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[FE11] Draft XII


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Chapter 13 - 3/72 Turns

Cain cleared the way for Marth, who seized. Jeigan bought 10 silver lances, and 5 steel axes, swords, and lances.

Marth    Lord           11.65       26  10    7   12    14  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Cavalier    18/04.87       37  17   20   20    10  14    6   B Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/07.57       21   8   12   11     2  11    3   B Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.07       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        11.95       29  13   10    8     3   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       16.29       29  12   11   14     9   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       13.81       31  12   12    9     5   8    0   C Lance E Sword
Jake     Shooter        02.97       20   6    1    3     3  14    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.75       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 14 - 6/78 Turns

Cain with a door key in hand, ran towards the throne room, with Marth in his wake. I failed hard at getting the silver card.

Marth    Lord           11.90       26  10    7   12    14  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Dracoknight 18/06.05       36  19   21   22    11  16    6   B Lance D Axe
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/07.88       21   8   12   11     2  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.17       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        12.80       30  14   10    8     3   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       17.41       29  12   11   15     9   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       14.22       32  13   12    9     5   8    0   C Lance E Sword
Jake     Shooter        04.29       21   7    3    4     5  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.89       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 15 - 5/83 Turns

Marth ran across the desert, Cain and Jeigan killed everything in his way. Hardin and Roshea killed dracoknights.

Marth    Lord           12.02       27  10    8   13    15  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Dracoknight 18/07.25       37  19   22   22    12  16    6   B Lance D Axe
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/08.40       21   8   12   11     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.17       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        13.07       31  15   10    9     4   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier       18.24       30  12   12   15     9   9    1   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Cavalier       14.79       32  13   12    9     5   8    0   C Lance E Sword
Jake     Shooter        04.46       21   7    3    4     5  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.89       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

EDIT: Fixed my turncounts. For some unknown reason, I added 10 turns for no apparent reason.

Edited by General_Horace
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Why do I get the feeling that Horace will finish before me?

Chapter 11 - 9/68

This chapter required many restarts, because Athena kept dying, or because the stupid Killer Bow dude blicked too many people.

I left Caesar and some bait behind to play with the flying things, while Athena crossed the mountain range to tick off everything. Everyone else ran like mad towards the center. Due to a misplacement, Marth wound up fighting Khozen. . .and showed Ugly who was boss by dodging, then smacking him twice with the Silver Sword. Matthis made decent bait, and Caeda died before she could recruit Jake. :(:

Jagen + Levin Sword is my preferred method of removing those darn ballista, and it's pretty effective. . .until he managed to whiff two 82% chances to hit in a row on Jake.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.37   28    9     0     8    13    16    10     0
Jagen     Paladin      9.36   24    8     1    13    12     4    11     6
Barst     Fighter     14.90   33   14     0     9    12    12    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier    10.20   27    8     0     4     9     2     8     0
Wolf      Hero         7.45   32   11     0    14    15     7     9     1
Athena    Peggy       13.06   26   12     2     8    10     8     8     6
Caesar    Pirate       5.56   25    7     0     2     9     6     6     0

Chapter 12 - 8/76

There is only ONE reason why I'm keeping this run - Marth pulled a critical out of nowhere that saved the entire run.

Played Punt the Door Key using Barst and Matthis. Jagen blew through the treasure room, then smacked the boss with a Javelin and Silver Lance, respectively. Wolf parked himself on the throne and laughed as all the horses suicided on him. Athena survived a bow hit from the General (somehow), and I got everything on the map that was worth getting. Saved Midia and Tomas from certain death; one recruits Astram, and another is a draftee.

I have reason to believe that Barst is trolling me. Caesar pulled a +2 HP level.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.87   28    9     0     8    13    16    10     0
Jagen     Paladin     10.14   24    8     1    14    12     5    11     6
Barst     Fighter     15.85   34   14     0     9    12    13    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier    10.52   27    8     0     4     9     2     8     0
Wolf      Hero         8.19   34   12     0    15    16     7     9     1
Athena    Peggy       13.47   26   12     2     8    10     8     8     6
Caesar    Pirate       6.13   27    7     0     2     9     6     6     0
Tomas     Archer       Party, party, party, GO!

Chapter 12x - 20

Reclassed Tomas to Cavalier.

I had Caesar and Tomas grab as much experience as possible, with Matthis and Athena on chip duty. Jagen got a few kills to his name, due to his tankiness. Wolf's job was to save people, and Marth kinda directed things.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.24   29    9     0     9    14    17    10     0
Jagen     Paladin     11.02   24    8     1    15    13     6    12     6
Barst     Fighter     16.53   35   14     0    10    12    14    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier    12.08   29    8     0     5     9     3     9     0
Wolf      Hero         8.56   34   12     0    15    16     7     9     1
Athena    Peggy       14.43   26   13     2     8    10     8     8     6
Caesar    Pirate       8.39   29    8     0     3    11     6     6     0
Tomas     Cavalier    10.24   25    8     0     6     8     5     7     0

Chapter 13 - 3/79

This chapter was made possible by: Levin Sword (and Astram).

Recruited Astram, then used a little Convoy trick to get the Levin Sword out of Marth's hands, and into Jagen's, so he could run up. . .and miss. Astram grabbed the Levin Sword and finished the job. Barst and Caesar had just enough time to dismantle the two ballista up north, while Tomas got a few free hits in south. Wolf got my second Ridersbane right before the map ended.

Midia is my new shopper.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.31   29    9     0     9    14    17    10     0
Jagen     Paladin     11.23   24    8     1    15    13     6    12     6
Barst     Fighter     16.79   35   14     0    10    12    14    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier    12.30   29    8     0     5     9     3     9     0
Wolf      Hero         8.72   34   12     0    15    16     7     9     1
Athena    Peggy       14.49   26   13     2     8    10     8     8     6
Caesar    Pirate       8.55   29    8     0     3    11     6     6     0
Tomas     Cavalier    10.40   25    8     0     6     8     5     7     0
Astram    Hero         1.33   Base everything

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 16 - 6/89 Turns

Marth opened the first door on turn 2, Jeigan the second on turn 3. It got kind of hairy, as I should have given Marth a Robe before the chapter, but it worked out in the end. Jake sniped the dracoknights at the start for exp.

Promoted Roshea and Hardin.

Marth    Lord           12.91       27  10    8   13    15  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Dracoknight 18/08.72       38  19   22   23    12  16    6   B Lance D Axe
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/08.68       21   8   12   11     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.17       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Hero        13/01.69       33  16   19   14     4  10    3   B Axe D Sword
Hardin   Paladin     18/02.15       34  14   16   16     9  11    7   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/01.97       34  16   15   12     5  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        07.02       22   8    3    4     6  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.89       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 17 - 3/92 Turns

Marth opened the door, Cain killed the boss, Hardin got the VIP card, Roshea and Bord got exp. Bord promoted. Skipped 17x thankfully, didn't feel like doing it.

Marth    Lord           12.91       27  10    8   13    15  10    1   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/10.60       42  19   23   23    13  14    6   B Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/08.68       21   8   12   11     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.17       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Fighter        13.07       31  15   10    9     4   6    0   B Axe
Hardin   Cavalier    18/02.52       34  14   16   16     9  11    7   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/02.49       35  16   15   13     5  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        07.02       22   8    3    4     6  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.89       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 18 - 6/98 Turns

Reclassed Cain back to Paladin.

Cain and Hardin smashed their way through the sable order, with my dracoknights and Bord cleaning up. Draug, Jake, and Macellan didn't even move.

Marth    Lord           13.70       35  11    9   13    16  10    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/12.47       43  21   24   24    14  14    7   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/08.81       21   8   12   11     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.17       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Hero        13/01.86       33  16   19   14     4  10    3   B Axe D Sword
Hardin   Cavalier    18/03.93       35  14   16   17    10  11    7   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/03.10       35  16   16   14     5  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        08.10       22   8    4    5     7  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      05.89       19   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 19 - 4/102 Turns

Got all the items except pure water and spirit dust.

Cain and Hardin ran up the middle, clearing the way for Marth. Jeigan got the top left tresure room, Rickard got the one two down from it, and Bord got the upper right tresure room, Roshea killed the Starsphere thief.

Macellan got a kill for the first time since chapter 12x.

Marth    Lord           14.00       35  11   10   13    17  11    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/12.98       43  21   24   24    14  14    7   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/08.81       21   8   12   11     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter        10.27       28   7    4   15     3   4    0   D Axe
Bord     Hero        13/01.86       33  16   19   14     4  10    3   B Axe D Sword
Hardin   Cavalier    18/05.22       37  15   18   18    12  13    7   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/03.91       35  16   16   14     5  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        08.57       22   8    4    5     7  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      06.96       20   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 20 - 5/107 Turns

Shit, missed Ymir. Don't think he would have done a lot anyhow.

Cain killed Camus, Marth ran to the throne, Hardin killed the hoard of Paladins for exp. Draug promoted, and him and Bord used Hammers on the generals on the other side of the river. What kind of promoted axe user has 9 strength?

Marth    Lord           14.70       35  11   10   13    17  11    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/14.49       43  21   26   24    16  14    7   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/09.03       21   8   12   12     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter     10/01.40       32   9    5   15     3   7    0   C Axe
Bord     Hero        13/02.79       34  17   20   14     4  10    3   B Axe D Sword
Hardin   Cavalier    18/06.94       37  15   19   19    12  13    7   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/04.66       36  16   16   14     5  11    4   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        08.81       22   8    4    5     7  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      06.96       20   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 21 - 3/110 Turns

Cain grabbed the Gradivus and ripped shit up. Jeigan visited the secret shop and bought 3 energy drops and speedwings. Cain used some stat boosters before the chapter.

Marth    Lord           14.70       35  11   10   13    17  11    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/16.44       52  25   27   25    17  16    7   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/09.03       21   8   12   12     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter     10/01.64       32   9    5   15     3   7    0   C Axe
Bord     Hero        13/03.89       34  17   21   14     4  10    3   B Axe D Sword
Hardin   Cavalier    18/07.36       38  16   20   20    12  14    7   A Lance D Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/05.09       37  17   17   14     5  12    4   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        09.70       23   8    4    5     8  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      06.96       20   8   12   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 22 - 7/117 Turns

Cain killed everything with Gradivus, generics drew dangerous enemies away from Marth. Jeigan bought another arrowspate for Jake, who killed the dracoknights around Michalis, and the annoying fortify curates. Used various stat boosters.

Marth    Lord           14.80       35  11   10   13    17  11    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/18.27       54  25   28   25    17  16    7   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/09.11       21   8   12   12     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter     10/01.86       32   9    5   15     3   7    0   C Axe
Bord     Hero        13/04.75       35  18   22   14     4  10    3   A Axe D Sword
Hardin   Cavalier    18/07.51       38  20   20   20    12  14    7   A Lance C Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/06.13       38  17   18   18     5  13    4   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        12.68       24  10    6    5    10  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      07.56       21   8   13   15     5   6    0   E Sword

Chapter 23 - ~7/124 Turns

I think it was 7 turns.

Used pure water on Marth, Roshea, and Hardin so the swarm dudes would attack Cain, who could heal himself with Gradivus (although he didn't need to...)

Forgot stats.

Chapter 24 - 4/128 Turns

Cain killed a shitton of stuff with Gradivus, while Jeigan bought out the secret shop.

Marth    Lord           15.47       36  11   10   14    17  11    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/20.00       56  25   28   25    17  17    9   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/09.41       21   8   12   12     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter     10/01.86       32   9    5   15     3   7    0   C Axe
Bord     Hero        13/05.65       36  19   22   14     4  10    3   A Axe D Sword
Hardin   Paladin     18/09.17       38  19   21   21    13  15    7   A Lance C Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/07.64       39  17   18   18     5  13    4   B Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        15.69       26  11    8    5    11  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Mercenary      07.56       21   8   13   15     5   6    0   E Sword

I don't wanna do 24x.

Chapter 24x:

Here's stats:

Marth    Lord           16.83       37  12   10   15    17  12    2   B Sword
Kain     Paladin     18/20.00       56  25   28   25    17  17    9   A Lance C Sword
Jeigan   Dracoknight ??/09.41       21   8   12   12     3  11    3   A Lance D Axe
Draug    Fighter     10/02.39       33  10    5   15     3   7    0   C Axe
Bord     Hero        13/06.96       36  20   23   14     5  10    3   A Axe D Sword
Hardin   Paladin     18/09.81       38  19   21   21    13  15    7   A Lance C Sword
Roshea   Dracoknight 14/11.38       41  19   21   19     6  13    4   A Lance E Axe
Jake     Shooter        16.80       26  11    8    5    11  16    0   S Ballistae
Macellan Horseman    10/01.00       27  11   13   13     5   7    0   D Bow D Sword

Endgame 4/132 Turns

Cain ran to Medeus, and crit blicked him. He would have killed on the EP anyway. Marth hid, Nagi killed a ballistae, while Hardin and Roshea killed stuff on the left side of the keep. Macellan one rounded two Paladins and a mage with Parthia :awesome:

Verifying turncount, then unit analysis.

Edited by General_Horace
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New Post for Character analysis:


Was good at the start, as he hit hard, but he hit his midgame rut, and then somewhat redeemed himself after promotion.


Was blessed early on, then never looked back, as he was my MVP from Chapter 1 till endgame.


He was filler early on, and shitty lategame


Was excellent in Cain's shadow, he just didn't have enough power without his silver lance sometimes. When I bought a ton in chapter 13, he was good till the end.


He was actually pretty cool on some chapters, with arrowspate and curate killing abilities. Would draft again.


Was almost nullified in because of awesome Cain. Still earlygame flying was nice.


LOOK AT THAT SEXY SPEED. His stats were the result of multiple unneeded statboosters. He raped the shit out of a bishop and 2 Paladins in endgame, otherwise, he sat around for ~15 chapters.


I hate you too Marth. Nice Strength and speed. Thanks for the extra resistance.


Terrible start, but once he promoted, he became kind of awesome, due to fail enemy AS, and a speedwing.


Oddly enough, I only remember her getting one kill.


You almost made it! He died on the 4th turn EP of Endgame.

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Keep in mind that Draug got a super-early promotion, so that didn't help his Strength. Roshea turned out VERY godly, for when he promoted. Bord. . .eh, he could've used the extra levels.

Due to the way I kept my stats, some reclass-without-leveling stats will be really off. Please don't mind them. Also, all hail Notepad, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V. Without them, I wouldn't be able to do stats.

Chapter 14 - 7/86

Reclassed Barst to Pirate.

I know I took an extra turn, but that's because I had to wait for a certain someone to truck his Hammer over to do stuff. I did get all the treasure.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.61   29    9     0     9    14    17    10     0
Jagen     Paladin     11.70   24    8     1    15    13     6    12     6
Barst     Pirate      17.71   33   14     0    10    11    15    11     0
Matthis   Cavalier    13.08   30    9     0     5     9     3     9     0
Wolf      Hero         9.24   36   13     0    16    17     7    10     1
Athena    Peggy       15.00   26   13     2     8    10     8     8     6
Caesar    Pirate       8.95   29    8     0     3    11     6     6     0
Tomas     Cavalier    11.37   26    8     0     7     8     5     7     0
Astram    Hero         1.72   Base everything

Chapter 15 - 5/91

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight, Matthis to Archer, and Astram to Horseman.

Matthis and Astram poked stuff, while Tomas and Caesar stole all the important kills. Athena marched up to the boss and speared his face in. Jagen was able to sneak past Gharnef and get both treasures. Horace sacrificed himself to keep Gharnef busy. I'm sorry!

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.61   29    9     0     9    14    17    10     0
Jagen     Drakky      11.82   24    8     1    15    13     6    12     6
Barst     Pirate      17.98   33   14     0    10    11    15    11     0
Matthis   Archer      13.32   30    9     0     5     9     3     9     0
Wolf      Hero         9.48   36   13     0    16    17     7    10     1
Athena    Peggy       15.73   26   13     2     8    10     8     8     6
Caesar    Pirate      10.45   31    9     0     3    11     7     7     0
Tomas     Cavalier    13.20   28    9     0     7     9     6     9     0
Astram    Horesman     1.94   Base everything

Chapter 16 - 6/97

Reclassed Matthis to Cavalier, Wolf to Berserker and Caesar to Pirate. Gave Athena the Speedwings, because she needed it.

This chapter took many, many retries before Marth/Matthis/Athena/Wolf survived/stopped missing multiple 80%+ hits. I used Caesar to chip both Horseslaying flying things, then had Astram get them low enough for someone else to steal the kill. Jagen used his (relatively) incredible bulk to down a Pure Water, chip the Levin Sword dude, wall the other Hero, and then kill both of them. Tomas ran behind Marth to open the other door. Matthis followed, with Ridersbane at ready. Athena followed behind as another Ridersbane. Wolf and Barst walked on water, and baited things so Astram and Caesar could snipe at them. Midia went shopping, then hit the save point. Barst ended the map by hitting two 72%-or-so Hammers (this only required one reset, thank goodness).

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        14.55   30    9     0     9    14    18    10     0
Jagen     Drakky      12.44   22    9     1    15    13     6    15     3
Barst     Pirate      19.63   34   14     0    11    12    16    11     0
Matthis   Cavalier    13.72   30    9     0     5     9     3     9     0
Wolf      Berserker   10.61   40   15     0     9    12     8     9     0
Athena    Peggy       16.16   27   14     2     9    12*    8     9     6
Caesar    Fighter     11.77   34   10     0     3    13     7     6     0
Tomas     Cavalier    13.20   28    9     0     7     9     6     9     0
Astram    Horesman     2.95   24    9     1    11    10     4     7     3

Chapter 17 - 3/100

Yawn/10. I had Midia behind Marth, so she could nab the Important Card, fly across the throne room, and go shopping. Poleaxes, HERE I COME!

You know you fail as a boss when Jagen's kicking you out at this stage of the game.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        14.55   30    9     0     9    14    18    10     0
Jagen     Drakky      13.22   22    9     1    15    14     6    16     3
Barst     Pirate      19.91   34   14     0    11    12    16    11     0
Matthis   Cavalier    14.31   31   10     0     5     9     4    10     0
Wolf      Hero  -_-;  10.99   40   15     0     9    12     8     9     0
Athena    Peggy       16.16   27   14     2     9    12*    8     9     6
Caesar    Fighter     11.77   34   10     0     3    13     7     6     0
Tomas     Cavalier    13.20   28    9     0     7     9     6     9     0
Astram    Horesman     3.31   25    9     1    12    10     4     7     3

Chapter 17x - 20

Reclassed Barst to Mercenary, so I could promote him after one kill.

This was the usual straight march down, but with Poleaxes for more fun. Athena on Pure Water got rid of the mages, while various other people took out the arrows. I fed Caesar and Tomas as much experience as I could.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        15.73   31   10     0    10    14    19    10     0
Jagen     Drakky      13.31   22    9     1    15    14     6    16     3
Barst     Hero         3.21   40   16     0    22    18    18    14     3
Matthis   Cavalier    15.50   32   10     0     5     9     4    11     0
Wolf      Hero        11.03   40   15     0    18    18     8    11     1
Athena    Peggy       17.32   27   14     2    10    12*    8     9     6
Caesar    Fighter     14.27   38   11     0     5    13     8     6     0
Tomas     Cavalier    15.50   30   10     0     8    10     7     9     0
Astram    Horesman     4.22   26    9     1    12    10     4     7     3

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My units would have been better if I didn't skip a bunch of Gaidens, but I only really needed Cain and Hardin. Roshea got 2 speedwings I think, and I had a ton of res procs for some reason.

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Even with two Speedwings, that's still pretty impressive.

Chapter 18 - 6/106

Reclassed Caesar to Pirate.

Matthis and Ridersbane ripped a hole in the troops, so Marth could run through. After how-many levels, Marth finally got a good level-up. Barst and Athena did the honors of killing the boss (with Barst missing an 80%, as usual).

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        17.05   33   11     0    10    16    20    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      13.68   22    9     1    15    14     6    16     3
Barst     Hero         3.87   40   16     0    22    18    18    14     3
Matthis   Cavalier    16.37   33   11     0     5    10     4    12     0
Wolf      Hero        11.50   40   15     0    18    18     8    11     1
Athena    Peggy       18.82   28   14     2    11    13*    8     9     6
Caesar    Pirate      14.27   36   11     0     5    12     8     7     0
Tomas     Cavalier    15.93   30   10     0     8    10     7     9     0
Astram    Horesman     4.72   26    9     1    12    10     4     7     3

Chapter 19 - 5/111

If there is a way to do this map in 4 turns, I do not see it.

Had Barst, Wolf, Athena, and Jagen alternately run things over, with Matthis sponging hits. Tomas hit the northernmost treasure room, then passed the last remaining Master Key to Midia, who flew over and traded it to Caesar. Rickard got the right side. I walked off of this map with a Speedwings, Seraph Robe, tons of cash, and three Spheres.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        17.62   33   11     0    10    16    20    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      13.88   22    9     1    15    14     6    16     3
Barst     Hero         5.23   41   17     1    23    19    18    14     3
Matthis   Cavalier    17.13   34   11     0     5    10     4    12     0
Wolf      Hero        11.78   40   15     0    18    18     8    11     1
Athena    Peggy       19.59   28   14     2    12    14*    8    10     6
Caesar    Pirate      14.27   36   11     0     5    12     8     7     0
Tomas     Cavalier    16.23   31   10     0     8    10     7     9     0
Astram    Horesman     5.12   26   10     1    13    10     5     7     3

Chapter 20 - 5/116

Reclassed Astram to Hero. Left Matthis and Tomas back at base. Promoted Athena at level 19.

Barst Hammered one enemy, while Caesar parked himself in a water tile to bait the other one. Wolf and Astram teamed up to kill off two of the Silver Sword guys, while Jagen and Marth killed the last one. Barst baited Camus, did respectable damage with a Hand Axe. Athena was one short of getting Gradivus. . .so it was up to Jagen and an Iron Axe to kill Camus. Barst went Hammertime on the remaining armor units.


Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        17.71   33   11     0    10    16    20    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      14.61   22   10     1    15    14     7    16     3
Barst     Hero         6.73   41   17     1    24    20    19    14     3
Matthis   Cavalier    17.13   34   11     0     5    10     4    12     0
Wolf      Hero        11.98   40   15     0    18    18     8    11     1
Athena    Drakky       1.61   32   18     1    12    14*    8    17*    3
Caesar    Pirate      14.74   36   11     0     5    12     8     7     0
Tomas     Cavalier    16.23   31   10     0     8    10     7     9     0
Astram    Hero         6.12   29   11     1    18    14     6     8     3

Chapter 20x - 20

My goal was to promote everyone that hadn't promoted. I didn't quite reach it, but I think what I got out of it was good. Caesar chipped Larissa to death while Tomas got lance rank by chucking Javelins at Ymir.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        18.08   34   12     0    10    16    21    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      14.94   22   10     1    15    14     7    16     3
Barst     Hero         7.24   42   17     1    25    21    19    14     3
Matthis   Paladin      1.00   41   14     0    10    11     4    13     6
Wolf      Hero        12.53   42   16     0    19    19     9    12     1
Athena    Drakky       2.54   33   18     1    12    15*    8    17*    3
Caesar    Pirate      17.71   39   12     0     5    13     8     8     0
Tomas     Cavalier    18.55   33   10     0     8    10     8     9     0
Astram    Hero         6.54   29   11     1    18    14     6     8     3

Chapter 21 - 3/119

Reclassed Matthis to Dracoknight, Tomas to Archer, and Astram to Horseman.

ASDKFJA;LKDJFA;KLSDJLKAJEIADJSK!!!! How many different ways can Caesar get unlucky?! I kept resetting until Caesar landed at least 3 of 4 77% chances to hit two of the starting Generals with a Hammer. Barst and Wolf cleared stuff out so Jagen + Lightsphere could go make the boss cry. Tomas got a couple of shots in (and missed an 82% chance that would've given him another level).

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        18.20   34   12     0    10    16    21    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      15.11   23   10     1    16    14     7    16     3
Barst     Hero         8.69   43   17     1    26    22    19    14     3
Matthis   Drakky       1.94   39   15     0    10    11     4    15     6
Wolf      Hero        13.18   44   17     0    20    20    10    13     1
Athena    Drakky       3.74   34   18     1    12    16*    9    18*    3
Caesar    Pirate      19.28   41   14     0     6    14     9     8     0
Tomas     Archer      18.79   31   10     0     9     8     8     8     0
Astram    Horseman     6.64   27   11     1    14    10     6     7     3

Chapter 22 - 7/126

Reclassed Caesar to Mercenary and promoted him. Promoted Tomas. Here's what my promotion levels look like:

Level 20: Barst, Matthis

Level 19: Athena, Caesar

Level 18: Tomas

With my Air Force and Hero brigade, I went to town on Michalis' troops. Not much could scratch Athena, and Astram and Tomas had plenty of targets. My Heroes sniped at whatever was left over. Jagen decided he didn't like Michalis' face, so he stole the kill with a critical.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        18.33   34   12     0    10    16    21    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      15.76   23   10     1    16    14     7    16     3
Barst     Hero         9.60   44   17     1    27    23    20    14     3
Matthis   Drakky       3.69   41   16     0    10    11     4    15     3
Wolf      Hero        13.31   44   17     0    20    20    10    13     1
Athena    Drakky       6.53   35   20     1    14    18*    9    19*    3
Caesar    Hero         1.00   45   15     1    15    20     9    11     3
Tomas     Sniper       2.02   40   12     1    15    14     8    10     3
Astram    Horseman     7.16   28   11     1    14    11     7     7     3

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Once again, certain stats may be a touch off. My apologies if they are. Time to finish this puppy.

Chapter 23 - 7/133

Reclassed Jagen, Matthis, Athena, and Tomas to Paladin.

Standard rush strategy, with Athena leading the way. Rickard managed to nab everything, though he was bored for quite a while. Caesar and Astram took care of a good chunk of the south.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        18.80   34   12     0    10    16    21    11     0
Jagen     Paladin     16.07   26   10     1    16    14     7    14     6
Barst     Hero        10.06   44   18     1    28    23    20    14     3
Matthis   Paladin      5.15   45   16     0    11    11     5    15     6
Wolf      Hero        13.56   44   17     0    20    20    10    13     1
Athena    Paladin      8.24   39   19     1    15    19*   10    18*    6
Caesar    Hero         3.10   47   16     1    16    21     9    12     3
Tomas     Paladin      2.67   38   12     1    12    12     8    11     6
Astram    Horseman     7.56   28   11     1    14    11     7     7     3
Elice     'bout time you showed up

Chapter 24 - 7/137

Turned the Resist Sqaud into the Air Force.

Athena took a Barrier, cleared out the boss area on turn 1, then Gravi-blicked the boss on turn 2. Everyone else wondered where the enemies went.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        18.80   34   12     0    10    16    21    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      16.53   24   11     1    16    14     7    16     3
Barst     Hero        10.22   44   18     1    28    23    20    14     3
Matthis   Drakky       6.47   44   17     0    11    11     5    17     3
Wolf      Hero        13.63   44   17     0    20    20    10    13     1
Athena    Drakky      12.57   41   24     1    17    21*   11    22*    3
Caesar    Hero         4.01   48   16     1    17    21    10    12     3
Tomas     Drakky       3.27   37   13     1    12    13     8    13     3
Astram    Horseman     7.56   28   11     1    14    11     7     7     3
Elice     Cleric      10.85   Base everything

Chapter 24x - 19

Reclassed Elice to Mage.

The point of this map was to level Elice as much as possible. It didn't work. Several other people got levels, so yay?

Time to figure out who eats what.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        19.40   35   13     0    10    16    22    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      17.00   24   11     1    16    15     8    16     3
Barst     Hero        11.01   45   18     1    28    23    21    14     3
Matthis   Drakky       7.31   44   17     0    11    11     5    17     3
Wolf      Hero        13.78   44   17     0    20    20    10    13     1
Athena    Drakky      12.57   41   24     1    17    21*   11    22*    3
Caesar    Hero         6.11   49   17     1    18    21    11    12     3
Tomas     Drakky       5.21   38   14     1    13    13     8    13     3
Astram    Horseman     9.02   29   13     1    14    12     8     8     3
Elice     Mage        15.58   21    0     5     8    10     6     4     4


Endgame - 4/141

Stat booster distribution before the final battle:

Seraph Robe: Jagen x2, Astram

Energy Drop: Matthis x2, Athena, Tomas x2

Spirit Dust: Elice x4

Secret Book: Matthis

Speedwings: Athena x2, Matthis x3

Goddess Icon: Matthis x2, Athena

Dracoshield: Athena

This was the usual four-turn-cheat-with-Geosphere strategy, but this time, the map was more or less empty by turn 3. Athena was the one that killed off Medeus during EP, because Matthis didn't quite have the oomph to do it himself.

Final stats and thoughts in another post, because it's gonna be long.

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Final boss reclasses: Athena and Tomas to Paladin. Also forgot to add that Astram ate two Arms Scrolls for Parthia.


Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        20.00   36   14     0    10    17    23    11     0
Jagen     Drakky      17.92   38*  11     1    16    15     8    16     3
Barst     Hero        12.89   45   18     1    29    23    21    15     3
Matthis   Drakky       7.93   44   21*    1    13*   17*    9*   17     3
Wolf      Hero        14.76   45   18     0    21    21    11    14     1
Athena    Paladin     14.87   45   25*    1    18    25*   14*   23*    6
Caesar    Hero         8.07   51   17     1    18    22    11    13     3
Tomas     Paladin      6.53   41   17*    1    13    13     9    11     6
Astram    Horseman     9.88   36*  13     1    14    12     8     8     3
Elice     Sage         2.40   35*   3    15*   10    12     7     5     7


Marth - Talk about missing his averages! His low Strength meant that he had problems killing stuff. If he had better Strength, I would've done much better on some of the earlier maps.

Jagen - He went Swordmaster. The Speed was welcome, though I wish he'd gain a little more Strength. He got suprisingly lucky, too. Thanks to his relatively insane Speed and Defense, he was useful right until the end.

Barst - 8 MOV hurts when you're trying to keep up with Marth on Boots. His Hammer contributions were vital, and he shares co-MVP, because he was solid for most of the run.

Matthis - Got the strangest stat gains, but his Speed didn't lag too badly. He was able to hit hard, albeit with questionable accuracy. Once he promoted, he became much more useful.

Wolf - He's Wolf, so of course he'll end up awesome. Thanks to his stupid RES base, he made good mage bait. No complaints here~!

Athena - Started off super-slow, but once she remembered her Speed stat, became unstoppable. Co-MVP, because it took her a while to truly take off.

Caesar - Another slow starter, but thanks to his awful Skill, didn't take off like Barst did. His massive HP made him like Jigglypuff that hits back. I wish he would've gained a touch more Strength.

Tomas - Kept up with Matthis. Given the head start Matthis had, this is damn impressive. Took a while to get up to Ridersbane, but unlike Matthis, could hit with the damn thing. Thanks to his natural Bow rank, I was able to use him as a Sniper through Macedon, with amusing results. His Luck was pretty good, oddly enough.

Astram - Strong on the chapter he came in on, and was able to chip reliably for the rest of them. He's quite frail compared to my other units. I'd call him a glass cannon, but his offense wasn't exactly ZOMGAMAZING (though Silver Sword helped a lot). He got a slight boost from Midia, my shopper.

Elice - Was herself, and allowed me to do my stupid Geosphere strategy.

Nagi - Uh, hi.

Midia - Secret shopper, with supports in Tomas and Astram.

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I finished and had everything typed up but I pressed the goddamn back key next to the directional pad and now it's gone. So I'll put it up in a few hours, maybe.

Edit: I'll post my turns for now.

20 - 6 turns

20x - bleh turns

21 - 4 turns

22 - 6 turns

23 - 8 turns

24 - 6 turns

24x - bleh

Endgame - 4 turns

Total: 151, if I added correctly and prologue isn't factored in (that's the number of original Pokemon, fuck yeah :D)

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