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Wi-Fi team planning

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Having gotten mostly accustomed with the basics of FE11 Wi-Fi battling, I thought I'd move my perspective a little and attempt to create a formidable (but not necessarily perfect) FE12 Wi-Fi team.

Anybody around who wants to comment on my team plan?

Other people can use this thread to plan their teams if they want.

The basics of my team:

Yumina (Sage)

Thoron, Fortify, Rescue, Warp, Again

I'm pretty sloppy on Wi-Fi, so Rescue is a lifesaver, which means I have to use Yumina (who's still a fairly decent unit). I would have used Katarina for novelty purposes and to do a My Unit and 7th Platoon support circle, but it's too risky for me. Don't think Recover is needed with Again, since everybody's got an Elixir.

Me (cross-dressing as a female Swordmaster)

Brave Sword, Levin Sword, Elixir, Starsphere

Without RNG abusing, My Unit is probably the likeliest character to max both Strength and Magic. I already did this before, so it shouldn't be too hard to repeat. Starsphere is for doubling Berserkers. Kind of worried about Swordslayers though... Or maybe I should go Horseman.

Frey? (Berserker)

Brave Axe, Hand Axe, Elixir, Lightsphere, Lifesphere

Going to stick with standard growth units now. Don't really know if two spheres are really needed on the same character, but Berserkers are one of my favourite units.

Catria? (Sniper)

Brave Bow, Longbow, Parthia, Elixir

No comment.

Palla, Est? (Falcoknight)

Brave Lance, Brave Sword, Gradivus, Holywater Sword, Iote Shield

Falcoknight probably isn't a strong unit competitively, but it's slightly better in FE12. I'm tempted to use a Dracoknight, but the low Speed worries me, even though scouts probably shouldn't be fighting much.


  • I've beaten Lunatic so I've got male reclass limits removed and stat-boosters available from the battle preparations shop.
  • I'll probably end the game at Chapter 20 so I can keep three of the spheres, while obtaining the Gradivus.
  • Online shop will be used ASAP (to get Braves and Again) and I'll be using the Everybody's Conditions often (I've had 2 Elixirs at the same time before, hopefully it's not too long to get 3).
  • Generally, stats should be close to average levels. I won't be RNG abusing much, but I'm hoping the extra stat-boosters from beating Lunatic should help a bit (plus FE12 characters have higher growths than in FE11).
  • All items that are forged will be forged with maximum Might and higher Hit if needed (probably around +25% at most). I'll probably stick with Dazzle for the card, don't really like random criticals : (
  • Haven't really bothered with supports much. Using Dazzle means the Crit bonus is worthless, Hit can probably be boosted with forges, so it's only Avoid that really matters. Swarm isn't around anymore so Avoid probably matters even less.

Edited by VincentASM
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But Rescue isn't Yumina-only in Shin Monshou.

It's not?

Good thing I made this topic then. I never noticed that (even after playing the game 3+ times and creating the staves list on the main site, which doesn't mention it being exclusive...), I just assumed it was because of FE3.

I guess I can replace Yumina with Malliesia or Katarina now.

Edited by VincentASM
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Why are they then in list of axes/lances?

Same reason stuff like Imhullu, Glower, Swarm, Meteor and Ballistae are there, because they exist in the game, but are enemy only. I haven't bothered to make a distinction between obtainable and non-obtainable items in those charts : o

Edited by VincentASM
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