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The blond feather girl is having some hair issues. Theres that awkward looking chunk right above the feathers thats like awkwardly separated from the rest of her hair. Part of her far arm is cut off.

New girl has a messed up lookin strand of hair coming down there. Theres just something about that strand that doesn't look right. her body shape isn't quite right either. Her cleavage is too high and too far to our left. Her body just kind of looks like a blob...

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=o But one thing I see though is that you should add some more shading beneath the headband. Congrats btw though =DDD

Oh but I am also seeing a big line or something of that darkest shade going through his hair that doesn't really fit (unless there's a bar hovering over his head shading it =D) and you should make the lighter colors of the strands continue toward the back.

Idk if the girl's hair was like this originally but what I see is the bangs have a lot of the darkest shade in them but the hair over her shoulder doesn't really have much of it all and it makes it stand apart from the bangs it seems. I would try adding more of that shade in that area. Mostly what I'm thinking stands out is where the second shade shows the separate strands (if that's what you refer to them as) of her hair, add some of the 3rd there to emphasize it more... The part of her hair on her left shoulder, to our right, looks fine.

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Oh that's the competition isn't it? Nice job way better than what I would've come up with if I could ^^;

The eyes are a little dark though and so you can't really tell that easily where the pupils are. Cover up some of that outline color with the red then it should look better =]

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His hair is messed up. D=

If you just kept lucius' original hair and changed it around, I think you should change it back to the way it was because right now it looks real unnatural having that big light space in the middle, or towards the bottom. There should be separate strands and things like that going through it.

What you did to the collar doesn't seem right... Probably cause it doesn't do the same on the other side, or it looks like it doesn't. Also the trim on it probably should match the trim color of the other. You can change either one and then it could look better.

Over his shoulder on the left there's still a small piece of blue. =D

Oh oh oh I just saw that hair strand you have on the bottom right. If there's supposed to even more hair than that one strand, it is getting cut off. I'll get an image for you real quick so I can show you what I think should be changed.


In that part I circled, try make that extend outward some more. So far all I can see that you can do is just draw an outline color in there...

Edited by Agnaktor
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The splice of Nergal and Mansel, while somewhat interesting, has a couple of issues with it. For starters, the remnants of Nergal's collar seem extremely out of place, as they are sticking up from what appears to be the back of the robes for no apparent reason. The fact that there's more of it on our right than our left of the neck also seems odd. Furthermore, the shading on the part of Mansel's robes that you spliced over top has not had its shading seemingly changed (or, if it was, it wasn't changed enough). This produces a visual that the center part of the chest is facing one direction while the rest of the robes are facing a different direction. Also, the cloth shading on the right arm (our PoV) seems odd; the red cloth on top of the sleeve should also leave some trace of shading on the sleeve below it.

The biggest issue with the younger Hawkeye is that, given the angle of his shoulders and body, the way the Sacean cloth has been "draped" (read: spliced) onto his body does not make physical sense. The current view displays that his body angle is much closer to being front-facing than his initial pose. Since the initial pose does not look to have been altered (which, to me, implies that the pose was not intended to change), this means that the Sacean cloth needs to curve back around the shoulder (indicated by a change of shading at the minimum).

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