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Tales of serenes........


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So unrealistic. the character I've created for Lyle would kick Ike's ass.

C'mon Lyle, lighten up a bit, willya? We're just random kids in this world, you can't expect us to just instantly own the Greil Mercenaries, can you?

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C'mon Lyle, lighten up a bit, willya? We're just random kids in this world, you can't expect us to just instantly own the Greil Mercenaries, can you?

YES I DO!!! RAR!!!

.......Good job Masu... <_<

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So unrealistic. the character I've created for Lyle would kick Ike's ass.

I thought you already said at the beginning after I warned you that you would be OOC that this Lyle has no relation to the Lyle in your history..........besides we cant just show up and go "LOL PWN YOUR ASS SOREN! GREIL MERCENARIES!"

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I thought you already said at the beginning after I warned you that you would be OOC that this Lyle has no relation to the Lyle in your history..........besides we cant just show up and go "LOL PWN YOUR ASS SOREN! GREIL MERCENARIES!"

Oh....Yes we can Masu! If we want to write about a Crack addict bunny hoping around Ike's bloody corpse after being shot to death by Samuel Jackson we can! We're writers!

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Oh....Yes we can Masu! If we want to write about a Crack addict bunny hoping around Ike's bloody corpse after being shot to death by Samuel Jackson we can! We're writers!

Im sure that the other SF users would frown upon me going ""THEN WE OWNED IKE'S NOOB ASS LOL NUB"

I try to appeal to my audience. And knowing that the females majority like Ike im trying to write this in a way where we end up beating them yet dont belittle their strength.

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31 PAGES?!

<_< Boy I wish I would've read this earlier...

Oh well, I've read a couple of the recent pages. It sounds pretty good MaSu! Nice job!

lol, I don't have to get the worst training ever!

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Part 3 Chapter 14:Is it okay to do this the night before the end!?



Masu:*glares at Princess* What.

Princess:.....sorry...........for embarrassing you...

Masu:My! Whatever do you mean!?

Masu:*bleeding and cut all over his body*.........ahh.........oh.........mah god..............*falls over*

Song:Who did this!? A clone!?

Masu:IT.......WAS HER......*points at Princess*


Masu:Fuck you!

Princess:......*sounds worried* Masu...........I never meant

Masu:To embarrass me I know! Just drop it alright!

Princess:....................Im.........sorry..........*walks away to her room as a tear falls from her eye*


Masu:Shut up asshole.


Lyle:What did you call me!?


Masu:*stands up* What!? You need me to repeat it bitch!?


Everyone: :blink: ..............holy shit...................

Cym:*sighs* Now,according to Zero the wings have gotten word that Ike and his friends are here training us.

Masu:Is that bad?


Cym:Notice the sudden stop in clone attacks? Well after doing some sniffing around Fireman found out that they plan to go war........ONE DAY FROM TODAY.

Branded:So we need to end this all tomorrow?

Lyle:We must! For the saftey of-


Lyle: <_< ......I didnt even finish my sentence..........asses..........

Serene:So.........we may never see each other after tomorrow........or maybe we will all stay together........in the afterlife.

Songbird:Serene dont be so morbid!

Serene:Im being realistic.

CGV:No you're being EMO.

Serene:Fuck you.................

Blue:..so.........what now?

Masu:Obligatory all characters split up the night before the final battle time!

Everyone: <_<

Branded:.......well.........he is right in a way............

Des:Alright everyone just go do whatever but dont leave the castle alright?


Naesala:....I have the feeling that those kids just blatantly ignored what I said about not wandering around because of clone threat.................

Masu:So Serene......what are you gonna do when this is all over?

Serene:I have no fucking clue.

Masu:Same here.

Serene:*grins* I guess thats why I can somewhat tolerate you I guess.

Masu:[sarcasm]Why I am so flattered![sarcasm]

Serene:Oh by the way, just so you know Princess was crying when she walked out.


Serene:yup. She wa-

Masu:*runs out of the room*

Serene:........bitch wouldn't even let me finish my line..............

Masu:*charging down the hallway* Damn it! Im so retarded!

Songbird:*sees Masu* Hey bro! Wait!

Masu:Not now!

Songbird:But its important!

Masu:*stops* Sigh...........fine. Make it quick though! I need to be somewhere ASAP!


Masu:............I cant say "I was a total bastard to princess and made her cry!" That would just have her all over my already toasted ass!........bathroom............

Songbird:Hold it then! I just wanna know............what do you plan to do after all of this? What will we do?

Masu:......hmm.......I dont know. I know I dont wanna stay here for sure. High Class isnt my thing. Maybe we could get everyone to help rebuild the village! That would rule!

Songbird:That sounds great! *reaches into her pocket and hands Masu a purple flower* Here! This will be our seal for the deal!

Masu:..........im a guy........turn around.

Songbird:Why? *turns around*

Masu:*puts the flower in her hair* there. Now it looks much better in your hair.

Songbird:But I thought you wanted me to be ugly.........


Songbird:*imitates Masu's voice* Be as ugly as possible so men think you're repulsive!

Masu:Oh. Well you're growing up so........I GUESS you can have a boyfriend............but I WILL watch that little fucker!

Songbird:Oh thats a relief because the other night Branded and I-

Masu:Crap I almost forgot I gotta go sis! *runs*

Songbird:..............guess its better if he doesnt know..............

Princess' Room

Princess:*sitting on her bed crying* I hurt him again. I made him angry at me again. I just make trouble for him........so why????

Masu:*bursts into her room and hugs her knocking her over* Im sorry! Dont worry about earlier! Its not your fault that you're a great fighter! No more crying! None you hear me!? Its alright!

Princess:........Masu.........I only cause trouble for you. Why do you still love me? Im a total burden.

Masu:Because its worth it! Being able to see you,talk with you,hug you,kiss you,argue with you,laugh at you, its all worth it! So this is the last time im telling you to stop beating yourself up over things like this!



Princess:*a bit freaked out*.........O-okay...............thanks.........for caring so much about me.

Masu:*smiles* Its one of the only good things I do right! Heh heh.............



Princess:.........Masu..............I feel odd................

Masu:*realizes how they're positioned* Eh? Oh god! Im sorry! I-

Princess:Its alright. I dont mind.

Masu:*expected to get hit*.......oh.........okay................*blushes*


Masu:........................now im feeling weird........

Princess:.....My heart is beating so fast.............

Masu:Me too..............



Princess:*kisses Masu*

Masu:Is it alright to do this the night before the end of all of this crazy shit!? Meh well she seems happy........

Next Time!:Gathering

And thank you Freohr for your previous post!*bows*

WARNING. THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE LIKE, EPIC SEX. LIKE, EVEN 30 YEAR OLDS CANT HANDLE THIS STUFF. Okay im kidding. XD The name should obviously say that its everyone gathering before the final battle! This ends Part 3. The next part (part 4) is the final part in this story. Yes it is ending soon for you all who have swallowed your fears and read this hideous concoction of a story. XD

Good part!

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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Great job!

And thank you Freohr for your previous post!*bows*

WARNING. THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE LIKE, EPIC SEX. LIKE, EVEN 30 YEAR OLDS CANT HANDLE THIS STUFF. Okay im kidding. XD The name should obviously say that its everyone gathering before the final battle! This ends Part 3. The next part (part 4) is the final part in this story. Yes it is ending soon for you all who have swallowed your fears and read this hideous concoction of a story. XD

1st of all: I feel flattered, cause bowing should be for people like Princess Kilvas!

2nd of all: OMG SEX?!?

... This shows how late I am if you're already getting to Part 4... Oh well, sorry I was late anyway. I will try to eventually read the rest that I didn't read... Sorry about that...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Great job!

1st of all: I feel flattered, cause bowing should be for people like Princess Kilvas!

2nd of all: OMG SEX?!?

... This shows how late I am if you're already getting to Part 4... Oh well, sorry I was late anyway. I will try to eventually read the rest that I didn't read... Sorry about that...

No no problem! Thanks for even reading this thing that im failing at!

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Im sorry for the chapter being so short and made of fail but I wrote it right when I woke up so I was still tired. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!

*Kicks MaSu in the stomach* STOP SOUNDING SO PATHETIC!

It's a good chapter. I just didn't feel like posting.

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*Kicks MaSu in the stomach* STOP SOUNDING SO PATHETIC!

It's a good chapter. I just didn't feel like posting.

Hey I didnt sound like Lyle! I just said "I was tired so it sucked. Please forgive me!"

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