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Looking for more information on the enemy control glitch

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As some of you might now, I'm working on a TAS improvement of Cheetah7071's Sacred Stones TAS, and I'm currently looking into which route is faster. The speed at which C11 Eph can be routed makes a big difference as to which route is better.

Now, the problem with pirate ship is a lot of enemies refuse to move.


Aside from all these highlighted enemies, there's a bunch of mogalls and gargoyles off-screen that want to play pacifist. All this could change if I can control the enemies and send them on a suicide mission into my units.

Now, the problem with the enemy control glitch is that it has a very small window of opportunity if you don't use PWASE (panels which affect something else). However, I'll be using frame advance so small windows of opportunity are hardly an issue. However, the gamefaqs guide suggests that the window of opportunity without PWASE is only a fraction of a frame, which isn't enough, even with tools assistance.

So, what I want to know, is this true, or is the fraction of a frame bit an exaggeration? What's an exhaustive list of every place that can use the glitch, PWASE or not?

Here's hoping VASM or someone else can help me out :/

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Depending on how the glitch works, it could be, actually, if the game induced something like a race condition in saving the data, or just did it during the frame. However, I don't think that's the actual case. Simple answer surely is just, give it a short test? It'd only take about a minute to get to a point where enemies attack you, then you can frame advance and see what happens.

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It would be funny if some of the areas on the bridges between ships were PWASE, considering snags are. (No, Grandjackal, that is not a confirmation that they are)

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