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FE7x: Immortal Sword - Part One Complete


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I don't think a Linux version should be much of a priority since FE7x runs well under Wine once .Net 4.0 and XNA are installed.

Anyway, will future versions have better joystick support?

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Does anyone have a strategy for killing Horace in CH6? I was planning on attacking him with Uther/Eagler with Claymore/Zanbatou, but that doesn't seem to be very reliable since their hitrates weren't reliable.

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Does anyone have a strategy for killing Horace in CH6? I was planning on attacking him with Uther/Eagler with Claymore/Zanbatou, but that doesn't seem to be very reliable since their hitrates weren't reliable.

Rescue drop (to avoid retaliation) 11 strength Hassar with swift.

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Rescue drop (to avoid retaliation) 11 strength Hassar with swift.

How many turns should that take? Because I could only get to him with 2 turns left....

Also, it seems to me that if I get him to equip the Light Brand, then the hit rates might be more reliable....though I'll have to actually try the chapter again to see.

Edited by shinpichu
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How many turns should that take? Because I could only get to him with 2 turns left....

Also, it seems to me that if I get him to equip the Light Brand, then the hit rates might be more reliable....though I'll have to actually try the chapter again to see.

I was hitting 3x2 per turn (at 100 or high 90s), and the iron greatlance is heavier than the light brand, so unless you're talking about swords and WTA, which bows have at 2 range over other weapons, that doesn't make sense. (Also, when I did this, it was on normal, so...)

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I was hitting 3x2 per turn (at 100 or high 90s), and the iron greatlance is heavier than the light brand, so unless you're talking about swords and WTA, which bows have at 2 range over other weapons, that doesn't make sense. (Also, when I did this, it was on normal, so...)

The Greatlance is only 1 point heavier than Horace's Con. That means that(assuming calculations are like FE7), him equipping the Light Brand would only increase his Avoid by 2, which would be overshadowed by the loss of WTA.

Edited by shinpichu
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I can usually kill Horace by turn ~11 on hard. You just need to advance quickly with a small group.

Kill James by turn 5. You can do this by placing someone like Eagler next to the fort (make sure he has no ranged wpn equipped). Then immediately kill him and his the enemies he comes with. Hassar or Toni can easily do so (Toni is usually promoted for me by this point) while Uther/Marcus can take care of the mounted force that comes from the top. Then I split my team into two groups. One usually consisting of Hassar (or Toni)/Uther/Eagler/Marcus/Made and one of the mages (they chip Horace down quite easily) and rush them to the top past the ballista. Everyone else remains near the border and takes care of the reinforcements that come from there.

There isn't much resistance for sending a group up top. There are some mounted reinforcements that spawn from Horace's location, but that's about it.

As for killing him, rescue dropping Magnus/Airy works quite easily. Or Toni/Hassar. Anyone who's strongest really. That said, my Uther tends to be very strong by this point (level 9-11) which is enough to reliably take on Horace and not be 1RKOed. So you can rescue drop him with healing. Assuming you can get to him around turn 10, you'll have 5/6 or so turns to kill him.

One goal I might go for is promoting Magnus. Doing so is really effective at killing Horace, should all else fail. He needs only 8 kills to promote (so 1 per turn by turn 9 or so). Not too difficult.

Edited by DLuna
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm doing a lot of behind the scenes changes to improve things, but very few of them affect what you see directly on screen so I haven't really been able to post new screens. Here's some stuff though




A bunch of boring main menu stuff. These graphics aren't at all final, but this is the layout and functionality

Resume is basically quickload, it jumps to the most recent suspend/autosave you played; while Start Game goes to the menus in the second row, where you can manage files or select a file and load a suspend, restore to a checkpoint, or bring up the world map


I guess this could be helpful ever


Also enemy map sprites are flipped now because reasons

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yaaaay save system. . . *cries in joy*

in all seriousness save thingy looks good. lol casual 3 lives system.

i like what you did for the modes, classic description looks kinda weird to me.

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Taking a wild guess that Classic is the Iron man mode of the game aka lose the objective, rankings stat screen show up, get kicked to main menu and save file is deleted right?

I'd wager that Classic is 'player units have one life, and there are no checkpoints or world map'. Just a hunch.

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If anything, Ironman should be a separate option. As in, things like Casual/Ironman is still possible. Basically, you cannot reload at all and if Uther/Lord dies if's permanently gameover.

Fixed growth mode would be pretty cool too.

Heck, you could have an entire 'second wave' feature (unlockable when you beat the game) where you can have wacky rules in place than you can turn on and off upon starting a new game (Yay XCOM). Things such as:

- Ironman

- Fixed Growths

- True Hit (Single RNG hit rates)

- Critical Flurry (Critical rates twice as much, but only 2x bonus).

- Zero growths

- Healthy (All units +50% HP)

- Reverse (Enemies attack first always on player phase, Eliza aside perhaps)

- Fatigue (Units become weaker when deployed twice in a row or longer)

- Speedy (All units have +2 move)

- Glass Weapons (All weapons have -50% durability)

- Lunatic (All enemies have random powerful skills, like FE13+)

etc etc....

This would definitely be an awesome post-release feature. Assuming you intend to do those, of course.

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i am suddenly reminded by the tales of series. . .

post game features above, maybe more and you have to buy them with whatever you have as total rank points, that would be kinda interesting.

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If anything, Ironman should be a separate option. As in, things like Casual/Ironman is still possible. Basically, you cannot reload at all and if Uther/Lord dies if's permanently gameover.

- Ironman

- Fixed Growths

- True Hit (Single RNG hit rates)

These are decent plans. Not sold on the others, though - what effect does 'healthy' have beyond 'everyone is harder and more tedious to kill'?

I always like the idea of Ironman, but few enough people would probably support it.

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These are decent plans. Not sold on the others, though - what effect does 'healthy' have beyond 'everyone is harder and more tedious to kill'?

For randomness and fun. Ever played other games with a similar feature?

Not meant to be entirely serious. I suppose more health changes the dynamics a bit since enemy phase becomes a lot less important. Enemies are a lot more likely to overwhelm you. Taking out single enemies at a time requires more units and so generally the game is harder as a result. Maps such as CH6 dramatically change and killing the boss may only be barely possible. Of course your own units become tankier too, which may make specific units differ in use entirely.

Each option might completely change the way you have to play, and thus can add a lot of replayability.

Of course, the idea is that you can toggle on/off any that you want to. So extremely wacky playthroughs are entirely possible. Just for a bit of fun.

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I like the multiple selection idea. I envision it to be kind of a separate "playthrough options" menu you can choose to enter (or if you don't, they'll be at default settings at the start of each file) so you can just check off ironman fixed growths or whatever combo. Might be interesting.

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I like the post-game variable modes/options thing. I mean, I'm always a fan of giving players more of an incentive to replay a game, have more options available to meet their playstyles (and potential challenges), and, frankly, enjoy the game more and have fun.

(Not a fan of Tales of or Advance Wars, etc. requiring you to purchase stuff in post-game just to make use of it - that's forced replayability if you want to unlock everything or just unlock a specific option that only unlocks under certain circumstances or at a ridiculous cost that can only be attained by clearing the game multiple times first.)

I would also like to pitch the suggestion of including a 'Random' rule to the above - when you select it and start the game, it would pick a random number of rules to select and then randomly select that many rules from the listed options.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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@post game modifications: trade-able (between characters) skills would cool. And broken, but that can be fun too (although I guess it'd cause some spriting inconsistencies). I like the amazing amounts of restarts the most recent screens seem to indicate.

Edited by deranger
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Just played Fe7x for a few minutes and the option to disable stave animations is not featured. Can you add the option to disable stave animations in the options menu like in FE13?

You can use individual animations to turn off the staff user, or hold L while the battle starts like FE13 to switch modes, or press start during the staff use to skip it

(bolded because I don't think everyone knows about this yet and it's great)

I like the amazing amounts of restarts the most recent screens seem to indicate.

I literally just started a bunch of files/copied my file to test if the feature was working :Y
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