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Moving again after attacking


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I've been wondering how this works in FE7, since I've noticed that in some instances you can move again after attacking/healing in this game, while normally you can't.

A couple of instance I can recall.

-Surrounded a cavalier with Oswin, Dorcas and Florina (the other side was blocked by the boundaries of the map). Oswin and Dorcas already moved, after attacking with Florina she could move again

-Using an unpromoted Priscilla, I had her heal someone and then was able to move again. The only thing I could note is that if I hadn't moved her she would be in range of a ballista.

-If you attack on one of those fire tiles in CH28E you can move again. I know this one works since I pretty much always do it.

Anyone know how this works?

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If you attack or use a staff on a broken snag (i.e. where the snag stood previously) or broken wall tile, you can move again. There is also 1 tile in the corner of each map that allows a unit to move again after doing one of those actions.

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There is also 1 tile in the corner of each map that allows a unit to move again after doing one of those actions.

Oh, cool. This would explain the first case with Florina. (I didn't mention it, but she was in the corner of the map).

So I guess some of these are unintentional. At least that's what I would imagine.

Edited by Maklo
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If you attack or use a staff on a broken snag (i.e. where the snag stood previously) or broken wall tile, you can move again. There is also 1 tile in the corner of each map that allows a unit to move again after doing one of those actions.

Could you expand on this "1 tile" thing? I'm not familiar with it myself.

EDIT: And at times, though I don't know if it's repeatable, mounted units who receive items after attacking can move again.

Edited by Jaffar7
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Could you expand on this "1 tile" thing? I'm not familiar with it myself.

I don't quite remember where someone posted it, but I think Vincent identified that tile to have some special property that fallen snag and broken wall tiles also had, which enabled re-movement after attacking.

EDIT: Mekkah's post: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=23308&view=findpost&p=1333433

Edited by dondon151
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