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...I've used that title before, too...

So I figured I should start a spriting topic here. Because I never get many crits on my FE-related sprites at TSR (for example, if everyone remembers that female pirate, I could have likely gotten it to look better if I had actually gotten more crits from people who care about the style).

So yeah.



05/08/11 - Reimu (Touhou)


05/29/11 - More Reimu








[spoiler='Ballista progress]05/10/11 - Posted mArcher attack & dodge, mSniper dodge.

05/11/11 - Posted fArcher attack & dodge.

05/12/11 - Edited mArcher attack.

SCII Marine






For some reason, I'm putting dates on this stuff...

Edited by Sploder
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Wow... Nice sprites... WAIT! The first dodge is Archer, the second is Sniper, isn't it?

Also, needs moar crits. Maybe a crit should be three arrows in a row.

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Hmmm. I'm not so sure firing three times would be good, because then it'd make no sense why it wouldn't also use 3x as much ammo (and since this would likely be operating off of FEGBA ballistas, misses also use ammo, so we don't have that loophole to fall through). My current idea for the crit is to simply add some extra effects, such as dust and a big "fwing" looking motion blur for the bolt. I really can't think of much else (other than stupidly ridiculous things like the ballista actually being thrown and tilting backwards or something).

But yes, the first dodge is for the Archer, the second is for the Sniper.

@B★S & BlindArcher, I couldn't really think of anything less ridiculous other than simply editing the Archer's dodge.

Also, added this to the first post:


I'm not so good with bigger pieces.

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These are sweet, and this is nitpicking, but the masculine-feminine scale in these seem reversed. You get Rebecca flexing at the end of her animation. or maybe that's just her loosing her grip on the handle?

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These are sweet, and this is nitpicking, but the masculine-feminine scale in these seem reversed. You get Rebecca flexing at the end of her animation. or maybe that's just her loosing her grip on the handle?

It looks like she's flinching back as the arrow is shot off. Sploder, I think you could have the sprite close its eyes as well, to have it be more like you intended if I'm understanding what you were intending with the previous sentence.

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If I'm interpreting it correctly, it seems to be that the female Archer is weaker, and thus has to use both arms to pull the lever up. Then with all of the force to pull it up, she immediately lets go, so that it returns and fires the ballista's bolt. (Whereas, the male Archer has enough strength to pull the lever up and push it back down with one hand.)

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Oooh, hidden sexism.

But anyway, yeah, she's just letting go of the handle. I'm thinking of having the male Archer do that, too, since it looks kind of silly for him to go forward like that.

I'll leave the "actively pushing the handle forwards" to the Snipers, I think.

EDIT: Now they both have slippery fingers!


I'm also thinking I'll have to turn the Snipers around (so they have their chests towards the camera, instead of their backs) so the animations can be both awesome and not awkward.

Edited by Sploder
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yay for battle spriters. The only thing off to me is the fact that she slices as opposed to stabs with the lance (yes, I know Ephriam does it, but, again, he's got more testosterone). I think it looks odd, but maybe thats just me. I really like your animations, you have promise. But who am I to say that. Also, I swear, I'm not extensively sexist.

Edited by deranger
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  • 2 months later...

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