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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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Shadrak's healing staff restored Domovoi and he returned to consciousness, some of the bleeding stopping and the pain lessening before it returned again, sharp and painful.

"AGHH! Shit! The bullet! You need to get rid of the bullet Shadrak! Your staff saved me for awhile, but it's not going to do much good if I still have a bullet stuck in me!"

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Valter could see that this was going nowhere good pretty fast. He felt really bad about it, but it was his job to keep Joanna safe after all. He picked up the crying cleric, and before she could protest, moved her away from the dragon. “I’m sorry, but right now my priority is to keep you alive… Bert’s right here, we’ll have to let them kill the dragon.”


No sooner had Gytha spoke then a spear of wind shot down, tearing a hole in the dragon’s soft underbelly. Synthia stepped forward and watched as its breathing slowed to a stop. “The dragon’s dead, there’s no reason to fight now,” she said, looking at the creature with empty eyes.


Well, that was certainly one way to take care of the problem, Valter thought as he watched the scene. Now there was only to wait and see what the soldiers thought of her actions.

The mage who killed it seemed somewhat familiar, he’d noticed since he’d been with the group. He was sure he knew her now that he had heard her voice, but he wasn’t exactly sure who it was. Who did he know who used wind magic, anyway? That... wasn't important right now. Joanna would likely not be pleased by this event.

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"You mean it didn't fly clear through you!?" Shadrak shouted amazed. Blinking as he though up a plan. "Okay, um... I can do this, but it's going to REALLY suck, for you. I hope your ready for pain..." he said as he sat his staff down and placed his hand against the wound. This should be... interesting...

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Gytha just sort of stared at Synthia. She recognized her life might have just been saved, but at the same time, she couldn't believe she'd just killed an innocent.

"... That's one way to solve it..." Bert mumbled. The situation was resolved abruptly, but it was resolved and none of his allies were harmed, which was good enough for him.

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“I’m sorry, but right now my priority is to keep you alive…" Valter said to her. "I knoooow ..." she replied as she buried her head in his chest and looked away. When the dragon's death finally came, she cringed. Normally she might have been able to handle someone's untimely death. Up until that point, she had, but all she ever knew of the dragon was its suffering. How long had it been alive? Were its first waking moments those of being caught in a deadly fire? These were questions that bombarded her now and shutting them out was going to take awhile.


Rather than answering Gytha's question, Remus simply began counting down "Ten ... nine ..." suddenly he paused to glance past Gytha to see the dragon ... dead. The culprit not too far away. "Well ... at least two of you have some sense." he said before handing the shotgun back to Patricia. He then stepped forward walking around Gytha and over to the dragon. He waited there until the soldier Shadrak had given the notes to arrived. He handed him the notes, then stepped back as the General perused them.

"An artificial life form ... " he paused, lowering the notes in his hand. "Clean this mess up. Volunteers, exit back up to the first floor and wait there. Major General Belo, burn these until there's nothing left. I'll be along shortly." he ordered.

"Understood." she replied simply. With her blunderbuss, and the notes, she turned to leave and Lyra followed but looked back to make certain the volunteers were getting ready to leave.


"It's me. If you can walk still, that'd be great, because I think we're being kicked out." he replied.

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Shadrak sat up at the sound of 'Burn the remains'. "Well, ready or not... here I come" he said said, as he carefully pulled the wound even more open with magic, moving internals out of the way as he tried to find the round. It REALLY didn't help that Dom was convulging in pain. "Where are ya ya little.. there..." he said, finally locating the round. "and now too..." He slowly and carefully reach magic deeper into the wound, enveloping the bullet in it, then pulling it out as quick as he safely could. Once it was in the palm of his right hand, his left hand shot over to his heal staff to finish patching up the wound. "I'm sorry, now hurry up and go." Shadrak said, helping Dom off the ground with the heave, wiping his brow once he was done.

"Hey, anyone know if we got anymore wounded down here?" Shadrak called out into the room, scanning as best he could for people that were hurt.

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Gytha complied. There was no reason not to anymore. Without speaking, she simply walked back the way they'd come and waited in the designated waiting room. Being quiet was the best thing she could do and she knew it. Regret at the dragon's death mingled with anger at the prejudiced injustice. Yes...staying quiet was the best she could do for everyone, herself included.


Bert didn't want to disturb the tension in the air, so he, too, quietly complied, giving a look to his teammates to encourage them to follow him and to check upm on their general wellbeing. Once they were on ground level again, there wasn't much to talk about, so he remained silent.

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IC: "Me..." Saken said as he heard Shadrak call out to ask if anyone was wounded.

The thief was buried under a lot of rubble, and that only worsened his mood as he thought about the deathspiral of events that happened to him that day. First he got caught pickpocketing, and was chased then he had to join a mercenary group first mission free, and then on that mission an rubble fell on top of him so that he couldn't do anything useful.

And of course that means I have to do another mission for free, Saken thought crying on the inside.

Edited by MinunRobotnik4
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"AGGHGHH! Shit that hurts," Domovoi groaned in pain, clenching his teeth. He couldn't help but convulge and thrash about in pain as the shaman used his magic to help get the bullet out. Clearly he was trying to be as gentle as possible which was good, but it still hurt like a mother.

It was at last done and the pain did subside a little as he was healed, but he was still in pain. As he was helped up by Shadrak, the shaman left to help the others. Domovoi kneeled for a little bit clutching his chest before he got up to go check on Veronika.

"You ok there? That was a very fierce fight. I'm glad you're still alive."

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"I think I can walk yeah," Nadya said, stumbling around a little more. "How did the pantsless lancer and axe guy do? Hope they didn't die, that looks bad on my healer resume," Nadya joked, giving a half smile.

"I'm fine. You on the other hand, jumped right in front of a bullet. What kind of soldier are you Domovoi? Getting yourself killed here does you no service to...your country," Veronika said, pausing for a moment to remember that she was surrounded by Ursian soldiers. "And you aren't going to find your father's killer pulling many stunts like that either," she added, hands on her hips.

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When Ranyin heard Shadrak call out for others who are injured, Ranyin noticed some lose rubble shift near him and heard a faint call of "Me...". He immediately had a spell ready to knock back whoever emerged from the pile if it was an enemy.

After waiting for some of the rubble to slide off, he spotted a face he vaguely recalled. Where have I seen that face before? He seems familiar, thought Ranyin. Whoever it was, he had an inkling that the person was a friendly.

I got it, the THIEF! So that's where he's been, poor fellow burried for most of the fight, remembered Ranyin. He quickly ran over to dig Saken out of the rubble. After he got the thief out, Ranyin checked his pulse to see if he was alive and also for any signs of open wounds as he heard or rather stopped hearing the laborous dying breath of the dragon. He spared a glance at the direction of Gytha and the dragon, and was mildly disappointed to see Gytha unscathed.

Turning back to the thief, Ranyin shook him lightly and said, "Hey, are you ok? can you hear me?"

Edited by Rothene
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"He was the strongest one here. If he was shot, we might be dead right now. It was not because I wanted to be shot, it was because it was necessary. You need to remember, the needs of the many come before the needs of the few. We all probably would've died if he was killed," Domovoi retorted gently.

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“I’m sorry, Gytha,” Synthia said, refusing to meet her eyes. There really wasn’t much to say at this point. She turned away and began walking with the others towards the first floor.


With the situation now over with, Valter continued carrying Joanna towards the stairs. His measured pace reflected how melancholy he was feeling at the moment. He wished he could’ve done something to help, if only to keep the cleric from crying, since he still felt partially responsible for that.

As he reached the stairs he met with the mage who had finished off the creature. The cloak hood hanging far over her drooping head ensured that he couldn’t see her face, but by her body language it was obvious to see she wasn’t very happy about what she had done. He was curious as to why she did it. Wouldn’t it have been easier to kill it in the first place? She should’ve known it would end up this way. “…Why did you do it?” he finally asked as they reached the top of the stairs. He never got an answer, though, as the mage sulked off towards the hallway leading outside.

The silence on the first floor was deafening. “So. What now?”

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Shadrak jogged to over to Ranyin. "Thanks, with all the rubble it's hard to find people..." Shadrak said as he began to hold his staff over Saken, his breathing slowly getting heavier as he healed the small thief.

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"Now we wait for whatever the military decides to do with us," Bert replied to Valter with a shrug.

Gytha noted to talk to Synthia once she'd calmed down or sooner than that, depending on which came first.

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Gabe and Friends

"I think they'll be alright. Wolfy's fine at least, though I get the feeling we're going to be carrying Xavier out of this." he replied sounding like he didn't want to go through the trouble.

"Eh, I'll help." Gabbie said quietly. "Let's just get goin' before they decoide to shoot us or somethin'"


Once Amon was let go, he came closer to the scene only to find that they were being ordered to leave. Well that was great. What now? Synthia killed the dragon, and Gytha had gotten really quiet all of a sudden. What on earth was he supposed to do? Which one would he talk to? Thinking on it for a moment, he began to feel that maybe it would just be better to not do anything until they were safely away from the eyes and ears of the military. To him, it seemed like the war bred men had no problem with killing them and covering it all up with as many of their deaths as it took ... and just for crossing them ....

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With someone taking care off Saken, Ranyin decided to head off and congratulate Synthia on her successful use of magic for the day's battle. He knew he was not much of a teacher, but he had successfully taught her how to use her tome.

Catching up to Synthia, Ranyin said beaming, "Synthia, excellent performance with your magic. You're doing very well after being able to access the power within your wind tome in just a few days."

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OOC: "Small?" Saken's a normal sized adult.

IC: As the healing powers of the staff flowed into Saken he began to feel restored as the world came back into focus. He awoke to see Ranyin and Shadrak standing above him one holding the staff and other had checked his vitals and was leaving.

"Ugh, not my best moment," he said as he tried to get up still a bit hurt as he found out as it caused him to wince.

Edited by MinunRobotnik4
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"His life wasn't necessarily worth yours Domovoi. Sometimes playing the hero can be admirable, but once you're dead you're not helping anyone. Let's just get out of here," she said to him before walking back upstairs. I made sure I survived another battle...and I do feel stronger. I'll reach you as soon as I can Pavel, wherever you are. she thought to herself.

"I'm not in any mood to be getting shot right now, or anytime really," Nadya said, making her way up the stairs. She reached her hand into a pouch on her person attempting to be discreet as she felt around. Not broken, that was lucky.

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Shadrak helped Sakan up. "Suck it up, it's all I can do sadly. Get out of here, they're about to light the place up like a Light Mage training hall." Shadrak said, looking around warily. It appeared all the wounded were either tended to, or atleast were being evaced. With that he decided it was his time to exit. As he did he brushed past Gytha, and decided to slow down to talk to her. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I shouldn't have yelled at you..."

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Synthia just stared blankly at Ranyin. Did he have any idea of what had just happened? As a healer she was supposed to save lives, not end them. The dragon had been rendered harmless. True, she didn’t equate dragons with people, maybe more like a dog, but even killing a dog would leave a bad taste in her mouth if it wasn’t actively a danger.

She narrowed her eyes, a sign that she was probably about to get angry. “Sure, sure, excellent performance. I assume you’re going to congratulate me on killing the dragon next, aren’t you?”

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IC: "It's the least of my worries," Saken mumbled as he got up ignoring the pain.

He dusted his clothes off, and tried to make himself look like he was conked out under rubble for the last couple of hours.

Well whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Of course I know the least of what is going on than of anyone, he thought as he heard something about an order to leave. Suppose it is time we left, he thought trying to follow his group although he was disoriented.

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Ranyin's eyes widened as he had not expected Synthia to be so angry. He had not been paying much attention to what had happened after the whole protecting the dragon part with trying to save Saken from the rubble.

Ashamed, he said softly, "Erm...you...I didn't know you killed the dragon...all I knew was you managed to incapacitate it with a mighty casting of wind magic, then I was distracted by..." he glanced away from her angry eyes, swallowing a large ball of saliva then continued, "...I was helping dig the guy who just joined us, Saken, out of some rubble to to be healed. I seriously didn't know...I'm sorry." Finished Ranyin with his head bowed low before the tall girl.

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Thumb down, Gytha's right hand snapped out and grabbed Shadrak by the front of his neck, picked him up off the ground with only that hand and threw him as far as she could, nearly ripping his throat out. It was quite the blatant "don't talk to me."

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