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He was here again.

He could feel... no, he CAN feel it... the here and now, ever present, running through him…

He was … is… I this place… his place…..

His world.

This is… was… no… no, no is… why can't… I… hel….help…

This is…. His place… his place he returns to every night…. His home of…. Of…


His home… this is... is where he was happy… where he felt that warm feeling…. Where he should be feeling… that warm feeling….

Yet… he could feel it… it was slowly covered … by a blanket of cold….

A pain like a shard of ice was thrust into his brain…. He... was losing the... the…. I can't …. No, NO… Mum, Dad….. No, I…. I….. WHY CAN'T I…..THINK…?

His mind was… IS… drifting….the pain threatening to slam him back into a sea of darkness, an everlasting void of nothing….. He could feel it… fading away… No….. I can't go….not… not yet…. Need to hold on... for… for…


A light… ever so tiny… flickers… then, how, next…. In front of him, lighting a path…. He needed to live for… someone... he didn't know… couldn't' remember…. But he knew….. He knew…. Her… from beyond…. His understanding….

The light grew.

He felt the pain subside…. The ice retreat... to a dull lump in his head… ever ready… but he needed to focus... Stop living then… and start living in the… now… now…


His vision snaps into focus. He gets up when did he fall? And observes his surroundings.

He's notices he's in a cavern. He sees that it, little more then the size of an average corridor, albeit twisted and contoured, is ice. He panics and feels his head, but finds that it was a pain in his head, mental not physical that has been hampering him what… was… that?

However, an unusual effect purveys the ice, and his curiosity is aroused…. He notices how is that possible? The ice has an eerie outline of red to it, and the whole ice seems to slightly… pulsate with this infused glow like its alive…

He moves along slightly, keeping his hand moving along the walls to keep his balance… and then jumps back after feeling something strange to the touch.

It isn't just a glow that was pulsating across the ice… it was the ice itself… beating up and down in rhythm… just like a … heart… He nearly gagged, and the lump of ice stirred slightly, aroused by his discomfort...

NO! Think of... her…

The ice subsides again.

He forces himself up, against his own better judgement... to move on, staggering through the cavern, on and on…. He bumps against the ice, causing shivers to run through his head, his brain, his spine…. He can't go on... He can't… Can't… Can't yet he must… he knows… that the girl… the girl he can't remember… will fall…

Save her… he must… save….. HER….

He forces himself on… his mind is trailing again, the ice building…. But as he continues through what seem like unending corridors, he finds the heat increasing… and yet so does the ice…. Cold and Heat, existing next to one another How is this possible? In unison, rising… as he get's closer, another… sound this time…. The grinding of metal…. The striking of glass….. He can feel it... her… HER! She nears…. It…. Coming…







He fell…. Stumbled forward… Shutting his eyes against the impact against the stony ice below….He knew the outcome already…. Knew its inevitable conclusion… NO! STOP IT!

I can save her... I CAN SAVE HER! I CAN SAVE THEM ALL!

He forces himself to open his eyes…. And views a strange scene….

He is no longer in a tunnel…. It looks like a massive cavern, almost perfectly spherical, like a something that was built, not fashioned. He looks in awe…. Then he turns his head earthward… and observes a site that almost puts that above him to shame.

In front of him is… in this case, was… a humanoid shape. At least it used to be. It was … is that… it looks massive… almost like it's a building….. It takes up at least a quarter of the cavern….

It's orange in colour, this shade alighting off its body…. It has what looks like a helmet shaped head… with but one eye, gray to initiate it was shut down, when it should normally be red How do I know that? He shakes his head, putting aside his tension, and looks for something, someone, why does he know? He can't think… Ice... Falling…. It…. Everything… fall... Down… Pain welling up…. Everything turning…. To…. Late… I can't… remember… any…Close my eyes… it'll... all be fine..



Get up

Is that … you…?

I remember you

Why can't…. I ever…. Find you….

What do you mean?

I searched for you….. Everywhere…




I… can't find… my reason… why…


I just… wanted to see you again…

I'm right here.

How… can… can…

All you have to do is open your eyes


Please... for all of us… just




He opens them.

And he sees her.

She crawls along the floor, holding in one hand a canister, the lid slightly dented in. She her self was … was… is… No... SHE WILL LIVE…

She has pale blue hair, the colour of the sea that you imagined, that cuts short just at her neck. It should have two clips towards the top of the cranium. However, the hair was untidy, and one of the clips was missing. Sticky red liquid trickles from where one of them should have been… He feels nothing…. Not even a reflex gag….

She wears a jumpsuit… or bodysuit, that would be more accurate… that's usually a tone of white and black, with shoulder stripes of orange-red. However, rips and tears line the suit, revealing small sections of pallid skin, and cuts that are both dry and cracked where the skin is beginning to seal, or shiny, ruby red with recent injury. He notices that she hides her left arm behind her, and wonders why…. He looks and see's a trail of red line back to the strange mechanical being in the cavern… the trail he can faintly see even goes up the being, specks of red blending sickeningly with orange. It leads to the back of the being… however, his eyes draw to where it's left arm should be… to…

He is thrown out of his stupor, and feels the world close in again. Again... again…

Why did that….. How could you… let it…?


He saw... see's her lips move, see's her eye's focus on him….. Keeping her left arm hidden….

He implores her why? Why can't I rest? Why can't I just shut my eyes…. And let the noise go away?

But she holds his gaze, holds it… he see's her mouth open… and although he can't seem to make out the words, they come to him, as clear as an eclipse, her voice overriding his fear….




A sound stirs. Not the same as the girl's voice, demanding yet strength lending, but altogether more foreboding. The ice cracks, the heat intensifies, the cavern rumbles….

He grits his teeth, the heat scalding, the sound rocking him to the core…

The sound of death…

His death…

Everyone's death…..

In this moment of realisation, the situation, the meaningless death that seeks to overtake him and her weaves a tale of woe in front of his eyes, and he succumbs to his nightmare, wondering on his role, finding his voice only to use it in a fit of fuelled fury and sadness. Blended together, they create desperation for understanding he vents to the only person who listens.


His screams, almost petulant, rock the cavern, adding to the violent cacophony of noise that seeks to ascend seemingly to the heavens. He screams and screams, while tears slide down his face. He doesn't know why he feels this sad. He doesn't know how or why he's going to die. He doesn't even know why he risks all of this for one person…

She looks at him… she barely moves. Any colour left in her face is almost gone, leaving an expression of fading light, a look of distant consciousness…

But she uses that remaining strength to force her head to turn fixed into his gaze.

She holds it with him. Not saying, simply engaging his view. Looking. And then she smiles.

His heart melts, and his mind … he can feel the ice melt away.

And suddenly the ground behind her erupts in a titanic upheaval...

He doesn't know what to do, or say….. As he see's the shape… the shape of something he doesn't know... but like the girl, he already knows what the feeling he has means…

Fear….. Fear and sadness…

The shape….. Bathed in light….. No…No…. it is the light… But not the same warmth he would find in a sunny, reassuring light. This is a light that's far more intense… a light that has all the properties of light, but give's off a feeling… more attune…

To darkness.

He sees's it… and now every fibre of his being screams at him to run… to hide… to cower in hole, for there is nothing left in the wake of this oh so monstrous light… he feels it… the end.. Of…

He takes one last look at her… and finds an absence where her pallor of warmth was…

He searches with his gaze… and notices to his horror that the light figure turns its strange head... towards a figure on the floor… A blue haired figure…

He sees's it…..


Witness his terrified cries of fear and loss…

And witness now as she stands up…. Her strength nearly gone, but she maintains it, her defiance pushing her on, as the monstrous light, as if in its own twisted acknowledgement , raises it's arm, swathed in the darkening light…. And brings it down….



In the split second he has before the massive fist came down... he asks her once more… for the final time…


She turns in that final second…. And shows him the canister she was holding, ajar at the top….. And she was holding what looked like a lever…. She….

And before he can recognise the feeling he could associate with the canister… the unease, bursting into despairing panic… she turns to him….smiles… and simply echoes to him.

I never regretted you.

The fist comes down.

She closes her eyes.

He screams in fear.

She pulls the lever.


The noise ascendant reaches its crescendo.

The world goes white.

Everything ends….. And silence… final, total silence….. Is all that's left of another conflict… the only…. True… winner.

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That was interesting. Well-written.

Your vocabulary pleases me, as most literature I've read in recent days is plagued with the vocab. of a six year old.

One thing I noticed, "he observed a site that..."

Should say "sight." But I'm just being particular.

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