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[FE6] HM Draft Tournament

KP 2010

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That leaves Barth. I'm not using him even if I did get the extra person.

I'm doing my log in LP form.

Well you can have a meatshield that can possibly damage....although the rest of us still can use Barth without a lance and get the same effect seeing that Barth almost always misses. He has not long term use.

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So, me doing my draft in LP form is fine right, because I'm already uploading chapter 1.

Seems there was quite a bit of freedom on the log format.....i'd actually love to see how yours looks (i'm sure it's fine and it would be a nice example)

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wow, nice ending to that chapter. I realized you don't get a healer until Cecilia, thats going to be tough.

Your log is great. I'm not doing a video log, it's not my thing....but maybe i will do some screen shots....maybe. Guess I need to start.

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Is Merlinus allowed to go to villages?

Allowed units for all: Roy, Marcus, Merlinus, Lalum/Elphin, Fa. I guess so. He has all the same privileges as Roy and Marcus.

OK so here is my Chapter 1 play log (11 Turns)

Chapter 1

Team: Marcus, Roy, Bors Wolt, Alan, and Lance: trade away items and flee south then east under the cliff. No encounters.Marcus: sent north to kill the mass of fighters.Roy: sent south to forest in enemy range. Bors: sent East to fight and then get the village. Right off the bat the enemies ignore Bors and go for Roy, he gets RNG screwed. Look at result of the first battle of the game:

Roy almost died twice in the chapter, once in the central area with villages and forests, and again right near the boss. He dodged a killing hit both times. I did get him leveled up twice.

Roy level 2; +HP, LK, DF

Roy level 3: HP, LK, DF, RS

Bors actually got a kill. And he was useful visiting the village.


Marcus did Marcus stuff and killed plenty. He left several clean up kills for Roy, more than I though I would be able to get. Marcus did get RNG screwed using lances and he almost died. Switched to the Iron Sword which cost turns, but at least he survived. He killed the boss with the Silver Lance.

I used up a lot of my vulneraries (have 6 uses left spread out)... I know there's the shop in the next chapter, but I got to coordinate getting more properly.


11 Turns. I'm happy I kept Bors as he saved turns here, I almost asked if I could trade for Cath...we'll see if I regret not having a thief later.

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Chapter 2 (12 Turns)

Team Marcus (1.70), Roy (3.24), Bors (1.4)

New Draft Members: Lot, Ward

Undraftred: Alan, Lance, Wolt, Ellen, Dieck, Thany

Shopping and junk:

Alan: sent up to do armory shopping. Iron Sword, Iron Lance, and Javelins. Later to drop items off to Merlinius. And then do item deliveries to my draft members. Helped to block and archer against the map edge for Bors to kill it.

Ellen: sent into shop to buy 6 Vulnerary's. (3 to storage). Then nothing much but assisting with moving item.

Lance: moved to trade Ellen's vulnerary's to ferry them to my team later. I also took her heal so I don't mess up and use it. He also helped item deliveries, notably the Armorslayer and Hammer.

Merlinius: sent to village to get the Armorslayer. Eventually giving this to Lance to give to Marcus. Items. Items. Items.

Wolt: Did nothing.


West battle

Marcus and Bors go south and attack. Marcus criticals. Roy can follow without fear.

The enemies go after Bors and get him to low health, has to heal. Roy is close enough to take the west fortress, take it but is RNG screwed and ends up on low health, but survives through.


East battle

Lot moves towards fortresses and uses his hand axe. Ward takes the north fortess. Thany trades inventory with Dieck so he can take the other fortress to meatshield. I realize that I made a mistake with Ward in the north fortress. He could barely take it. The axe-users could hit him on occasion and I'm lucky he survived. The enemeis barely went after Dieck, and Lot continued to use the hand axe when I should have had him take Ward's place.

Marcus showed up at the same time the archer was coming forward and I had him rush in to kill the archer. Roy following shortly after. The hordes of enemies were easiy to clean up at this point. Overall I think I did well to get through this. Having both Ward and Lot helped to kill the enemies quickly, Dieck probably would have been better than both of them together but O'well.


Marcus almost died when he rushed up to the 12 AS Mercenary and his friends. He survived and actually gained a good level up here too!

Bors slowly trecking behind and barely got any experience. I was able to surround the final enemy archer so he could kill it (see below image with the archer in the SE corner)


Marcus did just enough damage with the Armorslayer to leave Rude with 1HP (on EP), this is when I decided I would give Lot a chance to kill him. Lot couldn't attack him that turn (only could reach with the and do 0 damage) so I had to let Rude regain HP up to 4HP. Lot could still kill him with the Steel Axe, but of course he missed. I decided to let him have one more wham at it with the Hammer. Of cousre Ward was in the south on the fort healing up, so I used Thany and Lance to send it up to Marcus who traded and equipped the thing on Lot for the counter on EP. Lot hit, Rude dead, Who-hoo. This cost me an extra turn as Roy arrived to the fort on Turn 11, but Lot killed Rude on Turn 11 EP. So Roy seized the fort on Turn 12.

Roy> L4: Str, Skl, Spd, Luk

Ward> L3: HP, Spd, Luk

Lot> L4: HP, Slk, Luk

Marcus> Skl, Spd, Luk, Def !!!!

Bors> L2: HP, Luk

Current Levels:

Roy 4.66, Marcus 2.6, Lot 4.96, Ward 3.81, Bors 2.43

And Dieck 5.2 from meatshielding...yea he wasn't a worthy distraction to help take the heat off Ward. All other characters still have starting levels/exp.

Running Turn Count: 23

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The playlogs are fun. Yes, I'm including Joeratchi's too.

I'm also enjoying your play logs, Joerachi.

I suppose I can put my chapter 3 up tonight as well, I was going to wait until morning but I suppose its almost done.


Chapter 3 (18 Turns)

Currnet Team: Roy 4.66, Marcus 2.6, Lot 4.96, Ward 3.81, Bors 2.43

New Draft Members: None

Undraftred: Alan, Lance, Wolt, Ellen, Dieck, Thany, Chad, Lugh

Lot> L5: HP, Spd

Ward> L4: HP, Str, Skl, Luk, Def !!!!

Roy> L5: HP, Skl, Spd, Luk, Res !!

Bors> L3: HP, Str, Spd, Luk, Def !!!

Ward> L5: HP, Str, Skl

Lot> L6: Skl, Spd, Luk, Def

Roy> L6: HP, Str, Skl, Luk

Lot> L7: HP

I sent Marcus up to recruit Lugh....I don't know why. I can use Chad to recruit Ray....or just kill Ray for the experience, I haven't decided. Anyways, Marcus easily killed the Soldiers there and equiped a Javelin for the Archer, recruited Lugh, and then he ran for cover as the archer was still alive. Alan ran up to rescue Lugh to get them all regrouped before the cavaliers moved in.


Without Marcus, my defenses were thin for Roy, Lot, Ward, and Bors. I set them up in a front to minimize the amount of attacks that can be placed on an individual unit. This worked fine for a turn, but then Ward and Bors need to heal and the enemeis piled up. There where 3 soldiers and an archer who I suspect would go after Roy standing on the forest. I sent Lance in to distract a Soldier and the Archer, and he survived with 1HP, that's not going to work again without a casualty. From there I was fine and Ward, Roy, and Bors gained good level ups which helped. Most of the enemies here are Soldiers so my axeusers helped a lot at this point, and Bors could participate quite a bit here which was a nice bonus.


Nervous about my full HP Ward here. See those enemies - lance users + archer all can attack Roy. Lance Decoy


Lance was standing where the cursor was when he was my deocy. Finally all in the clear. Lot started owning here.

Dont know why I didn't take a screenshot of that.

Then 4-6 cavaliers circled around to the left like they tend to do. Lot with a hand axe killed the ones with Javelins (except 1 which was just injured), I didn't note how many he killed. The sword bearers came around and almost got Merlinius, who was returning from visiting the Mend village, but I got disarmed-Dieck to shield him, with Ward right next to him. Of course they were using swords so I needed Bors to help out while Lot left for the Throne Room. They still had quite a bit of trouble with just the 2 sword users and one javalinier. It tied them up for quite a bit.


Roy and Marcus (mostly Marcus) dealt with the enemies near/around the throne. Marcus with the Hammer killed the Armors guarding the treasure chests with the Armorslayer, and Lance ferried Chad to the chests.

At this point, Lot arrived to the throne room with the Hammer, he had a really crappy hit with it (33%) but the boss had crappy hit on him too. The first hammer hit when down no problem. Then reinforcement cavaliers came in and screwed it up. Roy and Lot had to deal with them while Marcus rusehd back. With the cavaliers gone, I gave Lot another shot with the Hammer, he missed. EP, missed again. There was an near-fatal cavalier Roy could kill, so I figured what the hell, I'll let Lot give it one more round of this, he hit. Like a moron I still had Roy kill the cavalier instead of taking the throne on the 17th turn, that was a precious turn wasted but o-well. 18 turns.

I didn't use Marcus so much this level. I feel my units are starting to hold up a bit more on thier own, especially Roy and Lot. It did cost me a lot of Vulneraries, which I didn't buy enough of. I have a few random ones spread around the undrafted characters, but I'm not sure if there is enough for all of my team. Hopefully I can recruit Clarine without much trouble next chapter.

Current Levels:

Roy 6.75, Marcus 2.69, Lot 7.24, Ward 5.92, Bors 3.95

Dieck 5.4, Lance 1.2; all others at default levels/exp.

Running Turn Total: 41

- - -Also - - - -

I noticed something very interesting after watching Joeichi's playlog. The cavalier reinforcements only appear after you move a unit to the north half of the map. In normal playthoughs this is early on due to the player recruiting Lugh asap. But if you don't recruit him, you don't move a unit north into the map until later. I had cavaliers up the whoo-haa because I recruited Lugh (why? idk - he's not on my team) and it looks like Joeichi had half as many due to not sending a unit north to recruit him. That's a nasty strike against Lugh in this type of challenge.

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Wow, I didn't notice that. Well, less stuff trying to screw me. Because I accidently loaded a state BACK TO CHAPTER 3, I had to redo chapter 3. I finished with the same amount of turns (16) and also got screwed out of 3000 gold.



Ok. What the hell. What the fucking hell. Why is the sound fucking up.


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I'm not going to video log chapter 4, because it's going to take forever to do and I don't want to have to and trashing failed attempts wasting more time.


Used Rutger. I'll take the penalty.

Basically, Thany droped Lot on the castles in the south in hopes to bar some of the pirates.

Marcus did Marcus stuff.

Dieck killed things. Iron Blade broke.

Roy got a perfect level up (!), and worked out his Rapier.

Recruited killing edge Rutger, and used him.

Oh, and everyone that was undrafted was used as a meatshield and died, except Lot, Thany, Chad, Merlinus, and Clarine.


Got angelic robe, used it on Roy. No Steel Blade.

14+4 Turns.

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Had to finish another play-through so I only started today. I have to say, Rutger and Clarine were so useful in my recent play-through. I should've picked Rutger instead of Lance maybe.

Just cleared Chapter 1 which went okay. I was trying to build up some support between Roy and Lance. Wolt went to the village and saw no action whatsoever (it sucks that I couldn't just send Alan or Bors to the village). Didn't manage to finish off the archer by the boss, it was either kill him with Roy and gain 27~ exp or save a turn.

I have to say I'm not used to trying to speed through a map, it's just so much more fun leveling up my units.

I'm hoping Wolt will be useful in Chapter 7.

Turn Count: 8


Roy 3.02

Marcus 1.56

Lance 3.00

Wolt 1.00

I can't be bothered to record the stat gains I got but they were pretty decent.

No screenshots either because I'm playing on the cart.

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Chapter 2 done.

This chapter was awesome! Thany managed to gain 1 str and Marcus gained 1 spd (which means Ch4 becomes much easier). However, Marcus did crit-kill 2 Fighters which means 60~ less EXP. I made Merlinus go to the village and the armory and then trade the stuff to Alan who ferried it all the way to the main group. Normally, I'd have Thany collect the stuff from Merlinus but seeing as I'm using her and not Alan...

I have to try and raise Marcus' axe level to a D so I can use the Halberd on the Cavaliers in Ch4, but I think Iron Axe tends to ORKO the Soldiers in Ch3 (which means less EXP). We'll see.

I kinda forgot to look at the turn count this time. I'm guessing it was 11/12 turns. Again, I failed to kill the archer by the boss. Lance missed.


Roy 4.17

Marcus 2.23

Wolt 1.79

Lance 4.50

Ellen 3.00

Thany 2.70

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Chapter 4 (13 Turns)

Current Team: Roy 6.75, Marcus 2.69, Lot 7.24, Ward 5.92, Bors 3.95

Undrafted: Dieck 5.4, Lance 1.2; Alan, Wolt, Ellen, Thany, Chad, Lugh

New Draft Members: Clarine, Rutger

Okay, so I have most of the early characters so I eally need to focus on training the characters that I have now. I get very little prepromotes later (only Igrene). But this chapter is a total wreck, with all that "skullduggery going on behind the scenes," and I'm probably going to have to use Marcus more than I have been. At least I've done okay training my team so far.

I'm excited to be getting my healer this chapter and Rutger will be quite a nice addition too. My team will be quite well rounded after this chapter with 7 draft members (8 if you count Merlinius). Roy's grown rather defensive and Lot is coming along nicely. Bors tends to get very nice stats much later on. And then there's Ward. The undrafted members I need to keep alive are Thany (recruits Tate) and Chad (stealing). The rest might need to become fodder for this battle, but I hope to keep Alan or Lance alive for canto-trading utility. If I have trouble recruting Rutger, I'm thinking I may throw Wolt at Rutger to distract him ("kill the idroginous kid first").

I can buy Hand Axes in this chapter which will be great for Lot, Ward, and even Marcus. I also need the Angelic Robe (I'm actually thinking of giving this to Sue and not Roy or Clarine, I'm just going to hold onto for now and explain my reasoning later). I can do without the Steel Blade if I can't get it, I don't have anyone who can wield the thing properly. Who cares about the Door Key, well I don't have a draft thief, but Chad will still work for now, and I can buy Door Key's next chapter. It is right at the start so I suppose.

Enough said, guess I'll start. (and I took tons of SS's)

So Roy moved to the North bridge with the rapier and killed that cavalier with a critical. I moved Marcus way forward with a Javelin and Bors, Lot and Ward at the bridges. Marcus brought the 2 cavaliers down to low health, and then used his turn to Silver Lance the Nomad. Then it was just clean up time for my clunk-heads; they all hit. Only Marcus and Bors is damaged, going good. Also Lot/Ward have a Halberd that they can use but both are at risk of getting doubled if I equip it, but Lot wont get doubled by anything with AS>9. Only 1 Cavalier, 1 Nomad and Eric can double him.

I was confusing the level with the FE7 chapter with the same map, so though that brigands were going to come from the west too. So I sent Lance towards the Steel Lance village to meat-shield it. Thany dropped Ellen off on the southern fortress to distract the brigands. Thany then joined Alan were sent to do some shopping. Alan can camp the Angelic Robe Village, Thany can return to sit on the other reinforcement spot.

c4ellenandthany.png c4thanyalanatwalmart.pngc4saveme.png

i had dropped Ellen in the wrong place.----Alan and Thany shopping. ---------------Save Me!

The first wave of enemies charging from th castle came and they died smoothly. Roy w/ Rapier, Lot w/Halberd, Marcus doing Marcus stuff all were the key players. Ward and Bors participated and gained experience. The 2nd wave was a little messier, but nothing too bad. I had to contain a straggling cavalier with Roy, Bord, and Ward. Clarine was on her way to be recruited, and enemies were in range to attack her. I could have put Wolt on the line, but I was pretty sure the enemies here were programmed to ignore her until she is recruited. So I didn't fret about it, and just made sure to have empty spaces around Roy so she can recruit herself (so nice of you, Clarine). As so the enemies went after Marcus, Bors, etc.

c4initialenemiesdead.png c4firstwave.png c4clarinerecruitment.png

Here my early fighting. ---------------------- Little later. --------------------------------Surrounding the last cavalier. They free ones won't attack Clarine.

So when the Pirates started showing up, I realized I put Ellen on the wrong square. She didn't block any reinforcements. She was on the fortress so she evaded the Hand Axe attack, but the Iron Axe-weilding priate hit her and left her with 1HP. I had sent Thany back after shopping, thinking maybe I could get her in position to block reinforcements too, but nope. She was in range to pick up Ellen and retreat out of dangers way. Of course then another round of Pirates showed up and the new Hand Axe Pirate could attack Thany, but she dodged. Ellen and Thany escaped death just barely.

Now I have a healer and things are looking good. I get the warning that Rutger is on his way. The first several times I played this game, I under estimated how close Rutger is placed on the map when he apperas, so now I have the square memorized (3 lateral from Eric). So I made sure to kill off the remaining enemies without putting a character into his range. I had to leave an archer alive, and wanted to heal with Clarine, putting her in range. She would survive the hit with 2HP, but figured why not see if the enemy would go for Wolt instead and he could walk around with 2HP- that worked.


Rutger appears where the icon is. ------- -The archer's range shows he can hit Clarine/Wolt -----No Str/Def HM bonuses.

Rutger showed up, charged forward, and couldn't attack anyone, perfect. Clarine recruits. Now I check his stats...absolutely terrible HM bonuses. He has the same Str, Def, Res he would have had in NM. At least his HP, Skl, and Spd were quite nice, and he already has a small critical with a Iron Sword.

After most enemies were gone, Ward was sent south to get the Angelic Robe. No issues there. (SS w/ funny comment below)

Merlinius was sent to get the Steel Blade. I thought this would be fine and dandy, but now Rutger's buddies are on the move to attack him. Lance was still camping the area luckily, so I had Merlinius snag the Blade and then put Lance's items into storage and sent him forward to block off the way to attack Merlinius. Lance meatshielded just fine, he dodged one attack and actually would not have died even if all the attacks hit. Now this wont be a problem, as my draft members can take care of a good amount of Rutger's old buddies. Problem being, one Fighter survived and is bloking the way for Lance and Merlinius to regroup with my team. The Pirates are on the move with no distraction. I considered sending Rutger to go stand on the forest and kill/distract them, but was starting to realize that Eric was going to be a huge problem for me to defeat, and thought maybe the Killer Sword could work. Lot needed to be sent to kill the leftover Fighter as only him and Marcus could reach him soon enough to allow Merlinius and Lance to regroup. So that leaves Marcus to kill the boss for me. No problem, right? Well, my Silver Lance has 1 use left to it. That did some fine damage, but then it left Marcus with a hole bunch of crap. He wasn't doing much of anything against Eric, so I moved Roy in with the Rapier and had him attack. Clarine moved in to heal, Bors resuced her, Marcus took and released her. Roy could only do 10 damage and Marcus and Bors could throw Hand Axes/Javelins respectively, of course Roy missed a few times, and the boss kept going after Marcus. Rutger was freed up (who I realized would only do 4 damage against Eric) so I sent him to fight Pirates. Merlinius was attacked by a hand axe Pirates when he was still up on the cliff at the Steel Blade village, he dodged and then Rutger took care of the problem. I started to rush Lot back incase the Halberd was needed to defeat Eric. Before Lot got there, Roy landed a critical with the Rapier on EP 12, killing Eric. It was unfortunate it took so much time to take him down, I had the battle under control at turn 8.


Ante Lance's life for a Steel Blade. ---Lance & Merlinius stuck on the right side.---- ...for quite some time. Pirates are coming.

I had Rutger kill one more pirate, Clarine heal once more, and seized the fort on turn 13. Overall this chapter went well. Everyone survived and I got all the items. I didn't have to have Marucs absorb all of the exp like I though I would have to, this level turned out much easier than I expected. I'm wondering how many chapters it's going to take to get Clarine leveled up (I normally spend extra turns to let my healer spam staffs at the end of chpaters...not in this challenge), I may have to promote her at level 10, which will be horrible. My inventory is in total disaray, and there is not prep screen next chapter. I only have about 1500G left, but Merlinius is STOCKED up. I hate that the Silver Lance is gone, but Marcus' stats are starting to already show thier weakness, so I guess It's not an absolute loss. Hopefully Rutger can kill Dorry next chapter, then there's the Shaman from Chap 6, he probably won't need a Silver Lance to kill anyways. Chap 7 and 8 I can use Armor effective weapons again, so I guess I may be okay with bosses up until 8x which I dread.

c4yoink.png c4boss.pngc4results.png

Oo, Shiny- wonder if it tastes good. --------The boss - what a pain. Clarine rescued. ---------Results

Roy> L7: HP, Skl

Bors> L4: HP, Spd, Luk, Def

Ward> L6: HP, Skl (wow Ward's gaining a lot of skill; too bad it is still only 6)

Marcus> L3: HP, Str

Lot> L8: HP, Skl, Spd

Bors> L5: HP, Str, Luk, Def

Rutger> L5: HP, Str, Res

Roy> L8> Spd, Luk

Current Levels: Roy 8.31, Marcus 3.28, Lot 8.33, Ward 6.24, Bors 5.02, Rutger 5.63, Clarine 1.88, Merlinius 1.1 (Merlinius dodged a hand axe attack when the Pirates moved in and he was up on the cliff at the Steel Blade village).

Undrafted: Dieck 5.4, Lance 1.6; Wolt 1.1, Thany 1.1, Ellen 2.3, Alan, Chad, Lugh

At Chapter 6 I plan to SS my character's stats.

Running Turn Total: 41 + 13 = 54

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Did chapter 3 this afternoon but didn't bother logging. I keep forgetting to check my turn count before the end of the map!

Anyways, just finished chapter 4. This chapter must've taken me two hours to do - I kept dying!

I managed to get Marcus to D axe the third turn into the map and he could finally use the Halberd (which is damn useful), shame it kept missing against the Iron Sword Cavaliers.

The nomads were pesky (they could ORKO Thany) and the Cavaliers had too much HP. The archers were pretty bulky too (why couldn't Wolt be as good as them)! I parked Dieck on the Fort to divert the pirates' attention, planted Rutger on the Forests to attract the Cavalier reinforcements and killed the boss with Silver Lance Marcus and Rapier Roy.

In chapter 3, Roy and Wolt gained a support level and in the middle of chapter 4, Lance and Roy gained one too. I have to say, Wolt sucks a lot more than I thought he would - he barely damages the Cavaliers and gets 2RKO by everything. Grr. My Lance has gained no spd so far which sucks and my Roy is barely gaining any Str. Thany is pretty pitiful against the barrage of axe+bow users. Ah well. I cannot wait for the first Elysian Whip.

Turn count: 15

Roy 7.63

Marcus 4.05

Wolt 3.33

Lance 7.15

Ellen 5.77

Thany 4.69

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Chapter 5 (13 Turns)

Current Team: Roy 8.31, Marcus 3.28, Lot 8.33, Ward 6.24, Bors 5.02, Rutger 5.63, Clarine 1.88, Merlinius 1.1

Undrafted: Dieck 5.4, Lance 1.6; Wolt 1.1, Thany 1.1, Ellen 2.3, Alan, Chad, Lugh

So it took a lot of thought on how to approch chapter 5. I could 1) I can go west through the gate and deal with that st-show or 2) Go north and around, get Gant's Spear. 1 is probably faster. 2 gives me a psuedo replacement for the Silver Lance and I know Bors can wield the thing well. I realized that I had to open the gate, there is no other way to keep my turn count low. I don't want to give up the Gant Spear, so I can send either Lot or Rutger to solo up north. The Thany resuce method will cost me a turn per character and I'd rather have everyone, including Clarine, gain experience, so open the gate it is. I've gotta say that this was easily the toughest chapter for me. The Nomads that get summoned by opening the gate are very fast and the Mercenaries are well matched against my Axe users. At least I had plenty of units to do this with, half my team will be recruited next chapter when I get Sue. However, this chapter still took several playthroughs:

Trial 1: Ward was sent North with Rutger. Rutger did fine on his own, gained lots of defense in level ups. Ward had to run away because the mercenary could double him and Rutger couldn't kill the mercenary quickly.

Marcus died. With Roy near death and surrounded by enemies... had to reset.

Trial 2: Tried opening the gate on Turn 1 with Marcus....that went very poorly with Nomads rushing in past the gate's opening. My characters couldn't eradicate the nomads so they just continued to run free reign in the east side of the canyon.

Trial 3: Tried the above strategy again, trying to learn from my mistakes. It failed in pretty much the same way still.

Trial 4: Opened the gate on Turn 2, Marcus and Bors stayed up front. The mage one rounded Bors, and my defenses came apart.

Trial 5: Success:

Due to the starting locations, I decided to send Rutger north, so I gave him two Vulnerary's and an extra Iron sword while taking his Killer Sword incase I need that for Dory. Turns out Ward can reach the southern fortress on Turn 1, but he is unneeded there, so he will join the gate team. I moved towards the gate, fixed inventories, gave Marcus the Iron Sword, Roy eventually got the Killer Sword, Ward and Lot both got 2 Hand Axes, and I moved forward with the plan to open the gate on Turn 2.

Lot moved to the gate spot and used his hand axe on the brigand on the other side and here we go. Bors and Marcus moved in with Javelins, ohh-boy that's a lot of enemies. Unlike my previous attempts Marcus actually hits the Nomads this time. After a turn I move Bors out, to because the mage can kill him (which I found out the hard way). Lot did okay up front. His defense has been lacking, but otherwise my Lot is just fine, he was against Mercenaries and Brigands who kept jumping on the mountains so he wasn't hitting often. I made sure to target Brigands when they were not standing on the mountians, because that was the major issue I kept have in my prevous attempts. Once several of them camp up on the mountains, you can't get them down.

The additional 2 nomads moved towards the gate team. And I have a whole slew of enemies still. The nomads continued to go after Marcus more than Lot (as Lot was placed further back to give the enemy less of an open on him). Marcus eventually cleared them out and the mage. This was a pretty big turning point. Roy rushed in and Killer Sworded a Mercenary and got a crit. At about this point, Lot and Ward gained C level support (Anima x Fire so it's kind of a miss match). And yea, Ward was nearly useless here, he couldn't land a hit on anything, and he never leveled up. Bors cleaned up the last Nomad who was weak on health. The enemies were few but my characters had low health, and I pretty much needed Clarine to rush in and heal Lot or he would die. A hand axe brigand could attack her, and I couldn't kill it because they were on the mountians. Luckily the brigands had horrible hit on her (<30%). It missed. Only two Brigands were left due to my previous attempts to target them. That next rounded ended with all the enemies cleared out but the two brigands. But I had to keep Clarine up front to heal again, and this time she could be targeted by both, and both missed, and I was in the clear, as the enemies were all dead except the two brigands at that point. I ran my team into Dory's side of the cannyon, to force thoes damn Brigands down the mountian. When they followed they died.

c52thegatesareopen.png 55510023.pngc53undercontrol.png c56justaboutthere.pngc58clarineneedstododge.png

In the meantime up north (I'm just going to cover it all here): Rutger took the southern fortress, and then moved to take the east fortress the next turn. He stayed there until almost all the enemies were dead (they guys with Hand Axes lived). He easily dealt with all the axe users no problem (thier hit was about 22%). The mercenary was quick enough to not be doubled, and was the only enemy to hit Rutger, otherwise he was pretty weak for Mercenary standards. Rutger slowly broke him. Rutger then moved closer and closer to the village every turn, ignoring the hand axe fighters. I realized I had some extra turns for Rutger to use, so I had him kill one of them, and distracted the other away with Lance on the fortress. Rutger visited the village on Turn 12. And then sent him to the shop for 8 Door Keys on Turn 13 right before I ended the level.


Finally I was ready to take the boss. I sent Marcus up with the hand axe to attack intially (and miss). Dory switched to his hand axe and they exchange blows. I heal Marcus with Clarine, and thought I was going to be able to sword Dory right away now, but I accidentally put Clarine in the range of the Mercenary which had just rushed south. So I needed to send Marcus in to block him (and Marcus gained a sweet level up). The next turn, Bors moved in to block the Mercenary, and Marcus attacked Dory with Iron Blade for a few turns, finally I decided that was taking too long. Dory had switched back to his Killer Axe, and I wanted to end the battle sooner. Marcus moved back to Hand Axe so I could send send Roy in with a Killer Sword (Marcus can't use it with a D in swords). I have Roy attack on PP because I can resuce him (with my standby fighters) if he is hit (which he'll survive with 2HP as long as there is no stray critical). Roy gets his critical and Dory has 2HP left, this was PP 12. I have Ward rescue Roy so Lot can move in and Iron Axe the remaining 2HP out of Dory. Clarine resuces Roy and places him down. On Turn 13 I killed a few left over soldiers with Bors, Lot and Ward (surprise reinforcements came in and attacked on EP). And then I was ready to sieze the gate, and its perfect becasue Rutger just finished shopping.


This level was far more of a headache than I thought it would be. I think I could have gone around to the east and it might have been easier (who know, maybe quicker). The 5 reinforcement enemies you get from opening the gate were rather annoying, and strong. At least I got a good amount of experience. Rutger and Clarine got level ups that I'm quite happy with. (I suppose Rutger's first take level ups were better but o, well). My Roy is up to level 9, but is still lackluster. His stats are pretty much following the average stat chart right now. Bors got a crap level up, but his stats are just about average too (actually a bit better). Lot is becoming an Axe Myrmidon, his Skl (9)& Spd (11!) are above his average and Str(8) and Def(5) are slightly below thier averages. Ward's stats are actually quite a bit better than the average stat charts show, but you'd never know, he's still easily garbage at this point. Marcus got Strenght and Speed so he will be okay for just a bit longer.

Rutger> L6: HP, Def

Clarine> L2: Mag, Skl, Spd, Luk, Res

Rutger> L7: Str, Slk, Luk

Lot> L9: Str, Luk, Res

Bors> L6: Res

Rutger> L8: Hp, Skl, Spd, Luk, Def (Rutger pretty much got the Str and Def he missed out on in his HM bonuses, which is great. Not to mention surprising luck gains)

Roy> L9: HP, Str, Skl

Marcus> L4: HP, Str, Spd

Lot> L10: HP, Spd, Luk, Def (finally some defense)

Clarine> L3: Mag, Skl, Res

Current Levels: Roy 9.30, Marcus 4.16, Lot 10.24, Ward 6.99, Bors 6.40, Rutger 8.20, Clarine 3.60, Merlinius 1.1

Undrafted: Dieck 5.4, Lance 1.9; Wolt 1.1, Thany 1.1, Ellen 2.3, Alan, Chad, Lugh

Running Turn Total: 54 + 13 = 67

I probably won't have as much screenshots next time, as level 6 is so many smaller obnoxious parts to keep track of, I'd go insane trying to do this for that chapter.

I do plan on posting my character's current stats next time though.


And yes, KP 2010; so far I'd have to say Rutger and Clarine are going to be quite useful, they have already been my most useful team members (even surpassing my Lot, who is level 10). Too bad there support is kind of slow, especially for two units that have trouble spending time next to each other.


Also, Question: Can non-thief un-drafted members open doors with key's? I'm guess that's a No because it's not listed among the things they can do.

Edited by Desro
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Can undrafted units open the door on Chapter 5?

Going for the gate is hell, but I have to otherwise, or else the reinforcements will start clusterfucking me ;-;


Didn't record this one because it's hell.

I did stream it though.


I went to the gate.

Had Rutger and Dieck murder the 2 Mercs that appear by trading the Killing Edge and had Marcus kill the steel bow nomad. Roy stayed behind.

Next turn, Dieck traded his KE to Rutger and had him rush the boss, and land only one hit. I had Lot, Thany, and Clarine meatsheild, and had Roy choke the gap between the Castle and Peaks. Rutger double crits Dory on Enemy phase, and everything but Clarine survived. Roy Seizes.

5+4 turns.


I drafted Shin, Fir, Percival, and Cecilia, I should be winning!

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Can undrafted units open the door on Chapter 5?

Going for the gate is hell, but I have to otherwise, or else the reinforcements will start clusterfucking me ;-;

I'd say yes that fine....because it's activating an event, not actually opening a real door to get items or something.

I went with no for regular doors, so chap 6 I had to not have Lance use Door Keys.

Btw; a friendly reminder for Chapter 6 regarding the difference between this and an Illia only challenge, If you end up with the Sacae route you need Sue recruited and alive to get the S rank bow.

Chap 6 will be up shortly, it was a very smooth chapter.

I have a question about the Arena: is it allowed for drafted characters? I have 8 draft characters at this point, so I think I might make some money if it's okay.


Chapter 6 (9 Turns)

Current Team: Roy 9.30, Marcus 4.16, Lot 10.24, Ward 6.99, Bors 6.40, Rutger 8.20, Clarine 3.60, Merlinius 1.1

Non Draft Member Brought: Chad 1.0, Lance 1.9

New Draft Members: Sue

As I said, here are my characters current stats SS's. Character ranked by current level.



I cant fit the last 4 there, and I'm not making another 2 SS's for them unless it's requested. Thany, Chad, Alan, and Lugh all have their starting levels/stats. Thany has 1 exp while the rest haven't done anything to gain even a point of exp. I probably won't cover any non-draft characters again due to the following factors. Wolt, Ellen, and Lugh I'd imagine I'm going to benched for the rest of the game (It's alwasy nice to have extra inventory space). Actually, I get Noah and Treck next chapter; Alan and Lance probably will never going to make an apperance again either. Thany may have her uses. Most importanly she needs to be alive and recruit Tate later on (and probably die in the process). Dieck still has minor meatshilding qualities, but I think I may have a full team the rest of the game starting in Chapter 7. Hell, I get Lilina in Chapter 8, that will leave only 3 draft members not recruited.

Okay, so in general i feel the best speed strategy here is to rush up the middle, kill the boss, and capture the throne, ignoring as many chests as possible. Of coures the chests have a whole bunch of goodies that I want: 5000, 3000, &2000G (nice, a little excessive I could live with just one or 2 of these), Unlock (YES! I dont have a thief, well it can't open chests, but still), Short Bow (nice for Sue), Killer Axe (YES, Lot will own with this), Goddess Icon (would be really nice to fix Tate's ghastly starting luck), Silver Lance (didn't I just complain how I broke one of thoes).

On top of that Sue is one of my draft members and she needs to be recruited, not to mention the fact that I'll probably end up on the Sacae path and she will need to be recruited and alive to get the S-rank Bow (Sue promoted + L5 Shin> Tate maybe promoted + L1 /dead Thany).

I do have 5 draft members on my team, and bought 8 door keys, so I can around just fine. Opening chests is the problem, (no chest keys yet). Chad not being a draft member may help because Lance can rescue him to transport him faster. They are both level 1 so they are at risk of death if caught by enemies.

Also there is the issue of Cath, I could kill her now and just be done with her, BUT, I have to consider this: all of my thieves are probably going to die this playthough. Chad is definatly a gonner at some point. Astol is level 10 joining so that helps, but I still might need a replacement for Chad when he kicks the bucket, especially if I happen to need two thieves. Cath is level 5 with HM bonuses from a late chapter of my option, so her starting stats are far better than Chads and might even rival Astol's if I recruit her late (yea actually her C22 HM stats pass Astols in Speed, Luk, and Res; but that's too late). I think I want to keep her alive AND talk to her so I can recruit the dumb B.

So...looks like I might not just speed though this. Of course Marcus or someone with great hit needs to get to the boss early and kill him. Resistance or avoid will be nice. Sounds like Rutger might be good with his Killer Sword. Roy needs to make it to Sue, then to Cath, and then to the boss('s empty throne). I could cut out talking to Cath and just try for recruiting her for chapter 16 instead. Yea, actually she doesn't appear until turn 6 and I know the chapter can be beaten in about that so forget her.

I'm thinking most of my team can still go up the middle. Roy can get to Sue that way and clear a path to the boss. Lot and Ward will probably be able to do well against the enemies in the central arena. Bors has not much else of an option but to do the same. Rutger can probaly take the right side, alone with meatshields and Chad to get treasure which I think is mostly on the right (the left contains Sue and most of the gold). Unlock is basically unobtainable as it' sin the most obscure location in a room that has guards.

Lot has his Hammer, Wade has the Steel Axe now, Marcus has the Armorslayer and Gant Lance for now. Clarine and Rutger have door keys. Lance has a backup door key to trade to someone else. Roy has an Iron Bow for Sue and a Door Key to let her out. Bors has her Angelic Robe. I'm giving it to Sue because she is the 2nd most evasive character in the game (after Thany, and yes she surpasses Clarine). An extra hit on Sue is like 10 extra enemies attacking her. Of course she has to first get going, and +7 HP will really help that too. I know, Roy also could use an Angelic Robe, but he will spend a whole middle part of the game not fighting much because he is stuck at level 20, and I'm fine with him being lackluster until the Sword of Seals. Clarine could also use it, but she's going to be off healing, avoiding combat while Sue is right up in the action, so Sue.

So, Rutger and Chad rescued by Lance go right. Saul and Dorothy deposited their items into the convoy, I think I will sacrifice them to reduce the number of reinforcements that come from the south.

So my first move worked fine, Lot and Marcus killed half the enemeis. Bors survied the Mages. Rutger can kill the mercenary in excatly 3 hits, this will work. Lot Hammers one armor (killing it easily via double w/ evasion), Ward trades for the axe and Hammer's the 2nd Armor left, but it lives because Ward stinks. Marcus kills the Thunder Mage, and Roy kills the injured Fire Mage. Clarine heals Bors and he javelins Ward's Hammer armor, which does 1 damage and it lives, yay. Ward pulls and ace out of his pocket and kills several enemies on EP and doesn't die! (okay they were Soldiers and an injured armor) He levels up again too. I'm quite happy and I'm feeling merciful so Saul and Dorothy can live, they can go to Rutger incase I need more distractions there. BTW, Rutger is doing very well against the two joke enemies that he had to fight, the reinforcements might rush him later thought.


First Turn_______________________________2nd Turn, moving in on chests__________________3rd Turn


Lance/Saul helped transition Chad to Room 2_____Boss Battle, Marcus can't die from their hits with the right armor dead, _________________________Results

while Rutger opened the door._________________Ward could be doubled though, so he was rescued by Bors/Clarine

Rushing the Throne room was easy. Lot and Marcus could easily handle it with hand axes. Ward and Lot's support is definitely helping with their evasion, I'm not sure if they would have pulled the stuff they did this chapter without it. Lot and Ward killed Wagner's armors. Marcus went right for the boss. Unfortunately the only good hit weapon Marcus had was the Armorslayer (which has the same hit as an Iron Sword in FE6). So killing a Shaman with the Armorslayer... that worked fine. Easiest boss since chapter 1, he's dead on turn 6. Of course Roy is off picking up attractive women (Sue).

Now reinforcemnts are approching. I sent Bors to help Rutger and this caused half of the southward enemies to go up the middle and half to go east to Rutger. Works for me, they can both safely gain experience without being overwhelmed, glad I spared Dorothy & Saul. Chad has just finishing up with the 5 chest he was getting (turn 8). 2000G, Silver Lance, Killer Axe, Goddess Icon, and Short Bow. I sent the Angelic Robe to Sue via Merlinius and Sue used it. I missed the Unlock staff and 8000G. I didn't talk to Cath but I did steal her lockpick on the final tunn and I don't know how because Cath spd> Chad spd. Marcus ran south to rescue Roy after killing Wagner, he was then taken and dropped by Lot a few spaces from the throne. Killed off a few left over enemies on turn 9, and Marcus leveled up his Sword to C. Roy captures the throne on turn 9 (unfortunately).

Level Ups:

Ward> L7: Luk, Def

Ward> L8: HP, Skl

Lot> L11: HP, Spd, Luk, Def

Bors> L7: HP, Str, Skl, Def

Rutger> L9: HP, Def, Res

Current Levels: Roy 9.70, Marcus 4.80, Lot 11.14, Ward 8.90, Bors 7.70, Rutger 9.28, Clarine 3.75, Sue 1.80 Merlinius 1.1

Undrafted and used: Lance 1.9, Chad: 1.12 (stole from Cath)

Running Turn Total: 67 + 9 = 76

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