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Weapon Icon Contest


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For Round 4, let's up the ante a bit. Your task this week is to create/design a Legendary Weapon that would fit in the view that the GBA titles present them; that is, you may choose to create any type of icon (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Fire/Wind/Thunder, Light, Dark, or Staff), but it must be something like a Holy Weapon (FE4), Divine Weapon (FE6/7), a Sacred Twin (FE8), etc. in nature. (So, something like FE7's Regal Blade wouldn't count, but something akin to Durandal obviously would.)

  • 16x16 box. I may or may not check this. Honor system.
  • FE colors.
  • It is the responsibility of the voters and the spriters to ask "does that look like the right weapon rank?"
  • Winner selects next challenge.
  • You must make a new icon, no using a pre-made one.

I have no idea. Noooooooo clue.

Deadline: April 18th

Light Lord: excalibur.png

13th: RainbowBlade.png?t=1302872686

iavasechui: sword-1.pngbig.png

Camtech: 6zbn5s.jpg

Acey: 30nhcn9.png

Astra: 48909c4056ee2ae71a363ed49d9d1848.png

Feaw: Bavinos.png

Eclipse: VA4mW.png

Maklo: DEATHAXE.png

Claude_C_Kenny: twinswords.pngtwinswordszoom.png

Joearchi (or however its spelled): WeaponSpritingComp4-2.png

Edited by Camtech075
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For clarification, the way I had intended it was for each person to make either a Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Staff, or Tome (GBA!Anima, Light, or Dark) that was new and their own creation that would be a part of a set of Legendary Weapons. For instance, I might make a Legendary Lance-type weapon that would, in essence, be a part of its own unique set of Legendary weapons (sets being FE4's Holy Weapons, etc.). However, you only have to make the one icon.

Now, thinking about it, I suppose that one could also do a reimagining of an existing Legendary weapon using an artwork reference (for those that have them) or even an alternate or new Legendary weapon that would be "added" to an existing set.

I'm going to leave this judgment up to Cam's interpretation, however.

I think that this makes more sense now...?

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Preferably Photobucket or tinypic or something of the sort. I know some people use gyazo, that's fine too.

Basically, just give me something I can show in the first post.

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Does this count as a good entry? And moreover, does it even look like it could be a legendary?

If it should fit in a universe, I don't where it could fit, because I originally designed it as part of a new legendary set for a story of my own. Name, Excalibur, something a bit predictable but I like so much that legendary sword.

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Whether it counts as a legendary is up to you and the voters. That's my policy on everything, actually (mainly because I don't feel like getting into arguments).

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I like it, Light. It looks like it would be something like a prf weapon for King Arthur, equivalent to Audhulma<br><br>

Edited by 13thshadow
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Probably needs work... -_-; at least this one doesn't look like a closed umbrella like my last attempt at a sword XP

Edit: ... XD did it finally start not auto converting my little face thingies into smilies XD

Edited by iavasechui
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I like it, Light. It looks like it would be something like a prf weapon for King Arthur, equivalent to Audhulma<br><br>

It's based on that sword and tale, but like I said, for a story I'm working on. Topic to be discussed somewhere else.

Hmmm swapped the blade and hilt colors to maybe look more legendary...

Before: sword.pngoldbig.png

After: sword-1.pngbig.png

So.... question is did it work?

I like the after one, it's like shiny and kind of more legendary than the first one. I have a feeling it can be a legendary with some sort of magic infused.

Cam, I'll enter with Excalibur in this contest. Now I'll try to see if I can do any improvements and submit it in time.

Edited by Light Lord
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Cam, I'll enter with Excalibur in this contest. Now I'll try to see if I can do any improvements and submit it in time.

I would've entered it sooner, but I had to get off the computer last night.

EDIT: And with that, I come with my own piece of shit. 6zbn5s.jpg

Edited by Camtech075
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You must submit one or the other.

@Feaw: Knives would be acceptable.

People make swords because they're almost as easy as lances but are easier to make fancy-like

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