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Pelleas' Unknown Defeat Quote: [Found]

Vicious Sal

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Hello Hello,

(this looked like a logical place for this topic)

http://serenesforest.net/fe10/script/boss2.html Concerns data on this page

Just now, I was looking through the Boss convo's for 3-E A Pelleas Defeat quote stood there, labeled as (unknown).

Maybe it has been found already, in that case, this topic is just for stating that the "unknown" part is faulty. However, I have found the quote, with photographic proof.

NOTE: The photo has a major inconsistency in it: Most DB chars are present in the upper right corner. At the Time, I was using the "make enemy units player controlled" code, to A: kill/recruit the entire DB. and B, try and get tibarn to fight nailah. (He however did not fly anywhere, so i killed her. I still have the batlle save where she's alive. PAL btw, if anyone wants a replay.)

Anyway, Pelleas will say his unknown quote if Micaiah is still present. And I attacked him with Soren (special convo at 4-E). And this came up:



Next, I am gonna try and recreate it, without any cheats. (Let Skrimir raging and Tibarn raging start. >_<)

So, if this was undiscovered, here you go, and if already discovered, this little bit of data in the game script page is outdated.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Indeed it is, I even posted the link myself. Anyway, the whole point was that an unknown line of text, only found through reading the data itself was found. ;o And i'm trying to find out what the exact requirements are. So far, Micaiah NEEDS to be alive. Now checking if it works with everybody gone except Micaiah, and looking into it if Soren has to be the instigator. (Since Soren battling Pelleas does unlock other stuff. Like conversations. We all know too well. :) )

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According to this video, the conversation may exist in the programming, but it cannot be initiated legitimately. I guess IS was just having fun with an impossible scenario.

@Vicious Sal

I'm guessing the only requirement is that Micaiah is alive and on the field. I don't see why there would be any other requirements. It makes sense that that would make the conversation seem impossible because Micaiah leaves early and Pelleas is so far away.

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