <3 Got the Guiding Ring and Fimbulveter though, and Lute spammed Barrier a little.

Vanessa can't do sh*t to Lyon with a Killer lance so how the heck did you 2-turn it

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P: 3 turns clear = 3 total

Fucker didn't attack me on the EP of Turn 2 wtf!

C1: 5 turns clear = 8 total

Awwww yeeeeah. Eirika solo romp.

C2: 6 turns clear = 14 total

Yeehaw. Girlfriend got a spine.

C3: 8 turns clear = 22 total

Thank you for that crit Eirika dear. Neimi get!

C4: 10 turns clear = 32 total

lol archers. Would have EASILY been 9 but one of the Revenants decided NOT to attack Eirika on Turn 9 and stalled everything. Asshole.

C5: 9 turns clear = 41 total

Didn't have the power to punch the middle so went up the left. Fuck houses. Neimi tanks everything forever but is generally not cooperating. Dammit.

C5x: 11 turns clear = 52 total


C6: 5 turns clear = 57 total

I really do like Eirika, you know.

C7: 7 turns clear = 64 total

Eirika crosses the river and wins.

C8: 10 turns clear = 74 total

Eirika. Natasha actually tanked the knights in the top room on a pillar while Neimi picked them off.

Eirika crit the boss and Neimi actually crit TWO separate knights for great justice.

SKIRMISH 1: 26 turns clear = 74 total

SethxEirika C! Hooray!

C9: 12 turns clear = 86 total

Funny story, I forgot to buy Javelins. This could have had a turn or two shaved.

SKIRMISH 2: 25 turns clear = 86 total

SethxEirika B! Hooray!

C10: 7 turns clear = 93 total

Neimi promotes!

SKIRMISH 3: 8 turns clear = 93 total


C11: 11 turns clear = 104 total

Last skeleton took me three turns to run down. Fucker.

C12: 13 turns clear = 117 total

What's with all these not-aggroing bitches? Fuck.

SKIRMISH 4: 9 turns clear = 117 total

SKIRMISH 5: 12 turns clear = 117 total

Neimi S-ranks Swords. SethxEirika A! Hooray!

C13: 2 turns clear = 119 total

Energy Ring to Natasha. Dracoshield to Neimi. Seth Javetanks the horde and then Neimi runs in to

Silver Bow times 4. Victoly!

C14: 13 turns clear = 132 total

Stalled for one turn to let CAN RECK visit the Secret Shop and buy me some Physics and a Barrier.

C15: 11 turns clear = 143 total

And I got all the treasure I wanted! SethxEirika killed Caellach, Neimi and Duracell nicked Valter, and Rennac tanked Pegasus Knights. I'm not joking.

C16: 4 turns clear = 147 total

'Tasha early promoted at 11 to Valkyrie, then Warped Neimi carrying Eirika up on Turn 2. Turn 3 PP, EP, and Turn 4 (thanks to a bad RN luck) Neimi Silver Bowed Orson. Seize!

C17: 2 turns clear = 149 total

Neimi, Audhulma, Lyon.

C18: 7 turns clear = 156 total

Happy enough with this result.

C19: 2 turns clear = 158 total

Swinging this ended up using a RESCUE staff instead of Warp. Weird.

C20: 4 turns clear = 162 total

Neimi clean 1RKOs Morva with a Silver Bow. :awesome:

F-1: 6 turns clear = 168 total

Fuckin' Lyon is always a prick even on NM. Neimi got lucky and got missed by a 66% so she could smack him two rounds consecutively, then Myrrh rolled in for the finish.

F-2: 1 turns clear = 169 total

Today's agenda: Neimi, Eirika, Ephraim, Natasha Rescues Myrrh for the finish.


169 turns clear! Could've pulled that number down just a wee bit, but oh wells. Stats and synopsis! All averages are compared to 20/X, even if the unit promoted early.

Eirika   / 5.85  36|15|23|24|13|14|14  +0|+0|+0|+1|-5|+2|+2 = +0  Seth A
Ephraim  / 3.84  36|16|18|17|12|16|11  -5|-3|-3|-4|-4|+1|+0 =-18
Neimi    /20.00  38|22|26|30|16|17|25  -1|-1|+0|+1|-7|+6|+7 = +5  Body Ring, Boots
Seth     /14.19  43|19|18|18|15|16|11  +2|-1|+0|+1|-1|+0|+0 = +1  Eirika A
Natasha  / 7.02  26|16|10|14|18| 7|20  -7|-3|-1|-4|-3|+0|-2 =-20
Rennac   / 6.47  33|12|18|19| 6|10|12  +2|+1|+0|-1|+0|+0|+0 = +2
Duessel  /13.74  46|21|14|14| 8|18|12  +1|+2|+0|+1|-1|-1|+1 = +3
Myrrh     14.17  31|13|13|13| 5|19|12  +0|-1|+1|+0|-1|-1|+2 = +0

EIRIKA - 180B, 121W

Eirika actually went over better than usual. Girlfriend took the entire earlygame (Neimi did not help.) until I had Skirmishes and Seth to power Neimi up. Rapier was broken on the boss of C8, which made me sad but past then I had no need. She was even able to hold her own in C15, C16, C19, and land a hit on Morty himself For Massive Damage. Great success, but then again I particularly like Eirika.

EPHRAIM - 38B, 27W

Urk. The speed at which I took C15 and C16, combined with Duracell taking what he could have had, SEVERELY hampered his potential, forcing him to promote at somewhere around level 11. Testament to the awesomeness of Siegmund and Reginleif, he was still able to participate all the way up to Fomortiis, but at something of a handicap.

NEIMI - 483B, 248W

MVP, natch. I fed her everything possible for the first half of the game, abused Skirmishes to promote her, and S-ranked her Swords. What's not to love? Got damn near every boss kill from about C11 on. Natural capping of RES was all that let her tank Lyon in the Final, among other things. Plus, dat Luck!

SETH - 177b, 125W

1-2 Range gave him a FAR higher B:W ratio than Neimi, but he deserved it. Actually, Seth didn't treat me too well this run. Looking at the stats, I'm surprised he was even average for his level. Ah, well, even average Seth starting late is great to have along and he was. He and Neimi made a delicious team, with Seth clearing the 1-2 while Neimi surged the boss/biggest cluster of 1 or 2-rangers.


Natasha is always a great draft. Most of those 52 battles, incidentally, were from tanking things earlygame while she was still a Cleric. Early promotion at 11 utterly boned her stat-wise, but she still had enough MAG courtesy of Ewan's Energy Ring to Warp juuuust as far as I needed her to.

RENNAC - 34B, 20W

What? Kills on Rennac? Yeah. He actually FOUGHT THINGS and WON. In fact, he did more of that than picking locks with his BARE HANDS. Rennac's single greatest contribution, though, was revealing Riev in C19 so that Natasha could Rescue Neimi close enough to smack him on the PP, since he was a bare (like, 2hp left) 1RKO. Plus, bitch found the Boots which was cool.

DUESSEL - 53B, 34W

Is Duracell capable of sucking? Honestly? I don't think he is. An S in Axes let him ...do absolutely nothing, because by the time he got it Neimi had already killed Morva and he got left behind in the Two Finale Surges. Poor bastard. Does that mean he wasn't fucking awesome for the levels he really participated in? Fuck no it doesn't.

MYRRH - 24B, 17W

Myrrh doesn't need favoritism to work, Soul. She got to pick at: the reinforcements in C16, the Heroes in C17, the Eggs in C18, the top side of C19, across the mountains in C20, and once F rolled around she was more than ready to actually fight shit like Lyon. Note that none of the above slowed my progress a single turn and, in fact, her participation in C18 unquestionably sped me up. C20 she could have fucked Morva up if I couldn't 1RKO him but I could so I digress.




You're welcome, dear.

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Vanessa can't do sh*t to Lyon with a Killer lance so how the heck did you 2-turn it

I had animations off, so it only looked like a crit to me, but I think it may have been a Pierce, since her second crit did more than her first.

169 turns clear!

I hate you.

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Yay, I found one of my cartridges! Let's get this shit started.

Prologue: 3 turns

What did you expect? Eirika got a sweet level up.

Chapter 1: 12 turns

Admittedly, this one took an embarrassing amount of tries, each painstaking due to the absolutely beautiful level ups Eirika was getting INCLUDING A PERFECT ONE AND 3 SIX-STAT ONES. After I beat it, I finally realized it took so long because I was playing Hard Mode. Commence facepalm and erase of data.

Take 2!

Prologue The Fall of Renais: 3 turns

Nothing changes except that Eirika's level up was really suckish.

Chapter 1 idk this chapter name: 8 turns

I proceeded to absolutely stomp this chapter after my many ragequits, Eirika getting some sweet level ups.

From this point on I forgot to record turns but it doesn't matter too much since the game tells you your turn total after you beat it so idfc.

Chapter 2 do not know name

Eirika kills shit and buys weapons. Garcia doesn't join because Ross died. lul.

Chapter 3 The Bandits of Brogo 8]

Neimi get! I hide her in a corner. Then Colm pops up and I realized I have him drafted, and I would really appreciate having him. Reset! hi colm you kinda suck at combat but you'll have to do. Eirika stomps most of the enemies and they die laughably, Colm getting a level up that I vaguely recall being semi-decent. Seize and finish.

Chapter 4 Ancient Horrors

I go to Ide and buy a bunch of Iron Swords since I realize I have 3 sword-locked characters. I intended for this to be Colm's self-improvement chapter and he gets 4 levels fighting off the initial guys and the reinforcements. Despite this Eirika gets 3 because she got the bosskill, which was entirely unnecessary but I recall the level up being good. olol lute joins after chapter and is benched.

Chapter 5: I actually checked turns for this and it was 7.

I expected this to be far worse but I ended up only needing one reset. Joshua get! I had Natasha's inventor filled with stuff for him :P Eirika gets bosskill because I didn't get armorslayer. She also unnecessarily crits him.

Chapter 5x Unbroken Heart: I checked this one too, 12 turns

Orson did a lot of this map because I didn't really fucking feel like going through it normally. Ephraim is only level 6 at chapter's end but the level ups were pretty good IIRC so I took that.

Chapter 6 Prisoners of War I think? idk: I think this was 8 turns as the Spider was a space away from the little girl.

bossrush! This could've been 7 turned if Eirika had 1 more strength, but meh. The priest and Toubadour I didn't bother killing also both heal him forcing me to waste two Rapier uses (actually 1 because Eirika crit but I digress). Jerk.

Chapter 7 Waterside Renvall:

Sold Orion's Bolt before going in. this chapter was so lol. I stole the Energy ring and let Colm eat it.

Chapter 8 IT'S A TRAP:

I sell the Knight Crest. Eirika is level capped at this chapter's start. She goes north and solos Knights without being touched once. Josh and Colm go southwest to help Ephraim which was kind of dumb now that I think about it since I could've gotten an Angelic Robe. :( Whatever, nobody really needs it. Eirika gets Tirado kill and seizes, living with 1 HP and the enemies being the n00bs they are just stop fighting because I sit on the throne. FE logic at its finest, folks.

This is as far as I got. will now be posting stats and reviewing my guys so far.

Name LV EX HP P   SK SP LK DF R boosters                                           comparison to averages (w/out statboosters
Eirika 20 -- 27 14 17 20 16 4 4 none                                                    -2.3 +2.4 -2.4 ±0.0 -0.4 -4.7 -2.7
Colm  14 28 24 10 10 18 15 8  3 secretbook, Energyring, dshield   -3.0 -0.8 -0.8 +0.2 +1.6 ±0.0 -0.4
Joshua 11 74 29 11 16 16 7  6  2 none                                                  +0.2 +0.9 -0.3 -1.3 -1.8 -0.2  -1.2

EIRIKA B121 W81 L8

Holy shit. I don't know what I expected of Eirika, but I did not see her being such an incredible combat unit. Her amazing offense and avoid allowed so much shit I couldn't have done otherwise like take risks of very high damage (hello tirado's 20 ish dmage) I would normally not take because I had faith in her (hello tirado's 31 ish hit). And damn, so far my faith has paid off. Her strength is the only stat above average and she's STILL kicking ass and taking names. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is. MVP so far by a longshot.

COLM B57 W23 L2

Colm is making out to be a good fighter, or at least better than I expected. Like Eirika, he's below average in... Pretty much everything, but is nontheless proving his worth. His combat started off slow but he's picking up the pace, even coming close to some ORKOs. I think he'll help me out a lot.


Joshua is my most durable unit besides my newly-allowed-to-use-Seth, which is rather pathetic, but appreciated nontheless. Even behind the others in number, Joshua is proving deadly... even though like the others he is below average on most of his stats. He's respectable and will hopefully grow into a good unit.


So yeah. I've learned 3 things from this LP: FE8 has the stupidest AI ever (moving up to me and not attacking. That solider in Ch 1 is a genius), Anna likes to give me the finger in FE8, and one would generally do better when not playing at 2 in the morning... which will probably happen again tonight that being said.


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  • 4 weeks later...

This is kind of a necro but I finished. 223 turns total. Could've done better, but eh, I learned, and that's what matters, right? Riiight.



... despite being massively screwed, managed to be my MVP. I like Eirika a lot more now. I really do. She could've been better, but if you're good even when your statscrewed, you're awesome. She did good in the earlygame and endgame with a decent midgame, and I can respect that.


He struggled early on, but midgame Colm was essential and he was probably my best Combat unit the instant he promoted in Chapter 11 through 15. The effort (and statboosters!) showed up here, with him literally killing half the enemies in Chapter 15. It wasn't the fastest, but damn, I respect Colm as a combat unit now. He slowed down endgame a bit (notably in the final chapter) but I'm glad I took him.


Josh started off kinda slow, worse than Eirika and Colm in most ways. Ad then midgame came around and things changed. Joshua was reliably ORKOing everything, if a bit on the fluffy side, and he got better from there. Chapter 16 onwards Joshua was easily my best with them boots, and he helped me finish lategame much faster than I did early on. He also critblicked a lot of enemies.


lol. Seth was great all around and used lances. He was my most balanced dude and solo'd a few chapters and he was cool.


SMILEYFAIS. Innes was great. He could successfully ORKO most things and avoid dying when exposed (this happened a lot). I am not disappointed in him, despite his AI being failmazing in Chapter 10 (he tried to kill things in the south. Unfortunately he succeeded. Before I could recruit him :|)


was pretty pro. He killed things and critted absurdly often, and hit with bad hit rates. Fuck the display, Anna was clearly smiling at Dozla.


... The only one who I can say let me down. 4 of my five skirmish maps were dedicated to helping her level, and she still only promoted in the final chapter. At level 10. She A'd staffs only in the final too. Oh well. She abused that warp staff when she could (I think I broke it lol), and she was apparently above average due to dat perfect level up. Meh. I don't think I'd drafter her again, personally.


Galzus. He was kinda eeeehhhhh 5x and 8. Then he came back autolevelled and helllloooo 15 str/spd/skl/def at level 14. He was great while he existed.

The main things I learned

-L'Archel's staff rank really sucks.

-Dozla is better than I had given him credit for. As is Innes. And Colm. And Eirika.

-Typically, one gets better turn counts when they shouldn't be sleeping. (most of this run was either done late at night or on an airplane after being awake for 36 hours)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Prologue: 3/3

Why in Blazing Sword did it take so long?

Eirika: 2.67: 17 HP, 4 Strength, 8 Skill, 10 Speed, 6 Luck, 3 Defense, 2 Resistance

Chapter 1: 9/12

I really hate this chapter, just so you know. The boss always dodges one of two rapier glances.

Eirika: 5.46: 20 HP, 5 Strength, 8 Skill, 12 Speed, 8 Luck, 4 Defense, 2 Resistance


Gilliam is known as the PACKHORSE. He plays the role of "Hold Franz's crap in Chapter 1" guy.

Franz died, so its good I don't need Gilly.

Basically, got Eir's stats, and then gave her the vulneraries and Franz's Iron Sword that Gilliam had.

Chapter 2: 10/22

Nowhere near as fast I'd like, but Eirika soloing isn't easy. Got the Red Gem

Eirika: 8.14: 22 HP, 6 Strength, 10 Skill, 14 Speed, 10 Luck, 4 Defense, 2 Resistance


Eirika went shopping for an iron sword.

Chapter 3: 13/25

Eirika had one point of strength to few to ORKO the bandits.

Eirika: 11.04: 24 HP, 6 Strength, 12 Skill, 15 Speed, 12 Luck, 4 Defense, 4 Resistance

Intermission: Colm Drops everything.

Chapter 4: 18/43

Eirika is level 16. Whoo.

Eirika: 16.06: 27 HP, 8 Strength, 16 Skill, 19 Speed, 16 Luck, 5 Defense, 6 Resistance


Chapter 5: 11/54

Eirika solo stomp! She did 15 damage per hit to the boss. Who had 30 HP. But she hasn't the strength to ORKO the brigands. So she got surrounded several times.

Eirika: 19.62: 29 HP, 8 Strength, 18 Skill, 20 Speed, 19 Luck, 5 Defense, 6 Resistance

Chapter 5x: Orson Stomp in 13. 13/67

Ephraim: 6.0_0: 24 HP, 9 Strength, 11 Skill, 12 Speed, 8 Luck, 8 Defense, 2 Resistance


Eirika shops for Iron Swords and Vulneraries

Chapter 6: 8/75

Rapier has 5 uses left. crap. But I managed to save the civilians...

Eirika: 20.00: 30 HP, 8 Strength, 18 Skill, 20 Speed, 19 Luck, 6 Defense, 6 Resistance


Sell the Bolt, buy another Iron Sword or two.

Chapter 7: 9/84


1 use left.

Eirika: 20.00: 30 HP, 8 Strength, 18 Skill, 20 Speed, 19 Luck, 6 Defense, 6 Resistance

Chapter 8: 19/103

Oh God, I have almost what somepeople have for Turncounts for this whole game, and I'm only at the route choice.

Eirika: 20.00: 30 HP, 8 Strength, 18 Skill, 20 Speed, 19 Luck, 6 Defense, 6 Resistance

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  • 6 months later...







Chapter 1





Chapter 2





Chapter 3




Guess I..

Chapter 4





Chapter 5



Why show Saar? Because he died on enemy phase.


Chapter 5x




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Planning to dethrone my Round 1 Neimi Pick clear, are you?

Pfft, like I'll ever be able to dethrone you especially with an attitude like this

Chapter 6




Garcia is a man.


Chapter 7


Enemies LOVE to cockblock Eirika on a river.



Chapter 8





And now it's Seth time! :D:

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Chapter 9





Chapter 10




Chapter 11


Photobucket's being fucked up.

Chapter 12


Now this time I'm being lazy.

Chapter 13


Yup. Cormag takes a lot of turns.

Skirmish 1

(A lot/131)

Kyle is almost level 20. :)




Chapter 14




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Chapter 16


Audhulma is fun.

Skirmish 2

(Still a lot/169)


Ephraim promotes.

Cormag promotes.

SethEirika A

SethGarcia B

EphraimKyle C

SalehEirika B

Chapter 17


Syrene~ <3

And I got a Rescue Staff! Too bad the only person who can use it is Saleh...

Cormag is the best. OHKOing Valter and 2RKOing Lyon. My hero~

Skirmish 3

(These will all be "a lot", and I'm too lazy to check/172)

KyleSyrene C

Syrene wrecks shit up.

Skirmish 4

(It's still 172 in total)

KyleSyrene B <3

Syrene S Ranks lances and destroys more monsters.

Skirmish the Final


Now Kyle and Syrene are getting married. And Syrene has more kils than Eirika.

Chapter 18

(7/[not 172 = 179])

Syrene is the best.

Oh yeah, so is Boots Eirika.

Chapter 19


Sadly, I couldn't have Cormag pwn Riev. :(

Chapter 20





Cormag kills Lyon. Again.

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