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I need antagonists in my story!


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I plan to write a story about Masu's past and so far this is what i have:






Branded Blade

"Team Rocket" (Starts as an enemy but joins later)

Emerald Fox

Chaos Ninji

Zero the hero









Lord Sothe


So yeah. Unless someone else wants to be in i'd say this is good. Oh and PoR characters will be in it and it will be set AFTER PoR but BEFORE RD.

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Wait your saying that I'm the main villian or one of the, well that is kick ass. Can I be one of those villians who have a crooked sense of reality.

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What happened to Lyle?

If you desperatley need an antagonist, you can use Damon. So long as you don't break his character. Or you could do what I did with Taro and make one up.

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What happened to Lyle?

If you desperatley need an antagonist, you can use Damon. So long as you don't break his character. Or you could do what I did with Taro and make one up.

I didn't see Taro as an antagonist! He was just misunderstood! D:

Well no, not really. He was just really arrogant and somewhat prejudiced. But I still liked him! He filled his role interestingly well. XD

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I didn't see Taro as an antagonist! He was just misunderstood! D:

Well no, not really. He was just really arrogant and somewhat prejudiced. But I still liked him! He filled his role interestingly well. XD

And then I killed him.

God was that fun. XD

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YOU CRUEL PERSON! I still haven't forgiven you for that!

Though you made me lol throughout the rest of the story. XD

I'm sure I could figure out a way for you to forget it...... ;)

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Does antagonist have to mean evil? Or could they have a noble goal but still come into conflict with the good guys?

Its probably gonna be the second one (coughTOSRIPOFFcough)

You could add Knife as a bad guy.


Wait your saying that I'm the main villian or one of the, well that is kick ass. Can I be one of those villians who have a crooked sense of reality.

If the "evil" ppl go by hanz's definition then yup

I guess I'll join the "Team Rocket" group.


What happened to Lyle?

If you desperatley need an antagonist, you can use Damon. So long as you don't break his character. Or you could do what I did with Taro and make one up.

I would TOTALLY BREAK DAMON. Not his character, just him. (No i will get owned by him)

I'm new, but if you're in desperate need of someone, I could be in the "Team Rocket" group.

Sure thing!

I'm sure I could figure out a way for you to forget it...... ;)

FUCK.YOU.*sets damon's balls on fire*

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*Ignoring Masu's stupid remarks.*

Still, what happened to Lyle in this huh?

*Punches Masu.*

I had planned on Lyle already being an adult and for him to tell us the location to a ruin we need to get to for a VERY important reason.

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