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Female + Main (be it Ike or Sothe) run difficulty?

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Well, Radiant Dawn is on its way, however since I know nothing about it and I always do all Female + main character runs of any game I play. How difficult is it to pull off since from what I've read we're bouncing around from different groups for the first few parts.

(I don't know if this matters, but I am doing a transfer run from PoR with people like Mist and Marcia/Jill having maxed "important" stats.)

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It's not too difficult all in all.

Part 1 is mostly Sothe killing things, until Jill shows up, dump stat boosters into her and use Nailah for a few chapters.

Part 2 is mostly female units anyway, so not much changes, assuming you're allowed to use Brom.

Part 3 you have Ike, Titania, Nephenee, and Mia, so chapters are a little slower but not all that different.

Part 4 You should have enough units to split around that things won't be too terrible. 4-E's a little tougher than usual, but not really.

Depending on if it's HM or not, you might want to include a few units like Geoffrey temporarily to avoid headaches.

I've done Female+Lord runs of 7-10, most of them are pretty easy (had to fudge a few of FE7's early chapters and use Marcus for sanity purposes).

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What's with the Female Only runs. Why not make a Male Only one.

Because if I want to see something floating on screen/fighting for a good 20+ hours I would rather it be a woman. I go by that "if I'm planning to play this long hours, I want something nice to look at."

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What's with the Female Only runs. Why not make a Male Only one.

In standard playthroughs, males are often the majority of the team so a "Male Only" playthrough would consist of small changes. Hell, just throwing out the female units and not even replacing them should still give you a team of strong doods that will suffice.

Now in the case of "Female Only" playthroughs, the team sees major changes since the majority gets swapped for a female unit, which are generally weaker on the STR, HP and DEF stats while "compensating" for it with more SPD and RES compared to the general male.

Finally, since females are the minority, you'll obviously be playing the earlygame with few units. FE5 for example:

Eyvel and Tanya for chapters 1-3

Karin, Machua and Lara for chapters 4, 4x. chances are an exception will be created here.

Above + Nanna for 5 and 6, + Saphy for 7

Leaf + Saphy for 8 since the other ladies will be fatigued. Nanna may have a shot of being here if you gave her the HP ring and somehow managed to not use her enough for fatigue.

Well, you get the picture.

Edited by Sirius
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Part 4 You should have enough units to split around that things won't be too terrible. 4-E's a little tougher than usual, but not really.

But you have Jill, Titania, and Mia, all of whom get a ton of air time and since it's all female, they don't have as much competition for statboosters if necessary. Not to mention Jill's potential to cap most of her stats by 20/20/15.

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Without BEXP?

Most need BEXP i'll give you that but i doubt Jill can do it without BEXP unless she is RNG blessed. If she is rng blessed i'd say PEMN, but eh.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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It happened in my most recent playthrough and also many others I've done. The levels varied but overall she has the ability to cap most stats by this point.

EDIT: Just looked at Jill's averages. She averages a cap on STR, MAG, SPD, LCK, and RES. My Jills must be blessed in SKL because she falls short by 3.2 on average. Without Transfers. My most recent playthrough gave her one robe and no transfers. My Jills must be lucky.

Reference: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe10/average/jill.html

Edited by Gaius Julius Caesar
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Most need BEXP i'll give you that but i doubt Jill can do it without BEXP unless she is RNG blessed. If she is rng blessed i'd say PEMN, but eh.

An average Jill caps every stat but HP, Skill and Def.

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It happened in my most recent playthrough and also many others I've done. The levels varied but overall she has the ability to cap most stats by this point.

Her average stats leave hp at 52, Skill at 34, def at 33. With seraph robe she is guaranteed HP. But even with 1 stat boost, her def and skill are not. She needs BEXP. I doubt its all natural.

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Her average stats leave hp at 52, Skill at 34, def at 33. With seraph robe she is guaranteed HP. But even with 1 stat boost, her def and skill are not. She needs BEXP. I doubt its all natural.

Well, I am almost done with my PoR transfer file and basically it comes out like this:

(this is with heavy Bexp abuse since it was only for RD transfers/bonds I did use boosts as well)

Ike: Maxed Str/skill/speed/defense/resistant and 60 hp, so he's a freaking monster.

Mist: Maxed Speed/str/magic/resistance (debating on if i should use a book to finish off the 1 skill she's missing)

Ilyana: Maxed magic/speed/skill/DEFENSE!/and 3 off for resist

Jill: Maxed Str/skill/speed/defensive is 22 and resist is 18ish

Titania: Maxed Str/skill/speed/defensive/19 resistance

Mia: Maxed str/skill/speed/luck (yes she maxed out luck after I gave her 2 icons.)

Marcia/Tanith: Maxed str/speed/skill only on both

Neph: Maxed out str/defense/speed, I had terrible rng luck with skill on her.

Lethe: 60 HP/max str/skill/speed/ using 2 draco to finish off maxing her defense

Astrid, of all the people I was expecting this from, it definitely wasn't her.

60 HP/Maxed Str/skill/speed/defense/resistant/32 luck.

And that's all the ones I can think of off the top of my head (I know the numbers because I was playing not even 10 minutes ago.)

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Making a second post to seperate it out from all that, I was looking at the Serenes Forest RD info and it shows Jill and other being recruited at 3-6 for Micaiah or 3-7 for Ike...so I'm kinda lost on that.

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I was looking at the Serenes Forest RD info and it shows Jill and other being recruited at 3-6 for Micaiah or 3-7 for Ike...so I'm kinda lost on that.

The part 1 units 'rejoin' in 3-6, while Jill and Zihark can be recruited to Ike's side in 3-7.

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The part 1 units 'rejoin' in 3-6, while Jill and Zihark can be recruited to Ike's side in 3-7.

For Jill she can be talked to with Haar or Mist (I think for Mist they need a transferred A Support), for Zihark he can talk to Lethe or Mordecai in 3-6 or be talked to with Lethe, Mordecai, or Ilyana (Transferred A Support for the latter). That is, if you want them. You might want to keep Jill with the DB so you have someone other than Micky, Sothe, and Laura.

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