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Pre-release Stuff


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I have a few images that can possibly be added?

Eirika's old attack: http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/5889/eirikaattackwz7.png

and critical... http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/259/eirikacriticaloe1.png

FE8 Prologue: http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6100/prologuebossmn5.png

Vanessa's old look: http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/6673/vanessastatsqb7.png

Also, did the other characters follow Eirika like they do here?


And for FE9, do you have any idea what's happening here?


Edited by Eltoshen
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They used to follow her? Seems cool, but I can't help but wonder how that would turn out near the end of the game...

That's probably why they scrapped the idea.

I'm just wondering if it was that one time, or if it was some sort of "event". Dx

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Lethe and Soren are talking in that last image... but you probably knew that already. I wouldn't say it's a support conversation just yet. It could be one though (I'm kind of busy to translate it right now).

Also, thanks for those images. I have them already, but I kind of forgot about them, since it's FE8 >___<

I'll add them soon anyway ^^

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As far as the FE9 image goes, it seems like more of a "initiate combat" or recruitment conversation then a support.

I can`t make out a lot of the radicals in Soren`s speech, but the last line I can read. I`m going to assume Soren is saying something along the lines of "Could I ask you to leave us alone? We`re a little busy right now...". Lethe responds with something alone the lines of, "No way! Right now you`d better be watching! I`ll show you our real power!". Her name also reads as "Reto". Isn`t it "Rete" in the final? "Senerio" reads the same tho.

I hope that makes doing the rest of it a bit easier!

Edited by ritsuo
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Her name also reads as "Reto". Isn`t it "Rete" in the final?

Yeah, they changed it during development it seems. I remember going "Eh?" when later scans/screens had her name as Rete.

Thanks for the translation as well ^^


The page has been updated. I haven't added everything yet, but there should be plenty of changes.

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