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[FE8] Seven Drafts of the Rainbow


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Ch10: Turning Traitor (4/77)

Vanessa rescues Ephraim and flies south, with Tana tagging behind to recruit Cormag. Everyone else heads west for a quick touch of EXP. Vanessa tanks Cormag to allow Tana to talk to him, and because she's injured the enemies target her instead of Tana. Cormag clears a path and Vanessa drops Ephraim on the forest, forcing Beran to use his bow. Ephraim attacks him on the next player phase and finishes him on the enemy phase.

name      level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    14.07  24  10  16  15  13  08  04
Ephraim   14.62  30  14  14  15  14  10  09 	
Gilliam   13.92  32  15  10  06  03  15  04    
Vanessa   15.49  32  07  17  20  11  10  10
Moulder   07.42  21  07  07  10  02  03  06
Garcia    13.05  36  11  10  09  06  07  02   
Neimii    10.01  23  09  09  13  06  05  05
Cormag    09.66  30  14  09  10  04  12  02

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Chapter 16

Eirika took the Swiftsole. L'Arachel now takes the Barrier staff, since she has enough rank to use it. I can't believe I forgot about it at Jehanna. Well, didn't matter much, as she was Heal/Mend spamming every turn and Unlocking doors.

Tana ferries Eirika up to a certain point where close to the throne, and then kills all the the enemies that would otherwise pose a threat for her. Ross helped by killing the Warriors and Knights. L'Arachel just Barrier-spammed and raised her staff rank up to a B.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     1.-- 32 17  21   20  20 12  16
Ross      11.33 44 25  19   17  22 21   7
Artur      3.78 31 15  13   15   7  8  18   
Tana       7.26 35 20  19   27  22 13  15
Gerik      4.41 40 20  18   16  10 15   6
L'arachel  7.09 18  9   8   14  14  5  12
Saleh      5.00 32 18  18   15  12  9  15

5 turns.

Chapter 17

Tana pierced Lyon /Chapter

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Tana       8.20 36 21  20   27  23 14  15

3 turns.

Chapter 18

Everyone spread to kill eggs and monsters. Saleh died. :(

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     3.78 34 18  22   20  22 13  17
Ross      12.58 45 25  19   18  22 21   7
Artur      4.92 32 16  14   16   8  9  19   
Tana      10.39 37 21  21   27  23 14  15
Gerik      6.30 43 20  19   17  11 15   6
L'arachel  8.99 18  9   8   14  14  5  12
Syrene     6.15 30 18  15   20  19 13  16

7 turns.

Chapter 19

L'Arachel used Torch until she finally got the A rank in staves, and clearing the way for Tana to 1RKO Riev with the Brave lance.

Eirika got 5000 Gold at a chest.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     3.90 34 18  22   20  22 13  17
Ross      12.74 45 25  19   18  22 21   7
Artur      5.20 32 17  14   17   8  9  19   
Tana      11.51 38 21  21   28  24 15  15
Gerik      6.30 43 20  19   17  11 15   6
L'arachel  9.45 19 11  10   16  15  5  13
Syrene     6.69 30 18  15   20  19 13  16

3 turns.

Chapter 20

Eirika got Rescue-Dropped to the throne by Tana & Syrene. Myrrh got Warped to keep up with them and helped kill monsters in the way. She took care of Morva. L'Arachel used the Guiding Ring and went Valkyrie and started critiblicking on forests, for easy levels.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     4.52 34 18  23   21  22 13  18   
Tana      12.11 39 21  21   29  24 15  15
Gerik      6.30 43 20  19   17  11 15   6
L'arachel  3.29 24 15  12   19  16  9  18
Syrene     8.10 32 19  15   20  21 13  17
Myrrh      9.02 26 11   8   13   6 16  12 

3 turns.

Final Chapter

Part 1:

Eirika, Ross, Tana & Syrene broke their way into Lyon by killing the enemies in the way. (They were previously Warped by L'Arachel, by the way)

Eirika used Audhulma so she could survive an attack from Lyon, and then counter-criticaled him back. Ross critikilled Lyon.

Part 2:

Tana weakened the goat demon, then, L'Arachel used the last of the Warp staff and Warped Myrrh over there for her to critikill him.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.16 35 19  27   21  23 13  18
Ross      14.23 47 26  19   20  24 21   7
Tana      12.59 39 21  21   29  24 15  15
Syrene     9.08 33 19  15   21  21 13  17

5 turns.

That makes a total of 141 turns.

Soul: The least worrisome. He also has to deal with a trainee, and unlike me, I get them and then can Tower them to 10/1/0. He has to lug wimpy Ross through a few chapters. He has no physical offensive until he gets Gerik, and having Artur is a worry, although Chap. 4 isn't going to be a problem. Tana and Syrene aren't as good as Cormag, and then there's L'Archy, who can be a hassle. And then Saleh makes me lol.

You were saying? :)

Edited by Junes!
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Okay, here we go.

Prologue: 2 turns

Waste one RN, take all attacks on enemy phase. Standard fare.

Eirika	02/00   16| 5| 8|10| 6| 3| 1

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Eirika and Franz push through. For some reason, I find this to be a rather annoying chapter. Damn hit rates.

Eirika	04/00   18| 6|10|10| 8| 4| 1
Franz 	02/00   21| 7| 6| 7| 3| 6| 1

Chapter 2: 6 turns

Ross was a warrior to the very end. Lots of great levels ensue, but I wish Franz would double.

Eirika	07/00   20| 7|11|13|11| 5| 2
Franz 	03/00   22| 7| 7| 8| 4| 7| 1

Chapter 3: 10 turns

Eirika and Franz get swords. Franz gets the javelin.

Javelin!Franz and Iron Sword!Eirika turned out to be a perfect combination for killing walls. They busted through the first two, then Franz went around and used the door key while Eirika cut her way through the enemies in the main room. They came up to the boss together, and Franz kept Eirika safe while she poked at Bazba. Unfortunately she wasn't lucky enough to crit him on turn 8 EP, so a turn 10 seize it is. Eirika's durability is disgusting.

Eirika	09/00   21| 7|13|13|13| 6| 3
Franz 	04/00   23| 8| 7| 8| 5| 8| 1

Chapter 4: 7 turns

The Beholders were no match for Franz's javelin. He also ORKO'd pretty much the whole map with an iron lance. And so he did, while Eirika went down to get Lute. Well, that was the idea, but the map was routed before I could do that. Probably should have had Franz kill the last four revenants with a sword.

Eirika	10/00   22| 7|14|14|13| 6| 3
Franz 	09/00   27|10| 9|10| 8|10| 1

Chapter 5: 9 turns

Rearranged some vulneraries.

Franz grabbed the shield while the Sailor Scouts went up the left side. Lute tanked a hit while he was on his way back, and then Lute and Natasha focused on surviving while Franz helped them and Eirika ran screaming towards the boss. I take heavy advantage of the one hit the lolis can withstand once the rest of the team joins Eirika.

Eirika	13/00   23| 9|17|15|14| 6| 4
Franz 	11/00   29|11|10|10| 8|11| 1
Lute  	02/00   18| 6| 6| 7| 9| 3| 5
Natasha 01/00   18| 2| 4| 8| 6| 2| 6

Chapter 5x: 7 turns

Kyle took Forde's weapons and everyone ran up in the direction of the boss. Orson ferried Ephraim, Kyle mostly engaged in self-improvement, but also helped clear the way. A speed proc let him double an archer in Orson's way, which was nice.

Name  	Level	HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ephraim 05/00	24| 8| 9|11| 9| 7| 2
Kyle  	08/00	28|11| 6| 9| 8|10| 2

So far I'm two turns behind Soul. Hm.

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Chapter 6: 5 turns

Eirika gets the torch, Natasha gets a Torch staff and Moulder's Heal.

Franz rushes to the boss, everyone else gets experience. Natasha's Torch staff is handy.

...I did it in five turns, I guess. This chapter is really awkward. Literally the only thing I can do is hope the RNG is in my favour. It was enough, but Franz got two stupid HP-only levels in a row.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  14/00  24|10|18|16|15| 6| 4
Franz   14/00  32|11|10|10| 9|12| 1
Lute    03/00  19| 6| 6| 8|10| 3| 5
Natasha 02/00  18| 3| 4| 8| 7| 2| 7

Chapter 7: 8 turns

Franz gets another sword.

Eirika goes through the river, Franz and the lolis go around the long way. The cavalier, chivalrous as he is, leaves the two young girls to fend for themselves while he goes to score points with his princess. He certainly does, helping clear out some dudes so she can safely kill the dude with creepy sideburns. Sadly, she breaks her rapier on his face. Natasha nearly makes C Staves.

Name    Level	HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  15/00   24|10|19|17|16| 6| 4
Franz   16/00	34|12|10|11| 9|12| 2
Lute    05/00	20| 7| 6| 9|10| 4| 6
Natasha 02/00	18| 3| 4| 8| 7| 2| 7

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Ch11: Phantom Shit (8/85)

Oop what's that? The phantom ship is too hard, Silvs? Well, suck my -2 turns (and ignore the +6 earlier obviously >>). Anyway, Moulder didn't get deployed because he's too much of a liability. Vanessa soloed the top half of the map, drawing out the eyes and killing them with Javelin shots. Ephraim and Gilliam, who are both incredibly durable, took the top planks, and Garcia took the bottom (although very passively, his risk of dying is great if he gets attacked by too many enemies). For the first couple turns, Cormag pulls out enemies from the bottom half of the map, then takes up a position just in front of the bottom plank with Neimi just behind him, on the plank. This formation assures that the boss will attack Neimi from range, and she'll counter for some damage (in fact, she pulled a crit and nearly killed it in one shot). The next turn, she finishes the boss and Cormag rescues her (if Neimi had not critted, Cormag would finish the boss and Neimi would heal up and likely survive anyway). Once Gilliam hits level 15, he promotes to Great Knight, and because of his low HP all the enemies remaining will prioritize him over Ephraim and Garcia despite the fact that most of them tink him. Cormag, Vanessa and Garcia wipe up the last enemies on the left side and Ephraim kills the last remaining Gargoyle.

name      level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    14.07  24  10  16  15  13  08  04
Ephraim   16.11  32  15  15  15  15  11  11 	
Gilliam   03.46  39  19  11  09  05  19  07    
Vanessa   16.79  33  08  17  20  12  10  10
Moulder   07.42  21  07  07  10  02  03  06
Garcia    14.60  36  12  11  09  06  08  02   
Neimii    12.02  25  09  10  14  07  07  06
Cormag    10.77  30  15  09  11  04  12  02

Ch12: Landing at Taizel (6/91)

Cormag rescues Gilliam and goes straight for the boss. Everyone else just chills on the boat and gets EXP. Gilliam gets dropped at the right portion of the port and forces his way upwards with a handaxe. When he finally reaches the boss, he Elixers, waits, Crits with the Killer Lance on enemy phase, and finishes on player phase. Got the Guiding Ring, recruited nobody.

name      level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    14.07  24  10  16  15  13  08  04
Ephraim   17.58  33  15  16  15  15  11  12 	
Gilliam   06.24  42  19  12  12  06  21  09    
Vanessa   17.28  34  09  18  20  12  11  10
Moulder   07.42  21  07  07  10  02  03  06
Garcia    15.16  36  12  12  10  06  09  03   
Neimii    12.86  25  09  10  14  07  07  06
Cormag    10.78  30  15  09  11  04  12  02

Edited by Silvercrow
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Okay, so C8 is impossible. This is going well.

The only solution I can see is to use the Ch. 5 Armorslayer on Franz/Eirika Lute and just cut through the north through the door. Tirado is probably the only real problem, along with having to take about 5 Knights at once. Franz's DEF will definitely help here, though if only you had the Rapier...

That's just my 2 cents on the issue.

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Okay, starting over. Let's see if I can have either/both of those weapons for that this time. and better speed on Franz

Prologue: 2 turns

Same thing as before. Waste an RN, Eirika kills everything.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  02/00  16| 5| 8|10| 6| 3| 1

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Again, the same thing.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  04/00  17| 6| 9|12| 7| 5| 1
Franz   02/00  21| 7| 5| 7| 3| 6| 1

Chapter 2: 6 turns

Same thing again, except this time I got Eirika an iron sword to use during the chapter.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  05/00  17| 7|10|12| 8| 5| 1
Franz   04/00  22| 8| 5| 8| 3| 7| 1

Chapter 3: 9 turns

Franz gets the javelin.

Eirika and javelin!Franz are still a great wall-killing team. I did mostly the same stuff, but I believe I got one turn better this time around. Very nice. Colm managed to pick up the iron sword and hand axe.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  08/00  18| 9|11|15|10| 5| 2
Franz   05/00  23| 8| 6| 8| 3| 8| 2

Chapter 4: 7 turns

And so begins Franz's levelling frenzy. Far superior weapon choices allowed for ORKOs everywhere. Franz was just durable enough for whatever he needed to do, and steel sword!Eirika kills everything. I managed to recruit Lute this time but she wasn't in position to do anything. It would have been six turns, but that stupid damn fetid claw revenant didn't attack Franz on enemy phase. But four speed procs off five levels, YES.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  09/00  18| 9|12|15|11| 6| 2
Franz   10/00  26|10| 6|12| 5| 8| 2
Lute    01/00  17| 6| 6| 7| 8| 3| 5

Edited by Naglfar
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Ch13: Fluorspar's Oath (10/101)

Meh, even with Vanessa and Cormag I'm not sure I could've cleared this any faster. Anyway, Cormag and Vanessa rescue-drop chain Gilliam into the central area. Neimi and Garcia take the west, and Ephraim goes east. Vanessa takes out Selena in 2 phases with the Silver Lance. Gilliam is pretty much completely unstoppable, but his hit rate sucks horribly so he's not too reliable unfortunately. Neimi and Garcia suck, I end up promoting both of them early this chapter just to keep them useful. Ephraim destroys as always. Most of the turns just involved drawing out all the enemies with Cormag and Vanessa. I think I could shave around 2 turns but I honestly stopped caring, have other things on my mind. Vanessa promotes after the chapter ends, since she hit Level 20.

name      level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    14.07  24  10  16  15  13  08  04
Ephraim   18.33  34  16  16  16  16  11  12 	
Gilliam   07.83  43  19  12  12  07  22  07    
Vanessa   01.00  37  13  20  22  12  14  12
Moulder   08.35  22  08  07  10  02  03  07
Garcia    01.21  41  13  15  13  06  11  06   
Neimii    01.44  28  12  13  16  08  10  09
Cormag    15.36  34  19  11  12  05  13  03

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Chapter 5: 8 turns

Vulnerary refills.

This time, I went through the centre of the map. It worked a lot better than I thought it would. I recruited Joshua and gave Eirika the killing edge while Franz grabbed the armourslayer, and I also picked up the secret book and dracoshield. Seven turns could have been, but stupid enemies were uncooperative again. At least I got a bunch of awesome levels at the end.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  12/00  20|11|14|17|13| 7| 2
Franz   13/00  28|11| 8|13| 7| 9| 3
Lute    03/00  18| 8| 7| 7| 9| 3| 7
Natasha 01/00  18| 2| 4| 8| 6| 2| 6

Chapter 5x: 9 turns

Did the same stuff, but... this time luck didn't favour me nearly as much.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ephraim 05/00  24| 8| 9|12| 8| 7| 2
Kyle    07/00  27|11| 7| 9| 6| 9| 1

Chapter 6: 4 turns

Eirika gets a fresh iron sword. So does Franz. Natasha gets a Torch staff.

Um, four turns? I just rushed, but this time it went better for some reason. Franz needed the armourslayer to ORKO Novala.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  13/00  21|11|15|18|13| 8| 2
Franz   15/00  29|13| 8|14| 8|10| 4
Lute    03/00  18| 8| 7| 7| 9| 3| 7
Natasha 02/00  18| 3| 4| 8| 6| 2| 7

Chapter 7: 8 turns

All the same. Except this time around, when Eirika stabbed Murray to death, she got an all-but-speed level up and the rapier was left with 22 uses. And the armourslayer is left with ten.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  15/00  23|12|17|18|15| 9| 3
Franz   17/00  31|14| 8|16| 9|11| 5
Lute    05/00  19| 8| 9| 7|11| 3| 7
Natasha 02/00  18| 3| 4| 8| 6| 2| 7

Chapter 8: 9 turns

I think it's time to distribute some stuff. Franz gets the shield and book. He then gets the knight crest. Not to be used quite yet, mind. Franz once again grabs a fresh iron sword, Lute grabs a fresh fire tome.

16 speed Franz doubles the entire map. :awesome:

On the way into the room with the knights, 18/0 Franz promotes to paladin. While ferrying Eirika, he has 9 AS, which is really just disgusting. So he does so. They get to the throne room with no real difficulty while everyone else goes for levels and such. Unfortunately, Eirika with the rapier is the only reliable way of killing Tirado, so my turncount is still not spectacular. I'm pretty sure this is the best I'll manage, and really, I'm content.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  17/00  24|12|18|19|16|10| 3
Ephraim 08/00  26| 9|10|13| 9| 8| 3
Franz   18/02  35|15|13|19| 9|16| 6
Lute    08/00  20|10| 9| 9|13| 5| 8
Natasha 03/00  18| 4| 4| 9| 7| 2| 7
Kyle    08/00  28|12| 7|10| 6| 9| 2

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Chapter 9: 14 turns

Weapon switcheroo featuring Franz and Kyle. Thanks for the stuff, Tana.

Unfortunately, I had nobody who could cross the water. Fortunately, I had Franz and javelins. The cavaliers rode up ahead first, with Kyle later peeling off to help the girls deal with enemies further back as Franz recruited Amelia and slaughtered everything on the southern half of the map. Enemy attack order NEARLY got me 12 turns, but Franz missed one. And then Franz failed to crit with the killing edge the next turn. I broke all my javelins.

Stupid RNG.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  18/00  25|13|19|20|17|10| 3
Franz   18/04  36|16|14|20|10|16| 6
Lute    11/00  22|12| 9|10|15| 6|10
Natasha 04/00  18| 5| 4| 9| 8| 2| 7
Kyle    11/00  31|14|10|10| 7| 9| 3

Chapter 10: 8 turns

Weapon replacement. Javelins, for instance. Lute gets another Fire, Natasha gets an Unlock staff. Courtesy of a certain blonde scrub I have a speedwing, so Kyle eats it.

Horse rush. The enemy density caused some minor issues, but otherwise it was fine. Sadly, Lute and Natasha didn't get to do very much here. Pablo's avoid is unacceptable, but somehow Franz managed to hit him twice on enemy phase with sixty-something displayed hit, allowing Kyle to kill him on the next turn at 40. Awesome.

13/0 Kyle: no def procs, two res procs, pro

I'm not expecting to promote Lute before 20/0, what with her durability restricting where she can go anyway. I might even wait until after the desert to do it. We'll see.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  18/00  25|13|19|20|17|10| 3
Franz   18/05  37|17|14|20|10|16| 6
Lute    12/00  23|12| 9|10|16| 6|10
Natasha 04/00  18| 5| 4| 9| 8| 2| 7
Kyle    13/00  33|15|11|13| 8| 9| 3

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Chapter 11: 10 turns

Kyle eats the goddess icon and takes Tethys's elixir. Eirika gets fresh swords, Franz gets a fresh lance, Innes gets some bows. Tethys takes out axes.

Rejoice, for Natasha may once again spam Torch. I'm now operating at near-full power, and it shows by how my team breezes through the map. Franz went down the left side while Kyle led through the main route, both really appreciating javelins. Lute went back to take care of the northwest reinforcements while Franz stuck to the southern part of the map. Dozla's pathetic hit rates were cooperative enough for me to not lose any turns.

NatashaxTethys OTP

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  18/00  25|13|19|20|17|10| 3
Franz   18/07  39|19|15|21|10|17| 6
Lute    14/00  24|14| 9|10|18| 7|11
Natasha 06/00  19| 6| 4|10| 8| 2| 8
Kyle    16/00  36|17|12|14|10| 9| 3
Innes   --/01  31|14|13|15|14|10| 9
Tethys  02/--  19| 1| 2|12|11| 6| 5
Dozla   --/01  43|16|11| 9| 4|11| 6

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Been busy lately. Vanessa gets an Energy Ring.

Ch14: Father and Son (8/109)

Pretty much everyone takes the right side except for Neimi and Garcia, who need EXP more than anything. Brought L'arachel to recruit Rennac. Ephraim and Vanessa have the most resistance, so they charge forward with a Pure Water to tank the stupid status staff garbage. Gilliam distracts the reinforcements (and improves his axe rank) as Vanessa and Ephraim approach the throne. Ephraim hits Vigarde with the Reginlief and finishes him on enemy phase. Seize on turn 8.

name      level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    14.07  24  10  16  15  13  08  04
Ephraim   20.00  36  17  16  16  18  12  13     
Gilliam   08.46  44  19  12  13  07  23  07    
Vanessa   02.91  38  16  21  23  12  14  12
Moulder   08.35  22  08  07  10  02  03  07
Garcia    02.17  42  14  15  13  06  12  06   
Neimii    02.50  28  13  14  17  08  10  09
Cormag    17.05  36  20  11  13  06  14  04
Rennac    01.30  28  10  16  17  05  09  11

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Chapter 12: 9 turns

Um, a thing.

Everyone went forward a bit before getting into position: Kyle mostly took the northwest, Franz screamed north, Eirika went northeast, Saleh hid in the middle, Dozla was southwest and everyone else sat around the southeast. Later, Franz pulled the gargoyle reinforcements in the northwest and the loli brigade + Innes helped Dozla out with his gargoyles. It all added up to a very clean finish.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  20/00  25|15|20|20|19|12| 3
Franz   18/09  40|21|15|23|10|17| 6
Lute    15/00  25|15|10|10|18| 7|12
Natasha 06/00  19| 6| 4|10| 8| 2| 8
Kyle    17/00  37|17|12|14|10| 9| 3
Innes   --/02  31|14|14|15|14|10| 9
Tethys  02/--  19| 1| 2|12|11| 6| 5
Dozla   --/01  43|16|11| 9| 4|11| 6

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Chapter 13: 2 turns

Javelins? Halberd for Dozla. Armourslayer for Franz.

After a bunch of messy, unsuccessful attempts, I manage to pull a messy, successful one. Thank you Tethys, Franz, Dozla, and Eirika, for cooperating through all those shaky hit rates. Armourslayer x2 from Franz, with one missing, and a Halberd hit from Dozla, both at ~50 hit displayed, killed Aias.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  20/00  25|15|20|20|19|12| 3
Franz   18/09  40|21|15|23|10|17| 6
Lute    15/00  25|15|10|10|18| 7|12
Natasha 06/00  19| 6| 4|10| 8| 2| 8
Kyle    17/00  37|17|12|14|10| 9| 3
Innes   --/02  31|14|14|15|14|10| 9
Tethys  03/--  20| 1| 2|12|12| 7| 5
Dozla   --/02  44|16|11|10| 5|11| 6

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Sigh, kinda sick of this but I feel bad not finishing, so...

Ch15: Scorched Sand (10/119)

I'm sure I could've saved something like 2 turns, but I honestly don't care. Cormag, Garcia, Rennac go north. Everyone else goes east. Eirika holds out until Vanessa oneshots Valter with the Dragonspear, and she gets help clearing out the pegs from Vanessa and Cormag and somewhat Garcia. Cormag kills Caellach with the Axereaver over a few turns. Ephraim soloes most of the reinforcements that appear with help from Neimi and Knoll. Got the Warp Staff and Boots. Oh yea, Cormag got the Master Seal and promoted with that asap, and Knoll promoted before the start of the chapter.

name      level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eirika    16.40  26  11  18  16  15  09  06
Ephraim   20.00  36  17  16  16  18  12  13     
Gilliam   09.20  44  20  13  13  07  24  07    
Vanessa   05.21  39  18  22  25  13  14  12
Moulder   09.84  22  08  07  10  02  03  07
Garcia    02.92  42  14  15  13  06  12  06   
Neimii    03.20  29  14  14  18  09  10  10
Cormag    03.09  40  22  15  17  06  14  05
Rennac    01.65  28  10  16  17  05  09  11
Knoll     02.63  25  12  11  11  00  03  14

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Chapter 14: 10 turns

Franz gets a javelin refill. Lute gets Thunder, the Guiding Ring, a heal staff and a fresh vulnerary. Kyle gets a fresh javelin, the Knight Crest and a steel sword. Dozla gets another hand axe. Tethys takes chest keys. Lol'rachel tags along.

Lute hits 16/0 and promotes to Mage Knight early into the chapter, and I let Rennac take the Spear and Hammerne before I get L'Arachel to tell him to go away. Natasha unlocks the door, and since Tethys can no longer help Eirika keep up, Franz ferries her some. On the way to the throne room, 18/0 Kyle promotes. I can't tell if I cheated or not on the boss, because I backtracked a turn too far with savestaves and somehow couldn't reproduce the same RN string. Then Franz critted Carlyle on enemy phase... meh, fair enough. Natasha hit A staves.

Name 	Level  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika  20/00  25|15|20|20|19|12| 3
Franz   18/11  42|21|16|24|10|18| 6
Lute    16/01  28|17|11|11|18| 9|14
Natasha 07/00  19| 7| 4|10| 9| 2| 9
Kyle    18/01  40|19|13|16|10|12| 5
Innes   --/02  31|14|14|15|14|10| 9
Tethys  04/--  21| 1| 2|13|13| 7| 6
Dozla   --/03  45|17|11|10| 5|12| 6

Edited by Naglfar
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