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[FE11] Draft XII


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Guest Wen Yang

Prologue: Marth soloes EVERYTHING. Jages and Frey gets to live just to bring all those extra weapons into the main game.

Marth is a beast, he procs speed regularly, and procs Str in his first THREE level-ups. Even got 2 def...

Name Class Level Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Marth Lord 8.95 9 0 5 12 10 10 0

Chapter 1: 7/7 turns

Marth gets gold, then max-moves while nabbing kills and massacring whatever is foolish enough to attack him. Caeda gets a few kills, Jagen does nothing, the rest goes to die.

Name Class Level Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Marth Lord 10.37 11 0 7 13 12 11 1

Caeda Pegasus Knight 2.60 4 1 7 13 10 7 6

Chapter 2: 5/12 turns

Marth goes left, massacres everything that attacks him, Caeda gets those thieves and Darros, Cord handles the incoming enemies from the top.

Name Class Level Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Marth Lord 12.20 11 0 8 15 14 11 1

Caeda Pegasus Knight 3.53 4 1 7 14 11 7 6

Cord Fighter 3.40 8 0 5 9 5 5 0

Chapter 3: 8/20 turns

again, marth goes straight for the boss and massacres everything in sight, Caeda/Julian/Cord goes towards Navarre's bunch, recruits Navarre for the killing edge, lets him die, then wipes out the enemies there. Julian got an OMGWTF level up.

Name Class Level Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Marth Lord 13.38 12 0 8 15 14 12 1

Caeda Pegasus Knight 5.20 4 1 8 16 12 8 6

Cord Fighter 3.90 8 0 5 9 5 5 0

Julian Thief 4.20 5 0 7 12 8 5 0 [/code]

Chapter 4: 9/29 turns

Marth soloes the entire left side of the map, Julian holds off the incoming enemies on the fort, Caeda offs the archers up top, Cord helps Julian. Caeda FINALLY procs Str.

Name Class Level Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Marth Lord 15.26 14 0 9 15 15 12 1

Caeda Pegasus Knight 6.35 5 1 8 17 13 8 6

Cord Pirate 4.64 9 0 5 9 6 6 0

Julian Thief 5.95 5 0 7 13 9 5 0

Take a look at that Marth... He's a MONSTER. All those feeding him kills in the prologue turns him into a total wrecking machine.

Edited by Wen Yang
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C13- 6

I'm not sure if this is right or not, but eh. Marth used full move so he wouldn't come up short, reclassed Frey and Jagen to pallies for this chapter so they aren't fatally injured by arrowspate, Midia gets Astram for his swords and then promptly dies.

C14- 7

Used drawbridge key, Jagen (pally, so he wouldn't get instakilled by the sniper) went down the side with a master key so he could get the silver card, got Catria, killed Palla with Catria because I couldn't recruit her, and then Marth seized.

C15- 7

Didn't get the talisman or the drop because it takes turns and it also requires keeping Rickard alive, which with Gharnef ovar thar and OHKOing, that's impossible.

C16- 6

Jagen died. Whoops. But Frey procced Res twice so I wasn't going to reset for him. Sedgar and Radd are really lagging. Next gaiden, they're training as much as possible.

C17- 4

Took an extra turn to go to the secret shop. Merric is win, despite getting only HP this level.

C17x- Less than 20

Lots of bullshit happened. Radd kept killing himself with the devil sword I got the last chapter or got critted by the killer lance pally, so eh. Catria was also win this chapter, but I couldn't keep the +everything except for mag level up she had. Oh yeah, and Sedgar missed twice at ~75 display hit against Etzel so I had to reset there.

C18- 9 (actually, I think it was 8, I'll check later)

EST. Would be seven turns, but Est. And that Mercurius is pretty sexy. And again, I wasted my boots on someone else instead of Marth. I wish I thought before I did that.

C19- 5

Stupid me not giving the boots to Marth made this a five turn.

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First: Darros, Rickard. to me.

Second: Origin, one more pick.

Third: Horace... I remember this quote.

I'm not taking 2 speed deficient axemen, so I skipped out on Darros.

You said that in the FE:SD draft tourney on GFaqs.

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  • 1 month later...

Odd for a SD draft tourney to be this desolate...


Chapter 4 - 6/20 Turns

Cain and Jeigan blasted through the cavaliers, with Marth in tow. Jeigan ORKO'd the boss, and Marth seized. Draug and Bord killed the fighters up north.

Chapter 5 - 4/24 Turns

Reclassed Bord to Pirate.

Draug took care of the cavaliers by Wendall, while the Wolfguard drew out the archers on the left side. Hardin and Roshea charged north, and got a couple kills. Bord OHKO'd the boss with a hammer.

Chapter 6 - 6/30 Turns

Reclassed Jeigan to Sniper.

Jeigan drew the throne room mage and archers on turn 1, and killed them with a steel bow. Cain ran to the throne and killed the boss with the armourslayer.

Marth    Lord           08.87       23   8    5   10    12  10    1   C Sword
Kain     Cavalier       12.94       28  12   13   13     8  11    0   D Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Sniper      ??/04.60       25   7   13   11     1   8    3   B Lance E Axe
Draug    Fighter        05.44       24   6    3   13     1   3    0   E Axe
Bord     Fighter        06.00       24  11    6    8     2   6    0   C Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       08.32       25   9    8    9     4   8    1   B Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       04.30       23   6    6    7     4   7    0   D Lance E Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been quite distracted. . .but I started. . .and I wish I hadn't.


Marth feels neglected, and so does Jagen. Short of a few miracles, I'm not gonna win this one. I need Marth the Fighter, not Marth the Myrmidon!

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         7.77   24    7     0     7    11    11     8     0
Jagen     Paladin      2.62   23    Base everything, you jerk

Chapter 1 - 6/6

Thanks to Jagen's non-cooperation, this took a turn longer than it should've. In exchange, I got a godly level-up out of both of them. Caeda sold her Wing Spear and an Iron Bow for a Javelin.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         9.21   25    8     0     8    12    13     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      3.29   23    7     1    10     9     1    10     6

Chapter 2 - 4/10

How Barst managed to be useful (no thanks to his stupid starting position) is beyond me. A few crit-blicks saved a turn, and Caeda from certain death (go Barst). Bought two Hammers, a Steel Axe, and two Hand Axes. I'll need them. Jagen hit C in Swords, and got an amusing level. WHOO!!

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         9.81   25    8     0     8    12    13     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      4.04   24    7     1    11     9     2    11     6
Barst     Fighter      4.20   25   11     0     6     9     6     6     0

Chapter 3 - 6/16

Lack of Strength levels on Jagen is horribly apparent. Anyway, standard rush to the boss, with Marth doing as much damage as possible with a Steel Sword, so Jagen could finish on turn 6 with his Silver Lance. Had to restart once when Barst missed an 83% hit, with fatal consequences. Couldn't get the Killing Edge over in time.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        10.46   26    8     0     8    13    14     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      4.53   24    7     1    11     9     2    11     6
Barst     Fighter      4.94   25   11     0     6     9     6     6     0

Chapter 4 - 7/23

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight, Lena to Pegasus Knight, Caeda to Myrmidon, Ogma to Knight, and a bunch of other units to squishier classes.

Barst smacked the thief so Caeda could buy two Steel Lances, one of which Lena took. Jagen advance-irritated the cavalier guys (who couldn't scratch him), then went north two distract the two Horsemen. Barst and Marth charged through, with me feeding as many kills as possible to the former to boost his weapon ranks. Matthis was caught smacking a random generic red-handed, and joined my army in shame. I took the extra turn because I needed Barst to catch up (stupid healer).

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        10.64   26    8     0     8    13    14     9     0
Jagen     Drakky       5.48   22    8     1    11    10     2    13     3
Barst     Fighter      7.55   27   12     0     7    10     8     7     0
Matthis   Cavalier     2.70   Base everything

Chapter 5 - 5/28

This so should've been four turns, but Marth was a square short.

Barst went south to play with the horse guys, while Matthis went with Marth to distract stuff. Jagen flew around, blicking what was needed (including the boss!), and the Wolfguard served as a distraction. I got Wendell's attention a turn earlier than anticipated, and he was nice enough to kill off a couple of units. Thank you~!

WTF @ Marth's Strength.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.09   27    8     0     8    13    15    10     0
Jagen     Drakky       5.95   22    8     1    11    10     2    13     3
Barst     Fighter      8.36   28   12     0     7    10     9     7     0
Matthis   Cavalier     3.50   21    5     0     3     6     0     7     0
Wolf      Horseman     Base everything

Chapter 6 - 7/35

Reclassed Jagen to Paladin, Matthis to Archer, Sedgar to General and Wolf to Sorcerer. Don't ask what I was thinking.

Jagen + Javelin took care of mostly everything I needed it to, while everyone else played catch-up. Sedgar the General parked himself in front of the northern door, so I wouldn't have to deal with the enemies there. Barst hit C axes, and made great use of it, though I had to wait a turn so he could Hammer the boss. I managed to snag all the treasure that was worth it.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.39   27    8     0     8    13    15    10     0
Jagen     Paladin      6.78   24    7     1    12    11     2    11     6
Barst     Fighter      9.96   29   13     0     7    10    10     8     0
Matthis   Archer       4.70   20    5     0     4     5     1     6     0
Wolf      Sorcerer     3.38   Bippity-boppity-boo~!

Edited by eclipse
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What, someone else actually updated? I'll keep going then.

Chapter 7 - 6/36 Turns

Cain ran to the boss, then waited in front of him with an armourslayer. Cain was 3HKO'd by the boss, who has a silver lance, showing how OP he is this run. Hardin helped Cain get to the boss, Bord killed straglers, Draug almost died, and Marth actually picked up a couple kills along the way. Roshea attacked the archers with javelins, and got another +0 level up.

Missed 6x, but I managed to sacrifice 2 units last chapter, hoping to get 12x.

Marth    Lord           09.22       24   8    5   10    13  10    1   C Sword
Kain     Cavalier       13.99       29  12   13   14     8  12    0   D Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/04.87       21   7   10    9     1  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Draug    Fighter        06.45       25   6    3   14     2   3    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        07.03       25  11    6    8     2   6    0   C Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       08.32       25   9    8    9     4   8    1   B Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       05.40       23   6    6    7     4   7    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 8 - 5/41 Turns

Cain ran to the boss and killed him with the armourslayer.

Hardin got all the horsemen angry at him, and almost died, but all the enemies got attracted to Draug on a mountain. Marth burned through Rapier uses, but Jeigan bought him a new one.

Marth    Lord           10.07       25   9    6   11    14  10    1   C Sword
Kain     Cavalier       15.02       31  13   14   15     8  13    0   C Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/04.97       21   7   10    9     1  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Draug    Fighter        07.50       26   6    3   14     2   3    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        08.46       26  11    7    8     2   6    0   C Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       11.26       27   9    9    9     5   8    1   B Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       06.43       24   6    7    7     4   8    0   D Lance E Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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No one updated, Horace. It's only a figment of your imagination.

Chapter 6x - 20

Reclassed Barst to Mercenary and Wolf to Warrior.

Wolf made a natural attack magnet, which he didn't seem to mind too much. Matthis got a few shots in, while Barst went around killing everything that was a threat to everyone else. Jagen stole the boss kill, and I *just* made it to the throne in time.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.39   27    8     0     8    13    15    10     0
Jagen     Paladin      7.08   24    8     1    12    11     3    11     6
Barst     Mercenary   11.37   26   12     0    15    14    12    11     0
Matthis   Archer       5.93   20    5     0     4     5     1     6     0
Wolf      Warrior      4.70   30    9     0     3     8     6     6     0
Athena    Myrmidon     Base everything

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I knew I was hallucinating.

Chapter 9 - 5/46 Turns

Cain rushed boss and killed it. Jeigan got the wyrmslayer, Rickard got the other 2 chests. Uh, everyone else just kinda chilled out.

Marth    Lord           10.22       25   9    6   11    14  10    1   C Sword
Kain     Cavalier       15.98       31  13   14   15     8  13    0   C Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/05.19       21   8   11   10     1  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Draug    Fighter        08.00       27   7    3   14     2   3    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        09.15       27  11    8    8     2   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       11.94       27   9    9    9     5   8    1   B Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       07.13       25   7    8    7     4   8    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 10 - 8/54 Turns

Not much to be said here.

Cain ran to the boss, then I forgot I needed to kill the hero for his crest, so he went over and attracted the hero (the only enemy on the map he didn't ORKO) and Jeigan finished him. Marth always ends up a space short of seizing on turn 7, so he chipped the boss for Cain to kill.

Sacrificed a shitton of units.

Marth    Lord           10.75       25   9    6   11    14  10    1   C Sword
Kain     Cavalier       16.75       31  13   14   16     8  13    0   C Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/05.74       21   8   11   10     1  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Draug    Fighter        08.10       27   7    3   14     2   3    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        09.99       27  11    8    8     2   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       13.65       28  10   10   11     6   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       07.83       25   7    8    7     4   8    0   D Lance E Sword

Chapter 11 - 9/63 Turns

Uh, Cain run and kill stuff blargh.

Shiida suicidally recruited Jake on turn 2 (after he targeted a generic peg on turn 1 instead of her). Jeigan chatted with Anna on turn 2, and weakened all the mercs for Roshea to get a ton of exp. My axemen hung out around the start and killed a peg.

Marth    Lord           10.99       25   9    6   11    14  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Cavalier       18.18       33  13   16   16     9  13    0   C Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/06.41       21   8   11   11     2  11    3   B Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        08.40       27   7    3   14     2   3    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        09.99       27  11    8    8     2   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       14.47       29  11   10   12     7   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       10.01       28  10   10    8     5   8    0   C Lance E Sword
Jake     Shooter        02.02       20   6    1    3     3  14    0   S Ballistae

Chapter 12 - 6/69 Turns

Jake helped here.

Cain premoted before the chapter. Cain blasted towards the throne room with Hardin and Jeigan. Jake hit one of the clerics with an arrowspate so the other would move to heal it. Cain opened the door to the throne through the tresure room, and one rounded the sniper with a Javelin. Hardin and Jeigan killed the clerics, Jake chipped the boss so Cain wouldn't have to take a counter. Cain finished the boss.

Cain left a the first cav with 1 hp somehow, so Jake killed that one, Jeigan the next, and Hardin Ridersbaned Harmein. Cain ran ahead and grabbed the boots on turn 6.

Rickard and Marth got all the treasure.

Marth    Lord           10.99       25   9    6   11    14  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Cavalier    18/02.09       37  15   19   18    10  14    6   B Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/06.85       21   8   11   11     2  11    3   B Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        08.97       27   7    3   14     2   3    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        10.44       28  12    9    8     2   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       15.24       29  12   10   13     8   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       11.30       29  11   11    8     5   8    0   C Lance E Sword
Jake     Shooter        02.97       20   6    1    3     3  14    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Knight         03.00       Base

Chapter 12x:

Here's the stats:

Marth    Lord           11.65       26  10    7   12    14  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Cavalier    18/04.25       37  17   20   20    10  14    6   B Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/07.53       21   8   12   11     2  11    3   B Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.07       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        11.68       29  13   10    8     3   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       16.16       29  12   11   14     9   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       13.53       31  12   12    9     5   8    0   C Lance E Sword
Jake     Shooter        02.97       20   6    1    3     3  14    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.75       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 7 - 6/41

Reclassed Barst to Fighter and Athena to Pegasus Knight.

Matthis had fun poking things, while Barst and Wolf cleared out everything of note. Jagen pulled the finishing blow on Harmein, because I couldn't get two Hammers to hit. Athena got a few free kills via the Ridersbane guys.

Forgot to record stats. Sorry~!

Chapter 8 - 5/46

Reclassed Caeda to Pegasus Knight and Matthis to Cavalier.

With his better Archer stat gains, Matthis didn't bite quite as badly as he usually does. Jagen charged through, then countered the boss with Armorslayer. Barst made it to the boss on turn 5 for a Hammer finish. Caeda recruited Roger because it was faster than killing him. Caesar went shopping, then hit the arena. Radd's depressed, because I'm not using him.

Wolf hit C in axes. A little more, and I can reclass him to Hero for good.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.39   27    8     0     8    13    15    10     0
Jagen     Paladin      7.87   24    8     1    12    11     3    11     6
Barst     Fighter     12.88   31   14     0     9    12    12    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier     7.94   24    7     0     3     8     1     7     0
Wolf      Warrior      5.33   32   10     0     4     9     7     6     0
Athena    Peggy       11.14   Base everything :(
Caesar    Mercenary    3.43   Base everything

Chapter 9 - 5/51

Reclassed Wolf to Hero and Caesar to Pirate.

I thought this would be tough, until Wolf went critical-crazy with the Hand Axe. Matthis was able to double stuff, and Caesar and Athena got some weapon levels off the seaborne guys. Marth finally saw combat!

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.54   27    8     0     8    13    15    10     0
Jagen     Paladin      8.13   24    8     1    12    12     4    11     6
Barst     Fighter     13.71   32   14     0     9    12    12    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier     8.32   25    7     0     4     8     1     7     0
Wolf      Hero         5.67   28    9     0    12    13     7     8     1
Athena    Peggy       11.76   Base everything :(
Caesar    Pirate       3.74   Base everything

Chapter 10 - 8/59

Due to some equipment screw-ups, I couldn't get the Levin Sword. Instead, I got insanely lucky. Marth hit a critical on the boss and his lackey, Barst hit a 52% axe whack on the Hero, and Wolf either missed or blicked. This almost made up for Caesar missing two 82% chances of killing an enemy (and required me to use some seriously dumb tactics to keep him alive).

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.12   28    9     0     8    13    16    10     0
Jagen     Paladin      8.58   24    8     1    12    12     4    11     6
Barst     Fighter     14.39   33   14     0     9    12    12    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier     9.26   26    8     0     4     8     2     7     0
Wolf      Hero         6.61   30   10     0    13    14     7     9     1
Athena    Peggy       11.97   Base everything :(
Caesar    Pirate       4.81   23    7     0     1     8     6     6     0

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