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GBA FE - Mixed magic/strength patch


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I think you can find the patches for this in file 0168. I figure some people might like to use it--I don't. I took a brief glance at the readme, blahblah caution not fully tested blahblah, basic stuff. Also includes a patch where stat-up items augment stats rather than increase. If your cap is 23 strength, and you hold on to an energy ring, your strength will be raised to 25. I'm guessing once the ring is removed, you decrease to your normal cap.

It also looks like an outline of where and how the battle formulas are stored. So you can feel free to customize your build requirements or whatever. A general mess of data of all sorts. Check out the first archive upload of the pack too for some map editing tools and other goodies.

Edited by Celice
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I got it to work only for Fe8 (J). Is there any way to have the same patch working for FE7 (U)?

Btw the documents are written in messed-up style (èauyaà...). I guess it's a matter between my Windows xp and j characters expansion .. an english translation would help, if there's one. xP

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I got it to work only for Fe8 (J). Is there any way to have the same patch working for FE7 (U)?

Unless you can port it yourself by looking at the ASM, pretty much "no".

It's not really that useful for us "middle tier hackers", considering no one here hacks the Japanese GBA versions. The only use this would have would be if someone like Xeld/Hex, Nintenlord, or Ryru, or someone else who knows ASM would want to port this for any of the USA GBA FE Roms.

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Since it's quite unlikely code involving algorithms were changed during a localization, you can locate the same data in the new ROM and edit it there. It's probably just been shifted around to accommodate to localization changes. This is not to say that the data's not changed (since some localizations review and alter many aspects other than text and additional optimization)--but I don't seem to recall items working a different way between versions.

If you're "middle tier" then you'd know to try this--it's a very basic way of finding data anyhow :/ If the data for how health is drawn on-screen is at $XXX1, but in a localization it's been shifted to $XX31, you just jump forward and edit there. It's worth a try, more than giving up.

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If you're "middle tier" then you'd know to try this--it's a very basic way of finding data anyhow :/ If the data for how health is drawn on-screen is at $XXX1, but in a localization it's been shifted to $XX31, you just jump forward and edit there. It's worth a try, more than giving up.

Well yes, but I don't hack FE8 :/

Would probably be the same way for FE7 if you wanted to port it too, but I'm too lazy to make up an excuse for being lazy :/

I wonder if that guy can find the function for the "hold item stat bonuses" and null that.

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It's not Nintendolord's. It's probably a lot more stable, since it wasn't kept private either.

I'm sorry, but privacy doesn't say a damn thing about stability. Neither does making something open source. You can have perfectly working programs/whatever that you don't release and you can find extremely shitty things that have been released as open source (and, given what I've seen on the 'net and software that I've personally worked with, it's a pretty common thing). As such, using the privacy of the code to determine its stability doesn't make any sense.

And, you didn't even completely answer his question, either.

Psychology, the full answer is that it is most likely neither, since it's hosted on a .jp domain. Granted, someone could have grabbed, modified, and moved either of those (similar to the process that Celice mentioned above for using it in the U versions of the ROMs) to make them work on the JP version and then hosted it. I mean, it's not like they aren't aware of some of our more prevalent hacks and projects. But, given the extra amount of stuff in there, I'd wager that they've done most of the stuff on their own.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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If it's not private, the patch isn't dependent on its originator to make sure it remains compatible and free of bugs--anyone can access the patch. Private one-person creations aren't always more buggy, but there's the disposition for the original creator to overlook or miss some ways their code could be bad due to the way they work, and also for them to lose interest and stop working altogether. When the code is publicized, it has the chance for more criticism and proofing going around, as well as actually being... used.

I didn't answer about the staves because I wouldn't know :/

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You also have to look at the fandom we're talking about here. You can count on two hands the number of people active in the English FE fandom that can read ARM7 assembly language, let alone write blocks of code in it (or, at least the ones that have come out and said they can). What you've said is true, yes, but when there aren't any parties (relatively speaking) that could look through and fix things, there is really no point in doing it. You're going to end up at the same point regardless of whether you release it or not. Releasing it also leads to people getting the urge to download and use it, and for something that isn't working, you may end up with a deluge of "halp this dun work" comments, which *no one* wants to sift through. Besides, this is moot anyway, since said source and notes have been released by Nintenlord after the April Fools' farewell of FE4A.

I don't have much else to add to this. I'm not a hacker, and if I were, I'd be working with FE7 most likely. Nice that this exists, and if someone does come along and find a way to convert it for FE8(U), then perhaps that will finally give an increased reason for people to use it as a base. But, I don't personally have a use for this. :/

Edited by Lord Glenn
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