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Megaman Zero Topic


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The first game is a bitch to S-rank. The fourth game is a lot harder to begin with, but much easier to S-rank in comparison.

Unfortunitally, I missed out on the other two Zero games.

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I've only played and beaten Zero 2. Fun game, lots of trial and error on my part. Although I beat the last boss on my first try.

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It's in my opinion the best Megaman subseries next to the original one.

I have the entire DS collection and also beaten the third game many years ago.

I also think that this is one of the very few series where it was just getting better with each part.

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Well, my main problem is that you can't skip the briefing. Since you will have to repeat most stages over and over to get the desired ranks, this is quite irritating. And in the first game you can't skip Copy-Xs intro, which is kind of a problem since the first game doesn't really want you to use elves (even if you don't care about rank, they just cost way to much energy to raise.) so with your low hp you will probably get killed over and over, forcing you to go through the cutscene again and again.

I also dislike the first 2 games, because in my opinion the ranking system and having to learn new skills by killing enemies doesn't mix, since those skills are quite import in order to get a good rank. Of course, I'm also so bad that I have trouble defeating Aztek Falcon without the Charged Slash. I assume most people won't be bordered by Zeros limitations at the beginning of those games but in my case, it jut does.

On the bright side, slashing Pantheons never gets old. :lol:

The collections was indeed money well spent, even if it was quite a bit more expensive over here then it was in the states.

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@Sholes: The first one? Too hard? Really? Personally, I thought it was just the right difficulty (unless you were trying to S-rank the game, which, as I said before, has pretty bullshit requirements). It is always best to avoid getting at all in Megaman games, so a low life bar shouldn't really be much of a problem - Zero is more than agile enough to dodge attacks. And if you're going for an S-rank, you cannot take more than one small lifebar's worth of damage anyway. Which pretty much amounts to... ...at most two or three hits per mission, assuming you get perfect scores in everything else. Which isn't that likely either.

If you aren't going for an S-rank, however, the difficulty should be fine. Enemies do much more damage in Zero 4 than in the first Zero game.

@Bright: Well yeah, taking on Atzek Falcon without any sort of charged attack is a bit tricky. Especially if you're once again going for a good rank.

After beating the intro stage, I usually go back to it outside of the missions and abuse the spider spawners to level up the weapons quickly. I never really saw the point in locking away basic abilities like charged attacks like that.

Which is also why the first game's hard mode is pure bullshit to me, as it does nothing but prevent you from leveling up your weapons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

S ranked perfect (100 on all missions) for all four games in zero collection.

Twas a bitch. I took forever to master crossover station. Now I know you go from the right room counterclockwise.

And the drill in the left room you steal lets you superspeed drill through the bottem room's breakable blocks.

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I got S rank in most missions, A rank for all of the others. Grab attack sounds good but sucks for me, sword and shield are way better.

Anyway, Ciel's so cute ~ I want to pinch her check.

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