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Balcerzak's FE4 AAAA attempts


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If by "trouble", you just mean "thesis advisor is putting a lot of pressure on me", then yes. I did go through, and I have my standard completion mapped out, set to record tonight and commentate tomorrow. I haven't done your special request Celice solo, mostly because when I tried, I got impatient and tried to rush things a little too much, and Ishtar + All 12 Dark Warlords was biting off a little more than even he could chew. I'll try it again after I update.

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Don't worry about it, it was more of a joke suggestion for a way to end the run. Good luck with the whole thesis thing!

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Turn 2: Seize Edda

Turn 3: Seize Dozel

Turn 7: Seize Freege

Turn 12: Seize Velthomer

Turn 15: Seize Barhara

Everybody level 30, nobody cares about stats.

Turns: 273/399

XP: 1160/1000

[spoiler=Combat Statistics]Sigurd: W54 L0

Noish: W29 L0

Alec: W31 L0

Ardan: W20 L0

Finn: W 24 L0

Cuan: W35 L0

Midayle: W35 L0

Levin: W17 L0

Holin: W16 L0

Azel: W51 L0

Jamka: W31 L0

Claude: W0 L0

Beowulf: W37 L0

Lex: W8 L0

Dew: W18 L0

Deirdre: W10 L0

Ethlin: W5 L0

Lachesis: W6 L0

Ayra: W32 L0

Fury: W14 L0

Tiltyu: W20 L0

Sylvia: W1 L0

Edain: W0 L0

Bridget: W32 L0

Celice: W70 L0

Shanan: W20 L0

Leaf: W32 L0

Finn: W14 L0

Hannibal: W0 L0

Ares: W40 L0

Oifaye: W22 L0

Julia: W6 L0

Altena: W15 L0

Johalva: W11 L0

Skasaha: W24 L0

Faval: W20 L0

Corple: W0 L0

Sety: W15 L0

Delmud: W62 L0

Lester: W40 L0

Arthur: W69 L0

Patty: W9 L0

Lakche: W23 L0

Lana: W1 L0

Fee: W20 L0

Tinny: W14 L0

Leen: W0 L0

Nanna: W13 L0

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I couldn't help notice, but was there any reason you never gave Tornado to Tinny? It probably would have been better than Tron for her, and you could just give Tron to Leaf.

Edited by Psychology
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Leaf is the guy who killed the Tornado dude to begin with, so he probably couldn't be bothered to pass sell and buy. That and Leaf actually fought in Epilogue, while Tinny didn't.

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I couldn't help notice, but was there any reason you never gave Tornado to Tinny? It probably would have been better than Tron for her, and you could just give Tron to Leaf.

I don't think Tinny seeing combat after promotion is any sort of good idea at all, barring emergency clears or nothing better to do, like that one time I gave Lana a kill. She should switch to all staves all the time, IMO. Aside from that, Mekkah answered quite well.

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Nicely done.

He makes it look ridiculously easy, yeah, but let's not forget that's a consequence of some very deep planning and money management, and a little bit of RNG abuse to clear arenas.

I consider RNG abuse to be something you should be doing in a run like this, so seeing him breeze the arenas with good planning is just proof of how well you can play it. Besides, in the commentary he mentions a lot of planning or execution mistakes he actually did make during the run, so this isn't even as optimal as he could've gotten it. Which further shows just how lenient the requirements actually are. Over 100 turns early and 100 levels more than needed? Yeaaaaah.

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Nicely done.

I consider RNG abuse to be something you should be doing in a run like this, so seeing him breeze the arenas with good planning is just proof of how well you can play it. Besides, in the commentary he mentions a lot of planning or execution mistakes he actually did make during the run, so this isn't even as optimal as he could've gotten it. Which further shows just how lenient the requirements actually are. Over 100 turns early and 100 levels more than needed? Yeaaaaah.

The hardest part about AAAA is that you're only allowed 3 restarts total. Unit deaths for Survival cannot be circumvented short of savescumming with an emulator.

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