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first attempt at weaponry - WIP

Claude C Kenny

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Hmm you know with the blade of roses you could try one of the darker colors, the red and the white... XD might turn out horrible but... yeah the original hilt looks to have a bit of black on it to me, at least in game which is the only reason I'm suggesting it. (that and I REALLY want to use that sword XD)

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I'm wondering if the problem is just FE's icon style. I mean, when I shade it the way everyone suggests, it just doesn't look right to me, mostly the blade parts never look right. Maybe it's just me. Personally, I kinda like the way mine look, even if no one else does, and it doesn't fit the FE style. But I am looking forward to what Cam does to them.

If anyone is wondering, if you zoom into the large one, I tried to design a rose on the blade since it's supposed to be called the rose blade. Also, the black around the inside is supposed to give a look of depth on the blade. Not sure if any of it really worked. (well, I guess not, if Cam wants to fix it laugh.gif).

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Yeah, but like you just told me, you can't insert into the ROM with that pink color. That causes a major problem.

...The pink color is just the image's background. It's not part of the palette. :mellow:

The palette is only the 15 "circles" that are in the image. For the Blade of Roses, I'd suggest either using the Red+Outline Purple, Red+Orange, Red+Brown, or Red+Dark Grey-blue as your combination (results may vary).

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The hilt just doesn't look right. If you zoom into the pictures that i'm using, there are alot of different colors that make it kind of hard to decide which ones should be more important than others. Which means I probably shouldn't be using these as reference in the first place.

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The hilt just doesn't look right. If you zoom into the pictures that i'm using, there are alot of different colors that make it kind of hard to decide which ones should be more important than others. Which means I probably shouldn't be using these as reference in the first place.

The hilt is too wide, you can't grip it. Maybe make the thing only 1 pixel wide?

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The hilt is too wide, you can't grip it. Maybe make the thing only 1 pixel wide?

That's because of the little pointy things on the handle, but moving them down a pixel makes it not look right. I could re-do it and show you if you want.

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Just for fun: (and to piss off iavasechui with my spoiler tagstongue.gif)






These aren't as epic as i'd hoped, because the originals have no real shading. I was thinking of adding my own.

I am loving working with the FE palette a little too much I think......

Edited by Valmanway
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Still no love? Very well....I will post this:


The rose sword from the other day, only fixed to not have the pink.

Then, there's this WIP:


I call it Infernia. I might change the hilt colors to include red in place of orange, orange in place of yellow, and yellow in place of white, unless you guys think it looks okay with it's current color scheme.

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Oh, dear. Where do we start?

I think I'll start with Infernia, since that was the one that (IMO) needed the most help. I'll edit in the other ones as I finish with them.


Left - Yours

Right - Mine

Disclaimer: I'm not saying that mine is any better than yours, but it's there just for critique.

Ugh, I hate making broadswords. First off, no sword has a hilt like like. There's no way to hold it (red line). As you can see, I get rid of it. The next thing is that you can't really see the part that I circled in green, as you can see I changed it to a darker color. As for the blade, it's not really shaded right. I don't really want to do anything super-fancy, so right now I just have a temporary fix. Go ref some actual icons (I like to look at the Regal Blade's, personally) to see how they do it.

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Mine's a convoulted(sp?) mess, while yours is purdy.

So, obviously, my next question would be about your outline. It has brown and such in it. I'm guessing it's OK to do that?

I'm also gonna guess that I should go 3 pixels in for my hilts from now on, before trying to add anything else. Because I thought 2 pixels would be enough, but I guess not.sad.gif

Then, the symmetry. I tried to stay away from that on purpose, because I thought it was too easy for most weapons. If it's okay to do that, then I will start from now on.

Before you mention it, I already noticed that my handle looks like it's detached from the rest of the hilt. I will fix that.

The blade was done on purpose. It's supposed to look like a dark blade with a green aura, but I guess that doesn't work.

Your thoughts?

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The outline is supposed to have brown and such in there. Ref actual FE icons to see where it should be used.

Two pixels is usually enough, but the bigger the blade, the bigger the hilt, so that you can hold it. For broadswords I try to have three pixels, though you'd have to check with Astra or LordGlenn about that.

As for symmetry, the hilt is usually not symmetrical because of shading and such, but with this kind of design it works. That and I'm lazy. ;X

In regard to the blade. the only real way to do that would be to do a regular blade with a green outline (gimme a sec to make one).

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Huh? *checks refs*

Oh shit, you're right. *learns to count*


Try something like this (it's probably wrong, though).


Edited by Camtech075
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I was thinking, what if instead of calling the green an aura, it was simply a glow instead, like a glow-in-the-dark sword.laugh.gif

And why does your palette not have the bright green color in the lower corner? You have that pink instead. that threw me off when I inserted into usenti (but I fixed that).

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