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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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I'll prolly need saturday too, becuase tomorrow and friday will be busy days, but I'll try to get it done asap.

Also, c-c-combo breaker lol (no ruin tiles used).

Technically I think the lighter, fewer-different trees are meant to be in the ruins, as far as use and perspective go :E


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What Hottie said, Bern has an extensive amount of thicket tiles, while only having 3 forest tiles ._.

And no worries, mine will have everything, it will totally beat the crap out of all the ones so far. Eh, well, you guys are getting better and better, so it's actually becoming a competition now, so I'll try my best to still beat you guys.

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Everything's better than the village tileset. I'm fixing it up for the... 10th time now >_<.

Really stupid when the main version uses the exact same color for 2 different things, whileanother version uses 2 totally different colors for said things. But it's looking good now, finally.

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Okay here it is:


Took me a while to make, and I threw almost all of my creative mind in it, but I think it's double the worth!

Oh yeah, one note, you might think it is wrong, and well, it, in fact, is wrong, but the tileset wouldnt allow anything else, that "shadowed" wall tile next to the left-facing diagonal wall a bit left of the cracked wall, about 3 quarters to the south-east into the map, so don't rate it down becuase of that, it's not my fault.

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