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Best Dragon Generals of Bern

Bern's Dragon Generals  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Dragon Generals

    • Narshen
    • Gale
    • Brenya
    • Murdock

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I like Murdock and Brenya, Murdock more, just since he seems more hardcore. Gale is kind of meh and Narshan is just a weirdo (although isn't to bad as a character).

Both Murdock and Brenya have 1337 stats on HM

A simple way to figure out HM bonuses is to use +class growth for unpromoted (so if they have 40 growth, then it's +4) accept HP which is half and +class growthx2 for promoted (so if it's 30 it's +6), accept HP which is full. Playable characters who start off as enemies still sue class growth instead of their own.

So the average stat bonuses for Murdock and Brenya are...


HP +7.5 (69)

STR +6 (27*)

SKL +5 (24)

SPD +2 (14)

LUK +4 (16)

DEF +4.6 (29)

MDF +3 (20)


HP +4.5 (42)

MGC +9 (30*)

SKL +6 (24)

SPD +5 (23)

LUK +3 (20)

DEF +2 (20*)

MDF +5 (25*)

Brenya appears to make out much better in hard mode, considering Murdock isn't getting his strength bonuses.

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Hmm, I'm not so sure about those calculations. On average I seem to see Murdoch and Brunya with slightly higher HP and slightly lower overall stats.

Setting the RNs to 0 I get:


HP 72

STR 27

SKL 23

SPD 14

LCK 15

DEF 28

RES 19


HP 44

STR 29

SKL 22

SPD 22

LCK 19

DEF 20

RES 25

Or were the calculations just an estimate? : o

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Indeed it's probably not 100%, but it's just what I observed. It is fairly close at least, nothing is really known about how HM bonuses are calculated, but what I do know is it uses class growth.

From my experience, it gives 10 "unseen" level ups for non-promoted and +20 for promoted, that's where that figure came from.

Again it's certainly not 100%, but it is a close estimate at least (only overestimating by about 1 each in comparison to your figure).

My Brenya had these stats in my last hard mode play...

HP- 42

MGC- 30*

SKL- 24

SPD- 24

LUK- 21

DEF 20*

MDF 25*

Which is actually higher then my original estimate, but I might have gotten lucky/unlucky (depending on your view). I can't remember Murdocks, but his HP was 70.

I am curious now as to how it works... if the 10 levels theory was right they would all be getting +10 in everything with the 0 RN modification... perhaps it is decided when you start a new game and you used the code after (because 0 RNs would be ideal stats for them and I have seen higher on many occasions)? Some games decide certain variables when you start a new game, if you used the cheat after that, it would be unaffected, but then again restarting the chapter changes it I think... odd indeed... it appears to be the RNG that decides it, but it isn't.

In FE4 you can do the RNG trick method to see a point of this... Use the go 1 space diagonally (2 spaces of course), have the character run, but don't wait, instead keep doing it, sometimes they will take the higher way, other times the lower way. Now in the GBA FEs you can use this to see if the RNs are low or high as you know, and you can use it to your advantage... however in FE4... it doesn't effect the RNs in the slightest..., so what causes it? Same thing with hard mode boosts, it must use an RN system separate from the main one or something, I mean there has to be a system for it, but it uses no RNs (in FE4s case, perhaps it's the same for FE6).

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That's interesting about FE4 : o

I actually did some research on HM boosts. I'm not sure if you've seen it though.

If you use the RNG=0 code in FE6/7, IIRC the enemies always have the same stats, which led me to the conclusion that HM boosts use the same RNG.

I'm pretty sure the enemies don't always have 10 levels. If the playable characters are anything to show, the amount of hidden levels increases as the game progresses. Eg. Rutger has 2 levels, while Zeis has 9 (they're not the real numbers, but I have them somewhere). The bandits in Chapter 1 have 5 or 6 hidden levels from memory.

Also I'm sure the full HP growth is used in both cases (i.e double for promoted enemies?).

Enemies also get some random stat variations (you can see them by setting class growths to 100%), which depends on the class growths somehow (if the class growth is 0%, there are no variations). From memory they're about +/- 1 for normal stats and +2 to -1 for HP. It's been a while since I last looked at them though and I didn't do much tests on them since they seemed pretty random.

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