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Dissidia Duodecim Replay/Discussion Topic


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I know there's another topic out there, but it's pretty old; instead of necroposting, I figured I would make a new one, with an emphasis on video sharing.

Anyways, this topic will be for the few of you who play DDFF here (Eclipse said there's about three) to show off your replays!

I've only done one PvP, and that was with the original Dissidia, so I don't have any "real" videos to showcase. In any case, I still believe there's something to be learned about fighting/watching others fight against CPU opponents. So let the constructive criticism flow~

Here are two to start things off. Both were done earlier today!


Besides from that, this topic can be for general Duodecim discussion as well. I'll start! My mains are Vaan (Obviously), Firion, Tifa and Yuna.

Edited by Hirondelle
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That "media" button. Just put your youtube link in it.

I wasn't into Dissidia all that much and I heard you can play the entirety of Dissidia on Duodecim, so I'm waiting for the UNDUB "perfect" release before I get into this

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Played dissidia, started duodecim a week or so ago, and I'm liking it. Assists help things go faster ( and considering how long the average match takes, that is much appreciated) and the new characters and moves are fun. Still hate exdeath though.

Played Gabranth and WoL in dissidia, but since I made the mistake of transferring levels I ain't really using them until I get decent equips back. Until then, I'm keeping myself amused with Yuna and Golbez.

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I really like Kuja's Force Symphony, and I don't know why. I don't remember any other super-notable changes, because all I do is play with Kuja (and that sounds wrong).

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That "media" button. Just put your youtube link in it.

I wasn't into Dissidia all that much and I heard you can play the entirety of Dissidia on Duodecim, so I'm waiting for the UNDUB "perfect" release before I get into this

Aah, thanks. I'm only allowed to post one, it seems, so I'm putting the other at the end of this post. And by "UNDUB perfect release", do you mean something like Universal Tuning? Because Duodecim isn't getting a 2.0 version or anything like that; the developers decided to focus more on providing DLC than producing a whole new updated game.

Played dissidia, started duodecim a week or so ago, and I'm liking it. Assists help things go faster ( and considering how long the average match takes, that is much appreciated) and the new characters and moves are fun. Still hate exdeath though.

Played Gabranth and WoL in dissidia, but since I made the mistake of transferring levels I ain't really using them until I get decent equips back. Until then, I'm keeping myself amused with Yuna and Golbez.

Yeah, I love my Aerith assist, as you can tell in these vids. They really do help with the pacing of battles. And yeah, I did the uber-transfer from my 300-hour Dissidia save file as well, and raged when equiment didn't transfer...I'm currently working on getting the "Succubus Soul" set from the Labrynith; it allows you to restore to your health 20% of HP damage dealt.

I really like Kuja's Force Symphony, and I don't know why. I don't remember any other super-notable changes, because all I do is play with Kuja (and that sounds wrong).

"In unison!" Yeah, Kuja's an interesting character to play as, but his playstyle isn't really my cup of tea; if he was my main, I would be sure to get his DLC costume that actually has him wearing clothes.

Here's the other video:


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Aah, thanks. I'm only allowed to post one, it seems, so I'm putting the other at the end of this post. And by "UNDUB perfect release", do you mean something like Universal Tuning? Because Duodecim isn't getting a 2.0 version or anything like that; the developers decided to focus more on providing DLC than producing a whole new updated game.

I mean the ISO someone is hacking to have original Japanese voices. Right now, the current release has the battle voices in Japanese, but the story still has English voices.

It's expected that I like those voices better, since I'm basically a weeaboo, but I was willing to play it with English voices UNTIL I heard Zidane's voice. He's my favorite FF character, and it was just ruined for me.

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It's nice to watch, but I can't really find myself getting into it. Perhaps I just need to see more excellent Duodecim play. If it's at least several steps up from the original, I'll give it a good watching. However, no way in hell am I grinding up just for a suitable fighter-game experience.

I really like Kuja's Force Symphony, and I don't know why. I don't remember any other super-notable changes, because all I do is play with Kuja (and that sounds wrong).

Don't hide your feelings, eclipse...

Yeah, I love my Aerith assist, as you can tell in these vids. They really do help with the pacing of battles. And yeah, I did the uber-transfer from my 300-hour Dissidia save file as well, and raged when equiment didn't transfer...I'm currently working on getting the "Succubus Soul" set from the Labrynith; it allows you to restore to your health 20% of HP damage dealt.

Well, if this transfering saves you from grinding (though that just makes me feel sorry for the people who wanted to main new characters), that's certainly a nice perk.

"In unison!" Yeah, Kuja's an interesting character to play as, but his playstyle isn't really my cup of tea; if he was my main, I would be sure to get his DLC costume that actually has him wearing clothes.

Kuja wearing clothes is blasphemous.

Edited by Grandjackal
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