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(FE4) SOYO Draft


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Um, no one has started the actual playing yet, and I'm sure you wouldn't want a character that's physically impossible to even see in your play through either.

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Frankly, I think it should have been a rule from the get-go. What I don't think is that you should have made the executive call with no consultation to make the rule as soon as you were screwed by not having it.

Any timing other than "as soon as cam drafted dimna for you" and I might buy it. Might.

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Yes. After all, it would be horrible for us to screw each other over.

I'd rather have Femina and one other damn father than one of the ones I have and Asaello.

EDIT: I'll at least back this up a little bit:

Is there a stipulation stating that whosoever gets Ethlin *must* be given Cuan?

What about Hanniballs? Poor Shin has less motivation to recruit him than I do to recruit Amid - at least Hanniballs can be killed for XP while Amid contributes precisely nothing to me, him or you.

The whole chat was reveling earlier in how epically fucked Integrity's kids are going to be ha ha ha, but now that you're getting/not getting one scrub you can't recruit it's the end of the world?

Edited by Integrity
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Ethlin ends up paired no matter what, I just gave Cam Cuan cause it's not like the rest of us have any huge use for him really.

How so? Amid costs no turns to recruit. I don't see the analogy.

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Psych, changing the rules in the middle of your draft just so you don't get screwed (in a SOYO, even) is bad form. Just think of it as one of those last round, worthless picks like Karla or Geitz.

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EDITED OUT: You're all confusing me :P

At least I got the cool axe brother. I assumed we didn't draft someone's kids' subs out of courtesy rather a fixed rule :P.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Much as I appreciate the gift of Azel, Shin, it's not your turn. It's still Cam's unless this whole cock-up gets reversed.

@Psych: Sure, none of us have any real use for Cuan. So why'd you give him to Cam? I don't have any real use for Jamka and he's actually going to cost me several turns to recruit AND I have to be touchy about it (thanks aideen) or take a penalty. This obviously isn't a "make your opponent's life bearable" draft or I'd have a way better team.

The analogy with Amid is that Amid will quite literally do nothing in most of his careers. He'll be left behind as Celice/Oifaye/(in your case)Lester/Delmud fight things. He contributes exactly as much to you as Dimna would.

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Much as I appreciate the gift of Azel, Shin, it's not your turn. It's still Cam's unless this whole cock-up gets reversed.

My bad, I'm really confused now ^^.

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Wait, fuck. I think it was actually Psych's turn, not yours Shin.



Edited by Integrity
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Wait, fuck. I think it was actually Psych's turn, not yours Shin.



Stop messing with my head!

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Cam can have Azel so he has options for Corple in case he wants Corple with Elfire and minor Fala for magic, or with Leen and Corple with Bargain and Leen with Sol.

I don't know why, but for some reason it's Integrity's turn twice. That will fix the drafting problems.

Edited by Psychology
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