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  1. are we sure this is a voting gauntlet? My japanese is bad but all I can see is that it's a new event. It doesn't specifically says it's voting gauntlet? ok lol no completely mind skipped 投票大戦 . it's voting gauntlet :(
  2. contrary on popular beliefs, I don't think there's any powercreep in this banner, like, at all. I don't see Shigure being a better dancer than Ninian, Nor dagger Olivia being ever usefull apart from dance, Inigo is good because of his color, not because he was given op skills or weapons, and Azura legendary weapons is sure strong, but if she keeps the same stat spread of normal azura imho she's cool. Since, well, normal azura statspread is quite subpar and gets saved by sapphire lance + fury.
  3. This. Tellius dragons stay dragons, to not overcomplicate stuff. I can see Tibarn being Green, Naesala blue and the lion i never remeber the name Red, but then they could totally give ranulf a blue attribute and lethe a green one...i mean just balance the game..
  4. If Gatchas are unetichal, free market is. Well, free market is unethical, actually, but then again when everything is unethical you can't fault a person for following the rules.
  5. every hero fest banner we've had had a combo of units to make the perfect "starter pack" . Sooo i'd go for something liek Red: Celica Blue: Tana Green: Nils Colorless: Our boy Faval!
  6. Imho this is a nonexistant issue for now. Of 3 units released, ONE is the best in her role (Red flier brave user): well, the competition is only day 1 fliers with notorious infamous stat spread, and even than, I'll take Palla over Elincia anyday anyway just for the way better enemy phase, since for playerphases we already have cherche and summer corrin. She has crazy good stat spread, yes, she has crazy good weapons: yes, she is strong, yes? Does she breaks the game? No. Does she make the game all of a sudden a cakewalk? No? Does she make Arena unsufferable? No. Do you even need a specific counter to deal with her? hell no. You know who does, though? Reinhardt. Yep, that guy that came 5 months ago. I'll take 3000 elincia over 1 reinhardt, anyday. So yeah, Elincia's powercreep is totally natural and fine, it makes new unit more interesting, it lets people play stronger combos and lets other people still have fun with the game. slaying weapons,on the other hand, are an issue, but that's really the only thing of this banner who could realistically offend someone, and even than: it's not news. PS: f. bowlyn
  7. absolutely utterly NO bad, bad idea game shouldn't reward spending: game should reward playing. Spending should come naturally as a part of playing, otherwise the entire focus of the game shifts from "you're spending for enjoyment" to "your enjoyment comes from spending" and honestly, f that. As someone already said, if there were to be such a reward, and imho there shouldn't be, it should come from in-game currency spent, and not real world currency. And even that, it's a bad idea, you shouldn't be obtaining more units because you're spending more, hoarding should be balanced as a completely viable strategy for the game since even many whales or Dolphins do their spending on specific banners and if they want to hoard as much for those specific banners they shouldn't feel they are losing "units" in the process. Hekc, they already are losing units by not pulling in some banners, why make it worse? Instead of this, there should be a viable, low-entry monetization policy like KHUX has, for example (Although I'd prefer it to be a once in a month thing) to let people get a little of everything: SP, Hero Merit, Sacred Coins, Orbs, Crystal, shards, exp etc: a "support the game" monthly fee that rewards the player with resources outside of the gatcha and gives him a little oomph during the month, so that even people who can't whale can still pay for the game. TLDR; No no no no no
  8. fav fe game since fe10, so yeah i'm enjoying it a lot
  9. 1 L'Arachel. (Coming Thusday, Hype) really honestly after L'arachel i could as well stop pulling, ever. I basically started the game just to play a Serra L'Arachel team. 2 Erk because Erk and Serra in the same team would be hilarious 3 Joshua because Joshua and l arachel in the same team would be hilarious Just imagine that sweet arena assault preview, pure fangasm
  10. for what it's Worth, tonight I dreamt of FE Heroes and in my dreams IS announced a new banner to pull from only with coins, at the same price(5 coins 4 coins 4 coins 4 coins 3 coins). In those banners we would have grand hero battle units and new units: ofcourse this time with boons and Banes The announced focus for the banner was Alvis, Idoun , Ashnard and an other that i can't remember for the life of me
  11. best gatcha game out there along with gbf, but less grindy imho half of a gatcha comes from being part of a community and feeling yourself "grow" along with the Others, sometime you get your ego boosted because you pull superstrong, sometimes you feel down because everyone else in the planet got what you wanted and you did not: the point is that you have to work with what you have and take every challenge without giving up with the good mix of strategy and planning, and the up and downs of the journey kinda MAKE the game itself. it's the reason why I feel like paying too much completely ruins a gatcha: keeping a balance with your resources makes every win more exhilarating and competing overral funnier.
  12. Gonna blitztry the game but as a nab i gotta ask, since when we can have skills, buffs, epic QOL like this in a fire emblem hack? Did I Miss something?
  13. Oi Alfred mi accingo a provare questa 1.6 al più presto, sono hyppato a bestia mi sembra un lavorone ​ PS: Ho un po' una crociata contro Fe FATES quindi sarò di parte, ma secondo me ciò che sei riusciuto a fare da solo e con l'aiuto di poche persone di buona volontà straccia 100 a 0 quello che hanno fatto Nintendo e IS negli ultimi due anni!
  14. Noice! Thank you very much for the explanation :D This made other stuff way more clear.
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