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Is this game screwed?


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-Kill left Archer with Jamuka

-Weaken top Archer with Cuan and have him retreat right to Holin. Or alternatively have him completely retreat from the front lines, left to Midayle.

-Heal Sigurd with Edin or Diadora

-Have Sigurd kill top Archer and move left to Holin

-Have Lachesis heal Finn giving extra avoid to Holin and Finn/Cuan if the latter is still at the front.

...is probably what I would do. In any case, the situation doesn't look insurmountable IMO, unless Voltz's mercenaries are close behind but can't be seen on the screenshot.

The only problem you might have is Holin / Cuan killing everything due to Moonlight / Continue and attracting more enemies to them.


-Noish can be healed with Edin / Diadora too (the one you didn't use to heal Sigurd), but I'm not sure how useful he can be in this situation. Either have him sit there, or go right to Cuan.

Edit2: Oh wait, Diadora probably can't heal at that point, so ignore this.

Edited by Marthur
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Well I restarted, & made it to chapter 3, but


Arya has 12 hp, Fin has 11, Aidin has 10, Azel has 29, Noiche has 12...

So which one(s) in the pic is useless/unimportant enough to sacrifice to Eltshan's Sword of OHKO?

Or are they all so crucial to the rest of the Gen 1 portion that I should restart the chapter?

(seriously, FE4 is harder than FE6 Hard & FE1DS H5 combined)

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Well I restarted, & made it to chapter 3, but


Arya has 12 hp, Fin has 11, Aidin has 10, Azel has 29, Noiche has 12...

So which one(s) in the pic is useless/unimportant enough to sacrifice to Eltshan's Sword of OHKO?

Or are they all so crucial to the rest of the Gen 1 portion that I should restart the chapter?

(seriously, FE4 is harder than FE6 Hard & FE1DS H5 combined)

What level is Lachesis?

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Keep the women alive, as well as their respective (to-be) lovers. So, if you really need to, you could sacrifice Alec, Noish or Beowulf... and then res him later (Claude, who joins in that chapter, can res one character - though repairing his Valk Staff is quite costly, so I'd avoid relying on it).

(seriously, FE4 is harder than FE6 Hard & FE1DS H5 combined)

It becomes easy when you know what you're doing, really. You're just not used to it.

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A chart that might or might not work depending on how dumb the AI can be.

You should focus on killing the 7 right-most enemy units.

-Move Finn to purple square. Attack and hopefully kill the enemy.

-Lachesis goes to yellow square and heal Finn.

-Cuan attacks an enemy and goes to brown square.

-Alec attacks and goes to Blue square.

-Sylvia goes to green square and dances.

-Lachesis talks to Eltosian.

-Kill as much units as you can with your other characters, and form a wall with your best units (Cuan/Holin/Finn/Sigurd/Beowulf/Jamuka). Sigurd should be put on the red cross, boosting everyone's avoid (Lachesis' included.)

-Ayra can probably kill the right-most enemy and get heald by Edin

-Noish hits and runs

-Lachesis will get the Earth Sword, so I don't think she'll die if she's not too underleveled, but the remaining enemies might be unpredictable and gang up on someone else too.

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Holyn, a best unit?? He can't dodge anything. (Lache is level 8 btw)

Best amongst the units you have available on your screenshot?

I don't remember if the Cross Knights have Javelins (I think they don't), so you could also replace him with a fully healed Ayra.

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I don't remember if the Cross Knights have Javelins (I think they don't), so you could also replace him with a fully healed Ayra.

I'm certain that they do in fact all have javelins. I remember them being extremely annoying to kill, which was mainly because none of them died on Enemy Phase. And that means they had javelins.

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It becomes easy when you know what you're doing, really. You're just not used to it.

The most true statement in this thread: almost all difficulty comes in the inability to predict exactly what happens during chapters... which is usually a lot more profound than any other Fire Emblem.

The difficulty mostly lies in how to properly prepare yourself, and to stop from rushing into danger. Caution, most of the time, erases most difficulty.

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If you keep having difficulty in keeping things alive, always use the lure and draw tactics. Yes, it's slow, but it's safe. Have your mounted units that can withstand some damage to move to the front line, and retreat bit by bit, then ambush. Once you get to spam some exp with healing/teleporting trick, you no longer need to use this tactic. Faring in arena helps as well - use the changing weapon trick to help chances of winning.

As above posters had said, FE4 shouldn't come as difficult if you know what are you facing and do the right preparation and tactics. I found that only the first chapter is difficult. Of course, assuming you play in emulator you really should spam the save state reload stuff.

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On my first playthrough, I was bad, real bad. Plus, I treated deaths like Final Fantasy deaths: non-permenent. I wound up doing a Lord solo of sorts...until a certain Dragon MASTER (not Dragon Knight) prematurely ended that run. So don't feel bad.

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Sorry but I need assistance again. This time it's about the village in Chapter 4 that if Sylvia visits she gets a sword. I want to save the game in case the game freeze happens, but the menu doesn't have the Save option? So do i need to restart the chapter to be able to save/prevent the freeze?

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Sorry but I need assistance again. This time it's about the village in Chapter 4 that if Sylvia visits she gets a sword. I want to save the game in case the game freeze happens, but the menu doesn't have the Save option? So do i need to restart the chapter to be able to save/prevent the freeze?

You can save at the beginning of each turn, as long as all your units can still move.

In other words: end turn, save, reset, load.

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 Okay, this is either scripted or a programming bug/error!

By the enemy's 2nd turn of Chapter 5, the enemies killed Byron! Can Valkyrie resurrect him? Is the sword important anyway? 

It's neither; you need to talk to him with Sigurd, and that sword is quite important alright. Be sure to get it and have it with at least one use by the chapter's end. It could save your ass later on.

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 Okay, this is either scripted or a programming bug/error!

It's neither. You just need either pretty good luck and hope that he manages to dodge most attacks, or you need a mounted unit with the leg ring that can go past Byron during the first two turns and draw the enemies' attention towards them. Using the Libro Staff to heal Byron before he dies might also work.

Can Valkyrie resurrect him?


Is the sword important anyway? 

Well, it's Tyrfing. Sigurd will kick massive amounts of ass with it (for the remainder of the chapter anyway), but it doesn't seem to be passed down to Celice. I haven't finished the game yet, though, so I don't know if it might be important in the later chapters.

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So if I can't save Byron, chapter/game is screwed & I'll have to restart?

</p><p>EDIT: if so, I'll skip this absurd game altogether, & instead wait for the english language version of Book2DS's release.</p>

Edited by julystork
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So if I can't save Byron, chapter/game is screwed & I'll have to restart?

Saving him makes things easier later, but you don't have to restart just because of it if you forgot to keep a save at the start of chapter 5.

Did you get Holsety in chapter 4, by the way? You can pretty much clear chapter 5 with it alone.

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Saving him makes things easier later, but you don't have to restart just because of it if you forgot to keep a save at the start of chapter 5.

Did you get Holsety in chapter 4, by the way? You can pretty much clear chapter 5 with it alone.

But will Sigurd's kid get it?

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