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Sholes' Sprites


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Whoa, it's been a while since I did this...

A few for my hack:


Older Dorcas


By request of Blademaster! it will probably also be in my hack, older Dart as a berzerker


Older Marquess Araphen, just a simple re-color


Younger, less corrupt, Kenneth


Younger Garret, this would place him in his late teens



Younger saul, now we know why his parents sent him to a monasterytongue.gif




I've decided to start a small side project of re-creating some of the older FE characters, I'll take requests and, as always, if you want to put one in your hack just ask. I started with Sigurd and if I don't get requests too soon I'll probably move on t other FE4 characters.

You didn't edit the blinking frames. Try carlyle's or younger karel's clothes, as guy's current clothes look kinda, well, whimpy.

When I posted this I hadn't done frames for it yet, also the clothes identify him as a Kutolan, if he was wearing Carlyle's clothes he wouldn't be Kutolan, if anything probable Djute after comparing Gel's clothes to Carlyle.

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There's a couple of random spots in Dorcas' hair that makes it seem off. Specifically near the top of the head.

Older Dart has issues with the blinking frames, specifically the eyes fully closed frame. The angles and shading are off.

Kenneth looks off, I don't feel asif he looks any younger because he's still wearing the same clothes and whatnot. I feel as if there should be more to him.

Sigurd has random spots of skin color near the top of his eyebrows and his eyes need reworking, because they look pale and don't match. IIRC Sigurd's eyes are the same color as his hair.

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I tried at Salem but it came out sooooooo bad! I'm probably not even gonna bother fixing this one because I honestly can't think of a way to make it work and I don't like this guy :/


BTW was he supposed to be related to Alvis? (Never played Fe5)

Fixed Sigurd completely(or at least as far as the comments have told me)


And here's another for my hack


It's very much a WIP but when it's done it's gonna be the Marquess of Badon, he's a creepy son-of-a-gun tongue.gif, he also hates that pirate guy who brought you to Valor in FE7 and I'm pretty sure dies in between 7 + 6 in mt. Abrakkim(spelled worng :/)

Let the critiquing begin!

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Finished Marquess Badongee_wiz_emoticon.gif doesn't he look so creepy.tongue.gif


WIP Marquess Thria, critique?

I want to see if anyone can see the recurring theme with all the Lycian lords I've made so far(excluding Orun)

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  • 6 months later...

Legault's hair is still too bright. It's got a fuschia tone to it that doesn't really translate well. Rath looks good so far, but the hair color doesn't match as well--it should be darker. Also, the cheekbone is a bit awkward, and makes him look very gaunt. Unless that's what you were going for.

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