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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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Persistent Habits

"Yeah, just keep runnin' your mouth until I take off your head, punk!" was the last thing the bandit said before an arrow came out of nowhere and pierced into his side! "GAAAAAfffuuuuuuuuuuuck! WhotheHELLshotme?!" He searched around and then spotted Valter and his ... winged ... passenger? Valter had begun circling them while Joanna reached out and cast off just enough light magic to heal the more serious wounds of those still alive. As much as she wanted to fully heal all of them, she understood how dangerous the situation could get if Valter was attacked by all three bandits at once.

The agile bandit looked at his arm, still covered in blood, and still aching, but no longer bleeding. He wasn't sure what to make of it since all he saw was that dark avian woman make a gesture toward him. "Okay, what just happened ...?"

Pulling the arrow out had inevitably led to some bleeding which Joanna quickly dealt with from horse back as well. The wound was still there, but the bleeding stopped once she casted on him. "I'm sorry if this is making things more difficult, but I don't want anyone else to die from injury." she said quietly to Valter.

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Bert's initial reaction was minor surprise. Well. ... Maybe Nigel was right and Mercy really is looking out for us. Then he saw that this guy with the arrows who saved him, thought he was one of them and started asking about a pegasus rider. He could only assume this guy saw Riz circling above them. His achiness began to leave, too, as did the stinging in his wounds. In fact, most of them were healed by the end of it and he was left with the partially-healed wounds in his sides from the previous battle, though the one that had been reopened still hurt more than the one he'd gotten from Gytha the previous day. He was satisfied with this until he saw his enemies being healed as well.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!" Bert demanded, irritation spiking, "WHY'RE YOU HEALING THOSE BANDITS?! GRAH! WHATEVER!" Turning his attention to the bowman, he answered his question from before. "If you're looking for that pegasus' rider," he began, sticking his thumb at himself, "that's me." Then he looked back to the armored bandit, though his words were to the two newcomers. "If you want to help, great, but if you're helpjng, then actually help. I don't want to have to take too many hits for you, so if you think you'll be in the way, it's better if you move along and let me do my job."

With that, he readied his axe, intensifying his glare at the armored one. "You don't look so quick... I should be able to bring you down easily, you annoying, worm-eating snail! I'd call you a worm, but you're slow and have poor armor, so I thought you'd do better being compared to that miserable slime-trailing bug instead."

Bert 10/15

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“Joanna, I understand you want to keep everyone alive, but these are bandits, cold blooded murderers, if you hadn’t noticed. I can’t protect you if you keep healing those intending to kill us…” Valter mumbled, only loud enough for his passenger to hear.

He watched as the thieves observed their recovering wounds, wincing at Bert’s loud outburst and somewhat perplexed at the reason for his anger. However, he was far more confused by his claiming to own the pegasus circling above. “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve never seen a male pegasus rider in my life, nor one that carries an axe. Just what are you trying to pull here?” Was he trying to cover his own ass by turning against the others?

“Attack anyone, and I shoot,” he warned. “That goes for all of you.” As he circled a second time he whispered to Joanna over his shoulder. “I know you normally try not to read thoughts, but this is important. Find out if this one is telling the truth, if you would.”

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"Why are you being such a dick to me, ya goddamn brute?" The kid spat at the fighter as they looked for a room.

"Because you shot me. Didja forget that already? Kids these days..." Nanahm replied back calmly.

"You asked for it!"

"You're an idiot for doing it!"

"You're an idiot for making yourself an easy target and letting me do it!"

"You're the kid who's bow got smashed by a girl, and going off of how you're acting now, that's gotta burn you on the inside."

"Yeah well you're... a dumbass"

"Takes one to know one"

"Why are you such a dick, godammit?!"

"Oh Raguni, he's repeating himself..."

The two continued their bickering, neither one letting eachother have the last word, Nanahm simply trying to find a goddamn room and try to shut the kid up, but first, he wanted to try something. He listened for voices, specifically, Synthia's... "Alright, this one will work" he smiled and pointed at a door, and Sammuel being Sammuel had to have the last word. "No way, asshat, I'm checking this shit out first" He said, barging in and continuing, "I'll be the judge... of... what the fuck is this?" He was now looking at Synthia and that other crazy lady from before who insisted on not being called a pirate... He would've moved, but truth be told, he was frozen where he stood, unable to deal with the awkward flowing through him.

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“You know, there’s this revolutionary new thing called knocking-“ Synthia started saying, as she turned to the now opening door. “Oh. It’s you.” Her glare at that moment could melt statues. “Gytha, have you reloaded your pistol yet?”

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"Nah, haven't been t' th' market t' get more rounds," the mariner replied before a grin spread across her face, "Not that I don't have me sword with me."


I...am so...tired of this... Bert tried to keep his cool. He really did. "You have...no idea...how much I've heard that," Bert replied to the bowman, his grip on his axe tightening, "But I can assure you...I AM THAT PEGASUS' BANDIT-CRUSHING RIDER AND NOT ONE OF THESE SNIVVLING, LACKLUSTER, RAG-TAG SORRY EXUSES FOR BANDITS!!" When he spoke about her, Bert pointed directly up to his pegasus, keeping his overly-annoyed glare on the bowman with the horse.

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"Whoawhoawhoawhoaholdupohgoddon'tshoot!" he blurted out too fast to be comprehensible. "I thought the room was vacant, nothing more! No need to be a bitch about this!" He said, his hands in front of himself for self defense.

Nanahm was right outside the room, out of sight, trying his hardest to contain his laughter at the kid. Oh my god, you don't do that kid. You just don't. you just... don't.

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"Want me t' kick'im out?" Gytha asked Synthia, smirk still visable on her face. Hehe... Even though I said me gun's out o' rounds, he thinks I'll shoot'im. Haharrhaa...!

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“Oh, you have your sword? Good. I thought I’d have to take care of him by myself. ” Synthia grinned maliciously and took a step forward, staff in hand. “I’m a bitch, eh? Just keep digging your grave kid, seems to be the only think you’re good at.” Turning to Gytha and covering her mouth with her free hand she whispered, “Nah, don’t kick him out yet, this is too much fun.”

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Gytha shrugged, standing up and drew her sword. "Alright, then," she mentioned, acting as though Synthia had told her the opposite. Smiling as she had the upper hand, she asked the boy, "So, how do ye like yer meat? Scliced into strips or shanked into blocks?"

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Reading Bandits

Joanna reluctantly agreed to do as Valter asked, and indicated it with a small nod. Just as she looked at Bert, he exploded into a torrent of vicious yelling, and had her hiding behind Valter for most of it.

"T-the pegasus is named Riz ... um ... she belongs to him, just like he said." she blurted out quietly bit by bit to Valter. It wasn't apparent just yet, but his body was already beginning to glow with a feint light.

"Hey! Just stay out of this, boy! This is between us and him!" the armored bandit spat out while waving his axe around.

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"NO, I mean... no, I'm I'm i'm good at sniping, probably the best in this group and oh my god why are you drawing a sword on me please don't kill me oh my god please please please don't kill me" He continued blabbering, his voice cracking at the worst moments ever and almost sounding like he was going to cry.

Nanahm chuckled lightly and muttered "Priceless... I should shove the kid into more rooms!"

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Ranyin would have angrily continued his walk to the wagon had he not notice the boy who joined the group open a door which hid something he was very aware off. Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl as he observed the boy stare at the horrifying being within. Standing as still as a mouse in the presence of a snake, Ranyin watched as the newcomer learned about the beast hidden within Gytha showed itself.

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"Watch yer tounge, lad," Gytha warned, giving the edges of her blade a quick look-over before shifting her eyes back to the frightened boy, "Or ye might not have it in th' mornin'."

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No matter how much Bert yelled and cursed, Valter was reluctant to believe his claim till Joanna confirmed it. He felt bad for asking her to do it, with the way she was trembling behind him, but he justified it as being better than killing him. He’d have to apologize to her later. “Alright, so you’re the owner of the pegasus. I apologize for the misunderstanding,” he said begrudgingly. Sometimes the truth was stranger than fiction, he mused. To think the scarred young man on the ground really owned a Pegasus.

However, there was still the issue of the bandits. “I don’t think you’re in any position to order me around…” He released an arrow to the side, catching the thief off guard and sending him to the ground. He was injured and incapacitated, but definitely still alive. “Drop your weapon and I won’t kill you,” he said to the last bandit standing.

Roll: 6,2,3

7 + 6 = 13 – 8 = HIT

3 + 2 – 1 = 4 DMG

Thief HP: 0/0


“I don’t know about him, Gytha, but I like my meat nice and tender. Unfortunately, that involves a lot of pounding…” She began smacking one hand with her staff, like you would a baseball bat. She walked towards him till she was less than a foot away and glared down. “Oh, don't worry, Sam, we won’t kill you. By the time we’re done you’ll just wish you were dead.”

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He stood there, about to soil himself until his body finally let himself control it again.

"I think I'll be going now... sorry to bother you have a nice day"

He stepped back, his legs wobbling uncontrollably making him look all the more pathetic. Meanwhile, Nanahm just laughed as the kid ran straight to the bathroom. He peaked into Synthia and Gytha's room and gave them a thumbs up, "Beautiful work, just wonderful you two. Sorry to push him onto you, I'll make it up to ya at some point, ahahahaaaaa!" he finished clutching his stomach from laughter he had to hold in that whole time.

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Outnumbered, Outgunned

"... maybe I should like ... do something." a bandit tending to the fire muttered. He wasn't one of the more proficient fighters so didn't have much confidence in his ability to do anything but stop an arrow with his face. That was when the thief had found a vulnerary on his boss and grabbed it. "Got one! Hik! Uuuurrrrrrr-" he trailed off painfully as he fell over dropping the vulnerary and revealing an arrow in his torso. Joanna just looked away and closed her eyes.

"Alright! Alright! Just stop shooting! Mercy!" he said dropping his axe and putting his hands up.

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That was a good enough opening for Bert. He ran forward, aiming to cut a nice render into the remaining enemy's armor. "They may not kill you, but I will!" he shouted, practically laughing.

(3+2)-3 = 2 = hit!

(4+6)-5 = 5 damage!

The pegasus knight landed a solid hit, slashing a giant gash in the bandit's armor over his chest. "Remember the name I gave you as you beg for Wrath's mercy: BERT THE CRUSHER!!!" I still wish I had my maces.

Bert doubles!

(3+6)-3 = 6 = hit!

(4+5)-5 = 4 damage!

Bert's axe came down, a spray of blood flew up and the pegasus rider's axe had cut the armored bandit's heart in half.

Bandit C 0/12

Bert 10/15

Norbert had been partially standing on the man's chest as he'd atatcked and now simultaniously kicked the corpse down, wrenched his axe from the dead man's chest and leaped backward onto the ground. He stumbled a little since his sides still hurt from their wounds, but he stood up all the same. He was somewhat tired, but he was grinning. His chest was covered in the red spray, as was his face, arms and hands. "Heh... They're done..." with that, Bert rested his axe on his shoulder and walked over to the bandit who was still working on starting the fire.

"Hey," he coldly greeted, "Those dead guys over there decided not to answer my questions but you haven't said a word. Have anything to say?"


"All in a day's work," Gytha chuckled back, sheathing her sword.

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"Well all right then. I don't really know who would attack me here, but it never hurts to be prepared I guess," Connor replied to Craig, taking the rune from him.


"Oh you're going to lead me to him? Thanks sir," Noelle said to the old man, doing something in between a bow and a curtsy as she didn't really know what was appropriate. People in churches seem pretty friendly. Maybe I should visit them more often.

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Bandit by the Fire

"Um, you seem actively pissed so I'll try to ask this as simply as I can. What do I have to say to get out of this alive and unharmed?"

Joanna was covering her eyes and ears at this point. She had already had to fight the urge to reach out and heal the thief once Valter shot him, but then the armored one was reduced to a bloodied corpse and she was left helpless to help that one. If only there had been a patrol nearby. They could have arrested these men instead of most of them dying like this. she thought to herself.


"Have a good night, Connor. I'll see you around." Craig said before leaving. Once back outside, he looked up at the sky. "Nearly sundown. It may be too late to gather anymore intelligence. Passive-Aggressive observation will have to do for now then." he said before distancing his feet. A moment later, his form disappeared from plain view ...


Second floor, records room. Io thought to herself as Remiel began leading Noelle off. Once they were out of sight, she walked over to the left side of the large room and began looking over some of the statues of minor gods with a little interest.

Once the elder and the pegasus knight had crossed over into the Wrath division, the views began to change somewhat. Most of the lighting was sustained by torches with an unnatural red glow as opposed to the lighting in the main hall, which carried regular light easily taken for granted. "I am not a fan of this color. It gives the place an unwelcoming aura to it. I won't say evil, child, but I will say it isn't pleasant in the darkest of nights." he commented as they walked along the red halls.

Once they reached a large door, Remiel used the door knocker which sounded off just loud enough for him to wince. The door opened slowly and a young Wrathite peeked out. "Father Remiel, I didn't expect you to brave these 'unpleasant halls' as you call them. Who's that with you?"

"She is here to speak with a man named Alastor if I recall correctly. Would you know where I can find him?" Remiel asked.

"Records room, just a little further down this hall." the Wrathite answered quickly.

"Thank you very much, young man." he replied to which the Wrathite barely nodded and then disappeared back through the door. "Just a little further to go I suppose." he said smiling at Noelle. The next door was the right one, and with a knock, a Wrathite librarian was summoned to the door. "Is there a man named Alastor here by any chance?" he asked again.

The Wrathite's response was to open the door wide enough for them to see into the library and gesture welcoming them in. Alastor wasn't far out of sight, having been in one of the book rows near the entrance.

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Noelle and Alastor

Noelle found the red light to be somewhat unsettling. Selene better give me a raise for this. I'm used to flying around, not going in...creepy hallways. Is this even part of the main cathedral?

Alastor put away the record he was looking at and walked towards the door way after hearing the sound of the knock. "Father Remiel? I'm surprised to see you in these archives. What is the nature of your visit?" he asked the elder man before Noelle stepped in.

Noelle was a bit flabbergasted to learn that her guide was none other than the Minister of Mercy himself, but managed to get out a reply. "I have a letter for you sir. From...a certain Major General," she said, remembering that she had been told to be discreet.

"Hmm, I wasn't expecting a letter," Alastor said, taking it from Noelle's hands. "Was there something else you needed, Father Remiel?" he asked the man. If this is from who I think it is, she wouldn't want me reading this in front of the Minister of Mercy.

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Bert's grin spread across his face at the bandit's reply. "You're much smarter than those guys over there... Alright. You'll be fine -- entirely alive and unharmed -- if you answer these questions: Where is your groups' base and where is the base of the Farsiders?" Bert calmly asked. He didn't seem phased one bit by how bloody he was. Raquel's getting a dislocated jaw the next time I see her for all the trouble I've had to go through.

Riz, meanwhile came down and landed, trotting over towards her rider before standing around, waiting for something to do.

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"Oh no, sir Alastor, my work here is done, and I should be going now. Would you, spare someone to escort the young Miss to the entrance against once she is ready to depart? If you are ready to leave now, I will happily guide you back myself." he said to the two of them.

Somewhere Else

The bandit sighed and yanked out a map. Pointing to a spot not far from Ursentius he said "We're here, and our base, is about a half a day's ride to the west, right near the edge of that forest where it's marked in red. Now I honestly don't have a fuckin' clue where those horse fanatics come from, but there might be a way for you to find out ..." he paused to hand Bert the map. "There's an area near Ursentius where they show up regularly. The military doesn't know about it because they only hit it at night, but they show up there every few days minimum from what I've heard. There might be a lot of'em though so bring some help. They wouldn't go to the same damn spot over and over again when away from home if they couldn't defend themselves. That spot's marked on the map too so we know to stay away from there." he finished explaining.

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Bert listened carefully to what the bandit was saying, studying the map the man was showing him until he gave it to him. Once the bandit was finished speaking, the pegasus rider, replied, "Thank you. You've been very helpful. Oh, but a couple more things: how many guys can I expect at your base? When does your group go out to raid? How many do you leave behind to guard your base? What's your band's name? What sort of fighters are you all, mostly? From what I've seen here, you have a bunch of different kinds of fighters, even to the point of picking up street kids." Bert wasn't new at his job. So long as this guy was willing to keep talking, he wanted this information. It'd make things a whole lot easier.

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Alastor and Noelle

"I will send someone to guide her back, Father Remiel, you need not worry," Alastor said to the man. "Now miss, my office is just down the hall if you please," he said, gesturing for Noelle to follow him. He nodded to Remiel and went down the hall to a small room, closing the door.

"Have a seat," he said to Noelle before sitting at his desk, opening the envelope and reading the letter. He pondered for several minutes after finishing it, reading it over once again.

"Noelle, I would like you to locate the woman mentioned in this letter. Tell me her location and then remain in town until our mission is complete or I state otherwise. If she is here I will need you to report our success or failure to the Major General," Alastor said to her. He then opened the door. "Barnaby, will you escort this woman back to the main cathedral please?" he asked a nearby Wrathite. I should gather whoever I can as quickly as I can. Hopefully it will not have to come to blows, but I must be prepared to carry out my duty Alastor thought to himself as Noelle left.

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