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(FE5) Draft


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This is related to the draft, I just thought this was funny.

[10:06] <Rody> Anouleth, who would you ahve picked if not Shiva?

[10:06] <Anouleth> I'm not really sure

[10:06] <Anouleth> maybe Marty

[10:07] =-= Rody has changed the topic to “Anouleth thinks Marty is better than Shiva.”

[10:07] <Anouleth> or Ralph

[10:08] <Anouleth> ;/

[10:08] <Anouleth> Rody, I have never played FE5 before

[10:14] -->| Colonel_M (ColonelM@Sub.per.io.r) has joined #feto

[10:14] =-= Mode #feto +ao Colonel_M Colonel_M by ChanServ

[10:14] * Colonel_M slaps Anouleth around a bit with a large trout

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Time to start!

Chapter 1: 5 turns

This chapter is a straight up rush to Wiseman. Eyvale ORKOs him with the Fire Sword and she did just that. Leaf rushed the throne, Halvan got the new Prf Brave Axe for Dagda (since nobody else can use axes on my team) and Dagda and Tanya took the Life Ring and Vulnerary. Pretty standard chapter.

Chapter 2: 4 turns

I want to give a shoutout to dondon who actually came up with a brilliant rescue chain to cut down a turn. And Ronan actually helped by being vital to cutting down that turn. Dagda also veered off and grabbed the Speed Ring because he could. Tanya stayed back and took potshots at bandits for Exp.

Leaf         1.20  Base
Eyvale      13.19  |38| 9| 4|19|20|10| 7| 8|
Dagda        6.14  Base
Tanya        2.08  |21| 4| 1| 6|11| 7| 2| 4|
Ronan        1.54  Base

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The remaining units are complete shit, so I hope you guys don't mind me posting my opinions on the drafted teams:


Looks like a decent draft, but there are a few notable weak points.

Chapters 1-3 are particularly weak since your only available units are Leaf, Eyvel, and Othin. Earlygame strats are mostly dependent on Leaf and Eyvel anyway, but having a few other units around can speed up a few things. Othin is mostly useless in these maps, though. For example, you probably won't be getting any of the chapter 1 items other than the Pugi, and rescuing any of the kids in chapter 3 takes a really long time.

In contrast, you're a bit better off in chapters 4-7 due to having drafted Lifis and Machua. You'll probably take Lara and Brighton/Felgus as your free units, and being the only contender with 2 thieves in these maps makes the Manster escape a lot easier (since Lifis can't be chosen as a free unit).

Early midgame maps could be a bit tough because you lack strong mounted units. In fact, until Dean comes along, you only have foot units available. Not a problem indoors, but you could find yourself losing a little on outdoor maps. I kind of question Saphy as a second round pick because even though it guarantees perpetual use of Pugi, I think past a certain point, you could kind of do without it.

Boss killing is reliable enough with Othin's Wrath and 3 PCC when applicable. Dean is an excellent pick for both indoor and outdoor maps. Pending a decision on usage of Rewarp, Linoan can potentially be a game-breaker with pseudo Warpskipping lategame maps by Rewarping into enemy units, defeating them all with Wrath Resire, and then Rescuing Leaf. Ralph, Trewd, and your last 2 picks may cost more turns to recruit than they save.


Appears to be a solid draft.

You have the weakest chapters 1-3 with only Marty as your supplementary unit, which means that you'll end up losing a couple of turns overall. What hurts the most is having no option to grab earlygame items without sacrificing turns, like the chapter 1 Life Ring or chapter 2 Speed Ring. Losing in the first 4 chapters isn't a huge deal, though.

Chapters 4-7 look really good, however. You already have 4 of 6 available units in chapter 4, which means that your free units will most likely be Machua and either Karin or Asvel. Not having Lifis kind of sucks, but chapter 4 is a lot more manageable when you don't have to worry about one of the Magi squad members being attacked. It also makes successfully rescuing the civilians a lot easier by intercepting the enemy soldiers.

Indoor maps in early midgame could be slightly troublesome because mounted units only have 5 move indoors, but you might be able to get around that by early promotion. You don't really have any good grounded 2 range units, as Paperblade took Othin and Life took Asvel, which could be a slight problem, but you can work around that by grabbing the chapter 9 Fire Sword and sticking it on Felgus. This problem alleviates later on with Salem and Homeros showing up.

Boss killing is also decent with Felgus's 5 PCC and Brighton's Wrath to work with, but hit rates leave a little to be desired. Lara is a game-breaking pick, and has the potential to save many turns after her dancer promotion. Lacking a flier for most of the game kind of sucks. Misha and your last pick may cost more turns than they'll save.


Also looks like a solid draft.

You have a clear advantage in chapters 1-3 with both Dagda (who, along with Fin, are really the only 2 units that can actually save turns) and 2 warm bodies in Tania and Ronan. For example, Dagda can shave 1 turn off the standard chapter 2 completion using only Leaf and Eyvel, and he plus Tania and Ronan allow you to obtain some extra items in chapters 1-3.

Chapters 4-7 have their good and bad points. You'll probably have a bit of trouble in chapter 4, having drafted none of the original Magi squad to help you unlock Leaf and Karin, and Asvel doesn't show up until halfway through chapter 4x. You're in the best shape for chapter 5, however, having 2 6 move units with strong 2 range (Leaf and Asvel) and getting Nanna later on, who has 2 range and Charisma. Nanna also lets you avoid using Vulneraries.

For early midgame maps, you have a balance between units that are good indoors and outdoors. Nanna and Karin move across large portions of the map on their own and Dagda and Asvel have 7 move indoors with good offense. Asvel in particular has 1-2 range unmatched by all except Othin.

Of the drafters, boss killing potential is the best with Asvel, who always crits on his pursuit attack with Grafcalibur and cuts through throne bonuses with high hit and mag. Karin is extremely game-breaking, being able to cut off a large number of turns on a handful of outdoor escape maps that everyone else can't do anything about. You can 3 turn chapter 9 with a promoted Karin and also 3 turn chapter 13. The lack of a high staff rank staff user before Sara is a bit worrisome, but Tina has her perks - her Unlock staff speeds up some chapters where you can't spot a thief or Door Key and Thief can be used to steal status staves. The only problem is that Tina is likely to run out her Thief staff before you recruit her in chapter 12x. Conomore is likely not going to be recruited.


Not too bad of a team for someone who almost didn't know what he was doing.

With Fin and Halvan, you have the most potential to shave off turns in chapters 1-3 and nab some nice items while you're at it. You can 4 turn chapter 1 (probably missing the Life Ring) and 4 turn chapter 2 (Halvan can get the Speed Ring).

Chapters 4-7 will be the most difficult for you, with no drafted units to help out in chapters 4 and 5. Dalshin is probably not worth recruiting because you have to save his kid in chapter 3, which costs a lot of turns with only Leaf, Eyvel, Fin, and Halvan available.

Early midgame looks a little challenging with only Fin and Halvan as decent outdoor and indoor units, respectively. Carrion is a rather poor unit to begin with and Hicks is really only average.

Boss killing is doable with Fin's Brave Lance or Halvan with Brave Axe, but you'll need to get some criticals to penetrate throne defense. Later in the game, Mareeta can kill bosses more reliably, but she needs a good amount of training to reach that point. Eda is a good pick, if only for chapter 15. Amalda and Dalshin are probably too much trouble to recruit, and Cyas is likely not going to stay around after chapter 23 because I don't know of any ways with your team to make Sety not appear without using Warp.

If I were in this draft and had to choose one of the 4 teams to play with, I'd pick Life's or Anouleth's, the former mostly because of Karin, and the latter mostly because of Lara.

Looking back on the picks, I was really surprised that Carrion was drafted in the second round, but I think that's because he's in a high position on the tier list for whatever reason and Spiffy was mostly going off the tier list. I thought that Saphy was a surprising third round pick from Paperblade, considering that there were many more useful units available (Anouleth, for example, picked Lara immediately afterwards). Dagda not going until the fourth round until after Halvan was also a bit surprising. I was not expecting Sara to last until the eighth round, either.

Most staff users not going until the fifth or sixth rounds with Warp banned is not surprising. Status staves are still powerful, but earlygame is a much higher priority in drafts. Not to mention, most staff users are rather mediocre otherwise, except for Linoan and Sara due to their classes. With no way to clear later chapters in 1-2 turns, C rank staff users are still necessary to ward off enemy staff users, and higher ranks allow you to neuter them entirely through Silence or Sleep.

Edited by dondon151
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Chapter 2x: 10 turns (19)

First gaiden! Pretty easy too, mind you. Tanya and Ronan took the south route just to fight enemies and gain experience (Tanya got a perfect level up minus stuff like Build and Move) while Leaf, Eyvale and Dagda rushed for Lifis. I'm pretty sure that I can't cut this total down by a turn since Leaf almost didn't make it to the gate in time. And the bastard still hasn't leveled up but he ate the Life Ring.

Leaf         1.80  |29| 4| 0| 2| 5| 6| 3| 5|
Eyvale      13.55  |38| 9| 4|19|20|10| 7| 8|
Dagda        6.30  Base
Tanya        3.76  |22| 5| 2| 7|12| 8| 3| 4|
Ronan        2.62  |21| 4| 1| 3| 7| 3| 2| 7|

Chapter 3: 8 turns (27)

I originally had this one pegged as a 7 turn clear but having a level 1 Leaf and both archers made me reconsider. The reason this chapter now takes 8 turns is because Leaf needs Exp and the archers can help start a rescue chain to snag the most important item, AKA the Shield Ring. It's hilarious how key both archers were to this strategy, especially Ronan (yes, even for fighting). Leaf may have made it to the throne a turn later but because it was for the Shield Ring, I'm not complaining. Oh and Leaf popped down the Speed Ring too. He'll appreciate that next chapter.

Leaf         3.38  |31| 5| 1| 3| 9| 6| 4| 5|
Eyvale      14.25  |38| 9| 4|19|20|10| 7| 8|
Dagda        6.60  Base
Tanya        4.79  |22| 5| 3| 8|13| 8| 3| 4|
Ronan        4.26  |21| 4| 3| 4| 8| 3| 2| 7|

Not excited for the next 1.5 chapters.

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Chapter 4: 15 Turns (42)

Welcome to hell.

Chapter 4 is the first Manster escape and really takes some thinking if you want to low turn this with only certain units to use. All I had was Leaf, Karin and two Magi units of my choice (I chose Machua and Lara). But it's hilarious what you can do with those 4 units, especially when Machua and Leaf are destroying everything left and right (even Dalshin with the Rapier). I only brought the Light Sword to Chapter 4 and retrieved it along with the Rapier. Lara managed to unlock every cell very quickly (5 in total) and then I got everyone out through the top as fast as I could. Lara had to tank some shots as a diversion (in the Dalshin room) while Leaf and Machua were on killing duty (Karin got in an important Mage kill though). And I left nobody behind. I'm proud of myself here.

Leaf         5.08  |31| 5| 1| 5|10| 7| 4| 5| 7 Move
Machua       3.80  |25| 5| 1|11|12| 7| 5| 6| 7 Move
Karin        1.72  Base
Lara         2.90  Base

Edited by Life
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Chapter 4x: 9 Turns (51)

This is one that I want to do over (dondon told me that SSS is 8 here) but I probably will get the same amount of turns. Built a quick defensive wall and realized that Karin's 7 Mag at base means that she's an awesome Mage killer. Lifis stole most of the Fire tomes to neuter the mages and handed them over to Asvel once I recruited him. After that, everyone escaped without the treasures. I might redo it just to snag some swag but I'm not sure that I can beat 9 turns. Oh and I got the Sety scroll.

Leaf         6.21  |32| 6| 1| 6|11| 7| 4| 5| 7 Move
Machua       5.59  |27| 5| 1|13|14| 8| 5| 6| 7 Move
Karin        4.19  |20| 4| 8| 5|14|15| 4| 4|
Lara         2.90  Base
Asvel        1.10  Base

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