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My Crappy Sprites


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I decided I would finally make a sprite topic.

Please note, all of these splices are WIPs. Okay? Got it?



A mug of Me, I need to change the skin tone.


My Girlfriend, abit with lighter hair. She's one of my most recent. I'm working on a face and neck that fits. :/


Made up character, was one of the lords of the Magic army hack before I canceled it. Still a character in something else that I am writing.

Jennifer-4.png I forgot to credit Astelaine for the hair. Oops!

My sister. Her neck stilll looks a little bit funny to me, I need to change her little sleve thing.


Based off of somebody my sister would like to date. When I made this mug, I realized that it doesn't really look at all like him. But I was still happy with it.

Any C&C would be nice. Please keep it positive though, these are some of my first real sprites. :\

I'm only posting this topic so that I can get better at this.

I'm really bad with faces, but most epically bangs. I suck at the skin shading. :(

Edited by Nyan
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First 3 are looking pretty for my not-so-advanced spriting eyez.

2nd last... I dunno... there's something strange in her hair? or is it just me <_<

Last... damn that's a long shoulder!

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In general, there needs to be more shading where hair meets skin or clothing or whatever.


This way of shading along the hair is wrong.

The fifth one's eyes are too low.

You might want to take a look at the tutorial I put up in "Spriter's Resources". It adresses some of the issues you have.

Overall, they're not too bad, just a couple of technical issues that need fixing.

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Alright, CnC time.

First, your Eliwood: It has 2 types of colors. FE7 and FE8. You should just use 1 type. It's FE6/7 or just FE8.

You misshading here:


Also, recommended to use darkest skin tone for borderline of the collar. Cause border color is just too dark and 4th shade of skin is just too light.

You have a 3rd shade of red in the eyes, correct? Use that shade in the shirt instead of the border color (again, it's freaking dark) Then anti alias out to make your sprite smoooooooth~ (If you dunno what anti alias is, ask Astel, I think she has a site of that.)

I spy some pillow shading on the cape (right side of it. OPV) I dunno it's because the sprite or you shaded like that, but KILL IT.

Second, your WIP.

I suggest that you use one sprite for base, and use its face as well, because if you splice like it, it would be very hard to find a fitting face/neck.

Don't use too much border color. Especially on light colors. You can just use the darkest shade of the blue and recolor where the cape touches the clothe. Again, there's pillow shading so clean it up and anti alias it out. Add another shade for the blueish white, darker than the other two.

You also messed up the trimming. When shading trims, it goes in an order like this:

Darkest shade of the thing that touches the trim - (anti alias between these two) - darkest shade of the trim - 2nd darkest - 2nd lightest - lightest.

You can pillow shading when trimming, though. :3

Okay, now up to your sister.

First off, nice hair style. I like~

And she has 2 types of colors as well. Work it out~

She has a really small neck. Paste L'Arachel's neck back on, move the armor out a biiiit more, make the body wider a little since she has a loooot of hair. It will be more fitting. Remember to shade the where the hair touches the neck~

Also fill in the space between her neck and hair on the right, Shade a bit to create more depth.

There's pillow shading on her forehead, two side where her hair touches her face, kill it.

Misshading here:


Ref people like Natasha and even L'Arachel herself to know how to shade that area.

I do like the design overall.

...I think I need some cookies to continue criting. @~@

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