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[FE11] SD Draft IX


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Done. . .dammit, that took forever. . .

Endgame - 4/135

Reclassed Jagen, Caeda, and Radd to Paladin. Promoted Matthis (finally).

First, stat booster distribution!

Seraph Robe: Jagen, Caeda, Rickard

Energy Drop: Caeda x3, Radd

Secret Book: Matthis, Radd x2

Speedwings: Matthis, Radd x4

Goddess Icon: Matthis, Rickard, Radd

Dracoshield: Caeda x3

Arms Scroll: Caesar (Silver Axe), Horace (Silver Axe). Radd didn't have time to use his (Gradivus).


With Marth: Jagen, Rickard, Nagi, Jake

Northeast: Caesar, Horace, Tomas

Awkward Alcove: Matthis, Radd, Caeda

Turn 1: Jake needed some Geosphere help to KO the Fortify pest. Tomas shot the Dracoknight, Horace removed the Swarm jerk, Caeda took out the nearby Pachyderm, Radd OHKO'd the Priest, and everyone else healed.

Turn 1E: Radd pulled a critical out of nowhere. . .which nearly killed him (he dodged the Wyrmslayer Paladin to stay alive with 2 HP). The General stabbed Tomas, and Marth dodged a Javelin.

Turn 2: Jake helped to kill the Paladin that was harassing Radd, Caesar delivered Holy Hammer Justice, Horace and Tomas teamed up to take out a Hero, Radd added what little he could to his HP, and Matthis made himself bait. Marth ran to aid the two Paladins, Nagi moved towards the Magestone dude, and Jagen and Rickard kept out of everyone's way.

Turn 2E: Radd dodged the Pachyderm, EVERYTHING to the north suicided into Caeda, and all was right with the world.

Turn 3: Caeda healed via Gradivus, Radd ran to catch up to her, Marth and Matthis continued to distract the western enemies, and Tomas parked himself over a spawn point. Jake killed the Physic jerk.

Turn 3E: The enemies suck at killing my units.

Turn 4: Caeda ran up to Medeus to smack his face in, Gradivus-style. Radd hit the northern save point. Everyone else got the hell out of the way.

Turn 4E: Medeus ended the game for me.

Final stats:

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        21.80   42*  17     0    11    17    22    12     1
Jagen     Paladin     14.83   32*   9     1    15    13*    4    12     8
Caeda     Paladin     19.70   52*  25*    0    25    25    25    22*    6
Matthis   Paladin      1.98   38   13     0    12*   13*    7*   13     6
Rickard   Thief       10.53   26*   8     0     5    15     4*    3     0
Caesar    Hero         6.24   41   18     1    14    19     7    13     3
Radd      Paladin      7.09   37   20*    1    19*   19*   15*   16     6
Jake      Mortar      19.62   28    9     0    11     7    11    19     0
Tomas     Sniper       6.02   39   12     1    14    16     6     9     4
Horace    Hero        11.10   32   15     0    23    20     8    10     3


Overall: The lack of gaidens really hurt the majority of my cast. While it's an interesting concept, it's not one I'd like to see in the future. Also, if Julian is a free thief, please say so BEFORE drafting begins.

Marth: Meh. . .not bad, but not spectacular either. Lucky for him, he had his girlfriend around.

Jagen: He got what he needed to in the beginning, which made him useful for the rest of the game.

Caeda: MVP of this run. As long as she gains Strength, she'll totally beat the crap out of everything.

Matthis: He was on his way towards good, but I didn't have time to fully take advantage of it.

Rickard: He was hurt the most by the lack of gaidens. He REALLY needs to be fed kills, or he'll forever lag behind.

Caesar: He turned out pretty good, despite the really early promotion. Skittle power~!

Radd: Got some Speed early, which made things much easier. Managed some impressive stats, despite his early promotion.

Jake: Ballisticians rule. I like him more than Beck simply because he costs no turns to recruit.

Tomas: Yet Another Unit seriously hurt by the lack of gaidens. Since I didn't have time to raise his Lance rank, I put him back in his native class. He did better than Gaggles.

Horace: Godly bases and even more godly stat gains as a Hero. I'm so glad he cooperated!

Unless someone wants to correct my math, my total turns is 135.

Edited by eclipse
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Whoooooo~ Update!

Chapter 7:

Not a whole lot happend. But I recruited Bantu because I'll need him to recruit Tiki.


Chapter 8:

I was going to speed up, but I grew concerned for levels.


Chapter 9:

Lets split up gang! Marth took one side of the island for himself, while Lena and the gang took the other.


Chapter 10:

Yeeeah, I'm more concerned about my team's levels. Recruited both Maria and Minerva for their equipment. Also, promoted LENA.


Chapter 11:

Reclassed LENA into a Bishop and Jagen into a Dracoknight. Linde get. Personally, I don't think she's wearing any undergarments.


Chapter 12:

Promoted Athena. Gordin doubled here! Dolph get. And everyone else.



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Here's a team update.

Marth 20.78

HP: 35

Strength: 15

Magic: nothing

Skill: 10

Speed: 19

Luck: 20

Defense: 9

Resistance: 1

Jagen 9.84 Dracoknight

HP: 22

Strength: 9

Magic: 3

Skill: 13

Speed: 11

Luck: 4

Defense: 11

Resistance: 4

Gordin 15.83 Archer

HP: 29

Strength: 9

Magic: It's nothing!

Skill: 8

Speed: 10

Luck: 12

Defense: 9

Resistance: -groan-

Darros 17.65 Mercenary

HP: 31

Strength: 10


Skill: 13

Speed: 15

Luck: 9

Defense: 10

Resistance: He has none

LENA 6.51 Bishop

HP: 32

Strength: 1

Magic: 14

Skill: 14

Speed: 16

Luck: 21

Defense: 5

Resistance: 16

Athena 1.5 Swordmaster

HP: 37

Strength: 14

Magic: 1

Skill: 19

Speed: 21

Luck: 9

Defense: 10

Resistance: 3

Pantsless 1.5 Mage


Dolph 4.41 Knight


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  • 1 year later...

Soul: Frey, Cord, Hardin, Wendell, Minerva, Astram, Chainey, Ymir, Jeorge

Soul agreed to let me take over for him with this team. And wow this is old.

Prologue - welp

Chapter 1 - 5/5 turns

and no one gave a shit about anything

Chapter 2 - 4/9 turns


Chapter 3 - 5/14 turns

Frey goes left with Marth and Cord.

Chapter 4 - 6/20 turns

Skipped out on Merric, obviously.

Chapter 5 - 4/24 turns

YESSS Hardin tiem. Frey charges left and Cord nabs some kills on the way.

Chapter 6 - 6/30 turns

HARDIN and FREY charge with Marth at their heels. Cord reclassed to pirate here so he could attempt to get a better speed level.

Chapter 6x - training/30

Cord made good use of this, especially his axe rank. Frey also works his sword rank up to C.

Chapter 7 - 6/36 turns

Frey and Hardin charge towards the boss, and whacks him with an armorslayer.

Chapter 8 - 5/41 turns


Chapter 9 - 5/46 turns


Chapter 10 - 8/54 turns

Frey charges towards the throne yet again, with Hardin right near. Skipped Minerva, I'm holding my own just fine with 3 rushers, Cord, and Marth.

Chapter 11 - 9/63 turns

Chapters like this make me want a rescue option for this game. Marth takes the footpath around the mountain.

Chapter 12 - 6/69 turns

Hardin goes down to grab the boots with his ridersbane in hand, and Frey goes down to slay the boss. Got boots, nothing else really matters. I got some other stuff, but none really helpful :P

Chapter 12x - free/69 turns

FREY kills HORACE. Mhmm, Frey had some fun with that.

Chapter 13 - 3/72 turns

Marth just goes LEFT. Fun. Also Asstram

Chapter 14 - 6/78 turns


Chapter 15 - 5/83 turns


Chapter 16 - 6/89 turns


Chapter 17 - 3/92 turns

Marth just walks up to the throne. Frey charges.

Chapter 17x - free/92 turns

Chapter 18 - 6/98 turns

Frey and Hardin go left and Marth trails behind. Not exactly a climatic way to go about things, but :P

Chapter 19 - 4/102 turns

I apologize, I completely forgot about the seize throne rule because I was only checking this one and it's not here. This draft is way too old. I was at a concert while I was playing so I wasn't exactly thinking straight. ;/ Not that there was much to go off of here anyway.

Chapter 20 - 5/107 turns

Frey went after Camus, Marth goes behind him.

Chapter 20x - free/107 turns


Chapter 21 - 3/110 turns

GO UP. On second thought, this map looks kind of familiar, hmm.

Chapter 22 - 7/117 turns

Michalis is hilarious. Marth goes around because he can't scale up castle walls.

Chapter 23 - 7/124 turns

lol screw Gharnef

Chapter 24 - 4/128 turns

MARTH GOES THROUGH MOUNTAINS. Draco!Frey is love, as always.

Chapter 24x - free/128 turns

Endgame - 4/132 turns

Um, should be 133 because of the chapter 19 rule, but this draft was created before the rule was implemented and I'm an idiot and I forgot about doing that.

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