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(FE12) FEDS2 Draft

Don Draper

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Prologue done.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      08.57  Lord         28  10  00  11  12  11  09  00
Rockzo     03.90  Mage         20  06  07  05  07  05  02  04 
Wrys       08.46  Curate       20  00  06  08  11  03  03  09
Merric     15.75  Mage         28  00  11  09  14  10  08  05

Mage MU was orphaned, but he's beautiful and is a truth seeker. Picked a Mage because I wanted Merric with more than just a Fire tome.

Got Athena, Oguma and Est.

Wrys got D Staves and Merric C Tomes.

Expect a few chapters tonight.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Chapter 2:

Catria runs around recruiting Warren and hitting save blocks. Marth moves forward when possible, and OHKOs cavs with a +3 rapier. Warren does shitall, but I give him the boss kill so he gets +1 HP...

Arran runs around on his dragon preventing the same person from getting teamed by the cavs, never actually being in a round of combat himself due to his huge def.

8 Turns

Chapter 3:

Marth runs forward, Cecil and Warren deal with the first 6 dracos (Warren can OHKO with a +2 Steel Bow). Palla does whatever up north. Marth grabs the bridge key and kills the four Cavs around the boss, Cecil catches up to deal with the ballista. While Marth heads to Julian, Cecil baits the dracos, which are then dealt with using through a variety of OHKOs. Palla has to use a bit of her Silver Lance, then suicides on the boss to give Cecil the KO.

15 Turns.

Unit   	Lv.Ex  Class      	HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res   Wlv
Marth 	9.87   Lord            	29  11  0  10   11  11  9   0   - D Swords
Cecile 	14.05  Social Knight    29  11  0  17   20  13  13  0   - C Swords, E Lances
Warren	6.23   Hunter        	25  10  0   6   10  3   5   0   - D Bows 

Cecil seems extremely def blessed, though I haven't checked averages. Warren is Warren...

Chapter 3x:

Warren goes Cav, races to save Wrys from the Armor Knight. Marth blicks the first armor knights, Cecil cleans up and gets D Lances.

6 turns.

Chapter 4:

Marth gets rescued, charges down to attack a hunter. Sirius takes out the other hunter. Yubello chips a fighter on enemy phase, Ogma and Marth clean up the other fighters. Cecil fetches the Armorslayer to the south, while Merc Warren charges the group of enemies at the start. Marth charges down, chips the boss on enemy phase and Sirius gets the boss kill... Yubello got 1 kill, Cecil leveled, and Warren didn't die.

4 turns.

Edited by billymills
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Name  Class     Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth Lord      Forgot to get stats
Luke  Cavalier  6.81 24  8  0 10  9  5  9  0
Cain  Cavalier 10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 1: Luke to Pirate, buy an Iron Axe. Luke runs west to get the Bullion as Marth runs up to recruit Malliesia and then charges Lorenz.


Name      Class     Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord      9.03 29 11  0 13 11 12 10  0
Luke      Pirate    7.89 25 11  0 10 12  5  7  0
Malliesia Cleric    2.02 17  0  3  1  5 12  1  6
Cain      Cavalier 10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 2: Luke remains a Pirate. Barrels through everything, ORKOing like a boss. Dracos are a slight hiccup but they go down easy enough.


Name      Class     Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord     10.39 30 12  0 14 11 13 10  0
Luke      Pirate   10.50 28 13  0 12 14  6  8  0
Malliesia Cleric    3.24 18  0  3  1  6 12  1  6
Cain      Cavalier 10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 3: Pirate Luke runs out into the ocean and ORKOs Dracoknights now that he can use Steel. Marth goes to get Julian and then runs back to seize.


Name      Class     Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord     11.21 31 13  0 14 12 13 11  0
Luke      Pirate   14.01 34 16  0 14 18  6  8  0
Malliesia Cleric    3.85 18  0  3  1  6 12  1  6
Cain      Cavalier 10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 3x: Luke promoted to Dracoknight, like a boss. Mal to Mage. Luke flew forth to save Wrys from giving me penalties as Mal and Marth picked off armors for some EXP.


Name      Class        Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        11.59 31 13  0 14 12 13 11  0
Luke      Dracoknight  1.65 36 17  0 18 17  6 14  3
Malliesia Mage         5.15 20  0  6  1  8 12  2  1
Cain      Cavalier    10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 4: Same classes. Abuse Rescue knowledge to get Marth within range of a 3 turn seize as Sirius and Luke charge the boss. Mal kills a thief for exp. Yubello and Ogma nab the Devil Sword.


Name      Class        Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        12.06 32 14  0 14 12 14 11  0
Luke      Dracoknight  2.02 37 17  0 19 18  6 15  3
Malliesia Mage         5.85 20  0  6  1  8 13  2  1
Cain      Cavalier    10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 5: Arena Mal up a bit. Luke charges the boss and doesn't die because he is a boss. Mal holds off the mages as Marth charges forth. Buy some Door Keys because fuck Thieves.


Name      Class        Lvl  HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        12.33 32 14  0 14 12 14 11  0
Luke      Dracoknight  3.21 38 18  1 19 18  6 15  3
Malliesia Mage        10.62 21  0  9  2 11 16  3  4
Cain      Cavalier    10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

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Chapter 1 :

Class change : Arran to Dracoknight

Deployed : Marth and Arran

Other : Forged Rapier with +3 MT, named Horserapist. Colichemarde was too long.

Turns : 5


Arran flies to the gold cave on turn 1, only to remain in the mountains until the last turn for some shopping (4 Javelins and a Hand Axe). Marth dashes to the throne and gets easy kills. 2HKO with Iron on everything he faces, plus some stupidly lucky dodges from him and his good Defense saved me some turns.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      09.62  Lord         29  11  00  12  13  12  10  00

Chapter 2 :

Deployed : Marth and Arran

Other : Sold Bullion.

Turns : 7


Arran and Catria fly northwest and Arran gives her a Steel Lance and a couple of Vulneraries. Marth goes northeast along the road.

Following this, Arran retreats, but doesn't lure anyone initially as they instead go after Catria. Normal choice I guess. Further positionning of Arran made Warren chase him.

On turn 4, the Lady Sword Thief is slain and Catria gets most of the enemies coming at her, while Marth lures the eastern Dragon Knight for good damage.

Later, Marth goes in the middle forts with his Steel Sword equipped to fight the Dragon Knights easier, while Arran and Catria continue their games of cat and mouse with their respective opponents.

Could've seized on turn 6, but I value experience highly early game and on top of that Marth got C Swords by killing Rumel. In the end, Warren was not recruited.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      11.95  Lord         30  12  00  13  15  13  10  00
Catria     07.91  Peg Knight   23  08  02  09  14  10  09  06

Total : 12

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Chapter 3

Turns - 18/36

Gold - 4935


+1 Steel Sword

+2 Steel Axes

Master Seal

Tauros Shard


Cord - Armor Knight

I had to get the Draw Bridge Key since Cord had to kill the Ballista. Damn isn't that... wonderful. The trigger is one of the following for the DracoKnights:

- The shop (which I used Arran for)

- Go right above the boss

Killing the boss won't trigger them either. I had Palla weaken the boss on the Enemy Phase, then Bord finish it off. 2.97, so he can go to a Pirate in 3X and have a 50% chance of +Spd. Armor Knight Cord dealt with pretty much all the DracoKnights. He probably should be closer to Level 10, but I digress. By the way, he also has D Lances. Cavalier is a viable class for him now.

Marth (10.10) - 30 HP | 11 Str | 0 Mag | 12 Skl | 13 Spd | 13 Luck | 8 Def | 0 Res
Cord (9.37) - 25 HP | 9 Str | 0 Mag | 9 Skl | 6 Spd | 8 Luck | 17 Def | 0 Res
Palla (12.63)
Bord (2.97)

Chapter 3X

Turns - 7/43

Gold - See Above


Bord - Pirate

Cord - Cavalier

Star Shards:

Taurus - Bord

Then again Bord might have to be a Fighter just to survive shit...

I had to have the Archer move under Marth (not directly to the right of him) or I wouldn't be able to "Rescue" Wrys. Good thing Cord knows what offense and durability is. Now Bord on the other hand... well at least he OHKOed the Armor Knights. I can't complain too much about that.

Marth (10.78)
Cord (10.06) - 25 HP | 8 Str | 0 Mag | 10 Skl | 12 Spd | 9 Luck | 13 Def | 0 Res
Bord (4.00) - 20 HP | 11 Str | 0 Mag | 8 Skl | 8 Spd | 2 Luck | 6 Def | 0 Res

Chapter 4

Turns - 5/48

Gold - Same






Cord - Pirate

Bord - Myrmidion

Orb Shards:

Taurus - Bord

Cord and Bord could KO the Thief. So I Rescue Marth on Turn 1. Sirius dodged a shitload of times, which is ridiculous. I dunno if the 5 turn is possible with him dodging so much, but I'm going to assume "si". Ogma and Sirius should charge for the boss as quickly as possible. Marth should be able to walk there just fast enough. Bord and Cord kind of take a rough beating down south but manage to live through it all. Thank God Cord is going crazy on Def. Sirius crit the boss, but he couldn't do anything. He was to take the boss kill for this chapter. No Spd or Def though. :(

Marth (10.78)
Cord (10.67)
Bord (5.00) - 7 Str | 0 Mag | 16 Skl | 12 Spd | 3 Luck | 6 Def | 0 Res
Castor (7.52) - 24 HP | 10 Str | 0 Mag | 7 Skl | 10 Spd | 4 LucK | 6 Def | 0 Res

Chapter 5

Turns - 5/53

Gold - 97. No, literally. Not a joke.

Bord and Cord are now a "C".


Gemini Shard

Door Key x2



Wing Spear (560)

Bullion (5000)

23/25 Fire (138)

19/20 Heal Staff (380)

29/40 Iron Lance (140)


Cord (540) - +HP, Str, Spd, Def

Bord (A shitload)


Cord - Curate

Bord - Fighter

Castor - Pirate

Forge a +3 Mt Armorslayer and dubbed it "Paperblade", since you know it's funny to kill tough armored dudes with a weapon made of paper and... well you get the point.

I did field Ogma to get Barst. It was a free slot and Barst gives a decent supply of items, so why not? Cord Rescues Julian after Rickard is recruited. Woohoo free unit we have now! Unfortunately I had to make the ultimate sacrifice: The Master Seal. There's two on the way though, and Roger isn't until Chapter 8 anyway. The chapter was simple: Sirius attracts two Mages and KOes them on Turn 1. Sirius weakened a Thief for Castor to kill. Turn 2, Castor kills a Mage and obtains a level up. Sirius uses a Vulnerary. Then on Turn 3 Sirius uses "Paperblade" to rip an Armor Knight to shreds. Marth gets hit by one Ballistician, then Bord with the other. Bord KOes an Armor Knight while Sirius KOes the boss. Marth chips at the Ballistician. Turn 5 Sirius buys two Door Keys, Cord gets a Heal in (and I feel stupid because I didn't heal Sirius on Turn 2), Bord finishes off the Ballistician, then Marth seizes the throne.

P.S. The reason why Bord has so much Speed: Myrmidion. Granted it cost me a whopping 6K just to get him up to par. Which really sucks.

Marth (10.86)
Cord (11.80)
Bord (9.23) - 27 HP | 14 Str | 0 Mag | 11 Skl | 11 Spd | 4 Luck | 6 Def | 0 Res
Sirius (3.32) - 30 HP | 12 Str | 1 Mag | 16 Skl | 14 Spd | 6 Luck | 12 Def | 6 Res
Castor (8.18) - 25 HP | 11 Str | 0 Mag | 5 Skl | 13 Spd | 4 Luck | 7 Def | 0 Res

I got boned a bit with my team. Each character, barring Sirius, cost at the very least a turn. Cord being weak cost me a lot too. So yeah, I'm way behind on everyone. >_>

Chapter 6

Turns - 8/61

Gold - No clue really. Something in the 100s.



Cancer Shard

Libra Shard






39/40 (All Iron Swords)

10/40 Iron Lance

10/40 Iron Axe


Cord (590) +HP, Str, Skl, Def


Cord - Warrior

Bord - Pirate

Castor - Hunter


Gemini - Cord

Taurus - Marth -> Sirius

2 uses of Pure Water was used, though it was mainly to help cut down on the Vulnerary use for Cord. Cord took out the Mage in the chest room on T1 Enemy Phase. Bord and Marth counterkill 2 Armor Knights and Sirius 2 ranges one of them. The Armorslayer forge was a good investment: Str proc + Taurus Orb Shard could ORKO the entire throne room. Now of course, the survival part. The first thing I do is send Sirius north and use the Pure Water. This helped annihilate the two Bishops. Marth took in the Javelin Armor Knight. Unfortunately, because I was misplacing things, I was unable to have the plan of Sirius coming back in front of Marth and having the enemies suicide. So, I had Marth sit in the corner with Rapier unequipped and Sirius + Bord took out two Armor Knights (Bord also required the use of Tauros Orb Shard). Sirius can ORKO the boss... at ~60% displayed for each hit. Which is cringe-worthy. Also, Castor took out the Bishops and the Mage near the door. Cord handled the bottom. Rickard got my swag(ger). Note that Cord now has C Axes (w00t!). I did field Ogma to recruit Samto. Easier than killing him.

Marth (11.23) - 31 HP | 12 Str | 0 Mag | 13 Skl | 13 Spd | 14 Luck | 8 Def | 0 Res
Cord (2.90) - 38 HP | 15 Str | 0 Mag | 13 Skl | 14 Spd | 9 Luck | 14 Def | 1 Res
Bord (10.86) - 24 HP | 15 Str | 0 mag | 10 Skl | 14 Spd | 4 Luck | 7 Def | 0 Res
Sirius (4.99) - 31 HP | 13 Str | 1 Mag | 17 Skl | 15 Spd | 6 Luck | 12 Def | 6 Res
Castor (9.97) - 25 HP | 11 Str | 0 Mag | 9 Skl | 12 Spd | 5 Luck | 7 Def | 0 Res

Chapter 6X

Turns - 1/62

Gold - 9422


Bullion (Grande 10000)

Arena: Cord (730) - +HP, Skl, Spd, Luck


Sirius - Hero

Cord - Sorcerer (woohoo start the hype)

Bord - Pirate

I pretty much do the 1 Turn. All I wanted was for Castor to have the boss kill. Bord plows through the Armor Knight in the way, then Sirius takes out the right Fighter. Castor had a 59% Displayed and 24% Crit. Not quite favorable odds but... close enough. Got the kill, Cord Rescues Marth. Finally Marth seizes.

Marth (11.23)
Cord (3.49)
Bord (11.06) - 25 HP | 16 Str | 0 Mag | 10 Skl | 15 Spd | 4 Luck | 7 Def | 1 Res
Sirius (5.12) - 34 HP | 13 Str | 1 Mag | 23 Skl | 19 Spd | 7 Luck | 11 Def | 3 Res
Castor (10.70) - 26 HP | 12 Str | 0 Mag | 10 Skl | 12 Spd | 5 Luck | 7 Def | 0 Res

Chapter 7

Turns - 6/68

Gold - 6402


Wo Dao

Seraph Robe


Scorpio Shard

Levin Sword

Master Seal x2

Steel Lance x2

Hand Axe

Orb Shards:

Taurus - Cord

Gemini - Cord

Cancer - Marth

Libra -


Castor - Cavalier

Cord - DracoKnight

Sirius - DracoKnight

Bord - Cavalier


Castor (520) - +HP, Skl, Spd

Thinking about what I did, I did something pretty dumb with the forts. The 4 units that spawn out of those reinforcements are dangerous. One of them has a Ridersbane and the other having a Killer Lance. So if anything, my Cavaliers should've just backed away from the situation and had Marth hold on tight to the Cancer Orb and Rapier. Bah well. Sirius and Cord run most of the show though. Navarre makes his way through to help get the booty, and Marth goes West -> North -> East. Cord was given the Orbs to OHKO Thieves with the Killer Lance. Aside from that, the chapter was done rather smoothly. Palla got the Physic Staff and the chapter didn't have many issues whatsoever. I even got all the items besides Mercurius, so consider me... awesome?

Marth (11.55)
Cord (4.71) - 31 HP | 15 Str | 1 Mag | 15 Skl | 16 Spd | 11 Luck | 19 Def | 3 Res
Bord (11.70) - 25 HP | 14 Str | 0 Mag | 11 Skl | 13 Spd | 4 Luck | 10 Def | 0 Res
Sirius (5.77) - 30 HP | 15 Str | 1 Mag | 18 Skl | 15 Spd | 7 Luck | 14 Def | 3 Res
Castor (11.10) - 27 HP | 11 Str | 0 Mag | 9 Skl | 13 Spd | 5 Luck | 11 Def | 0 Res
Navarre (9.77)

Edited by Tyranel M
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Chapter 10

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Yumina, Norne, Radd, Rickard

Statboosters: Boots to Marth

Reclass: Ryan to Berserker

Turns: 3

Marth, Ryan and Draug just charged across the water, Norne and Radd headed right for some EXP. Yumina unlocked the Bullion (L) and the Unlock Staff. Merric countered Ellerean on Turn 1 and killed him on Turn 2.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      13.67  Lord         30  14  00  15  15  14  12  01
Ryan       07.10* Berserker    44  23  00  20  22  15  16  00  
Draug      04.94* Dracoknight  33  17  01  15  19  10  17  03 
Yumina     09.29  Curate       20  00  06  05  14  12  03  07
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      09.51  Pegasus      23  08  02  12  15  07  09  07
Radd       09.17  Myrmidon     26  08  00  11  15  04  06  00

Chapter 10x

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Yumina, Norne, Radd, Maris

Reclass: Ryan to Draco, Draug to SM, Yumina to Mage

Arena: 2x with Radd as a Pirate

Turns: 2

Ryan rushed up the right and killed Roro in two turns, while the others stayed at the start and got some EXP off the Roro clones.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      13.89  Lord         30  14  00  15  15  14  12  01
Ryan       07.94* Dracoknight  40  22  00  23  20  15  20  00  
Draug      04.94* Dracoknight  33  17  01  15  19  10  17  03 (meh, didn't gain exp)
Yumina     09.82  Mage         20  00  08  05  14  12  04  02
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      10.04  Pegasus      24  09  02  13  16  07  10  07
Radd       10.55  Myrmidon     27  09  00  11  16  04  06  00
Maris      10.24  Myrmidon     25  09  00  12  16  09  10  00

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Chapter 2 - 8/14 turns

I was thankful I was allowed to trade with Catria for the Javelin, because it allowed Rody to kill 80% of the first wave of enemies on a single turn, but after that I had to play conservatively with both Marth and Rody's movement because the enemies were out-damaging what Vulneraries were healing.

Chapter 3 - 15/29 turns

I had Rody move to the right to kill some Dragon Knights first turn because he is that strong. I forgot to move Paola so she ended up with some Dragon EXP.

Paola gets the Master Seal first, then all of the other mountain dragons suicide on her and I get the other Silver Lance too. After clearing out the enemies in front of the boss, Marth's movement is halted for a turn because of reinforcements moving right in front of him (if this didn't happen this likely would have been a 14 turn clear). I have Rody enemy phase weaken the boss, then Paola suicides to weaken so that Rody can have the boss EXP at the same time Marth is moving up to get Julian.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class             HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res   Wlv
Marth      10.96   Lord              28  11  0   12  12  11 10   0   - D Swords
Rody       16.2    Social Knight     33  15  0   13  15  17 11   0   - D Swords, C Lances

Chapter 3x - 7/36 Turns

I was forced to promote Rody early (I had wanted him to grow a bit more during C4 where I didn't think I needed flying), but because undrafted units getting attacked incurred penalties, I was forced to give him enough Move to be able to keep Wrys from getting attacked. Marth OHKOs armors w/ Forged Rapier (which I forgot to name, but if I did it would be called "Saber") which makes for a great 1st turn.

I also reset a lot to make sure one of the opening archers didn't block Marth's path.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class             HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res   Wlv
Marth      11.71   Lord             29  11  0   13  13  12 10   0   - C Swords
Rody        1.65   Pallasain        37  17  0   16  16  17 12   6   - D Swords, B Lances

Chapter 4 - 3/39 Turns

Finally, a new drafted unit. I kept resetting until Oguma dodged enough attacks to survive first and 2nd turn.. I also figured out how to place Yumina to survive more than one turn so that she can rescue both Rody and Marth. Sirius sat on his butt and did nothing, and I put Yubello in danger to lighten the load off of Oguma.

Come time to fight the boss, I decide to use Rody to weaken and Oguma to kill since Oguma needs EXP. Rody then says to me, "No way, dude, I want that EXP" and proceeds to crit the boss.

BTW on the last turn I tried to make Yubello commit suicide by up close attacking a pirate, but dodged like, 91% disp. hit.

Chapter 5 - 7/46 Turns

Another chapter where an enemy in Marth's range cost me a turn.

After recruiting Ricardo, I made sure that Ricardo was in the Mage's range so that Ricardo would get attacked, and not Julian, saving me from getting a dumb penalty.

I recruited Barts, but only to make the enemy phase easier. After doing all that, Julian, Ricardo, and Barts sit at the beginning of the level safely.

Rody got a lucky dodge from the boss, but I don't think it would have mattered, because he takes either no damage or almost no damage as Dragon Knight.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class             HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res   Wlv
Marth      12.76   Lord             30  12  0   13  14  13 10   0   - C Swords
Rody        3.38   Haar             37  19  0   18  17  18 14   4   - E Axes, B Lances
Oguma      10.58  Merc.             30  9   0   16  14  5  8    0   - C Swords
Ricardo      3.0  Thief             18  6   0    3   9  1  3    0   - E Swords

Edited by Super FE3 Player
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Chapter 6: Mal goes to open the door for Julian to recruit Ricardo, fights off the Mage and then reinforcements. Luke and Marth run up the west path. Ricardo gets the Large Bullion and Star Orb Shard. Marth kills Lang with a crit (Luke could have finished him)


Name      Class    Lvl   HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord     13.94 33 14  0 14 13 15 12  0
Luke      Paladin   5.22 42 18  1 21 20  8 15  7
Malliesia Mage     11.73 21  0 10  2 11 16  3  4
Ricardo   Thief     3.00 Thief utility
Cain      Cavalier 10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0

Chapter 6x: Not enough dudes to 1 turn. Luke to Berserker. Luke offs a Knight, Malliesia takes his shit so he can't pull a Cassius, Marth kills a dude to seize turn 2.


Name      Class     Lvl   HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord      14.09 33 15  0 15 14 15 13  0
Luke      Berserker  5.78 44 20  0 18 22  8 13  1
Malliesia Mage      12.23 21  0 10  3 12 16  3  4
Caesar    Mercenary  7.00 26  8  0 11 11  6  8  0
Cain      Cavalier  10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0
Ricardo   Thief      3.00 Thief utility

Chapter 7: Some more arena with Caesar and Malliesia. Caesar to Myrmidon and Malliesia to Cleric. Caesar pulls out the dragon as Marth and Luke rush through the woods. I missed out on one of the Seals but that's alright. Ricard sneaks behind to get the Physic staff. Caesar kills the dragon on the last turn as Malliesia has been mendspamming him.


Name      Class       Lvl   HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord        14.94 33 15  0 15 14 15 13  0
Luke      Dracoknight  7.21 42 20  0 21 22  9 17  4
Malliesia Cleric      14.51 22  0  9  3 13 16  3 10
Caesar    Myrmidon    12.55 26  9  0 14 16  9  7  0
Navarre   Myrmidon     9.77 24 10  0 17 16  7  8  1
Cain      Cavalier    10.02 28 11  0 10 11  4 11  0
Ricardo   Thief        3.00 Thief utility

Chapter 8: Luke back to Paladin. Malliesia gets a level in the arena then promotes and Seraph Robes. Navarre and Caesar to Mercs. Luke charges like a boss, other guys sit around and get some EXP.


Name      Class     Lvl   HP St Ma Sk Sp Lk De Rs
Marth     Lord      15.37 34 16  0 15 15 16 14  0
Luke      Paladin    8.26 45 21  1 21 23  9 15  7
Malliesia Sage       1.51 36  3 13  5 15 16  5  7
Caesar    Mercenary 12.66 28 10  0 13 14  9  8  0
Navarre   Mercenary 10.51 27 11  0 16 15  7  9  1
Cain      Cavalier  11.11 29 12  0 11 12  5 11  0
Ricardo   Thief      3.00 Thief utility

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Chapter 3 :

Class change : Catria to Cavalier, Arran to Paladin (kinda wanted him back to base class)

Deployed : Marth and Catria

Turns : 15


Palla kills the Thief early and catches most reinforcements Cavaliers, on top of 3 Dragon Knights in the eastern formation. Marth and Catria just blitz northeast of the bridge, but Catria missing a few times (including once against Matthis...) cost me some time. Also Marth didn't quite have the KO power to kill the remaining Dragon Knights in 2 hits, which was disappointing, especially since he got blocked by 3 of them, therefore costing me some time again.

I leave the boss alive for now while the mountain Dragon Knights are sitting pretty...until Palla kills them with Silver. Before attacking them, however, she only had 3 uses left of her first one, so I have her give her Iron Lance to Marth for her to kill the Dragon Knight that drops a Silver Lance first.

Julian recruited on turn 11. Palla divebombs on Ryuke and dodges a 55% accurate deathblow with Catria nearby for the kill.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      13.41  Lord         32  13  00  14  17  15  11  00
Catria     10.90  Cavalier     27  11  00  08  16  13  13  00

Chapter 3 Gaiden :

Deployed : Marth and Catria

Orb Shards : Taurus to Catria

Other : Fused two Vulneraries. I just want to point out that I love this thing a lot.

Turns : 7


Catria should kill the top Armor in two hits, but instead goes for a critical and Marth takes her place, holding the Horserapist. They both chase after Wrys, but do not make it in time as Wrys is attacked once. Thank goodness I drafted him.

Catria also traded the orb shard to Marth so that he could kill both final Armors in two hits with Steel to save Horserapist uses.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      14.25  Lord         33  14  00  14  18  16  11  00
Catria     11.73  Cavalier     28  12  00  09  17  13  14  00
Wrys       08.94  Curate       20  00  06  08  11  03  03  09

P.S. : Bad Wrys. You don't shave that afro.

Chapter 4 :

Class change : Wrys to Mage, Rockzo to Fighter

Deployed : Marth, Catria and Wrys

Orb Shards : Taurus to Marth

Turns : 4


Catria kills the Thief for a free Armorslayer while Wrys goes in range of the closest Barbarian. Yumina Rescues Marth near her starting area, Oguma talks to Sirius, Sirius escapes to not cost me a penalty and Yubello grabs the Rescue staff just in case I lose it. Yumina dies due to both Hunters at the end of turn 1.

Turn 2 has Wrys retreating between a mountain and a peak and then placing Catria so that she would shield him from harm. Marth and Oguma both killed a Hunter. On turn 3, Marth attacked the boss and killed him in three hits, dodging the player phase Silver Axe assault of Gile.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      15.35  Lord         34  15  00  15  19  16  12  00
Catria     12.48  Cavalier     29  13  00  10  17  14  15  00
Wrys       09.46  Mage         21  00  09  09  11  03  02  06

Chapter 5 :

Class change : Catria to Pegasus Knight, Wrys to Curate

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys and Oguma

Orb Shards : Taurus to Catria

Other : Sold Bullion. Fused two Steel Swords to 27 uses and a pair of Vulneraries.

Turns : 7


Oguma recruits Barts for some nice stuff and both get away from the battlefield in the south east corner.

Catria goes north to hunt Mages, Thieves, Cavaliers and Dragon Knights while Marth goes west on the bridge.

Catria doesn't manage to kill all the mages, but Wrys makes a perfect shield for Marth to escape since he takes only 3 damage per hit.

In the end, Catria manages to slay the Master Seal Thief and let the other two escape, while Marth delivers a critical hit on Toras, who was supposed to be killed in three or four hits. I even chose to use Iron for higher weapon rank gain, but oh well.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      16.41  Lord         35  15  00  16  20  17  12  00
Catria     14.70  Peg Knight   28  13  02  15  20  15  14  06
Wrys       09.61  Curate       21  00  07  09  12  03  03  09

Catria also got to B lances.

Total : 45

Chapter 6 looks...promising with only 3 drafted units.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Chapter 6 :

Class change : Catria to Cavalier, Wrys to Mage

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Shiida and Julian.

Orb Shards : Taurus to Marth, Gemini to Catria.

Turns : 16 :facepalm:


I'm lucky Wrys is good enough to kill the eastern Mage in two hits safely, while Catria rides northeast to kill the Swarm Bishop. Marth goes west to contain the Mages and Armors the best he can, using a Pure Water. Shiida remains away from enemies and Julian goes southeast.

After 3 turns of stalling, Marth could finally progress to the northwest with Shiida awaiting him. Julian and Rickard quickly fled the southeastern jail while Catria returned to the middle area, ready to fend multiple attackers.

On turn 7, Wrys opens the door, Shiida moves in to recruit Samto, who gives Wrys his orb shard, and Marth goes to the throne room by himself. On turns 7 and 8, Rickard gets both chests in the eastern room.

Once Marth reaches the throne room on turn 8, most enemies come at him for his blood, including the Elfire Bishops, who thankfully miss. Since I had to retreat my units, I lost yet more turns (joy).

It's only until Catria comes in that the situation is mostly solved and not until turn 12 that all enemies are killed except Lang and the Elfire Mage.

Lang deserved that critical up his ass.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      18.57  Lord         36  16  00  17  22  19  13  00
Catria     17.96  Cavalier     33  15  00  15  20  17  17  02
Wrys       10.75  Mage         21  00  10  10  12  04  02  06

Marth got B swords.

Chapter 6 Gaiden :

Deployed : Marth, Catria

Orb Shards : Marth has Taurus and Cancer, Catria has Gemini and Libra.

Other : Fused Steel Swords, Steel Lances and Javelins.

Turns : 3


Not much to say. Both Caesar and Radd kill themselves on Marth, while he kills Roro in two Steel Sword slashes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      19.50  Lord         37  17  00  18  23  20  13  00
Catria     18.88  Cavalier     34  16  00  16  20  18  18  02
Wrys       10.75  Mage         21  00  10  10  12  04  02  06

Chapter 7 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys and Rickard

Orb Shards : Marth has Libra, Catria has Taurus and Cancer, Wrys has Gemini and Aquarius.

Arena : Catria got to Level 20.

Other : Promoted Catria, sold the Large Bullion since I forgot to do it in the other chapter.

Class change : Catria to Dragon Knight.

Turns : 6


Missed a fair amount of items like Physic, the Robe and a Master Seal, but overall not so bad. Catria helps Nabarl and Feena defend themselves against the Thieves, then doubles Dahl after a near perfect level up.

The others didn't do much.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      19.50  Lord         37  17  00  18  23  20  13  00
Catria     03.45  Drg Knight   40  22  01  22  23  21  24  07
Wrys       10.75  Mage         21  00  10  10  12  04  02  06
Feena      02.14  Dancer       17  02  00  03  14  09  05  00

Chapter 8 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena and Gordin

Orb Shards : Marth has Libra, Catria has Taurus and Cancer, Wrys has Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Arena : Wrys got to level 11.

Other : Sold Bullion.

Class change : Catria to Paladin, Gordin to Cavalier.

Turns : 3


Kain retreats to Banutu's village. Wrys is able to double the Leo Orb Thief thanks to level up I gave him in the arena and kills him. Feena dances for Marth who positions himself northeast of Catria, who killed Roger.

On turn 2, Catria kills the Sniper with the droppable Silver Bow, Wrys burns the Fire Stone Thief to death, Marth rushes to the throne and both Gordin and Feena stay out of range of the General and the Sniper.

On turn 3, Catria kills the other Sniper, Gordin uses his double turn to recruit George and Marth seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      20.04  Lord         38  18  00  19  23  21  14  00
Catria     03.45  Paladin      43  22  01  23  23  21  23  10
Wrys       11.81  Mage         21  00  11  10  13  04  02  07
Feena      02.48  Dancer       17  02  00  03  14  09  05  00

Chapter 9 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena and Rickard

Orb Shards : Marth has Libra and Taurus, Catria has Leo and Cancer, Wrys has Gemini

Arena : Wrys got to level 12.

Other : Vulnerary fusions.

Class change : Catria to Dragon Knight, Wrys to Curate.

Turns : 6


Feena dances for Marth who loves the extra turn (I do too) while him and Rickard go east. Catria goes north to kill the Master Seal Thief on turn 1, as well as Dragon Knights coming at her.

On turn 2, Marth kills the Thief Staff Thief (repeat this 5 times quickly) while Catria goes northwest towards the Mages, drinking some Pure Water to help her during the enemy phase, killing the Lying Hips as well.

Turn 3 sees Catria going to the throne, killing a Swarm Bishop on player phase while Yodel misses his volcanic incantation and dies. By turn 4, both chests are opened and Catria killed all the throne Bishops.

Turn 5 is basically Marth visiting the village for Minerva, our ticket to recruiting Maria, and her necessary orb shard to even get to her. Catria also visits the arena and faces a Hero, winning me some 1400 gold.

Marth seizes on turn 6 thanks to a Rescue by Wrys.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      20.30  Lord         38  18  00  19  23  21  14  00
Catria     08.12  Drg Knight   44  25  01  26  23  24  25  09
Wrys       12.60  Curate       21  00  10  10  15  04  03  10
Feena      02.65  Dancer       17  02  00  03  14  09  05  00

Wrys got C staves at the end of the chapter.

Will Feena be able to save me from that crap turncount on chapter 6? See for yourself tomorrow for the next episode.

Total : 79

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Chapter 6 - 11/57 Turns

This chapter is likely the one that will make my run impossible to complete. I had to forge a Javelin, which is now only at 1 use, had to employ Marth as the one to get the starshard in the chest instead of Rickard, so that Rody could use the Pure Water in the throne room, and had to spend over half my gold just so that Oguma has enough HP just to be able to lure and kill the Elfire Mage near the chest and still take a Worm hit (the idea was with RNG rigging involved. Thankfully what actually happened is that the Mage attacked Marth first). Used up at least two Medicines just to survive.

After Marth grabbed the chest and the throne room was cleared, it was a mad dash and desperate hoping that Norne can stay just out of range of that Soldier Javelin, because taking a penalty is so stupid on this chapter.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class             HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res   Wlv
Marth      12.91   Lord             30  12  0   13  14  13 10   0   - C Swords
Rody        6.41   Haar             39  20  1   20  20  19 15   4   - E Axes, A Lances
Oguma      13.62  Merc.             33  11  0   17  17  8  8    0   - C Swords
Ricardo      3.0  Thief             18  6   0    3   9  1  3    0   - E Swords

Chapter 6x - 3/60 Turns

Not much to say here. Radd gets killed by Marth by a crit. Swords = dodging.

Edited by Super FE3 Player
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Blargh, big update.


I did Prologue again real quick, important levels after Prologue:

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      08.81  Lord         28  10  00  11  12  11  09  00
Ryan       09.79  Archer       25  13  00  12  10  08  13  00  
Draug      09.69  Armor Knight 23  13  00  07  05  05  13  00 

Chapter 1

Deployed: Marth, Arran, Draug, Ryan

Turns: 5

Roughly the same strategy, except that I used Pirate Ryan over here.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      08.96  Lord         28  10  00  11  12  11  09  00
Ryan       10.81  Pirate       29  16  00  11  14  08  11  00  
Draug      10.44  Cavalier     24  12  00  08  12  06  09  00 

Chapter 2

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan

Turns: 6

Same as before.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      09.48  Lord         29  11  00  12  12  12  09  00
Ryan       12.56  Pirate       31  18  00  13  16  09  12  00  
Draug      11.51  Cavalier     24  13  00  09  13  07  09  00 

Chapter 3

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Arran, Ryan

Turns: 14

The same strategy as before =/

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      09.60  Lord         29  11  00  12  12  12  09  00
Ryan       15.15  Pirate       34  20* 00  14  18  12  14  00  
Draug      14.59  Cavalier     27  16  00  12  15  07  09  00 

Chapter 3x

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan

Turns: 6

Pretty short and easy chapter.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      10.11  Lord         30  12  00  13  13  13  10  00
Ryan       15.57  Pirate       34  20* 00  14  18  12  14  00  
Draug      15.15  Cavalier     28  16  00  13  16  08  09  00 

Chapter 4

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan

Turns: 4

Yumina dragged Marth over on Turn 1, and Draug on Turn 2. Oguma, Marth and Sirius dealt with the Pirates down below while Ryan got some EXP off the scrubs near the starting point.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      10.61  Lord         30  12  00  13  13  13  10  00
Ryan       16.32  Pirate       35  20* 00  15  19  12  15  00  
Draug      15.86  Cavalier     28  16  00  13  16  08  09  00 
Yumina     03.34  Curate       16  00  02  01  08  10  02  06

Chapter 5

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Yumina, Oguma, Julian

Turns: 6

Same thing as before, recruited Rickard and Barst on Turn 1, Draug chased down the Master Seal thief while Ryan and Marth went down and killed the boss.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      10.84  Lord         30  12  00  13  13  13  10  00
Ryan       17.20  Pirate       36  20* 00  16  20* 12  15  00  
Draug      16.88  Cavalier     28  17  00  14  16  08  09  00 
Yumina     04.24  Curate       17  00  03  01  08  11  02  07
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00

Chapter 6

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Yumina, Oguma, Rickard

Reclass: Promoted Ryan and Draug, Ryan -> DK and Draug -> Paladin

Turns: 8

Ryan took care of most of the enemies here, Draug killed the Mage on the right side before moving west and cracking open the door. Marth pilfered the north chests, Rickard the south, and Yumina Rescued Marth over.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      11.68  Lord         31  13  00  14  14  14  10  00
Ryan       02.79* Dracoknight  38  21  01  21  20  12  21  03  
Draug      02.16* Paladin      33  19  01  18  17  08  11  06 
Yumina     05.59  Curate       17  00  03  02  08  12  02  08
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      05.10  Archer       20  08  00  06  09  06  07  00

Chapter 6x

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne

Reclass: Norne to Cav, Draug to SM

Arena: 2x with Norne

Turns: 2

Ryan, Draug and Marth run up while Norne heads down to the bottom fort. Ryan and Draug take down Roro on the next turn and Marth Seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.26  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       03.03* Dracoknight  38  22  01  22  21  13  22  03  
Draug      02.94* Paladin      33  19  01  18  17  08  11  06 
Yumina     05.59  Curate       17  00  03  02  08  12  02  08
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      06.49  Cavalier     23  09  00  05  12  07  08  00

Chapter 7

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Arran

Reclass: Norne to PK, Draug to Draco

Turns: 5 + 5

Ryan, Draug and Navarre killed stuff with Feena's help. Norne flitted around trying to get some kills, and Radd killed a Cav. Norne got the boss kill, and I got all the items except the Wo Dao.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.26  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       03.68* Dracoknight  38  22  01  22  21  13  22  03  
Draug      03.97* Dracoknight  32  20  01  18  18  09  14  03 
Yumina     05.76  Curate       17  00  03  02  08  12  02  08
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      07.82  Pegasus      22  09  02  09  13  07  07  06
Radd       05.48  Myrmidon     22  05  00  10  13  01  05  00

Chapter 8

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Gordin

Reclass: Gaggles to Cavalier, Ryan to Berserker

Arena: 2x with Radd as a Pirate

Stat Boosters: Angelic Robe -> Yumina

Turns: 4

Rushing to the throne with Ryan and Draug leading the charge. Radd got quite a bit of EXP here because he had the Armorslayer.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.26  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       05.04* Berserker    44  24  01  21  24  15  19  00  
Draug      05.65* Dracoknight  32  21  01  18  20  10  16  03 
Yumina     06.36  Curate       24  00  03  04  08  14  02  08
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      08.46  Pegasus      23  09  02  10  14  07  07  06
Radd       07.92  Myrmidon     23  07  00  10  15  02  05  00

Chapter 9

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Rickard

Reclass: Ryan to Dracoknight

Arena: 2x with Norne as PK

Marth and Rickard charged left while Norne picked off the Thieves. Ryan and Draug take on the rushing DKs and Mages with the help of Barrier from Yumina (aggro'ed the Mages first turn).

Norne didn't make it in time to get any more kills, and Radd gets OHKOed by the boss, so I just gave the bosskill to Draug. I bought 5 Door Keys and 2 Holy Waters, Rescued Marth over and Seized with him.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.26  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       06.61* Dracoknight  41  23  01  25  22  15  24  00  
Draug      07.53* Dracoknight  34  22  01  20  21  11  17  03 
Yumina     07.74  Curate       24  00  03  04  09  14  02  09
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      10.31  Pegasus      24  09  02  12  16  08  07  06
Radd       08.25  Myrmidon     24  07  00  11  15  02  06  00

Chapter 10

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd

Reclass: Ryan to Berserker

Turns: 3

Same strategy as last time, got the Physic, Unlock and Bullion as well. Merric killed Ellerean.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.26  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       07.50* Berserker    46  25  00  23  25  16  21  00  
Draug      08.15* Dracoknight  35  23  01  20  21  12  18  03 
Yumina     09.21  Curate       25  00  04  05  11  16  03  09
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      10.61  Pegasus      24  09  02  12  16  08  07  06
Radd       08.55  Myrmidon     24  07  00  11  15  02  06  00

Chapter 10x

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Maris

Reclass: Draug to SM, Norne to Myrm, Yumina to Mage, Ryan to Paladin

Turns: 2

Ryan rushes up while the rest of my units pick off the Roro clones.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.37  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       08.34* Paladin      45  24  00  27  23  16  23  06  
Draug      08.45* Dracoknight  35  23  01  20  21  12  18  03 
Yumina     09.74  Curate       25  00  04  05  11  16  03  09
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      10.61  Pegasus      24  09  02  12  16  08  07  06
Radd       08.81  Myrmidon     24  07  00  11  15  02  06  00
Maris      10.62  Myrmidon     25  09  00  12  16  09  10  00

Chapter 11

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Maris, Shiida, Arran, Horace, Minerva

Reclass: Ryan and Draug to Draco, Shiida, Maris and Norne to Pegasus, Arran / Horace / Minerva to Sage / Bishop, Yumina to Curate

Arena: 4x with Norne

Turns: 10

Marth hikes up to the throne while everyone else kills stuff. I managed to grab all the treasures by moving the Sages and Bishops around, and I bought 3 Wyrmslayers, 3 Dragonpikes and a Rapier from the secret shop. Unfortunately, Draug ORKOs wyrms even with a Javelin, so I have to feed kills with Norne instead.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      12.64  Lord         32  13  00  15  15  15  10  00
Ryan       10.52* Dracoknight  45  26* 01  26* 23* 16  25  03  
Draug      10.02* Dracoknight  37  23  01  21  23* 14  18  03 
Yumina     11.39  Curate       27  00  05  06  13  18  03  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      13.99  Pegasus      25  10  02  12  19  10  08  06
Radd       09.62  Myrmidon     25  07  00  12  15  03  06  00
Maris      13.62  Pegasus      28  12  02  10  14  11  11  06

Chapter 12

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Maris, Shiida, Arran, Wendell, Minerva

Reclass: Maris promoted to Falcoknight, Norne promoted to Dracoknight, Jake to Swordmaster, Minerva / Wendell to Dracoknight, Arran to Horseman and Ryan to Paladin

Arena: 3x with Norne, 2x with Maris, 5x with Jake

Stat boosters: Spirit Dust to Yumina

Turns: 8

I Arena'ed Jake so that he could ORKO Dragons as an SM, Maris and Norne got some more levels before promotion. I gave the Elysian Whip to Maris since she is a fair bit slower than Norne, and she has C Swords already meaning I don't have to train up Lance rank.

I killed off the Dragons near the start and triggered the reinforcements from the back, which were dealt with by Jake. I had to retreat to handle the massive swarm of enemies, but I was able to push onward easily after that. Ryan and Draug weakened the beefy Fire Dragons with Javelins so that Norne, Maris, Marth or Radd could grab some kills.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      15.45  Lord         34  16  00  18  16  18  11  00
Ryan       11.97* Paladin      48  25* 01  27  23  16  24  06  
Draug      11.42* Dracoknight  38  23  01  22  23* 14  18  03 
Yumina     13.30  Curate       27  00  08  06  15  18  03  11
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      02.31* Dracoknight  31  16  01  13  21  12  15  03
Radd       11.42  Myrmidon     26  08  00  14  17  03  06  00
Maris      03.78* Falcoknight  35  16  03  13  18  12  13  09
Jake       05.48* Swordmaster  32  12  01  17  21  14  11  05

Chapter 13

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Maris, Shiida, Wendell, Minerva

Reclass: Ryan and Jake to Berserker, Yumina promoted to Sage

Arena: 3x with Yumina as a Mage

Turns: 5

I rushed Marth upwards together with Draug, Norne, Ryan and Jake. Yumina handled things down south with Rezire while Maris lured some stuff in for Radd to kill. I avoided triggering the reinforcements until the last minute, and wiped out everything on the island except the boss before doing so. I used Minerva to plug a fort, grabbed some more kills the next turn and Seized.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      16.23  Lord         35  17  00  19  16  19  11  00
Ryan       13.37* Berserker    52  29  00  24* 27  17  23  00  
Draug      13.28* Dracoknight  39  24  01  23  23* 15  18  03 
Yumina     02.60* Sage         34  03  14  09  18  19  05  09
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      03.92* Dracoknight  32  17  01  13  22  13  16  03
Radd       12.55  Myrmidon     27  09  00  14  17  03  06  00
Maris      05.05* Falcoknight  36  17  03  15  19  12  13  09
Jake       07.07* Berserker    36  18  00  08  19  16  11  02

Edited by Aquilae
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Chapter 10 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys and Feena

Orb Shards : Marth has Cancer, Catria has Taurus, Feena has Virgo and Aquarius

Other : Javelin fusion. Marth gets the Boots.

Turns : 3


Merric unleashes a critical Sonic Boom to humiliate Elren, Catria kills the Mercenary, Marth kills the right Bishop with Feena's help, while she was being the target of a Resistance enchantment by Wrys. Feena also gives Marth the Virgo orb shard, which is then given to Catria to help her fight the Shaver Mages.

On turn 2, Marth dashes forward, Catria kills the left Bishop with a Javelin, then is danced by Feena to kill the Sniper. Wrys steals the Physic staff.

On turn 3, Wrys steals the Large Bullion and the Unlock Staff, Catria kills a poor Mercenary who didn't see her coming and Marth seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      20.60  Lord         38  18  00  19  23  21  14  00
Catria     09.04  Drg Knight   45  26  01  26  23  24  26  09
Wrys       14.17  Curate       22  00  11  10  16  04  03  10
Feena      03.16  Dancer       18  03  00  04  15  10  05  00
Merric     16.15  Mage         29  00  12  09  15  10  09  06

No clerics were harmed in the making of this chapter.

Chapter 10 Gaiden :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena and Merric

Orb Shards : Marth has Leo and Taurus, Catria has Gemini, Wrys has Aquarius and Libra, Merric has Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio

Arena : Wrys got to level 15. He also managed to get D tomes as a Mage when he was in the arena.

Other : Sold the Large Bullion

Class changes : Catria to Paladin

Turns : 2

Catria rushes inside the Roro temple to the left. The top middle one is the true Roro. Merric slays those near the gate.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      20.60  Lord         38  18  00  19  23  21  14  00
Catria     09.77  Paladin      47  25  01  26  23  24  24  12
Wrys       15.25  Curate       22  00  12  10  17  04  03  10
Feena      03.33  Dancer       18  03  00  04  15  10  05  00
Merric     17.05  Mage         30  00  13  10  16  10  10  06

Chapter 11 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric and Shiida

Orb Shards : Leo and Taurus to Marth, Scorpio and Cancer to Merric, Capricorn, Gemini and Aquarius to Wrys

Arena : Wrys got to level 16.

Other : Thunder fusion

Class changes : Catria to Dragon Knight

Turns : 9


Merric finds the Spirit Dust on turn 1. He goes west, then north to fight incoming dragons and bandits. Finally he goes southwest to get the Speedwings.

Shiida the Arms Scroll on turn 3. Recruits Jake on turn 4 and trades him the Member and Silver Cards. She goes west to get other items, like the Angelic Robe and the Secret Book.

Jake buys all the dragonslaying items he can, starting with the lances so that the swords go to the convoy and so that Marth can now have one. He then goes east to get the Dracoshield on turn 7.

Catria goes north to fight most enemies, then west to kill the dragon and find the Energy Drop on turn 5. The Swordmaster is killed on the enemy phase. She then fights a few Desert Tribe bandits before killing the tower Dragon on turn 6. She finds the Elysian Whip on turn 7, the Goddess Icon on turn 8 and the Lady Sword on turn 9.

Marth and Wrys just go northeast, fighting/healing on occasion.

By player phase 6, all enemies are slain.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      21.34  Lord         39  19  00  20  23  22  14  00
Catria     12.87  Drg Knight   47  26  01  26  23  27  27  10
Wrys       16.30  Curate       22  00  13  11  17  05  03  10
Feena      04.01  Dancer       18  03  00  05  15  11  05  00
Merric     19.71  Mage         32  00  15  11  17  12  11  06

Chapter 12 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Arran, Sirius and Minerva

Orb Shards : Marth has Taurus and Cancer, Wrys has Aquarius, Merric has Scorpio and Capricorn.

Arena : Merric to 20 (he hit B tomes as well), Wrys to 20.

Other : Promoted Merric and Wrys. Forged a +2 MT Javelin, named Dragonfang.

Class changes : Wrys to Sage, Arran to Dracoknight.

Stat boosters : Angelic Robe and Dracoshield to Marth, Cocaine Spirit Dust to Merric.

Turns : 8


First off, Arran, Minerva and Sirius block the three forts to save me some minor headaches later on.

Once this is done, Marth, Feena and Catria combine their efforts to slay the fort dragons. Wrys and Merric follow the troup from behind.

Marth recruits Darros on turn 3. Him and Catria destroy most of what's left of the moving enemies, while Merric and Wrys heal wounds. On turn 4, Darros gets extremely lucky with a critical hit on the Levin swordmaster at 37 accuracy.

On turn 5, Catria gets the final orb Shard, Pisces. She's rescued by Wrys on turn 6 to make her closer to Marth and the Fire Dragons. She then assists Marth in slaying the final Fire Dragon for Marth to seize on turn 8, which should've been 7 if I would've put a stronger lance on her...

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      25.38  Lord         50  23  00  22  25  25  19  00
Catria     14.56  Drg Knight   49  26  01  26  23  29  28  10
Wrys       02.97  Sage         31  03  21  14  20  07  03  09
Feena      05.03  Dancer       18  04  00  06  16  12  05  00
Merric     03.63  Sage         40  03  21  15  20  12  13  09
Darros     03.84  Berserker    41  18  00  10  15  09  13  00

Then Belf shows up his face. About time.

Chapter 13 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Darros and Belf

Orb Shards : Marth has Cancer and Taurus, Catria has Pisces, Merric has Capricorn and Aquarius, Darros has Scorpio, Belf has Leo and Gemini.

Arena : Darros to level 5.

Other : Sold 2 Master Seal, an Elysian Whip and a Nosferatu since I'll never use them. Forged a +4 Mt Dragonpike, named it the Belfspike.

Stat boosters : Both Secret Books to Darros.

Turns : 7


Not much happens early on, but I have to recruit Beck, which means having Marth move out to the left side. Beck is recruited on turn 3 and grabs both cards to shop.

Marth is the rescued by Wrys and then given another turn by Feena to get closer to the gate. One of the Thieves manage to open the Dragonpike chest, but Catria slices him with her axe.

Beck buys all the Physics, Shavers, Killer Axes and Bows he can. Catria, Darros and Marth clear the middle area while Belf gets free experience coming from Flying Dragons.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      28.17  Lord         53  24  00  25  25  28  19  00
Catria     16.55  Drg Knight   51  26  01  26  23  30  29  10
Wrys       05.06  Sage         31  03  23  16  20  09  03  10
Feena      05.71  Dancer       18  04  00  06  16  12  05  00
Merric     04.24  Sage         41  03  21  16  21  13  13  09
Darros     08.57  Berserker    46  22  00  16  20  11  16  00
Belf       17.89  Cavalier     37  15  00  16  13  09  12  00
Beck       05.00  Horseman     32  12  03  11  14  08  10  03

Marth got A Swords and Catria got D Axes

Chapter 13 Gaiden :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Feena, Merric, Darros, Belf and Beck.

Orb Shards : Merric has Capricorn, Darros has Sagittarius, Belf has Leo, Scorpio and Cancer, Beck has Taurus, Pisces and Libra.

Class change : Catria to Paladin, Beck to Swordmaster.

Other : Sold the recently obtained Master Proof.

Stat boosters : Beck got both Energy Drops and a Speedwing. Belf got the other Speedwing.

Turns : 2

Uneventful map. I wanted the Iote Shield, so Feena + Catria to light the way and Merric for the Thief Staff.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      28.55  Lord         53  24  00  25  25  28  19  00
Catria     16.55  Paladin      53  25  01  26  23  25  27  13
Wrys       05.06  Sage         31  03  23  16  20  09  03  10
Feena      06.05  Dancer       19  05  00  07  17  13  05  00
Merric     04.24  Sage         41  03  21  16  21  13  13  09
Darros     09.02  Berserker    47  23  00  16  21  11  17  00
Belf       18.86  Cavalier     38  15  00  17  15  10  12  00
Beck       05.39  Swordmaster  34  15  03  16  21  08  10  03

Total : 110 turns.

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@SDS Damn, is this draft cursed or something? Hopefully Gordin can turn out even better in your next playthrough =P

Chapter 13

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Yumina, Radd, Maris, Wendell, Minerva

Reclass: Ryan and Jake to Berserker, Yumina promoted to Sage

Arena: 3x with Yumina as a Mage

Turns: 5

I rushed Marth upwards together with Draug, Norne, Ryan and Jake. Yumina handled things down south with Rezire while Maris lured some stuff in for Radd to kill. I avoided triggering the reinforcements until the last minute, and wiped out everything on the island except the boss before doing so. I used Minerva to plug a fort, grabbed some more kills the next turn and Seized.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      16.23  Lord         35  17  00  19  16  19  11  00
Ryan       13.37* Berserker    52  29  00  24* 27  17  23  00  
Draug      13.28* Dracoknight  39  24  01  23  23* 15  18  03 
Yumina     02.60* Sage         34  03  14  09  18  19  05  09
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      03.92* Dracoknight  32  17  01  13  22  13  16  03
Radd       12.55  Myrmidon     27  09  00  14  17  03  06  00
Maris      05.05* Falcoknight  36  17  03  15  19  12  13  09
Jake       07.07* Berserker    36  18  00  08  19  16  11  02

Chapter 13x

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Radd, Maris, Jake

Reclass: Radd promoted to SM

Arena: 3x with Radd as Myrm

Turns: 3

Not much to say here, Marth rushes for the Iote's Shield while everyone else kills stuff. I had to drag this out a turn for the Iote's Shield.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      16.73  Lord         35  17  00  19  16  19  11  00
Ryan       13.37* Berserker    52  29  00  24* 27  17  23  00  
Draug      13.47* Dracoknight  39  24  01  23  23* 15  18  03 
Yumina     02.60* Sage         34  03  14  09  18  19  05  09
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      04.36* Paladin      35  16  01  13  22  14  15  06
Radd       01.73* Swordmaster  34  11  01  18  21  03  09  03
Maris      05.97* Falcoknight  36  17  03  15  19  12  13  09
Jake       07.68* Berserker    36  18  00  08  19  16  11  02

Chapter 14

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Norne, Radd, Maris, Jake, Rickard, Yumina

Reclass: Norne and Ryan to Dracoknight, Jake to Sniper, Draug to General

Turns: 7

The dragons here are pretty tough, only Ryan and Draug could ORKO them. I send Ryan right up into range of the right Dragon, and kill the north dragon. Draug, Jake, Radd and Norne handled the southern dragons, Jake and Yumina each adjacent to the walls to counter the Mages on enemy phase. Maris killed the Thief and got Warp.

I prioritised the Levin Sword Thieves first on the next enemy phase, rushing Marth out of range and leaving Ryan, Draug, Norne, Jake and Yumina (with Resire) to tank the swarm of Thieves. My team cleaned up next turn, Ryan headed to the far west to kill the Dragons, while Marth got the Starsphere, and withdrew Warp from Storage.

The reinforcements and rushing dragons weren't too much trouble with Ryan and Draug around as they could lure them in easily and leave kills for the other party members. Yumina traded Warp over from Marth and Warped Rickard into the throne room to grab the Again Staff and Tailsman. I finish mopping up the reinforcements just in time for Marth to Seize.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      16.73  Lord         35  17  00  19  16  19  11  00
Ryan       15.42* Dracoknight  49  26* 01  26* 23* 18  28  03  
Draug      15.53* General      49  25  01  22  21* 15  23  03 
Yumina     04.58* Sage         35  03  14  10  19  21  05  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      06.48* Dracoknight  34  18  01  15  22  15  19  03
Radd       03.31* Swordmaster  36  12  01  19  22  05  09  03
Maris      06.58* Paladin      38  18  01  14  17  12  14  06
Jake       10.15* Sniper       39  18  00  16  22  19  14  05

Chapter 15

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Maris, Norne, Jake, Yumina, Radd

Arena: 2x with Ryan as a Berserker, 2x with Marth

Reclass: Jake to Berserker, Maris to Falcoknight, Ryan to Dracoknight, Draug to Paladin

Starsphere -> Marth

Turns: 7

Jake and Maris took care of the ballistae on the central island, and Marth had to go around the east route to get to the throne, since he can't walk on seas. (Berserker!Marth would be epic though).

Anyway, Ryan flies forward, with an Iote's shield, and kills off the three out of four paladins on enemy phase. Draug kills a Horseman and Marth counterkills the last Paladin. The rest of my team mop up. I open the doors on the next turns, Jake and Maris clean up the rest of the enemies on the island, including Abel.

My fliers plugged the forts, and Jake took down the boss. Norne and Est went shopping, Norne buying a few Silver Swords and Silver Lances, and Est buying a few Door Keys.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      20.05  Lord         38  19  00  22  19  23  11  01
Ryan       16.75* Dracoknight  50  26* 01  26* 23* 18  28  03  
Draug      16.09* Paladin      43  24  01  24  24  15  17  06 
Yumina     04.58* Sage         35  03  14  10  19  21  05  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      06.84* Dracoknight  34  18  01  15  22  15  19  03
Radd       03.31* Swordmaster  36  12  01  19  22  05  09  03
Maris      06.58* Paladin      38  18  01  14  17  12  14  06
Jake       10.15* Sniper       39  18  00  16  22  19  14  05

Chapter 16

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Maris, Norne, Jake, Yumina, Radd, Jeorge

Reclass: Jeorge to Paladin, Radd to Bishop, Jake to Sniper

Arena: 1x with Norne

Starsphere -> Jake

Turns: 2

I Warp Marth over on Turn 1 to get the Rescue Staff, because Rickard can't survive the Hero and the Sniper. Norne moves over to the left, just out of Astram's range to lure in the Heroes, and kills a Thief.

Jake opens the door and equips a Silver Bow, Ryan stands in front of him and uses a Holy Water. Bishop!Radd (top tier material) Barriers him, and Maris saves. Draug rushes down to chase the Geosphere thief.

The boss targets Ryan over Jake, and the two Worm bishops target Radd. Ryan and Jake proceed to ORKO everything, leaving a lone General standing. Jake finishes off the General, and Ryan rushes up and kills the boss, Maris rushes up and kills the Fortify bishop for Fortify.

Norne clears out a Hero letting Jeorge recruit Astram. Draug OHKOs the Geosphere Thief, Radd rescues Marth over and he Seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      20.35  Lord         38  19  00  22  19  23  11  01
Ryan       17.76* Dracoknight  50  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      16.22* Paladin      43  24  01  24  24  15  17  06 
Yumina     05.77* Sage         36  03  14  11  20  21  05  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      07.96* Dracoknight  34  19  01  15  23  16  19  03
Radd       04.22* Bishop       36  08  03  11  13  06  06  09
Maris      08.14* Falcoknight  37  17  03  16  21  12  13  10
Jake       12.41* Sniper       40  20  00  17  24  20  15  06

Chapter 16x

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Maris, Norne, Jake, MU

Reclass: Maris and Jake to SM, Draug to DK, Norne to Paladin

Arena: 2x with Jake, 2x with Marth, 2x with Norne

Starsphere -> Marth

Turns: 1

Jake and Marth took out the two Tomahawk Berserkers, Norne took out the Swordmaster in front of Katarina and Maris killed Katarina with a crit. Draug and Ryan took out the snipers, and the rest of the enemies suicided on Norne and Maris on enemy phase.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      21.57  Lord         38  20  00  23  20  24  11  01
Ryan       17.90* Dracoknight  50  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      16.36* Paladin      43  24  01  24  24  15  17  06 
Yumina     05.77* Sage         36  03  14  11  20  21  05  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      09.12* Paladin      37  20  01  16  24  17  18  06
Radd       04.22* Bishop       36  08  03  11  13  06  06  09
Maris      08.91* Falcoknight  37  17  03  16  21  12  13  10
Jake       13.50* Swordmaster  39  19  00  20  29  21  15  06

Edited by Aquilae
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Chapter 14 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Darros, Belf, Beck and Rickard

Orb Shards : Marth has Virgo, Merric has Capricorn, Darros has Sagittarius, Belf has Leo, Gemini and Taurus, Beck has Scorpio, Cancer and Libra.

Turns : 5


Beck goes left to catch the Thief on the second turn, but he equips the Wyrmslayer to kill the Ice Dragon on enemy phase. The rest of the team proceeds inside.

On turn 3, Marth gets the Star and Light Orbs from Gato. He's then rescue by Wrys and given another turn so that he can slay the next Ice Dragon.

Following this, Belf promotes to Paladin and fights the eastern dragons along with Darros and Merric. The reinforcements from the south aren't dealt with completely by the time Marth seizes.

On turn 4, Wrys grabs the Warp Staff from Marth to Warp Rickard into the throne room. On turn 5, he steals the Again staff while Marth seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      29.59  Lord         54  25  00  25  25  29  19  00
Catria     19.09  Paladin      54  25  01  28  25  25  27  13
Wrys       06.58  Sage         32  03  24  17  21  09  03  11
Feena      06.98  Dancer       19  05  00  07  17  13  05  00
Merric     06.08  Sage         42  03  22  18  22  15  14  10
Darros     10.71  Berserker    48  24  00  17  22  11  17  00
Belf       03.48  Paladin      44  20  01  24  21  13  13  06
Beck       06.46  Swordmaster  35  16  03  16  22  09  11  03

Chapter 15 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Darros, Belf and Beck.

Equipment : Catria has the Silver Card, Beck has the Star Orb, Belf has the Iote Shield.

Class changes : Belf and Catria to Dragon Knights, Arran and Beck to Paladins.

Other : Sold Large Bullion.

Arena : Beck to level 9.

Turns : 7


Darros and Catria go south for the Ballistae and Eibel while the rest go right. Est is freed on turn 3.

On turn 4, Catria enters the arena to fight a Swordmaster for 1300 gold, whom she crits. Still at near full health, I send her against a Hero for 1530 gold. She wins again, but her life being low, I decide to quit.

On the same turn, Wrys uses his Unlock staff against the door and Marth slays the Bishop. Darros kills the Physic Bishop before he causes more harm.

On turn 5, Catria buys a few keys while Beck's last use is sitting on the Paladin throne. Wrys heals Catria fully with his Physic staff so she can use the arena after Belf gets her card.

Her first opponent is a Hero for 1530 gold. She wins with over half of her health left. On the second round, she criticals a Bishop on the second hit for a well deserved 1280 gold.

On the seventh and last turn, Belf goes to the lower weapons shop to buy 3 Hand Axes while Est goes to the higher shop for a Rapier, 4 Javelins, a Silver Sword and 2 Lances.

Fully healed, Catria crits a Paladin twice for 1480 gold, then slays a Warrior for 1340 gold. Darros kills the Rapier Thief who was around his vicinity and Marth seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      30.00  Lord         55  25  00  25  25  30  19  00
Catria     20.00  Drg Knight   53  26  01  26  23  30  30  10
Wrys       08.20  Sage         32  03  25  18  21  09  03  12
Feena      07.78  Dancer       20  06  00  07  18  14  06  00
Merric     06.08  Sage         42  03  22  18  22  15  14  10
Darros     12.91  Berserker    50  26  00  18  24  12  19  00
Belf       04.35  Drg Knight   43  21  01  24  21  13  15  03
Beck       09.80  Paladin      38  19  03  12  18  10  15  06

Darros got A Axes and Belf got B Lances.

Chapter 16 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Darros, Belf, Beck and George.

Equipment : Marth has the Star Orb.

Class changes : Catria and George to Paladins, Gordon to Archer.

Arena : Darros to level 15.

Turns : 2


Belf chases the Earth Orb Thief and slays him with a critical. Beck and George go west against the Heroes. Beck pierces a hole in the Hero formation using a Killing Edge for George to recruit Astoria.

Darros, Catria, Marth and Merric go east to the throne room. With Darros protecting the doorway in front of Marth with his own life (9/54 HP left woo!) and Catria going in with aJavelin equipped to strike down the General and the Sniper with criticals. Catria kills Willow with her Lady Sword and Darros kills the Fortify Bishop.

Following this, Rickard is Warped by Wrys so that he can open the Rescue staff chest. After all this, Marth moves north by two squares, Feena dances for him and he seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      30.00  Lord         55  25  00  25  25  30  19  00
Catria     20.00  Paladin      55  25  01  28  25  25  28  13
Wrys       08.44  Sage         32  03  25  18  21  09  03  12
Feena      07.94  Dancer       20  06  00  07  18  14  06  00
Merric     07.14  Sage         43  03  23  19  22  16  14  10
Darros     16.34  Berserker    54  29  00  20  26  14  21  00
Belf       04.85  Paladin      45  20  01  24  21  13  13  06
Beck       10.21  Paladin      39  20  03  13  18  11  15  06

Merric hit A Tomes.

Chapter 16 Gaiden :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Feena, Darros, Belf, Beck and Rockzo.

Equipment : Belf has the Star and Earth Orbs.

Class changes : Beck to Hero.

Turns : 1

Beck and Belf each take a Tomahawk Berserker, Darros and Catria kill the Silver Axe ones with ranged weapons, then Feena dances for Darros who annihilates that traitrous bitch with a critical and the others on enemy phase, even the Swordmasters with 45 hit.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      30.00  Lord         55  25  00  25  25  30  19  00
Catria     20.00  Paladin      55  25  01  28  25  25  28  13
Wrys       08.44  Sage         32  03  25  18  21  09  03  12
Feena      08.10  Dancer       21  07  00  08  19  15  06  00
Merric     07.14  Sage         43  03  23  19  22  16  14  10
Darros     17.31  Berserker    55  30  00  20  27  14  21  00
Belf       05.18  Paladin      46  21  01  25  22  13  14  06
Beck       10.41  Hero         41  19  03  18  22  11  14  03

Chapter 17 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Darros, Belf and Beck.

Equipment : Belf has the Star and Earth Orbs, Darros has the Iote Shield.

Class changes : Darros to Dragon Knight, Beck to Swordmaster.

Turns : 4


Marth goes east to recruit Tomas. He sucks, but his competition for last draft pick wasn't much better. We also learn that he can talk while still perfectly alive.

Beck goes west for the Sniper while the rest go south. Merric rescues Marth, Feena dances him and Marth slays the Sniper.

Marth opens the throne room on turn 2. Catria, Darros, Feena and Merric follow him, while Beck distracts the northwestern Dragon Knights by sitting on the fort with a Killing Edge. Tomas and Wrys are nearby.

Turn 3 is about Tomas' first kill with a critical worth 105 damage from a Silver Bow. Merric shaves the Dragon Knights while Belf, Catria and Darros clear the throne room barring Samson and Sheema, though Samson decides to be an Hero for real and suicides on Marth's blade.

On turn 4, Belf slaughters Sheema with a critical, Darros and Tomas go each for a level 1 kill for the lulz and Marth seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      30.00  Lord         55  25  00  25  25  30  19  00
Catria     20.00  Paladin      55  25  01  28  25  25  28  13
Wrys       08.82  Sage         32  03  25  18  21  09  03  12
Feena      08.74  Dancer       21  07  00  08  19  15  06  00
Merric     08.12  Sage         44  03  23  19  23  17  15  10
Darros     17.96  Drg Knight   51  26  01  23  23  14  25  03
Belf       06.57  Paladin      47  22  01  26  23  13  14  06
Beck       11.31  Swordmaster  40  18  03  19  25  11  13  03
Tomas      01.66  Sniper       29  12  01  10  13  09  12  03

Catria got D Swords.

Chapter 18 :

Deployed : Marth, Catria, Wrys, Feena, Merric, Darros, Belf and Beck.

Equipment : Belf has the Star Orb, Catria has the Earth Orb, Darros has the Iote Shield.

Arena : Darros to level 18.

Turns : 2


Beck kills the upper Paladin near the village, then Marth visits it thanks to Feena to obtain the Life Orb. Tomas shows his great use by getting the Arms Scroll. That's what you get for sucking.

Meanwhile, the eastern front, led by Dhaaros the Dragon Knight of the high seas, charge the Generals, Bishops and Ballistae over at the fort. On enemy phase, Merric eats a Fire gun round and two Silver Lance stabs in the face and survives...with 1 HP.

On turn 2, Marth gets rescued by Merric near the throne after Belf cleared a path. Catria kills the Recover Bishop, Darros slays the boss and Marth seizes. And Tomas gets a level up on the last Paladin. An awful one.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      30.00  Lord         55  25  00  25  25  30  19  00
Catria     20.00  Paladin      55  25  01  28  25  25  28  13
Wrys       09.00  Sage         32  03  25  19  21  10  03  13
Feena      09.06  Dancer       22  07  00  09  20  16  06  00
Merric     08.96  Sage         44  03  23  19  23  17  15  10
Darros     18.57  Drg Knight   52  26  01  24  23  14  26  03
Belf       07.53  Paladin      47  22  01  27  24  13  14  06
Beck       11.63  Swordmaster  40  18  03  19  25  11  13  03
Tomas      02.16  Sniper       30  13  01  11  13  09  12  03

Wrys got B Staves, Beck got A Swords.

Can't use Arms Scrolls for staff rank? Ugh...at least there's Bishop for half of B.

Total at the moment is 131 turns.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Chapter 17

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Yumina, Norne, Maris, Radd, Jake

Reclass: Radd to SM, Maris to Falco, Jake to Berserker, Draug and Norne to Paladin

Turns: 5

I rushed Marth down, Ryan went to the right to chase down the Thief and confront the Sniper and Draco reinforcements. Jake stayed near the start to kill the Dracos as well. Norne took care of most of the enemies, ORKOing with Silver Lance, while Radd, Maris and Draug helped out. Marth ORKOed Samson, Draug and Maris killed Sheema and Marth Seized.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      21.98  Lord         38  20  00  23  20  24  11  01
Ryan       18.74* Dracoknight  51  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      17.20* Paladin      43  24  01  25  25* 15  18  06 
Yumina     06.65* Sage         37  03  14  11  21  21  06  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      10.66* Paladin      38  20  01  16  25* 18  19  06
Radd       05.28* Swordmaster  37  12  01  20  22  07  09  03
Maris      09.68* Falcoknight  37  17  03  16  22  12  13  11
Jake       14.73* Berserker    42  24  00  12  26  21  16  03

Chapter 18

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Yumina, Norne, Maris, Radd, Jake, Frost, Jeorge

Reclass: Jeorge and Ryan to DK

Statboosters: Dracoshield and Seraph Robe on Yumina

Turns: 3

Jake moves over into a Forest to lure in the Generals, Ryan kills a Bishop while Marth runs left to get the Lifesphere. Jeorge gets the hidden Arms Scroll in the cave.

Marth counterkills the two Paladins with his Rapier. Jake takes out 3 Generals, Ryan kills another 3. My units mop up the rest, Marth visits the village and takes the Lifesphere.

My units kill the boss, Frost Rescues Marth over and he Seizes.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      22.61  Lord         39  21  00  24  21  25  11  01
Ryan       19.41* Dracoknight  52  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      17.34* Paladin      43  24  01  25  25* 15  18  06 
Yumina     06.94* Sage         37  03  14  11  21  21  06  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      10.86* Paladin      38  20  01  16  25* 18  19  06
Radd       06.23* Swordmaster  38  12  01  21  22  07  10  03
Maris      10.05* Falcoknight  37  18  03  17  23  12  13  12
Jake       15.25* Berserker    43  24  00  13  27  22* 17  03
Frost      05.45* Bishop       26  03  09  10  14  04  05  09

Chapter 19

Deployed: Marth, Draug, Ryan, Yumina, Norne, Maris, Radd, Jake, Frost

Reclass: Ryan to Berserker, Norne to Dracoknight

Turns: 7

Frost Warps Ryan up, and Ryan kills the boss with a Hand Axe crit. Marth charges up, using his full Movement every time. Norne lures in the Paladins, Radd, Jake, Draug, Norne and Marth take care of them.

Norne lures in the Horsemen on the next enemy phase, ORKOing all of them with a Javelin except Sedgar, who is killed next turn. Since there are no more reinforcements, everyone else just runs around getting more EXP. I let the village get destroyed because Marth wouldn't have had the time to reach it anyway.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      23.48  Lord         40  21  00  25  22  26  12  01
Ryan       20.00* Berserker    57  30* 00  24* 28* 18  24* 01  
Draug      17.49* Paladin      43  24  01  25  25* 15  18  06 
Yumina     07.83* Sage         44  03  14  11  22  22  09  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      12.92* Dracoknight  37  22  01  16  23* 19  22  03
Radd       06.87* Swordmaster  38  12  01  21  22  07  10  03
Maris      11.06* Falcoknight  37  19  03  17  23  13  13  12
Jake       16.14* Berserker    44  25  00  13  28* 22* 18  03
Frost      06.30* Bishop       27  03  09  10  15  04  05  09

Chapter 20

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Norne, Maris, Jake, Radd, Yumina, Frost, Rickard

Reclass: Norne to Paladin

Turns: 5

Everyone rushes up first, Marth moving his max movement. Ryan, Draug, Maris and Norne dispatch of the enemies on the way to the treasure room. Yumina supports with Fortify while Frost picks the chest with the Again Staff. Rickard couldn't get near enough as the Worm bishops cleanly OHKO him (18 attack), so he didn't get to pick any chests.

Marth smacks the general, and Norne charges in, killing the Sage. Norne kills the Sorcerer as well, moving into range to kill the Sniper and Sage next turn. Ryan and co. take on the leftovers.

Maris unlocks the final door to Hardin, and Ryan is Warped in to take out Hardin with a Hautclere crit. Marth rushes in and Seizes. I couldn't get any of the Brave Weapons, regrettably, but I think I'll fare just fine without them.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      24.48  Lord         41  22  00  25  23  26  12  01
Ryan       20.00* Berserker    57  30* 00  24* 28* 18  24* 01  
Draug      18.09* Paladin      44  25* 01  26  25* 16  18  06 
Yumina     08.89* Sage         44  03  15  12  23  23  09  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      14.46* Paladin      40  21  01  16  25* 20  20  06
Radd       07.47* Swordmaster  39  12  01  22  23  07  10  03
Maris      11.45* Falcoknight  37  19  03  17  23  13  13  12
Jake       16.24* Berserker    44  25  00  13  28* 22* 18  03
Frost      07.16* Bishop       28  03  10  11  16  04  05  09

Chapter 20x

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Norne, Maris, Jake, Yumina

Reclass: Maris to SM, Jake to Sniper, Ryan to Draco

Turns: 4

Just a straightforward rush to the throne, with Ryan leading the charge. Eriemya only had 20 Speed, so Draug was able to double and kill her with a Steel Lance.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      24.88  Lord         41  22  00  25  23  26  12  01
Ryan       20.00* Dracoknight  53  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      18.76* Paladin      44  25* 01  26  25* 16  18  06 
Yumina     09.97* Sage         45  03  17  13  24  24  09  10
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      14.76* Paladin      40  21  01  16  25* 20  20  06
Radd       07.47* Swordmaster  39  12  01  22  23  07  10  03
Maris      12.71* Swordmaster  40  18  01  22  28  14  12  06
Jake       16.33* Berserker    44  25  00  13  28* 22* 18  03
Frost      07.16* Bishop       28  03  10  11  16  04  05  09

Chapter 21

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Norne, Maris, Jake, Radd, Yumina, Frost

Reclass: Jake to Horseman, Maris to Falco

Turns: 7

I couldn't clear out the first three dragons near the start, so I form a line and guard against them while staying out of range of the Thoron Sorcerer and the Tomahawk Berserker. Marth charges forward using his full move every turn, Ryan, Draug, Maris, Jake and Norne taking out the charging enemies. Marth is one space away from visiting the village, so I just have him kill a Berserker for some more EXP. Norne buys a few more Hand Axes, and Marth gets Starlight.

Ymir plugs up the fort, Ryan and Maris take the south area. Frost Rescues Marth over to Seize. Yumina is a hair away from C Tomes, so I guess I can get her up enough to use Starlight by Chapter 23 pretty easily.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      27.02  Lord         44  24  00  25* 25* 27  13  01
Ryan       20.00* Dracoknight  53  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      19.59* Paladin      45  25* 01  26  25* 16  18  06 
Yumina     11.26* Sage         45  03  18  13  25* 24  09  12
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      16.46* Paladin      41  23  01  16  25* 20  21  06
Radd       08.78* Swordmaster  39  13  01  23  24  08  10  03
Maris      14.03* Falcoknight  38  20  03  20  25  16  14  13
Jake       17.47* Horseman     41  22  01  18  28  23  19  06
Frost      08.15* Bishop       28  03  10  12  16  04  05  10

Chapter 22

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Norne, Maris, Jake, Radd, Yumina, Frost

Reclass: None

Arena: 3x with Norne

Turns: 5

Marth just charged straight ahead, and my units just killed stuff. It was fairly simple, but I couldn't unlock one of the chests because another unit was standing on it =( I still managed to grab Fortify from the Sorc though.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      28.38  Lord         44  24  00  25* 25* 28  14  01
Ryan       20.00* Dracoknight  53  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      20.00* Paladin      45  25* 01  26  25* 16  18  06 
Yumina     12.73* Sage         46  03  19  14  25* 25  09  13
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      16.83* Paladin      41  23  01  16  25* 20  21  06
Radd       09.31* Swordmaster  39  14  01  24  25  09  11  03
Maris      16.95* Falcoknight  30  20  03  21  26* 16  14  13
Jake       19.38* Horseman     42  23  01  20  30* 24  19  06
Frost      08.54* Bishop       28  03  10  12  16  04  05  10

Chapter 23

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Norne, Maris, Jake, Radd, Yumina, Frost

Reclass: Ryan to Paladin

Arena: 3x with Yumina

Stat boosters: Arms Scroll on Jake, Ryan and Yumina, Dracoshield on Norne

Turns: 5

I move Ryan and Norne to kill the Magic Dragons and in range of the Fire Dragons, Marth and Jake kill the Magic Dragon while Draug lures in the next one. I charge Marth up carefully, using Ryan to lure in the two Luna Sorcs.

The last part was hairy, I had to get a Meteor miss on Draug and get a crit on Gharnef with Yumina. I use the Save Point to get both, and Marth Seizes after that.

Unit       Lv.Ex  Class        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Marth      29.65  Lord         45  25* 00  25* 25* 29  14  01
Ryan       20.00* Dracoknight  53  26* 01  26* 23* 18  29  04  
Draug      20.00* Paladin      45  25* 01  26  25* 16  18  06 
Yumina     12.73* Sage         46  03  19  14  25* 25  09  13
Rickard    03.00  Thief        18  06  00  03  09  01  03  00
Norne      18.51* Paladin      43  24  01  17  25* 21  24  06
Radd       09.31* Swordmaster  39  14  01  24  25  09  11  03
Maris      18.18* Falcoknight  40  21  03  21  26* 17  14  13
Jake       20.00* Horseman     43  23  01  20  30* 24  19  06
Frost      08.54* Bishop       28  03  10  12  16  04  05  10

Chapter 24

Deployed: Marth, Ryan, Draug, Norne, Maris, Jake, Yumina, Frost, Sirius, Julian, Minerva, Merric

Turns: 1

Yumina and Frost Warp Sirius and Minerva up, wasting the last two Warp Staff uses. Minerva and Sirius recruit Maria and Nyna, Maria and Nyna Rescue both Julian and Merric. Julian recruits Lena, Merric Elice, Lena Rescues Marth over. Marth kills Medeus with a crit (32 damage, 17% chance).

Chapter 1  : 5 turns   Chapter 10x : 2 turns   Chapter 20x : 4 turns
Chapter 2  : 6 turns   Chapter 11  : 10 turns  Chapter 21  : 7 turns
Chapter 3  : 14 turns  Chapter 12  : 8 turns   Chapter 22  : 5 turns
Chapter 3x : 6 turns   Chapter 13  : 5 turns   Chapter 23  : 5 turns
Chapter 4  : 4 turns   Chapter 13x : 3 turns   Final Chapter : 1 turn
Chapter 5  : 6 turns   Chapter 14  : 7 turns
Chapter 6  : 8 turns   Chapter 15  : 7 turns
Chapter 6x : 2 turns   Chapter 16  : 2 turns
Chapter 7  : 5 turns   Chapter 17  : 5 turns
Chapter 8  : 4 turns   Chapter 18  : 3 turns
Chapter 9  : 6 turns   Chapter 19  : 7 turns
Chapter 10 : 3 turns   Chapter 20  : 5 turns

Penalties: Chapter 7 (+5 turns)

Total turncount: 155 + 5 turns (160 turns) (assuming I added it up correctly)

Ryan:  232 B 172 W
Draug: 162 B 122 W
Marth: 104 B  62 W
Norne: 102 B  66 W
Jake :  80 B  62 W
Maris:  72 B  49 W
Radd :  51 B  35 W
Yumina: 30 B  21 W
Frost:   4 B   0 W

Edited by Aquilae
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