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HHM S-rank run Mk.II


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So I've started a new save file with the intention of completing HHM with an S rank. I doubt I will continue the currently running one because I think I've fucked up too much. Starting again and getting the right start is, I think, very important.

Learning from a rather large mistake from my other save file, I will kill those I do not train in Lyn Mode so they can return at a higher level during HHM.

Using my powers of deduction, I have compiled a list of who will be trained in LM:

Lyn (to get to 24 Linus easier)

Florina (Joining at Lv3 in HHM = oh shit)

Serra (I need a healer, but I don't want her gaining too many levels either, that's just stealing EXP points from HHM)

Wil (He blows, so I plan to get him to something like Lv6-7 for HHM so it's easier to raise him there)

Erk (Could do with a kickstart too, just not bad like Wil)

Matthew (Needs a kickstart too, just to be more reliable in early HHM chapters)

and Lucius (he too needs a kickstart).

The rest (Sain, Kent, Dorcas, Rath and Wallace I suppose, but I won't see him again) will be killed either because they gain decent levels between LM and HM (Rath, Sain and Kent), or they are usable in HHM even without gaining anything (Dorcas) or I will never see them again (Walolace).

I probably will not be promoting Sain early this time around... He's a great unit and can bring in some good EXP, it would be a shame to waste it and not use him just because he's promoted. I think that's another lesson I've learnt from my last run.

Ok here goes.

Oh yeah, I'll be doing videos again (yay?) from Ch.11 onwards.

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Training Erk is a great idea. At a high enough level, he can either ORKO wyverns with Thunder or wound them greatly with Fire and allow a scrub to get a kill.

Indeed, those wyverns in Ch.21 are pretty solid.

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You really shouldn't feel pressured to restart just because you're doing badly. It really doesn't make a big deal, and as long as you have fun and try your hardest, it shouldn't matter if you miss the S Rank and just get an A or a B.

WRT Erk, my opinion on most ranked characters is that you shouldn't commit. Since you will probably end up using a lot of characters in the earlygame to spread EXP, you should probably wait to see how people level up before making a decision on who you level up.

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Serra (I need a healer, but I don't want her gaining too many levels either, that's just stealing EXP points from HHM)

Um, healers and dancers give you free exp essentially. They aren't stealing combat exp, so the more they generate from using staves and dances the better. You'll want to use them at every turn if you can.

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Um, healers and dancers give you free exp essentially. They aren't stealing combat exp, so the more they generate from using staves and dances the better. You'll want to use them at every turn if you can.

Well, what he's saying is any XP Serra earns in Lyn mode is XP Serra can't earn (and contribute to ranking requirements) while in Hector Mode. She's obviously not stealing XP from the rest of the team, this is very true.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Yeah, that's a good point. Not suggesting you try it here, but I wonder if not doing Lyn mode may be better for ranked HHM? Would certainly make getting Geitz more tricky for sure.

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I figured it's not worth killing Dorcas, but he did gain a level so I will keep him alive. Sain, Kent and Rath are killed, so it's just carrying on with what I've got.

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Yeah, that's a good point. Not suggesting you try it here, but I wonder if not doing Lyn mode may be better for ranked HHM? Would certainly make getting Geitz more tricky for sure.

I think you also get an inferior gem, or you can use the Energy Drop and Angelic Robe and get the same quality gem.

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Without Lyn Mode, you get a blue gem. With Lyn Mode, you get a white gem, and the stat boosts, providing you don't use the crest/blow a bunch of money on weapons you don't need.

Edited by General_Horace
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Without Lyn Mode, you get a blue gem. With Lyn Mode, you get a white gem, and the stat boosts, providing you don't use the crest/blow a bunch of money on weapons you don't need.

Yeah. This time I'm not even going to use the crest. I feel more confident about stuff this time.

Or maybe I should like, attempt to S-rank other modes first before diving into the deep end.

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Yeah. This time I'm not even going to use the crest. I feel more confident about stuff this time.

Or maybe I should like, attempt to S-rank other modes first before diving into the deep end.

The only mildly difficult part of S-Ranking ENM & HNM is funds. I remember fielding lvl 7 Bartre and Dorcas in Sands of time, and they were still able to do something.

EHM has a pretty tough exp rank, considering you get reduced deployment slots. HHM has more forgiving ranks all around, but is tougher to beat on the whole.

and lol Lyn mode.

You could go for EHM if you want. I had 5* in everything going into Final, then my exp dipped to 4 after. I haven't touched it since.

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  • 8 months later...

It's been a while since I had done anything with this, however I have made progress on it. What is missing are videos because it's a lot of effort to record each and every chapter. However I can do a chapter-by-chapter analysis.

I'm currently on chapter 17 preparations. All the cavalry units are to be deployed because I'm hellbent on saving the Silver sword from that bastard Thief.

These are the stats at Ch.17 preparations:

Chapter number: Turns taken / Maximum turns for 5* [Turns over/under for 5*] [Rank: Tactics, Survival, Funds, Exp, Combat]
Ch.11:  11 /  0 [+11]
Ch.12:   6 /  8  [+9]
Ch.13:  11 / 12  [+8]
Ch.13x:  8 /  7  [+9]
Ch.14:   9 / 10  [+8]
Ch.15:   8 /  0 [+16]
Ch.16:  10 /  7 [+19]
Ch.17:  15 / 18 [+16]
Ch.17x:  9 / 10 [+15]
Ch.18:   9 / 11 [+13]
Ch.19:   7 / 10 [+10]
Ch.19x:  8 / 10  [+8]
Ch.20:  11 / 16  [+3]
Ch.21:  10 /  9  [+4]
Ch.22:   7 / 11  [+0]
Ch.23:  12 /  9  [+3]
Ch.23x: 18 / 25  [-4]

The number of 0-turn completion chapters at the beginning of HHM is pretty degrading, but later chapters will hopefully be a help as opposed to a hindrance.

Unit stats prior to entering Ch.17:

Unit stats:
Hector----11.75-29--12---7---8---7--13---4--82--27-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------11.17-22--10--13--13--10---4---4---2---1---------------Sword B----------
Eliwood----8.00-22---9--10---9--11---6---0--33--18---------------Sword B--Hector C
Marcus*----3.34-32--16--16--11--10--10---8--47--27-Sword A Axe B Lance A----------
Oswin-----11.73-30--14--10---6---4--15---3--41---9---------------Lance B----------
Matthew---10.53-23---9---7--18---8---6---2--43--12---------------Sword B----------
Florina----9.29-30---9--14--12--12---5---4---4---2---------------Lance B----------
Wil--------8.55-24---9---9---8--10---5---1---4---2-----------------Bow C----------
Dorcas-----8.39-34--11---7---7---6---4---0--11---4-----------------Axe B----------
Erk--------8.17-23---6---6--11---3---2---9---4---3---------------Anima C----------
Guy--------7.51-26---9--14--16---7---6---3--28--15---------------Sword B----------
Serra------7.23-23---5---7---9---7---3--11---3---0---------------Staff B----------
Bartre-----6.89-33--11---5---3---6---6---2--28--13-----------------Axe D----------
Lowen------6.60-27---8---6---8---5---8---0--31--13-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Rebecca----6.58-19---7---9--10---6---4---2--32--16-----------------Bow C----------
Sain-------5.68-23--10---5---7---6---7---0--10---4-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Kent-------5.30-23---8---7---8---4---6---1---3---0-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Priscilla--4.48-16---6---6---9---8---3---7---2---0---------------Staff C----------
Tactics:- * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

I want to visit Ch.24 Lloyd because it's got a very lenient 13 turns for 5* tactics when it can be done in a mere two turns. So I won't be training Lyn and Eliwood too much. I think I'll only use them for as long as their Prf weapons are not broken. Hector's more than likely reaching Lv20 so I can't get Eliwood and Lyn to a combined level of 30 otherwise I'm off to meet Linus and Geitz. Then I will probably avoid promoting them if other units are pretty much god-like. If I was going to promote any one of the Lords it'd be Eliwood because dat Durandal strength. Yet again, there's also Hector and Athos.

Set for deployment in Ch.17 are: Hector, Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Kent, Sain, Priscilla, Oswin, Rebecca and Matthew.

Edited by Raven
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Keep in mind that Linus' version of FFO is a great map for S-Rank runs. The turns requirement is redankajank and you can grind exp hardcore at the arena. Of course, it also requires using Eliwood and Lyn.

Aha. Re-checking, HHM Linus is 22 turns and HHM Lloyd is 11 turns. I can easily raise Eliwood and Lyn to a joint level of 30, considering they are already on Lv19 together, and Hector will be Lv20 before Ch24 rolls around anyway. I'd like the opportunity to bolster my EXP using the arena, more than anything. Geitz is a bonus.

Uh anyway, chapter 17.

Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Kent, Sain, Priscilla, Oswin, Rebecca and Matthew.

The bastard level took 15 turns. Would've been 14 but Hector had to miss the boss once when he could've ORKO'd him on turn 13's enemy phase. But I did manage to save all of the items, adding to that Funds rank. I also saved all of the Caelin soldiers, meaning I get a free 2.5k Gold. Huzzah. Also the 15 turn completion of this chapter raised the Tactics rank up to 3 stars, yay. Oh, also recruited Raven and Lucius. Lucius has sexy stats.

Unit stats:
Hector----13.66-31--13---8---9---8--14---4--94--28-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------11.17-22--10--13--13--10---4---4---2---1---------------Sword B----------
Eliwood----8.71-22---9--10---9--11---6---0--39--20---------------Sword B--Hector C
Marcus*----4.01-33--17--17--11--11--10---8--62--36-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Oswin-----13.34-32--15--11---7---5--15---4--67--18---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---10.69-23---9---7--18---8---6---2--45--12---------------Sword B----------
Florina----9.29-30---9--14--12--12---5---4---4---2---------------Lance B----------
Rebecca----8.74-20---8---9--12---7---4---2--40--23-----------------Bow C----------
Wil--------8.55-24---9---9---8--10---5---1---4---2-----------------Bow C----------
Dorcas-----8.39-34--11---7---7---6---4---0--11---4-----------------Axe B----------
Lucius-----8.26-21--10---9--12---2---1--11---0---0---------------Light C----------
Erk--------8.17-23---6---6--11---3---2---9---4---3---------------Anima C----------
Lowen------7.84-28---8---7---8---5---8---0--37--16-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Sain-------7.60-25--12---6---7---6---7---1--18---9-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Guy--------7.51-26---9--14--16---7---6---3--28--15---------------Sword B----------
Serra------7.23-23---5---7---9---7---3--11---3---0---------------Staff B----------
Kent-------6.94-23---8---7---9---4---6---1--11---4-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Bartre-----6.89-33--11---5---3---6---6---2--28--13-----------------Axe D----------
Priscilla--5.07-16---7---6---9---9---3---8---4---0---------------Staff C----------

Tactics:- * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

Up for deployment in 17x: Hector (obviously), Raven, Florina, Oswinning, Priscilla and Kent.

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Deployed: Hector, Raven, Florina, Oswin, Priscilla and Kent.

I sent Kent and Oswin Southwards to deal with the majority of aggressive enemies. Hector stayed Central because that's how he rolls. Florina rescued and dropped Raven just above the Sleep stave village to kill some Pirates. Florina picked up the Lancereaver then gave it to Raven. They then took out the majority of the enemies that are prompted into moving once that invisible boundary is crossed, with Raven killing most of them.

Some great experience and level-ups were had in this chapter. Note Oswin's 3-speed rise and Raven's general awesomeness. He gained a lot because he took down that Paladin. It took 9 turns to finish but the 5 star boundary is 10 turns anyway, and I managed to get every village item and do some shopping for items.

Unit stats:
Hector----13.80-31--13---8---9---8--14---4--96--29-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------11.17-22--10--13--13--10---4---4---2---1---------------Sword B----------
Eliwood----8.71-22---9--10---9--11---6---0--39--20---------------Sword B--Hector C
Marcus*----4.01-33--17--17--11--11--10---8--62--36-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Oswin-----16.24-35--17--12--10---6--16---4--83--25---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---10.69-23---9---7--18---8---6---2--45--12---------------Sword B----------
Florina----9.98-30---9--14--12--12---5---4---6---3---------------Lance B----------
Raven------9.09-32--13--18--17---2---6---2--15---9---------------Sword C----------
Kent-------8.85-25---9---9--10---4---6---1--21---8-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Canas------8.82-21--10---9---8---7---5---8---6---3---------------Elder B----------
Rebecca----8.74-20---8---9--12---7---4---2--40--23-----------------Bow C----------
Wil--------8.55-24---9---9---8--10---5---1---4---2-----------------Bow C----------
Dorcas-----8.39-34--11---7---7---6---4---0--11---4-----------------Axe B----------
Lucius-----8.26-21--10---9--12---2---1--11---0---0---------------Light C----------
Erk--------8.17-23---6---6--11---3---2---9---4---3---------------Anima C----------
Lowen------7.84-28---8---7---8---5---8---0--37--16-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Sain-------7.60-25--12---6---7---6---7---1--18---9-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Guy--------7.51-26---9--14--16---7---6---3--28--15---------------Sword B----------
Serra------7.23-23---5---7---9---7---3--11---3---0---------------Staff B----------
Bartre-----6.89-33--11---5---3---6---6---2--28--13-----------------Axe D----------
Priscilla--5.52-16---7---6---9---9---3---8---4---0---------------Staff C----------

Tactics:- * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

As for the Pirate Ship... Must steal both the Elysian Whip and the Guiding Ring, so Matthew's got some work to do around here. It's a bonus that he is capable of holding his own in fights with his rather generous 9 Str and 18 Spd.

Aside from Matthew for thieving utility, other deployed units will be the lowest-levelled bunch, including both healers.

So that's: Hector, Matthew, Priscilla, Bartre, Serra, Guy, Sain and Lowen. Let's see how they work out. I'll be aiming to steal that Guiding Ring and killing the boss to end it early.

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Deployed: Hector, Matthew, Priscilla, Bartre, Serra, Guy, Sain and Lowen.

Despite deploying the lowesst-levelled units, they handled themselves quite well during this clusterfuck of a chapter. It took a lot of restarts, but I finally got the first couple of turns to turn out just as I'd have liked, and from there on it was relatively easy. I was afraid the boss would critblick Matthew off the map, but nope, just a hit. Matthew finished him on turn 9 player phase, ending the chapter.

Bartre, the little fucker, finally gained his first point in Spd. He was actually doubling some of the Shamans. It was truly inspirational.

Hector's ability to tank offensive units was quite useful in the first few turns, I just had to destroy the Shamans before enemy phase came around.

This kind of feels like a low-level challenge, where the lowest levelled units are the only units to get deployed. Fun, no?

Also no change in the ranks. Slowly working on that Tactics rank. It'll get there eventually.

Unit stats:
Hector----14.39-32--14---8---9---8--14---4-105--36-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------11.17-22--10--13--13--10---4---4---2---1---------------Sword B----------
Eliwood----8.71-22---9--10---9--11---6---0--39--20---------------Sword B--Hector C
Marcus*----4.01-33--17--17--11--11--10---8--62--36-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Oswin-----16.24-35--17--12--10---6--16---4--83--25---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---14.29-25--10---8-*20---9---6---4--65--18---------------Sword B----------
Florina----9.98-30---9--14--12--12---5---4---6---3---------------Lance B----------
Sain-------9.89-27--13---6---8---6---7---1--33--18-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Guy--------9.79-27--10--16--17---7---7---3--43--23---------------Sword B----------
Lowen------9.30-30---9---8---9---6--10---0--47--22-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Raven------9.09-32--13--18--17---2---6---2--15---9---------------Sword C----------
Kent-------8.85-25---9---9--10---4---6---1--21---8-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Canas------8.82-21--10---9---8---7---5---8---6---3---------------Elder B----------
Bartre-----8.77-35--12---5---4---7---8---3--38--19-----------------Axe C----------
Rebecca----8.74-20---8---9--12---7---4---2--40--23-----------------Bow C----------
Wil--------8.55-24---9---9---8--10---5---1---4---2-----------------Bow C----------
Dorcas-----8.39-34--11---7---7---6---4---0--11---4-----------------Axe B----------
Lucius-----8.26-21--10---9--12---2---1--11---0---0---------------Light C----------
Erk--------8.17-23---6---6--11---3---2---9---4---3---------------Anima C----------
Serra------7.92-23---5---7---9---7---3--11---4---0---------------Staff B----------
Priscilla--6.35-16---7---7---9---9---3---8---6---0---------------Staff B----------
* = Capped / Promoted

Tactics:- * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

For Ch19, the 5* tactics requirement is 10 turns or less... So Marcus is being deployed for this one. Florina is being deployed to recruit Fiora. Matthew's being deployed because FoW. Other deployments will be: Priscilla, Serra, Rebecca, Dorcas, Wil, Erk, Lucius and Eliwood. This should be fun.

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Chapter 19

Deployed units: Hector, Marcus, Florina, Matthew, Priscilla, Serra, Rebecca, Dorcas, Wil, Erk, Lucius and Eliwood.

Shit went well. Eliwood kind of held back and protected Merlinus. The newly acquired Dart hung by that bridge in the North with Serra and Dorcas to take out everything that spawned there. Rebecca, Matthew and Priscilla went along the South-Western path to take on enemies there that attacked and weren't killed by Marcus, who plowed on past them to take on Uhai and kill him. Florina recruited Fiora, and then both helped out the remaining units who were fighting the middle path.

7 turn completion and some decent level-ups, all in all. Except Marcus, who didn't gain any speed, yet again. Priscilla could have gained more Exp, but I sent her to support the wrong group of units (Rebecca and Matthew) as opposed to the group who went for the centre path (Hector, Florina, Wil, Erk and Lucius).

It looks like the 3 turns saved in this chapter was enough to bring that Tactics rank from 3 up to 4. Everything else is still 5 stars. 3 Tactician stars so far. Good times.

Unit stats:
Hector----14.39-32--14---8---9---8--14---4-118--40-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------11.17-22--10--13--13--10---4---4---2---1---------------Sword B----------
Eliwood----9.97-23---9--10--10--12---6---0--49--23---------------Sword A--Hector C
Marcus*----5.52-33--17--18--11--12--10---8--80--41-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Oswin-----16.24-35--17--12--10---6--16---4--83--25---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---15.22-25--10---9-*20---9---6---5--74--21---------------Sword B----------
Florina---10.41-31---9--14--13--12---5---5--10---4---------------Lance B----------
Dorcas----10.25-36--13---8---7---7---5---1--23--12-----------------Axe B----------
Rebecca----9.92-21---9---9--12---8---5---2--50--28-----------------Bow C----------
Sain-------9.89-27--13---6---8---6---7---1--33--18-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Guy--------9.79-27--10--16--17---7---7---3--43--23---------------Sword B----------
Lowen------9.30-30---9---8---9---6--10---0--47--22-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Erk--------9.23-24---6---6--11---4---2---9--10---7---------------Anima C----------
Raven------9.09-32--13--18--17---2---6---2--15---9---------------Sword C----------
Wil--------9.07-25---9--10---9--11---5---2--10---3-----------------Bow C----------
Dart-------9.01-35--13---8---8---4---6---1---7---3-----------------Axe B----------
Kent-------8.85-25---9---9--10---4---6---1--21---8-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Canas------8.82-21--10---9---8---7---5---8---6---3---------------Elder B----------
Bartre-----8.77-35--12---5---4---7---8---3--38--19-----------------Axe C----------
Lucius-----8.66-21--10---9--12---2---1--11---3---1---------------Light C----------
Serra------8.31-24---6---8--10---8---4--12---8---0---------------Staff B----------
Fiora------8.11-22---8--12--14---7---6---7---4---4---------------Lance C----------
Priscilla--6.47-16---7---7---9---9---3---8---7---0---------------Staff B----------
* = Capped / Promoted

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

I think I'll now make it a policy that I deploy at least two Lords each chapter, for the sake of reaching Lv50 between the three of them by Ch.24.

And on that note, the next bunch of units to be deployed for 19x will be: Hector, Eliwood, Fiora, Priscilla, Florina, Bartre, Canas and Matthew. Dondon's Canas drop will more than likely be used. It should help shave off a turn or two if I don't have to fight through that hoard of Knights.

Edited by Railgunz
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Chapter 19x

Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Fiora, Priscilla, Florina, Bartre, Canas and Matthew.

Chapter done in 8 turns, so 2 turns below that 10 turn 5* rank. Managed to get that Silver Card too. Eliwood hung North and took out those flyers. Everything else was just a general mess. Not having Marcus around meant I had to rely on Matthew to take out the boss, since he was able to do decent damage, as well as have a decent chance of hitting him.

Level-ups were generally shit this chapter, aside from Canas, who god two great level-ups. Eliwood's weren't bad, either.

Unit stats:
Hector----15.20-33--14---8---9---8--14---4-122--43-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------11.17-22--10--13--13--10---4---4---2---1---------------Sword B----------
Eliwood---11.15-25--10--11--11--13---8---0--56--30---------------Sword A--Hector C
Marcus*----5.52-33--17--18--11--12--10---8--80--41-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Matthew---16.30-26--11--10-*20--10---7---5--84--24---------------Sword A----------
Oswin-----16.24-35--17--12--10---6--16---4--83--25---------------Lance A----------
Florina---11.14-31--10--14--13--12---5---5--18---6---------------Lance B----------
Canas-----11.07-23--11--10--10---7---6---9--21--13---------------Elder B----------
Dorcas----10.25-36--13---8---7---7---5---1--23--12-----------------Axe B----------
Fiora------9.93-22---8--12--14---7---6---8---9---8---------------Lance C----------
Rebecca----9.92-21---9---9--12---8---5---2--50--28-----------------Bow C----------
Sain-------9.89-27--13---6---8---6---7---1--33--18-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Guy--------9.79-27--10--16--17---7---7---3--43--23---------------Sword B----------
Bartre-----9.76-36--13---5---4---7---8---3--44--22-----------------Axe C----------
Lowen------9.30-30---9---8---9---6--10---0--47--22-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Erk--------9.23-24---6---6--11---4---2---9--10---7---------------Anima C----------
Raven------9.09-32--13--18--17---2---6---2--15---9---------------Sword C----------
Wil--------9.07-25---9--10---9--11---5---2--10---3-----------------Bow C----------
Dart-------9.01-35--13---8---8---4---6---1---7---3-----------------Axe B----------
Kent-------8.85-25---9---9--10---4---6---1--21---8-------Lance D-Sword D----------
Lucius-----8.66-21--10---9--12---2---1--11---3---1---------------Light C----------
Serra------8.31-24---6---8--10---8---4--12---8---0---------------Staff B----------
Priscilla--6.80-16---7---7---9---9---3---8---7---0---------------Staff B----------
* = Capped / Promoted

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

To be deployed for Chapter 20: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Matthew, Priscilla, Lucius, Wil, Erk, Lowen, Raven, Kent and Dart. If I have any problem with reaching Legault before he manages to escape the map, I'll be replacing Erk with Marcus.

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Chapter 20

I replaced Lowen with Marcus. It made a difference in terms of being able to reach Legault quicker before he manages to run off the map.

Deployed units: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Marcus, Matthew, Priscilla, Lucius, Wil, Erk, Raven, Kent and Dart.

It was done in 11 turns, shaving 5 turns from the S-rank turncount of 16 for this map. Most the units went up through the chokepoint, killing units along the way, while Wil took that Killer bow from that Archer to the right. Kent killed some stuff from the centre of the map, then helped out Dart with the Pegs later on. Matthew emptied chests, then later went Secret Shopping and bought Iron and Silver Blades, and a Physic.

Unit stats:
Hector----15.64-33--14---8---9---8--14---4-130--45-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------12.26-22--10--14--13--11---4---5--11---8---------------Sword A----------
Eliwood---12.23-26--10--11--12--13---9---0--66--34---------------Sword A--Hector C
Marcus*----6.15-33--18--18--12--12--10---9--92--49-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Matthew---16.30-26--11--10-*20--10---7---5--84--24---------------Sword A----------
Oswin-----16.24-35--17--12--10---6--16---4--83--25---------------Lance A----------
Raven-----12.94-35--15-*20--18---2---6---3--29--20---------------Sword B----------
Legault---12.10-28---8--13--17--10---8---4---0---0---------------Sword C----------
Kent------11.19-28---9--10--11---6---7---3--35--17-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Florina---11.14-31--10--14--13--12---5---5--18---6---------------Lance B----------
Canas-----11.07-23--11--10--10---7---6---9--21--13---------------Elder B----------
Dart------10.73-36--14---9---9---4---6---1--18---9-----------------Axe B----------
Lucius----10.71-23--12--10--13---2---1--13--17---7---------------Light C----------
Erk-------10.34-24---6---6--11---5---2---9--17--10---------------Anima B----------
Dorcas----10.25-36--13---8---7---7---5---1--23--12-----------------Axe B----------
Wil-------10.07-26--10--11--10--11---6---3--17---5-----------------Bow B----------
Fiora------9.93-22---8--12--14---7---6---8---9---8---------------Lance C----------
Rebecca----9.92-21---9---9--12---8---5---2--50--28-----------------Bow C----------
Sain-------9.89-27--13---6---8---6---7---1--33--18-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Guy--------9.79-27--10--16--17---7---7---3--43--23---------------Sword B----------
Bartre-----9.76-36--13---5---4---7---8---3--44--22-----------------Axe C----------
Lowen------9.30-30---9---8---9---6--10---0--47--22-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Serra------8.31-24---6---8--10---8---4--12---8---0---------------Staff B----------
Priscilla--7.92-17---7---7--10--10---3---9---8---0---------------Staff B----------
* = Capped / Promoted

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

Still planning the next chapter out.

Edit: So I counted up all the experience needed for 5 stars through HHM, and it came to a total of 45,200. Can anyone confirm if this is correct?

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Edit: So I counted up all the experience needed for 5 stars through HHM, and it came to a total of 45,200. Can anyone confirm if this is correct?

That seems high, and likely doesn't account for route split, though there may be another error in there somewhere. Taking Kenneth and Linus, I got the requirement to be 40000. (40700 for Linus and Jerme, 40450 for Lloyd and Jerme, 39750 for Lloyd and Kenneth).

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That seems high, and likely doesn't account for route split, though there may be another error in there somewhere. Taking Kenneth and Linus, I got the requirement to be 40000. (40700 for Linus and Jerme, 40450 for Lloyd and Jerme, 39750 for Lloyd and Kenneth).

Aha, I added it all up, including the splits. Didn't check that. And thanks for that information. I'll be keeping track of Exp from now on so that I know when I get close to being able to go nuts with only my best, highest leveled units.

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Chapter 21

Deployed units: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Legault, Rebecca, Priscilla, Lowen, Bartre.

Chapter was done in 10 turns. It would have been less, but I had to retreat away from the boss for four turns, dragging him closer to the other units from his initial point of the map. All items were somehow acquired. Did some shopping with what little Gold I had.

Unit stats:
Hector----16.75-33--15---9---9---8--15---5-147--49-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Lyn-------14.03-22--10--14--15--11---4---5--32--16---------------Sword A----------
Eliwood---13.49-27--11--11--12--14--10---0--78--40---------------Sword A--Hector C
Marcus*----6.15-33--18--18--12--12--10---9--92--49-Sword A Axe A Lance A----------
Matthew---16.30-26--11--10-*20--10---7---5--84--24---------------Sword A----------
Oswin-----16.24-35--17--12--10---6--16---4--83--25---------------Lance A----------
Raven-----12.94-35--15-*20--18---2---6---3--29--20---------------Sword B----------
Legault---12.81-28---8--13--17--10---8---4---5---1---------------Sword C----------
Rebecca---12.57-24--10--10--14--10---5---5--62--33-----------------Bow C----------
Kent------11.19-28---9--10--11---6---7---3--35--17-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Bartre----11.17-38--14---5---5---7---9---4--53--25-----------------Axe C----------
Florina---11.14-31--10--14--13--12---5---5--18---6---------------Lance B----------
Canas-----11.07-23--11--10--10---7---6---9--21--13---------------Elder B----------
Lowen-----10.85-31--10---8---9---6--10---0--54--27-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Dart------10.73-36--14---9---9---4---6---1--18---9-----------------Axe B----------
Lucius----10.71-23--12--10--13---2---1--13--17---7---------------Light C----------
Erk-------10.34-24---6---6--11---5---2---9--17--10---------------Anima B----------
Dorcas----10.25-36--13---8---7---7---5---1--23--12-----------------Axe B----------
Wil-------10.07-26--10--11--10--11---6---3--17---5-----------------Bow B----------
Priscilla-10.00-17---9---9--11--13---3--12---9---0---------------Staff A----------
Fiora------9.93-22---8--12--14---7---6---8---9---8---------------Lance C----------
Sain-------9.89-27--13---6---8---6---7---1--33--18-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Guy--------9.79-27--10--16--17---7---7---3--43--23---------------Sword B----------
Serra------8.31-24---6---8--10---8---4--12---8---0---------------Staff B----------
* = Capped / Promoted

Tactics:- * * * *
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * *
Exp:----- * * * * *
Combat:-- * * * * *

So I just did some math. It turns out that for my current position in the game (Chapter 21 completed, with 13x, 17x and 19x chapters visited), I am:

1,917 experience over the current 5 star EXP rank. So that's 19 levels over.

9,317 Gold over the current minimum 5 star requirement. Using just a single promotion item right now would make it drop to 4 stars. And the requirements for Chapter 22 are huge. I have a feeling Funds will drop by the end of next chapter.

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Chapter 22

Units deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Legault, Lowen, Marcus, Oswin, Sain, Guy, Serra, Ninian.

Well this went better than expected. I deployed a mix of units. I deployed my most defensive units (Lowen, Marcus and Oswin), along with those who were lowest in experience (Sain, Guy, Serra, Ninian), and the three Lords were forced so meh. And Legault was brought along because chests.

That Barrier Staff saved Marcus' and Oswin's lives, especially since they were the main force, pushing downwards on the centre offensive enemy units. Isadora, Eliwood, Lyn, and the later recruited Rath, pushed towards Eubans on the right, while Guy did whatever he wanted around the middle of the map. On the left side, Hector, Legault, Lowen and the newly recruited Heath killed units and emptied chests etc.

After that 10k G was obtained, Lowen was at the ready with the Silver and Member Cards to purchase things from the Secret Shop. Got mainly Elixirs, since I was running dangerously low on healing items.

As for Eubans, he was baited out with Isadora. Isadora then stuck a couple of Silver Sword strikes into him, then Eliwood came along and critkilled with his Rapier, gaining a perfect level-up as a result. He's on the right path to being promoted. We'll see how his Lv20 stats turn out before going with it, though.

Uh oh yeah. The chapter was completed in 7 turns. This was enough to bring the Tactics rank from 4 to 5 stars. And even better, much to my own amazement, the Funds rank stayed up at 5 stars. It's still tight though. I'm now only 8,608G above the 5 star minimum limit.

Unit stats:
Hector----17.11-34--15---9--10---9--15---6-151--53-----------------Axe A-Eliwood C
Eliwood---15.23-28--12--13--13--15--11---2--88--48---------------Sword A--Hector C
Lyn-------14.29-22--10--14--15--11---4---5--36--19---------------Sword A----------
Marcus*----6.89-33--18--18--12--12--10---9-112--64-Sword A Axe S Lance A----------
Isadora*---1.83-28--13--12--16--10---8---6--17---6-Sword A Axe D Lance B----------
Oswin-----17.02-36--17--13--10---6--17---4--95--33---------------Lance A----------
Matthew---16.30-26--11--10-*20--10---7---5--84--24---------------Sword A----------
Legault---14.06-30---9--14--18--12---8---5--12---4---------------Sword C----------
Raven-----12.94-35--15-*20--18---2---6---3--29--20---------------Sword B----------
Rebecca---12.57-24--10--10--14--10---5---5--62--33-----------------Bow C----------
Kent------11.19-28---9--10--11---6---7---3--35--17-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Bartre----11.17-38--14---5---5---7---9---4--53--25-----------------Axe C----------
Florina---11.14-31--10--14--13--12---5---5--18---6---------------Lance B----------
Canas-----11.07-23--11--10--10---7---6---9--21--13---------------Elder B----------
Lowen-----11.14-32--10---8--10---7--10---1--56--28-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Dart------10.73-36--14---9---9---4---6---1--18---9-----------------Axe B----------
Sain------10.73-27--14---6---8---6---7---1--40--20-------Lance C-Sword D----------
Lucius----10.71-23--12--10--13---2---1--13--17---7---------------Light C----------
Guy-------10.56-28--10--17--18---7---7---3--49--26---------------Sword B----------
Erk-------10.34-24---6---6--11---5---2---9--17--10---------------Anima B----------
Dorcas----10.25-36--13---8---7---7---5---1--23--12-----------------Axe B----------
Wil-------10.07-26--10--11--10--11---6---3--17---5-----------------Bow B----------
Priscilla-10.00-17---9---9--11--13---3--12---9---0---------------Staff A----------
Fiora------9.93-22---8--12--14---7---6---8---9---8---------------Lance C----------
Serra------9.93-25---6---8--11---9---4--12---9---0---------------Staff A----------
Rath-------9.19-27---9--10--11---5---8---2---2---0-----------------Bow B----------
Heath------7.54-32--13--10---8---7--11---1---4---1---------------Lance B----------
* = Capped / Promoted

Tactics:- * * * * * 
Survival: * * * * *
Funds:--- * * * * * [246,258/237,200]
Exp:----- * * * * * [15,608/14,300]
Combat:-- * * * * *

Oh goody, desert chapter now. I'll be shooting for 23x. Go Heath.

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