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I've restarted my H5 Shadow Dragon playthrough. How's my team looking now?

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I'm all the way to Chapter 10, and have raised my team to this level...

Character Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Def Lck Res 
Marth:    13  34  12   7  13   9  16  0
Shiida:   13  23   7  13  20  10  16  6
Abel:     15  29  13  14  17   9   5  0
Oguma:    14  32  11  16  15  10   5  0
Barst:    17  36  20  14  13  11  12  0
Zagarro:   8  36  13  17  17  12   4  2
Wolf:     11  40  14  17  18  11   9  1

I used the Seraph Robe on Marth even though Shiida would've probably have been a more logical choice. This is simply because I want to have Marth be able to actually compete with Medeus. I also have 3 Curates and a Sage who serve as heal bots for my team. How is it looking?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Nice Barst. Where are Cain and Hardin? And are you still using good prepremotes like Wendall and Minerva (when you get her) as filler?

And don't waste anymore boosts on Marth to kill Medeus. He gets doubled and 0HKO'd on H5. He can do the final hit though.

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Nope, I decided not to use Cain, didn't want to deal with his measly E rank in lances. As for Hardin, I just didn't see the point in using him when he was so much weaker than my other party members, and only had 30% strength growth. I already had my hands full with Zagarro and Wolf as it was.

Yes, I'm still using the good pre-promotes, though I'm using them only for chipping. Jeigan already died though.

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Hardin really isn't as bad as you make him. His biggest perk is that he has auto-access to Silver Lances and Ridersbane which help make up for his mediocre Str growth. Even so, he has a 4 Str base to Cain's 2 and Abel's 1. Furthermore, their Str growth isn't much higher. Cain has 35% and Abel has 40%.

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Well, see, here's my basic reasoning. I've looked at the unit limit, and the game never restricts you to any lower than 12 units at a time. Now, with 3 Curates, and Wendell and Jeigan as Sages, that leaves us with five healers, which means room for 7 units to spread experience around to. Therefore, I chose the team I have listed above to be those 7 fighters. That's my general preferred method for playing any Fire Emblem when I'm trying to 100% it rather than skipping through it. Find the amount that the game will absolutely not have the restrictions go under, and train that many units throughout the game. If the specific Chapter allows for more units, fill it with filler units.

Plus, since I'm literally going to be getting three Master Seals in just three chapters, it means I can basically use them right away rather than waiting until I've already maxed out my unit's unpromoted levels.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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