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Loz OoT Fanfic: The Uncounted Princess

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Cool. You captured me well for the most part...kinda...

EDIT: Although I must say, my personality is a bit extreme there... XD

Im sorry. I saw princess' post and wrote this thing when my eyes were completely bloodshot and the things I saw around me scared me. When we cut off the lights to go to sleep I kept seeing this white light infront of me and I asked everyone if they saw anything and they were like "No ur just crazy." Probably shouldn't write at 3:30 in the morning again..............

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That was good! It sounds like us! =D

:lol: *bows happily*

MaSu I don't care who I am with just please make one, thanks.

Okay then if you say so.........................but later. I already have a list of ppl I have to do.

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I asked you three days ago.

I was aksed by ppl a MONTH ago to do theirs and I still havent. Im trying to work on the game,keep my story alive and this! Give me a break L! Its not as easy as it seems! Keeping people in character and giving them a convo that they would actually have is harder than it seems.

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Princess Knife A


Princess:Good morning Knife.

Knife:Its always nice to have a day off from being at battle eh?


Knife:Wheres Masu?

Princess:*frowns* That idiot always over sleeps.

Knife:Heh. Well he does work his ass off to keep you safe.

Princess:So do you!

Knife:Well yeah. Because as I said earlier, since im your friend i'll keep you safe. Besides it makes life a bit easier for Masu.

Princess:.............friends keep friends safe. Thats such a good way to look at things.

Knife:Yes it is if I do say so myself.

Princess:*smiles* and you're humble too!


Princess:If that were Masu I said that to well........*imagines Masu standing with his hands on his hips going BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE CORRECT! I AM A GENIUS!*

Knife:.....I think I get what you are getting at.

Princess:Well. Im going to get going now Knife. But can you do me a favor?


Princess:Gimme a hug! *hugs Knife*

Knife:.......fine fine.........*hugs Princess*

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SongbirdXSerene A



Songbird:Here! I made this for you! *hands him a cape made of leaves* Its to protect you from the harsh winds from the desert!

Serene:..............but we are in the arctic.............HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS!? FIRST THE CAKE WITH NO OVEN. THEN THE BARREL ROLLS OF LIES. BLARG! WHAT IS THIS!?

Songbird:..........are you okay?


Songbird: <_<...........okay then..................

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Um...... LOL

Stop post farming/leaving generic comments/trying to remind me of your existence in hopes that I will let you cut the list of ppl I need to write supports for to write you next. I can tell that you just posted LOL just to post it because you just put "Um.......LOL" And you have done this the past 2 supports i've done.

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Dude, Kilvas wanted one with nightmare and you did one then and there. so fine i don't care, don't make one.

When they say "give me a support" I think it means a FULL support which means A B AND C. So I still have two more for them to finish. and I still need to finish:








so i still have quite a bit of work to do.

And Kiryn wants one with fireman.

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PrincessNighmare B

Nightmare:Good day Princess.

Princess:Indeed it is. Say, can we talk for a sec?

Nightmare:But we're still fighting.........

Princess:Theres not that many enemies left. Im sure the others can take care of it.

*off in the distance*


Fox:Argh! I have been feathered by arrows because we are short some units!



Nightmare:I think they'll be fine...........maybe.

Princess:But I wanted to speak with you.

Nightmare:As do I. I wanted to know, what made you leave Kilvas and join these commoners?

Princess:Well I wouldn't call them all commoners. But I was trying to avoid marrying someone whom I didnt love.

Nigtmare:Ah arranged marriage?

Princess:Yes. *looks down* But..........I feel like a coward.


Princess:Because I ran. I ran away from my fears and doubts like a coward instead of just facing my parents and telling them I didn't love him.

Nightmare:You are not a coward. Your parents made a foolish move. Forcing love upon a woman? You cant choose who you love. Running from such a injustice to live your own way.............was a smart move.

Princess:....so I did the right thing?

Nightmare:Do you think you did?

Princess:*puts her hand on her chest*..............Im not.............sure..................

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