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How to play brawl


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... I see another smashboards incident all over again.

I guess I'll just stay away from this topic. But before I go.

Tourneys aren't all that bad, it's just that SOME tourneyfags... and yes there are SOME out there that actually fit the description which many people make fun of... that just refuse to play any other rules than tournament rulesets.

I mean, camping and planking with Olimar in a friendly?

"Dude, you're not gonna win anything by doing this, you know?" is what my friend wanted to say to him.

The thing is, it's like meeting people in any other gathering. There are different kinds.


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Um, I'm new to brawl, why does metaknight only have 3 attacks? :awesome:

In all seriousness, I quit brawl 3 months ago, right when I got GOOD at toonlink, to play blazblue....and now I wanna get back into brawl....

Also, there is a counterpick to metaknight. TKD's Fox. :awesome:

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Um, I'm new to brawl, why does metaknight only have 3 attacks? :awesome:

Because after Sakurai finished developing him, he was even more broken and because it was so close to the release, instead of making a new set for him, they decided to just cut a few attacks.

In all seriousness, I quit brawl 3 months ago, right when I got GOOD at toonlink, to play blazblue....and now I wanna get back into brawl....

I dunno, if you play wi-fi, feel free to pm me.

Also, there is a counterpick to metaknight. TKD's Fox. :awesome:

TKD uses MK on MK's CPs, Fox doesn't deserve any credit

On a more serious note, there are several players that can keep up with MKs in the US and in Europe and Japan, they aren't even that dominant. That being said, it's mostly agreed that MK doesn't have any disadvantaged MUs.

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It may take me a LONG time to get used to brawl again. I'm used to playing aggressive cuz of blazblue and project: M but, I'm sure I can still pull off all the stuff I did.

also, my take on how to play brawl competetively:

Spam the shit outta your highest priority attacks and fastest attacks.

When your opponent is at high damage, use a smash, now you can use that smash for damage as it's staled and useless for killing.

Repeat, but with the now-staled smash thrown into your attack strings and pokes.

Also, spam the shit outta your projectiles.

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Well, no offense to Kaoz, but he could really have used other attacks as well. =/ I still want to play him again to see what comes of now.

Why would I use something else when you can't beat the one I'm using already? Also, I basically didn't go offstage which is one of MKs strongest points.

What other attacks does MK have?

I mean, he has some, but they are useless.

Shuttle Loop.

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Why would I use something else when you can't beat the one I'm using already? Also, I basically didn't go offstage which is one of MKs strongest points.

Shuttle Loop.

Actually, I am pretty bad at Sundays. It's like catching a kid off-guard.

Can we play today? 8[

Yes, I am putting up an excuse. But it's the truth. :awesome:

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Actually, I am pretty bad at Sundays. It's like catching a kid off-guard.

Can we play today? 8[

Yes, I am putting up an excuse. But it's the truth. :awesome:

Sure. Not right now, but in 2 hours or so.

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Lol, Marth=Mix of Hakumen and Ragna.

NSpecial=GodPoke (HK)

USpecial=Inferno Divider (RA)

DSpecial=Yukikaze (HK)

Side Special=Basica Combo variants (RA)

NJab/UTilt=2C (HK)

FTilt=6C (RA)

FSmash=5C (HK)

Dtilt=3C (HK)


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Lol, Marth=Mix of Hakumen and Ragna.

NSpecial=GodPoke (HK)

USpecial=Inferno Divider (RA)

DSpecial=Yukikaze (HK)

Side Special=Basica Combo variants (RA)

NJab/UTilt=2C (HK)

FTilt=6C (RA)

FSmash=5C (HK)

Dtilt=3C (HK)


Wooooow. XD

Only fans of both games would be able to appreciate that list. XD

Then again, there's this as well:


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