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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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I wasn't able to play much during Spring Break unfortunately, but I have made some progress. Sothe likes not activating Adept when I need him to.

[spoiler=Chapter 6 and 7]Chapter 6-1 (6/46)

I bought the Hand Axe, an Iron Dagger and forged 2 more max might/hit Iron Knives. I give Sothe Adept and BEXP Micaiah to 8.91 and Nolan to level 18.

Nolan went up north while Sothe went west and Micaiah stayed near the start. She was thankfully not ORKO'd by the Pegasus Knight reinforcements on turn 4. This could've been 5 turns if Sothe had activated Adept on the last Armor in the north-west (he activated it on all of the other Armors...).

Chapter 6-2 (3/49)

Could've been 2 turns if Sothe got Adept on the boss, but I wasn't going to keep restarting until he did. Nolan shoved him on turn 1 and promoted on turn 2.

Chapter 7 (6//55)

I sold all of Sothe's almost broken knives and forged him a new max might/hit Iron Knife. BEXP Micaiah to 14.99 (she got speed on one of those level ups, somehow), and Sothe and Nolan to .99. Sothe took Savior.

Sothe Saviors Micaiah, and runs to the seize point with Nolan and the LEA. I get lucky with ledge accuracy (it helped that Nolan OHKO'd the Mages), and Nolan then ORKO's the boss with the Hammer. Sothe dropped Micaiah in front of one of the stationary Archers on turn 5 so she could seize next turn.

I don't have stats at the moment.

I can't figure out a good strategy for Chapter 8. Even when I use Tormod, at the end of turn 5 there's always either a Brigand or Wyvern Rider in the swamp that I just can't reach in a reasonable amount of time. And I really don't want to take a Nailah and Tormod penalty...

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I wasn't able to play much during Spring Break unfortunately, but I have made some progress. Sothe likes not activating Adept when I need him to.

[spoiler=Chapter 6 and 7]Chapter 6-1 (6/46)

I bought the Hand Axe, an Iron Dagger and forged 2 more max might/hit Iron Knives. I give Sothe Adept and BEXP Micaiah to 8.91 and Nolan to level 18.

Nolan went up north while Sothe went west and Micaiah stayed near the start. She was thankfully not ORKO'd by the Pegasus Knight reinforcements on turn 4. This could've been 5 turns if Sothe had activated Adept on the last Armor in the north-west (he activated it on all of the other Armors...).

Chapter 6-2 (3/49)

Could've been 2 turns if Sothe got Adept on the boss, but I wasn't going to keep restarting until he did. Nolan shoved him on turn 1 and promoted on turn 2.

Chapter 7 (6//55)

I sold all of Sothe's almost broken knives and forged him a new max might/hit Iron Knife. BEXP Micaiah to 14.99 (she got speed on one of those level ups, somehow), and Sothe and Nolan to .99. Sothe took Savior.

Sothe Saviors Micaiah, and runs to the seize point with Nolan and the LEA. I get lucky with ledge accuracy (it helped that Nolan OHKO'd the Mages), and Nolan then ORKO's the boss with the Hammer. Sothe dropped Micaiah in front of one of the stationary Archers on turn 5 so she could seize next turn.

I don't have stats at the moment.

I can't figure out a good strategy for Chapter 8. Even when I use Tormod, at the end of turn 5 there's always either a Brigand or Wyvern Rider in the swamp that I just can't reach in a reasonable amount of time. And I really don't want to take a Nailah and Tormod penalty...

I don't know if you have the energy drop from 1-2, but with it Vika can OHKO the wyvern and save you a turn, and be a decent combatant.

Edited by Xander
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I don't know if you have the energy drop from 1-2, but with it Vika can OHKO the wyvern and save you a turn, and be a decent combatant.

I'd rather not use the Energy Drop on an undrafted unit, and since she takes two turns to transform (this isn't HM, so no Thicket trick) I don't think she'll be able to kill the Wyvern and the south-western Brigands fast enough.

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4 Turns

Chapter 1

3 Turns

Chap 2

Don't move Ike, rescue boyd, corner. Ike Attacks 2 spaces north a fighter, EVERYONE targets Ike, Titania kills a fighter, goes east, Ike finishes up the rest at the start, 2 levels up, On turn 4 enemy phase, all enemies died. Oscar wasn't attacked.

4 turns

Chap 3

Havetti suicided on EP, Ike got a lucky crit, Leveled up nicely. Got elixer, ditched Vulnerary.

3 turns

Chap 4

Ike used his speedwing, then a vulnerary, Tit killed the boss on turn 2 Ep with a crit.

2 turns

Chap 5

Titania goes south, gogogo, Ike stays behind, got the icon, nothing special.

6 Turns

Chap 6

Amazing, Titania Leveled up just in time, she + STR'd, and she 2HKO-d the boss, Ike escaped.

5 Turns.

Chap 7

Man, I hate this, But I finally got it down, all the treasure even, And in quite an admirable amount of turns, for me. It's really annoying though, Ike had to keep dodging stuff, and Titania was on counter addiction, making her suicide to much. >_>

10 Turns

Chap 8

Ike blocked the eastern side, Titania, with two handaxes, went south. Went into boss range. Boss attacks, next turn, he's dead. The Priest with gem runs, or if he can heal, without being adjacent to titania. He did the latter. Titania went back, Ike still blocked east. Next turn Ike goes towards the little corner west of the gate, Titania goes on the gate. 2 Elixer uses. Last turn he recruits Ilyana, who blocked nicely, she came from the east btw. And she moves behind him. Ike gained 2 levels, one of which was almost perfect. (Not defense) Titania killed the gem priest on turn seven with a hand axe. Also got the pure water.

8 Turns

45 Turns Total

Chapter 9

I forge a Nice Max Crit Axe for Titania, Ike takes a steel bow & extra ring, Titania takes a Pure water & elixer, one use left.

Rolf takes the ring & bow. Ike gets rescued by Titania, who equips a steel lance. Titania drops off Ike out of range of the mages at the fort, there is one tile I know of where he keeps a free way to the seize location. The knight targets Ike, Mage targets titania, gets killed ofc. And after that, Reinforcements arrive, Rolf keeps hitting a fighter on the beach, over 50 Exp was my goal. Titania crits the boss, and Ike seizes.

4 Turns

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Chapter 10:

Nephenee has to be recruited, so I have to take a turn to talk. =/ Ok.. Well, getting it down:

I bexped Rolf 8 levels, and gave him a nice Rolfstomper. Forge Iron bow. Volke was hired. Rolf heads out and stand at a space that he attracts the southern soldier, volke meanwhile opens sephirans door, he's a great distraction for the western enemies. Titania rescues Ike, and heads as far north as possible. Middle soldier suicides on Titania, Volke has max move because rolf distracted the soldier. Rolf moves up, vulnerary. Volke moves up as well. Titania drops ike 1 space East of the space in front of Nephenee's door. Moves further west. All soldiers from the north kill themselves on Titania, rolf survives 2 attacks, volke gets attacked. Turn 3, Volke opens the door, Ike talks, Rolf stands 1 space south of Volke, another vulnerary. Titania cleanly ORKO's the halberdier, he must have 34 Hp, and 11 def iirc, or 12. Anyway, that way he can be killed by a steel axe. Titania attracts an archer and the bald pedofile, doing 18 damage. Ike moves as far west as possible. (In archer + danomill range, they 2hko Ike). Rolf blocks nephenee, and attacks a soldier. Volke kills the soldier, leveling Up. Titania does 20 more damage to danomill, who has 4 hp left. Steel lance Ftw. She didn't crit him. Archer hits, Danomill finally misses. Ike kills him, leveling up. Volke crits another soldier, getting more chest keys, rolf gets attacked by a mage. I take the short axe with titania, volke & rolf attack some more before Ike escaping.

5 Turns!

And I beat Xander in chapter nine. :3

Chapter 11

Arg Blarg Ugh mugh. This was terribly RNG reliant. Ike took west & dracoshield, Nephenee took north & south, Titania took arrive square, west, with assistance from ROlf & volke. Zihark was recruited & took north with neph after she had decimated south. Ike had to dodge 7 50-ish units, and rolf had to dodge stuff, it was terrible. Glad I got it down. And in short turns, since Titania crit some armors & knights.

5 Turns.

Chapter 12

Standard Non flight eigt turns. Rolf & Volke temed up some kills, Zihark with laguzslayer killed almost everything. Doubling everyone except Seeker. Zihark MISSED seeker on turn 7 EP, ROlf came in, Zihark tried again with 80 %, killed. Last one, turn 8.

8 Turns.

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CHapter 13

Blarg, exactly 128 Tries. (Mostly pre-emptive restarts because of the 10-12 Myrmidon, who needs 10 Str & 12 speed not to kill astrid or leave her with 10 Hp so she'll attack.). Volke took the eastern chests first, then went for the western on the upper boat. Neph took the lowest western turn one, titania western on the middle boat turn 2, and turn 5 the eastern north chest. Everyone fought beastly, was heavily STAT reliant, since neph needed some ORKO's that only worked with 30 Hp instead of 31 or something. Astrid went to the western part of southern boat, Ike could be missed and recruited her turn 7, turn 5 or 6 all chests were open, so the ravens retreated. Map was routed on turn 5, beorc-wise. Gatrie wasn't recruited, since astrid kept cowering east.

7 Turns

Fyeah, this one is on par with Xander. It could be 6, but Rolf would have to go to the north and crit the eastern most raven (the only one that can't leave the map immediately) But a fighter that came down because a soldier survived was there, prohibiting him from leaving it. =/

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Fyeah, this one is on par with Xander. It could be 6, but Rolf would have to go to the north and crit the eastern most raven (the only one that can't leave the map immediately) But a fighter that came down because a soldier survived was there, prohibiting him from leaving it. =/

Actually, this map can not be cleared in less than 7 turns, no matter what. The game requires you to see the scene with the Hawks first.

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Here's the rest of Part One. I still don't believe it's possible to do 1-9 in 4 turns.

[spoiler=Chapter 8-Endgame]Chapter 8 (7+4/66) Tormod penalty

I buy an Iron Poleax, a Steel Dagger, and forge a max might Fire tome for Tormod. I also get Micaiah to level 16 with BEXP (and she gets speed again...), and Nolan and Sothe to .99. Micaiah took Resolve, Nolan took Paragon, Sothe took Adept, Tormod kept Celerity and Rafiel got Imbue. I believe Micaiah got the Angelic Robe, too.

F**king swamp. Ugh. Tormod baited the Wyvern Rider on the first turn while Nolan took care of the north and Sothe and Micaiah killed the Brigand directly south of them, allowing Vika and Muarim to get to the center. Then Sothe goes east, Tormod goes west then north, Micaiah goes north then west, and Nolan goes back south with Rafiel. Last couple turns were spent having Nolan and Sothe kill the last couple Brigands that waded into the Swamp.

Chapter 9 (7/73)

I BEXP Micaiah to .99.

First turn, do nothing. After that, the Black Knight moves counter-clockwise to the north-west, before moving back to the south-east to kill Jarod. Micaiah stays in the east, surviving an Archer on turn 5 and killing it next turn, which may be the key to completing this map in 7 turns without Celerity.

Endgame (8/81)

Nolan got a Steel Poleaxe and a max might/hit Steel Axe forge and Sothe got another max might/hit Iron Knife forge. BEXP Micaiah to level 20, and Sothe and Nolan to .99. Sothe got Pass, but didn't need it. Ilyana got Sealed and will ferry: Energy Drop, Brave Sword, Wyrmslayer, Savior, Blue Gem, Adept, Speedwing, Celerity and Cancel.

The Black Knight goes up the eastern staircase while everyone else heads north. Rafiel and 1-2 range keep everyone moving relatively quickly across the gaps. Sothe picks up the Speedwing and trades it to Ilyana before going to get Vantage. Turn 7, Micaiah opens the northern door so Nolan and the Black Knight can clear a path for her. Next turn, the Black Knight kills Jarod and Rafiel gives Micaiah the move necessary for her to seize.

Name     Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Micaiah 20/01/--  29^ 11  21  18  13  24  07  21  | B Nolan
Sothe   --/08/--  38  22* 06  26* 25  21  18  12  | 
Nolan   20/06/--  36  23  04  20  22  15  18^ 11  | B Micaiah
Rafiel        13  32  01  06  01  07  32  03  13  |

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It's entirely possible to do it in 4 turns, and pretty easy. dry.gif. I've done it in my past two drafts.

If it was as easy as you say, don't you think someone else would have figured it out by now? Also, 2 drafts? I only saw you do it in the current one by Fenrir.

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It is surprising, seeing as how it's not that hard. Maybe you should look through the Radiant Dawn thread to see where else I've done it. It's amazing all the crap I'm getting for 4 turning 1-9, even though I'd been talking about it for days, and even announced my strategy in the chat...

Then announce it here, for everyone to see. Maybe people will stop giving you crap if you just tell them how you did it. Amazing how that works, huh?

Edit: 7 dots.

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Dude, why the hell would I announce it when I'm in another draft? I kind of don't want my competition to know. Amazing how strategic thinking works, right?

I never understood the 'need to win at all costs' mentality. I just don't see how it's possible without the Black Knight grabbing a pair of Boots and learning how to fly.

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Then announce it here, for everyone to see. Maybe people will stop giving you crap if you just tell them how you did it. Amazing how that works, huh?

I've gotten a 4 turn in 1-9, but I'm not sure if it is with the same method as Xander. It requires a trained Micaiah that can survive enemies while ORKOing back. Then Micaiah has to take the left side of the map while the BK goes the right side. If I had a save file that was close enough to 1-9 I would record my method, but for now I can't.

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I've gotten a 4 turn in 1-9, but I'm not sure if it is with the same method as Xander. It requires a trained Micaiah that can survive enemies while ORKOing back. Then Micaiah has to take the left side of the map while the BK goes the right side. If I had a save file that was close enough to 1-9 I would record my method, but for now I can't.

So without RNG abusing Micaiah's level-ups, it's not going to happen?

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So without RNG abusing Micaiah's level-ups, it's not going to happen?

Probably not. I know that for Jarod to appear, you only need to kill the reinforcements rather than the enemies that appear at the beginning of the map (or maybe it was the other way around? I haven't played FE10 in a long time). But then Xander may have a different method that doesn't rely on a blessed Micaiah.

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Probably not. I know that for Jarod to appear, you only need to kill the reinforcements rather than the enemies that appear at the beginning of the map (or maybe it was the other way around? I haven't played FE10 in a long time).

I believe you have to kill the enemies at the beginning, since I know there's two soldiers, one in the north-east and one in the north-west, that don't move and need to be defeated for Jarod to appear.

He said trained, bro. All you need is resolve so she can double things, and like 14 speed which is her average at level 20. It's really, really not that hard. You're the one who's been giving me the most crap about it anyway.dry.gif The 'win at all costs' mentality' is so I can actually win a draft.

How often does Micaiah get 19 natural level ups in part one, particularly when we're trying to get low turn counts? And what's the chance of her getting speed with BEXP?

Besides, the point of these drafts (and any game, really) is to have fun trying to win, not the act of winning itself.

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No matter how many stat boosters you give her, you'll still need to get lucky with her level ups for her to be a capable fighter in 1-9. Usually, HP doesn't cap even with the Robe, Mag not until level 15 and Res still doesn't cap until 19. Getting enough speed to double with Resolve still requires luck over the course of the playthrough.

I didn't think you lied, though; I just wanted an explanation.

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Sharing strategies lets other people use them. That's the whole point. It's why we're all able to use Sho's strategy for 1-4, or Oval's strategy for 1-9, or dondon's strategies for various other chapters.

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IS It safe to post again. *Shivers*

Anyway, I've given up on getting vantage, red gem & 3-turn Kill. Titania can't reach the vantage house before Zihark kills gashilama. I'll post soon with an update.

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Yeah, I'm sorry for spamming up the thread. Hopefully now lord Radiant Dragon is satisfied, so I'll be deleting my previous comments soon.

@Bold: I find that offensive.

Regardless, I would ask that you don't delete your comments, so that others playing that chapter may use your strategy.

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I don't really see the issue with just saying "You need a strong Micaiah" and letting it be at that. It should be obvious that a capable Micaiah can make 1-9 faster since Oval's strategy is there specifically to keep Micaiah out of combat. Two units ORKOing at 1-2 range and not dying (which Micaiah ought to be able to do with high enough stats and Resolve) is better than 1, right? It's hardly complicated.

And for the record, I see nowhere in the rules where it states RNG/battle save abuse is illegal.

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Oval's strategy is there specifically to keep Micaiah out of combat.

Really? I thought it was just a reliable strategy for finishing quickly. That's good to know.

And for the record, I see nowhere in the rules where it states RNG/battle save abuse is illegal.

Battle save use is perfectly legal, but abuse tends to be frowned upon, particularly if you keep reseting for a 35% chance or something.

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