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Hot Convo between Tibarn and Nailah


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Nailah: ...I must confess, I've wanted this since I first laid eyes on you. I can hardly hold myself back right now.

Tibarn: Lady, the feeling is mutual. Why do you think I winged my way over here? It looks to me like we can have a nice, private time right here. No interruptions. Just you and me.

Nailah: Hawk King Tibarn. I think that a few more scars on your face will complete that rugged look you're going for.

Tibarn: For a beautiful woman like you, I'll gladly offer my head. Of course you'll have to bring me down to the ground first.

Nailah: Challenge accepted. I think you'll regret it once I add your feathers to my necklace, though. Oh, and let's not tell Rafiel about this, agreed? He wouldn't understand these urges of ours.

Laguz mating is rough.

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Hah, I bet Tibarn can beat her, and then some.

But when do they say this? Is it after endgame?

Part 3 Endgame, if I'm not mistaken.

But it takes some work to get Tibarn all the way over to Nailah. I haven't attempted it myself. XD

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Either you're not correct, or I must have done something wrong...

Had Tibarn attacked Nailah in your Part 3 Endgame? I think it's the only way the conversation can be initiated.

That, or I'm completely wrong XD

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