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Experimenting with images.


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This is what I do when I'm bored....

Avatar(experimented with colors):


^I call this one the Iceman.


^I call this one the old Fireman.


^I call this one The Lady in the Water.....don't ask....

something, possbily a sig(experimenting with brushes):



^I'm not sure what to name these two....

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I like the Iceman one. It has nice pale colors.

Lady in the Water. . . haha. . .

Yeah, I even made it my avatar this one time(for about 1 minute), but then I thought that purple wasn't really my color....

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Yeah, I even made it my avatar this one time(for about 1 minute), but then I thought that purple wasn't really my color....

Yeah. . . I suppose purple isn't very masculine.

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nice byakuga. Lady in the water? ok


I was thinking one day about what the exact opposite of Fireman would be called. I thought of water and woman and then thought of Water Woman. Then I came up with Water Lady, which eventually led to Lady in the Water.

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Don't replace your sig <.<

Mikami > All

I personally like the Iceman one. The Lady in the Water is decent just, it could use another name XD

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