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3DS at launch?


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I've heard conflicting reports of whether it's smart to buy a 3DS at launch later this month. It's apparently selling a ton of pre-orders, so I'm a bit nervous that it will pull a Wii and be completely sold out for months (if not years). This makes me think that pre-ordering or getting one at launch is the best move. But on the other hand, I've heard that there's a higher risk of technical problems in launch systems. I've personally never heard of any problems at launch, though. It makes sense, I suppose, that not all the bugs are worked out before launch, but just how bad is it? I'm not going to wait for the inevitable price-drop, or the 3DS-Lite, so I really am just concerned with the modern model of the 3DS. What do you think? Pre-order, buy at launch, or wait a month or two? Are there really usually serious technical problems at launch? Thanks for any help.

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If you think it's worth it, go ahead. I don't--I'm not. I won't actually until flashcarts are pretty stable on the system, and run outside of the DS emulation mode (in case you didn't know, DS games actually load and run slightly slower now on the 3DS than on the DS).

It's usually better to wait anyways so that you have a larger selection of what you want. If you buy at first glance, you're gonna get what's there at first glance, and nothing more.

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I don't have a DS, but I already bought Dark Dawn and one of the launch games interests me a fair amount, so I decided to get a pre-order way back in December.

I had to annoy the employees there with calls for about 2 months before they could finally let me pre-order one.

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I'm sort of in the same boat, but my reason for delaying is because of the 3DS's apparent region-locking for 3DS and DSi-enhanced games. Otherwise I would have bought one at launch.

In your case, I think the biggest factor you should go off is "how many 3DS games are you interested in right now and are they really worth it?". The 3DS has been out in Japan for a few weeks IIRC, but I haven't heard of any technical issues.

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The only game on the launch list I'm interesting in is Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle, and I'm sure its going to take forever for it to be localized anyways. So I see no point in getting one now. I'll probably wait for the inevitable Ocarina of Time bundle.

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I'm not going to support a 3d-obsessed company on their obsession on 3d-based graphics.

I'm not going to buy one until a game comes out that fully utilizes the 3d or if the Super Mario game is really gonna be the 3d Mario that is the true and flawless transistion from 2d Mario with 2d Mario values they've been trying to do for all these years.

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It's usually better to wait anyways so that you have a larger selection of what you want. If you buy at first glance, you're gonna get what's there at first glance, and nothing more.
I sort of would like to wait, but if the 3DS is going to pull a Wii and be completely sold out for months, then I want to get one early so that I'll be ready for some of the good upcoming games this year like Kid Icarus and OoT3D (and Layton, but that'll be a bit longer). There's nothing I'm terribly interested in right now, but there will be quite soon, so I'd like to actually have a 3DS by that time.

I'm not going to support a 3d-obsessed company on their obsession on 3d-based graphics.

I don't honestly care about the 3D. It's a nice extra feature. I really only care for the enhanced graphics and the possibilities that it opens up for game design, along with all the new control mechanisms and neat extras. Plus I just love Nintendo games. And Nintendo is far from 3D-obsessed. It's just their new gimmick (kinda like motion control was for Wii). If the Wii3D was coming out too they would definitely be obsessed, but they've made no such move. The Wii doesn't even have support for 3D TV's. I honestly have no idea what is making you say that. One new system uses 3D so now they're 3D-obsessed? Did you expect them to NOT market a cool unique new feature on their device? Whatever, your opinion is your opinion.

I'm not going to buy one until a game comes out that fully utilizes the 3d or if the Super Mario game is really gonna be the 3d Mario that is the true and flawless transistion from 2d Mario with 2d Mario values they've been trying to do for all these years.

If you want a 2D Mario game, you should probably... I don't know... play a 2D Mario game? A 3D game can never be exactly like a 2D game, because then it would be... y'know, 2D...
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I don't honestly care about the 3D. It's a nice extra feature. I really only care for the enhanced graphics and the possibilities that it opens up for game design, along with all the new control mechanisms and neat extras. Plus I just love Nintendo games. And Nintendo is far from 3D-obsessed. It's just their new gimmick (kinda like motion control was for Wii). If the Wii3D was coming out too they would definitely be obsessed, but they've made no such move. The Wii doesn't even have support for 3D TV's. I honestly have no idea what is making you say that. One new system uses 3D so now they're 3D-obsessed? Did you expect them to NOT market a cool unique new feature on their device? Whatever, your opinion is your opinion.

Just listen to Miyamoto. He says that he made Ocarina of Time on the 3DS because he wants to see Hyrule in 3D. Not because he thinks people would like a remake of Ocarina of Time or for some other reason, but to satisfy his own desire.

And to be honest, Nintendo must be obsessed with 3D. Nintendo have always sold their consoles at a profit, and at the same time, for relatively cheap prices. The 3DS is much more expensive than it's predecessor. They are jacking up the price of this console so they can throw in a gimmick.

If you want a 2D Mario game, you should probably... I don't know... play a 2D Mario game? A 3D game can never be exactly like a 2D game, because then it would be... y'know, 2D...

What 2D Mario games? If you haven't noticed, Nintendo doesn't make them very often. In fact for about fifteen years, they didn't make any.

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If you want a 2D Mario game, you should probably... I don't know... play a 2D Mario game? A 3D game can never be exactly like a 2D game, because then it would be... y'know, 2D...

I think he wants a Mario game with 3D graphics and the 2D Playing style(much like a "Super mario3D"to me)

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And Nintendo is far from 3D-obsessed.

It's not like that Nintendo has been whitewashing the Virtual Boy, the biggest failure of all of Nintendo's consoles, for an entire Iwata Asks section just because it was a major step in their 3d research.

Since the Virtual Boy flopped why does Nintendo think they'll have a major success with the 3DS despite both being sold on the same main gimmick.

It's also not like that Nintendo has ever since then been having 3d prototypes for all their major consoles, including the GBA SP of all things and a 3d peripheral for the Gamecube.

It also is not that Nintendo has been forcing us to buy the 3d iterations of their main series and see their 2d entries as antiquated, such as with Super Mario that gets increasingly more 2d Mario elements only to still sell less than the actual 2d Mario games or with Zelda where Nintendo honestly belives that the 3d effects is what made OoT so loved among the people who played it as shown in the Iwata Asks Anouleth posted.

If you want a 2D Mario game, you should probably... I don't know... play a 2D Mario game? A 3D game can never be exactly like a 2D game, because then it would be... y'know, 2D...

If Mario 64 was this smooth and flawless transistion into 3d as everyone is claiming then every person who's played a Super Mario Bros. game would've transistioned to it as well.

Instead it, and every other 3d Mario too, sold considerably less than any SMB game nad Nintendo lost its market dominance because of it.

The only Mario games that were sort of coming close to the success of the SMB series were, guess what, the NSMB games, despite the DS one being one of the most generic Mario games ever.

Also notice that the gen where Nintendo has achieved market dominance again is the one where they started making new 2d Mario games.

And yet 3d Mario gets all the main focus with all the fancy graphics and orchestral soundtrack while the NSMB games need to work their way around generic world themes and cheap synths.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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It's not like that Nintendo has been whitewashing the Virtual Boy, the biggest failure of all of Nintendo's consoles, for an entire Iwata Asks section just because it was a major step in their 3d research.

Since the Virtual Boy flopped why does Nintendo think they'll have a major success with the 3DS despite both being sold on the same main gimmick.

They understand that 3D was not the reason the Virtual Boy failed. The Virtual Boy failed because it had virtually no colors, you had to look in that huge red contraption, and there were virtually (no pun intended) no -good- games released. Obviously with the good graphical capabilities, the connectivity features, the extra applications, and the enhanced controls of the 3DS, Nintendo has realized that it takes more than 3D to sell a system. But nowhere can you prove that 3D hurt the Virtual Boy's sales.
It's also not like that Nintendo has ever since then been having 3d prototypes for all their major consoles, including the GBA SP of all things and a 3d peripheral for the Gamecube.

And how often have these 3D prototypes been used? They're just that: prototypes. Nintendo is smart. They realized a long time ago that 3D would become popular, and they've obviously been waiting for the right time to use it. With the Virtual Boy, they jumped the gun. Technology was not good enough to pull off 3D. So they've been leaving their options open and have waited until now to start trying 3D again. I don't see any "obsession," only knowledge of the shifting nature of entertainment.

It also is not that Nintendo has been forcing us to buy the 3d iterations of their main series and see their 2d entries as antiquated, such as with Super Mario that gets increasingly more 2d Mario elements only to still sell less than the actual 2d Mario games or with Zelda where Nintendo honestly belives that the 3d effects is what made OoT so loved among the people who played it as shown in the Iwata Asks Anouleth posted.
Here you seem to be getting your 3D's confused. We are talking about the optical illusion of 3D (like 3D movies), making it look like a screen has depth when it doesn't. Here you've gone off talking about 2D games showing 3D worlds (like non-3D movies).
If Mario 64 was this smooth and flawless transistion into 3d as everyone is claiming then every person who's played a Super Mario Bros. game would've transistioned to it as well.

Instead it, and every other 3d Mario too, sold considerably less than any SMB game nad Nintendo lost its market dominance because of it.

The only Mario games that were sort of coming close to the success of the SMB series were, guess what, the NSMB games, despite the DS one being one of the most generic Mario games ever.

Also notice that the gen where Nintendo has achieved market dominance again is the one where they started making new 2d Mario games.

And yet 3d Mario gets all the main focus with all the fancy graphics and orchestral soundtrack while the NSMB games need to work their way around generic world themes and cheap synths.

You misunderstand me. You have every right to want more 2D Mario's. I don't really have an opinion on 2D versus 3D, but I'm probably leaning a little 2D as well. I just don't understand why you're asking for a "better" 3D game when what you really seem to want is a 2D game. A 3D game is never going to be "perfectly" like a 2D game; it would have to be 2D to do that. Also, while I'm not trying to argue the merits of 2D vs. 3D, the success of the older 2D Mario's and the NSMB games could fairly easily be attributed to market circumstances. Whatever, though. This isn't worth arguing over for me.

Edited by Ragnell
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Instead it, and every other 3d Mario too, sold considerably less than any SMB game nad Nintendo lost its market dominance because of it.

When SMB was released, Nintendo didn't exactly have any rival consoles competing with the NES, did they?

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When SMB was released, Nintendo didn't exactly have any rival consoles competing with the NES, did they?

Of course there were. SMB was just such a popular game, Nintendo destroyed them, which is why we forget about them. What's more, the NES was released in the wake of the 1983 video game crash. Many companies believed that making video games was just not profitable. Nintendo proved them to be wrong.

In addition, we have two incredibly rich and powerful companies, Sony and Microsoft, competing with Nintendo. Yet if you put the sales of Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 together, they would still have sold 10 million less than NSMB Wii. That is how great the gap between 3D Mario sales and 2D Mario sales are even right now.

Edited by Anouleth
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