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Obtaining Venin weapons?


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Has anyone ever bothered trying to steal a Venin Edge or Bow? like in 2-1 and 2-2, Brom can disarm the myrmidon in 2-1 and the archer in 2-2. Also, does anyone know if any enemy has a Venin Lance or Axe in a chapter where Disarm is available?

Edit : Okay, nevermind, there's a soldier in the same chapter.

Edited by Anderson88
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I've managed to disarm a venin bow before in 2-2 (on hard mode too, so no resetting). It's not that useful though, but it's pretty cool.

done that on normal mode, only used 3 uses though, didn't use any bow-users that PT.

also stole a venin lance once, on my paladin PT. Geoffrey broke it in 2-E. I used his so much he was already 3rd tier at that time (normal mode).

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I've found my method of obtaining them without too much trouble. Here's what I did. First, If Brom's Biorhythm wasn't at max, then I would take units and surround the archer, so it cannot attack. Same with the soldier, but be prepared to take some hits... :angry: Once Brom's Biorhythm is Best, battle save and reset 'til you get both Venin weapons. (I'd start with the soldier.) :):

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I've had a Venin Lance,Bow,Axe, and Sword one play through.

I didn't use them often. :/

When I did use them is was mostly for the shi*s and giggles.

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Don't do a Blessed Venins only run. (As in, the last three chapters may only have Venin weapons to damage bosses bar ragnell) And venins are the only weapons you may use to damage normal enemies. And thank goodness this was NM.

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