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If you have any ideas for gimmicks or games here, feel free to contribute.

Like for posts or other rewards.

This time, please stay on topic...

And before I post this, we will never have "mod for a day" as a prize.

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Maybe a "Guess the user" game? We give a brief description of someone maybe a few interests and see if ppl can guess?

As long as it's the mods giving the descriptions, because some users here mught say something like "this guy's a major douche and his name starts with a metal. who is he?"

Quote game: Post an obscure quote, and whoever identifies it first is the winner.

We had something like that on my forum ^_^

It was fun...

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I was considering having people vote on something...and then I end up doing a countdown or something like that, ranking everything according to the votes. Still have alot of kinks to work out as to how it would work.

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So is spinnach but good luck getting me to eat it.

On topic: I don't think books are a bad idea. Besides, if the guess the song topic is any indicator then people will mostly google it unless they know it off the top of their heads.

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okay I'll stop.

Here's a new one

How about the memorize this game, it's where someone gives a song and you memorize it.

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I always thought forum specific games might be fun. Here's a crazy one I thought of:

A user edits a random post of theirs in any forum saying something like "You've won" and whoever finds it first is the winner.

Or even:

Scavenger hunt! A user finds and posts a random picture and whoever finds the original link first wins (original meaning not photobucket)

The quote one is a good idea, as well.

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I always thought forum specific games might be fun. Here's a crazy one I thought of:

A user edits a random post of theirs in any forum saying something like "You've won" and whoever finds it first is the winner.

Or even:

Scavenger hunt! A user finds and posts a random picture and whoever finds the original link first wins (original meaning not photobucket)

The quote one is a good idea, as well.

Your first idea is good, but the second one, no.

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