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Thracia 776 leadership stars.

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Yeah so I was asking in the other section and people told me the answer, but as soon as I found out, I also discover it's hidden in the FAQs section. I think leadership is worth having its own section in the site. You can explain the difference between how it works in this game VS FE4, and explain Leaf's leadership stars, and also let people know why they're getting ass raped whenever Cyas shows up. Not to mention list the characters on your side with leadership.

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All of that information is already contained on the Thracia pages. The differences between the leadership stars in FE4 and FE5 can be found in both descriptive form in the Introduction pages for both games and in computational effects in the Calculations pages. Leaf's leadership stars are mentioned on the FAQ page for Thracia, as you already mentioned (and it includes how and when he has them, basically). Allied characters with Lead stars are listed in the Base Stats page under the Lead column.

All of this information is something that people could easily find, if they took the time to actually look for it. :mellow:

If people are too lazy to actually spend five minutes looking around a site, then that's their problem, IMHO.

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If people are too lazy to actually spend five minutes looking around a site, then that's their problem, IMHO.

No one wants to waste 5 minutes of their time looking for something. That kind of attitude would lead to horrible site design.

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No one wants to waste 5 minutes of their time looking for something. That kind of attitude would lead to horrible site design.

You make it sound like SF is horribly designed, which it isn't.

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What I'll probably do is just add a note about Leaf's leadership stars in the base stats page (I didn't realise a note wasn't already there).

A page about leadership could be useful, but I don't feel like it's a crucial element that warrant its own page (I'd say the same thing about, say, FE9/10 Biorhythm, but there's a lot of information on that subject that just doesn't fit anywhere else).

Anyway, that's just what I'm thinking right now. If I have some time on my hands, I'll try and look into the possibility of an article (or something similar) further.

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What if when someone goes into chapter 17A or 22 and can't find an explanation for why they have such horrible avoid and accuracy?

Fin and Cyas have leadership stars as well.

Edited by Horakthi
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What if when someone goes into chapter 17A or 22 and can't find an explanation for why they have such horrible avoid and accuracy?

A question and answer added to Thracia's FAQ regarding Cyas' appearances in the game and the same for "What are these stars some characters have?" should suffice for that. Common sense would suggest that a Frequently Asked Question should be the first place to look and a section dedicated for explaining Leadership stars throughout the games would probably just fit in the General section and become another obscure page that few people come across on rare occasion.

To quote Glenn:

If people are too lazy to actually spend five minutes looking around a site, then that's their problem.

Besides, there's people who make accounts here just to ask for translation patch, with that in mind, how often would anyone look up a section about stars?

Edited by Sirius
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Besides, there's people who make accounts here just to ask for translation patch, with that in mind, how often would anyone look up a section about stars?
What's the point in making a website with information if you assume people are going to ask about it on the forum anyway?
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What's the point in making a website with information if you assume people are going to ask about it on the forum anyway?

There was no assumption being made that EVERYONE ("There's people" =/= EVERYONE) would just create an account to ask their question on the forum, it was just an example to show why a page dedicated just to leadership stars would have such poor odds of people actually bothering to look for such a thing as opposed to just finding it on a respective game's FAQ section.

There are people who actually browse the site to seek answers and even in the case of people asking in the forum, the regular folks here have an easy time helping such people because of it.

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You're completely missing the point. I never even used the word everyone in my post. In fact, you're proving my point even more, because some people won't want to join the forum - replies take time, after all.

Why would people have poor odds of looking at leadership? It's obviously an important mechanic in FE5 - Leaf, Fin, Cyas have it, and so do a plenty of bosses. I personally would want to know why I have such crappy hit and avoid on generic crappy FE5 enemies. By your logic, why bother making a page about FE5 support bonuses? They're not as relevant to the game as leadership.

Furthermore, there's absolutely no harm in making another page about leadership.

Edited by Horakthi
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