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Star Fox 64


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I had just finished getting all the medals in Star Fox 64 when my friend told me ”good you just completed the only good Star Fox”. I was shocked to find out that thier were other games :o

Should I buy the other two or just save up for the 3DS Remake of SF64.

Thanks in advanced!

In an unrelated note...... DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!

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You haven't heard of the others??

Star Fox Adventures is very untraditional, it brings Fox on the epic adventure

in dinosaur planet with N64 Zelda-like controls and using a magic staff to fight.

It has races, puzzles, etc as well. Not a hard or very long game, but that game

will really keep you coming back for more.

Star Fox assault I haven't played, but you do missions in vehicles like on 64.

It has more variety than 64, but I've heard it didn't live up to expectations.

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Star Fox assault I haven't played, but you do missions in vehicles like on 64.

It has more variety than 64, but I've heard it didn't live up to expectations.

Because overall you're likely to wish there were more Arwing stages.

Anyway, of the 2 GC games, if you want the one that's more like Star Fox 64, go for Star Fox Assault. Adventures is pretty much a gamble, you might like it or you might hate it similar to how some Metroid fans hate Other M.

Edited by Sirius
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I really didn't like Star Fox Adventures. It's not bad, just...really bland and boring. I used to like it when I was a kid, but when I played it again a year or two ago, it bored me to tears.

Assault is better I suppose, but I still think it could've been designed with more thought put into it.

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Adventures. To be honest, I love this game in and of itself, but hate it as a Star Fox game. The Arwing parts were alright, but the Arwing itself felt sluggish compared to SF64. However, the majority of the game, the on foot explorations, are enjoyable enough, and if you like just going around and exploring and collecting shit, it's for you. The final battle is in an Arwing, though, and it's fun enough.

Assault... To be honest, I love roughly 2/3 of the game, and HATE, HATE the other third. The 2/3's that are awesome are anything possibly involving a ship in any way. Though I remember noting that the Arwings still felt slower then their SF64 counterparts, this time it didn't stand out so much, and all the air/land combat missions were fun as hell to do. The last third, however, is the on foot missions, which degraded into something that was supposed to be a Third Person Shooter. The controls were a little wonky, the weapons themselves were blah, and it didn't have the same feeling as the rest of it.

On the other hand, there is a time when you get to ride on the wing of a ship and shoot the fuck out of things, which was about the single most awesome thing I can remember from it.

Command... Fuck Command. Fuck whoever thought it would be a good idea. The story(ies) usually leave you twitching, there's such a big split in some of the characters personalities compared to what we gathered from the other three games (For instance, could you have guessed that Fox turns out to be a jackass for no explained reason? This is a major plot point, too. At least they make it so). The endings themselves are either some kind of awesome, or some kind of major suck angst fest, or some combination there of. In fact, I think only the "best" ending was any good, and it's basically that Fox's kid goes off to be like his dad cause some other jerkoff is acting like Andross again.

So, Story's shit, what about the controls? They scrapped an idea from the Unreleased Star Fox 2 that involves a map overhead and you plot where the characters go, having them intercept missles or go out to attack enemies directly. I can say that it's actually a decent idea. The part they failed on was that there are only two types of fights: Chase a fucking missile, or fight some one. Casing a missile basically meant going through rings without missing any, and the straight up combat was always in "All-Range Mode."

As for piloting the Arwing itself (Or whatever other ship they give you, which more or less functions just like an Arwing. Maybe with higher firepower or someshit), the controls were ASS. I've never been a fan of using the touch screen for anything real time, and this just made me realize how much I really hate the concept. You control where you want the Arwing to go by basically dragging it across the screen, and then tapping to fire. I think you made do a barrell roll by drawing a circle, and I think the only button command you used was the D-pad for flips. When I bought the game, I WANTED to use the D-Pad and buttons for flying and shit. The controls were abysmal, and hardly felt like they were really any good.

So, to give a tl;dr summary: Adventures is alright, just a different Genre entirely, Assault is really fun for most of it, and some annoying ass for a few parts, and Command is a pile of shit that never should have been made.

this opinion is in no way biased and based completely on fact. Product void in Arkansas.

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Because overall you're likely to wish there were more Arwing stages.

Anyway, of the 2 GC games, if you want the one that's more like Star Fox 64, go for Star Fox Assault. Adventures is pretty much a gamble, you might like it or you might hate it similar to how some Metroid fans hate Other M.

There are Metroid fans that like Other M?

EDIT: Command is shit, and wasn't worth the $10 I spent on it.

Edited by General Spoon
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Why are we ignoring the SNES Starfox in this thread?

Its soundtrack is the best of the entire series by far, it's more difficult than SF64 even on the easiest setting and the Black Hole and Out of this Dimension are way too over-the-top and balls-to-the-wall awesome for SF64 to handle.

SF64 is one of my favorite games of all time and one of the few games during the N64 and Gamecube era that still felt very arcade-like. Heck, it felt so arcade-like to me that I genuinely believed that there were SF64 arcade machines out there as a kid.

Adventures I've never played and I have no intention to do so as I feel that it strays too far away from Starfox's fundamentals.

Assault has a really nice multiplayer mode and the singleplayer is also decent, albeit too linear and there should've been a lot more on-rails stages.

As for Command, Nintendo loves to save their prototype and scrapped ideas up to use later, for the better or the worse. Command just happened to be the "for the worse" part.

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Assault has that issue of Rare dropping the ball at most corners. It sorta just feels like you're doing the same thing all the time, and nothing new happens--just new areas to do the same exact thing in :/ Rare started losing originality and dropped into repetitive gameplay D: But you gotta remember that altogether it was never a Star Fox game. It just sorta got slapped as one later on after Dinosaur Planet started to lose life. Speaking of which, I still like going back and looking at the beta footage... there's a lot of parts that never even changed between the earlier version and the released Star Fox one :P

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Why not? It has a legacy to live up to after all and the reason why I want a sequel in the first place is to expand on the previous part(s) even further.

I would expect that you're one of the people who hate Chrono Cross because he was expecting Chrono Trigger 2, same battle system and everything, and was then unhappy when it failed to be more of the same. Can't see the game for the fun is what I'm trying to say. Not that I've played Adventures.

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↑Lulz... I just got Command(Becuase it was the only one I could find) and it sucks harder than Furby described but being a fanboy I must play on....

Hey, I said it was non-baised! Before anyone says anything, I got every ending in that god damn game. I gave it a shot. I gave it more of a shot then most games I hate from the get-go. I honestly cannot think of one redeeming factor about it. Save the idea that Fox and Falco in F-Zero would be fucking epic.

Yeah, you're going to be hard pressed to find any of the others now. A generation later, gamestop being shit for older gen, not to mention a lot of people turn in older games because they flat out don't work. Your best bet would probably be Amazon or the WiiWare store, though I have no clue if the later would have anything besides SF64.

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They got pay-as-you-go cards and stuff like that, and you can open a bank as a juvenile most places as long as you have an adult signon with you, or something. Debit cards work online just as well as credit. You could also find someone to buy it for you, that you trust.

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