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Civilization IV

Defeatist Elitist

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So, is anybody still interested in setting up a multiplayer game? because I would still really like to and this thread has sort of fizzled out.

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Still very interested. Will be pretty much forever. One thing is, I'm heading to the other side of my country (Quebec) for a week, starting Thursday, though I should have internet there, so it probably won't be a huge problem. But other than that I'm usually available.

Anyway, since there were no other suggestions, I'm going to put forth the possibility of Donut or Pangea as our map script (but if any of you want something else just say), normal game speed, etc, with the possibility of No Barbarians or Raging Barbarians and/or no goody huts and/or no random events and/or no tech trading or no tech brokering. I'm mostly neutral about those, but they're the options that tend to actually be good in multiplayer.

Also, suggestion, there are a couple mods out there that contain a GUI mod called BUG that is super helpful and really neat. Not sure about all the mods, but one that contains it is called RevolutionDCM and contains a whole bunch of features that can just be turned off, so we'd be playing Civ IV with just the better interface. I suggest this partially because I really fucking love it, and partially because it cuts down on busy time calculating shit like overflow and great people turns out, and will generally make it easier for the less experienced, or simply less manic to play.

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I haven't played Civ III, but Civ IV is definitely one of my favorite games, even though I discovered it relatively recently. From what I know of Civ III though, Civ IV requires way different terrain planning, instead of just trying to get X, Y, and Z in every single city, in Civ IV it often pays to specialize your cities and simply use what you find. Also, Civ IV has pretty good limits on horizontal and vertical growth, and you have to be strategic about things and make tradeoffs. Build too many cities too quickly without the proper support and you'll be forced to pay huge maintenance costs, and if your cities grow in population too rapidly, half the citizens will be rioting instead of working. Of course, once you get used to it you can hit nice sweet spots where you're constantly on the edge, or, depending on your playstyle, where you intentionally go over the edge in certain areas. Basically, I like it because it's got a good mix of simplicity and complexity.

The major difference between Civilization III and IV was the inclusion of, among other things, a stronger emphasis on corruption. Colonizing an area far away from your capital city is more or less an impossibility unless you build specific buildings and wonders.

I've always found Civilization III more memorable. Civ II was the first I ever played, on the Playstation, and it's the one that got me into actually trying the series proper on the PC. But Civilization III had just come out, and after playing the demo I was simply blown away by the terrific environments, and general atmosphere. The awesome soundtrack --that has, in my opinion, still yet to be surpassed-- was always amusing to me, and I'm still kind of blown away that the leaders of each civilization change as time goes on from actually wearing furs to modern clothing.

Civilization IV is probably my favorite in terms of gameplay, but I'd probably have the most fun going through a game of Civilization III. So many fun memories.

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Anyway, since there were no other suggestions, I'm going to put forth the possibility of Donut or Pangaea as our map script (but if any of you want something else just say), normal game speed, etc, with the possibility of No Barbarians or Raging Barbarians and/or no goody huts and/or no random events and/or no tech trading or no tech brokering. I'm mostly neutral about those, but they're the options that tend to actually be good in multiplayer.

Also, suggestion, there are a couple mods out there that contain a GUI mod called BUG that is super helpful and really neat. Not sure about all the mods, but one that contains it is called RevolutionDCM and contains a whole bunch of features that can just be turned off, so we'd be playing Civ IV with just the better interface. I suggest this partially because I really fucking love it, and partially because it cuts down on busy time calculating shit like overflow and great people turns out, and will generally make it easier for the less experienced, or simply less manic to play.

I'm happy with either of those map's, I've always stayed away from Pangaea, preferring continents or Terra, it should be interesting. As for settings, I'd vote Reg' barbarians, keep random events and allow tech trading, I'm impartial to goody huts.

I don't think there's anything wrong with vanilla's GUI (100x better than Civ V's) but I'll look into that.

Civilization IV is probably my favourite in terms of gameplay, but I'd probably have the most fun going through a game of Civilization III. So many fun memories.

Civ II had the most awesome advisors to ever grace the series, that's all I really remember from it though, I was pretty young when I played it.

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I'm happy with either of those map's, I've always stayed away from Pangaea, preferring continents or Terra, it should be interesting. As for settings, I'd vote Reg' barbarians, keep random events and allow tech trading, I'm impartial to goody huts.

I'm fine with those settings too, more or less. Goody huts off might be fo the best though.

I don't think there's anything wrong with vanilla's GUI (100x better than Civ V's) but I'll look into that.

There's nothing WRONG with it per se, and I was fine with it too, but it's sort of a "once you go black, you never go back" thing. It even has little text reminders that pop up in the chat window to let you know if a city is about to grow or become unhappy or shit.

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I'm happy with either of those map's, I've always stayed away from Pangaea, preferring continents or Terra, it should be interesting. As for settings, I'd vote Reg' barbarians, keep random events and allow tech trading, I'm impartial to goody huts.

I don't think there's anything wrong with vanilla's GUI (100x better than Civ V's) but I'll look into that.

Civ II had the most awesome advisors to ever grace the series, that's all I really remember from it though, I was pretty young when I played it.

I remember thinking it was awesome that Civ II had REAL FMV HOLY CRAP. >__>

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All of this is fine with me. I don't really care about goody huts, since while they can be powerful, in a multiplayer situation, players will tend to gang up on any players that get excessively powerful.

I just find that depending on what you get from your huts, they can be reaaaaaaaaaaaaally unbalancing.

Also, can't believe I forgot this: unrestricted leaders. I'm going to say I support this one, but what do you guys think?

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I just find that depending on what you get from your huts, they can be reaaaaaaaaaaaaally unbalancing.

Also, can't believe I forgot this: unrestricted leaders. I'm going to say I support this one, but what do you guys think?

I don't really know much about the 'metagame' or whatever, so I don't know if any leaders are outrageously overpowered or something.

Oh, btw, do you want to play with any expansion packs? I only own Warlords.

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There's nothing WRONG with it per se, and I was fine with it too, but it's sort of a "once you go black, you never go back" thing. It even has little text reminders that pop up in the chat window to let you know if a city is about to grow or become unhappy or shit.

Holy.... Bug is amazing! so are the Blue Marble textures and the Bats civ individuality thing! The improvements are subtle yet so welcome.

I remember thinking it was awesome that Civ II had REAL FMV HOLY CRAP. >__>


Also, can't believe I forgot this: unrestricted leaders. I'm going to say I support this one, but what do you guys think?

Of course, this is supposed to be a friendly game, not some insane rule enforcement rubbish.

Oh, btw, do you want to play with any expansion packs? I only own Warlords.

Oh yeah, you'll REALLY want BtS, it's fantastic. Not to mention needed for %70 of mods.

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I don't really know much about the 'metagame' or whatever, so I don't know if any leaders are outrageously overpowered or something.

Oh, btw, do you want to play with any expansion packs? I only own Warlords.

You don't have Beyond the Sword. You need to remedy this. Like, right now. I don't care what time it is where you're at, you need to finish reading this post and go and buy it immediately. It's what makes Civ IV the best in the series.


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