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(FE4) Integ's Not Procrastinating (FE4 Draft VI bitches)


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Thanks, you still beat me by around 30 turns ^^. Some of my chapters probably could have been tighter. At least I've learned something. Never pick Dimna!

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I can guaramtee right now I'm going to lose. Your turncounts are great. Oh well, as soon as I'm actually allowed near my computer next I plan on starting this.

Shin, your Celice looked incredibly speed screwed, must be annoying in a draft. Also WTF Tristan.

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He was fast enough ^^. I've actually had a Celice with 13 speed before. Tristan isn't that bad. Slap on the pursuit ring and you've got a second Oifaye.

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  • 2 months later...

So, I finally decided to start this, awesome or awesome?

My Gen 1 turncount is guaranteed to suck, I took 15 turns in the prologue, with 1 Midayle penalty making it 18 so far.






I'm serious.

I've even completed chapter one as well.



Two Aideen penalties.

Seized the closest castle in five turns. Recruited Ayra (daigdnasohgda).


That's proof!

Seized the castle with Gandolf and got Warp/Return. Recruited Jamka (hehgaosngasgasga)

Silenced Sandima, got Hero Axe. Yaaay seize.

EDIT: Wrong Image. <__________<




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  • 3 weeks later...



7 turn penalty for the Valkyrie Staff, 3 for having Briggid defnd the main castle. Ayra just had to go and get Metteored to death before Velthomer turned ally.


Sigurd had money issues, but it's ok. He managed to repair the Tyrfing and buy the Knight Ring. This chapter got easier since the last time I played it, even though I had four units.

Sigurd who actually used lances, 195 Kills


Javelin's are cool, until Chapter 5 he rocked one. 100 kill Silver Sword and something or other Silver Blade too, but he had to sell the blade to Ayra.

Ethlin the healer who leaves too early, something kills


I didn't check at the end of C.3, whoops. She provided necessary healing, then left right after Sigurd got the Life Ring. It provided some scary sitches for Lex and Jamka though.

Lex and his HERO AXE, 42 Kills


Hand Axe with 8 kills, and I'm pretty sure he used the silver like twice. He was pretty decent with his damage and ambush, but he sucked at doging.

Ayra didn't get to Meteor Leptor this time, 48 Kills, 1 Death


Went to the +3 STR village in Chapter 3. She was awesome, but died to an unfortunate Meteor accident. Thank god Claude esixts or I'd have some serious sub issues.

Jamka the badass bandit, 46 Kills


It was nice having another character, I guess.

Diadora who?

Didn't use her nearly as much as previous times.

Now, when Ayra died, a question arouse to me, which I am going to go post in the Draft Central thread thing.

Here's my starting characters.


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I never seem to get the magical level. I've fallen a couple of XP short each time. Plus, that speed isn't fair!

I didn't even abuse to get it. 8]




With Fin, Janne, and Leaf alive. LML

The only annoying part is that Daisy glitchmarried Celice. And I need her alive for Asaello, so I couldn't just have her Yostmunganded on Turn 1. <_<

Also, Janne is great. I understand why Integ likes her so much. I find her better at healing, but worse at combat than any non Azel!Nanna's.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 10


So like, Celice doesn't have enough RES to dodge the sleep staff at the beginning. And I had no restore user. :\

But eventually, Leaf promoted, as did Asaello. Altenna helped save Tyrfing and cihldren.


ShananLakche and JanneDaisy happened as well. :]



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That was supposed to say Leaf, I swear! I guess Daisy is on my mind! XD

Janne and Daisy, lebuddies 4 lief

I finished!!!!!! :newyears:




It's less than 200. I'm so proud of myself. :'D

So yeah. Stuff happened. Celice soloed his way to Edda, Shanan beat up Brian, and Celice beat the rest of the map, minus Julius, almost by himself. Aless killed Ishtar.


Celice, Speed screwed as always, 158 Kills. Glitchmarried to Daisy.


Yeah. He was amazing. Now that I look at it, I should've given him Light Sword, Celice rarely makes double digit MAG.

Oh my God Shanan. 69 Kills, married to Lakche.


I've actually never done ShananLakche before. Anyway, Shanan was glorious. He killed everything with that Balmung, and once it reached 50 kills, Holy Crap.

Oifey, didn't suck as usual, and made it to the end. 22 Kills, Fond of Mana


Yay STR and DEF procs! 8]

Skasahahahaha. 22 Kills. Fond of Mana.


Really? Only 22? Yeah. This time Shanan existed. I still found Skasaher great though. Lex was nice to have as a parent so that way Celice could reach magical level 18 easier.

Asaello the lazy, 10 Kills. Fond of Femina.


Asaello did a bunch of stuff in Chapter 8 and 9, then sat around and did nothing for two chapters in a row. It's a wonder he managed to get to level 24. Arena is nice, I guess. Still, I can't complain about his nice stats.

LEAF, 22 Kills, Married to Janne.


Leaf only promoted in Chapter 10, so I did't get to see Rescue Staf on Wheels action. Especially with Leg Ring Celice runing ahead of him. Leaf had a terrible start though, so it was hard to get him levels, but after he promted, oh my god.

Johan the potato lover, 10 Kills. Fond of Femina.


Chipped things like no others could. Ha ha, get my lame joke?

Aless with 73 MHP what? 41 Kills, a few turns short of marrying Laylea. Oh well, forever alone for Aless.


Aless was great, from the moment he joined to the end of the game. He killed Ishtar in endgame. :D

Lakche the goddess of killing things, 39 Kills, Married to Shanan the man.


Do I really need to describe her? She's the best.

Yuria, didn't get to promote. 15 Kills, 1 "Death", lol whats a love


And yet she still owned her brother in the face. She had a bit of trouble with the Dark Warlords though. Celice had to help out. :\

Altenna. 18 kills, and a ton of chip.


Amazing. That is all. I found her more useful than Leaf. She helped Celice secure Tyrfing, and destroyed everything with the Gae Bolg.

Laylea, natch. Almost in love with Aless, but she decided to ditch him.


Dancer without enough cash to afford Knight Ring. :(

Janne with blessed everything, only 5 kills? Married to Leaf



I love tihs chick. She's amazing in every way, but terrible at the same time.


202 + 196 = 398! Which is <400!

So I ahieved my goal (while still beating whooped by everyone else! Yay)

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That was supposed to say Leaf, I swear! I guess Daisy is on my mind! XD

Janne and Daisy, lebuddies 4 lief

nnnnno you're thinking Fee and Janne. I won't have you in the way of my OTP here, Darros.

But congratulations :D

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