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FE Survey

luigi bros


74 members have voted

  1. 1. Preferred Skill System

  2. 2. Preferred Weapon/Magic Triangle

    • FE4/FE5 (Light+Dark beats all magic)
    • FE6/7/8
    • FE9 (No dark, Light is neutral)
    • FE10 (Two magic triangles)
    • FE11 (No magic triangle)
    • Bows should be added (specify which other one is best in post though)
    • No weapon triangle (FE1/FE2/FE3)
    • Other (Please specify)
  3. 3. Non-Human Races

    • Only Manaketes/Mamkutes
    • Laguz
    • Add monsters
    • Other (Please describe in post)
    • Only humans
  4. 4. Classes

    • One promotion (Knight->General)
    • Two promotions (Knight->General->Marshall
    • No promotions (Knight stays Knight) (If you pick this what should the level cap be?)
    • Three promotions (Knight->General->Marshall->????)
    • Other (Please specify)
    • Split promotions (FE8)
  5. 5. Level Cap

    • FE1/2/3/4/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 (20 per class)
    • FE4 (30 level does not reset on promotion
    • FE10 (Different races have different caps)
    • One promotion, level doesn't reset on promotion max level is 40
    • Two promotions, level doesn't reset on promotion max level is 60
    • Other (Please specify)

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This topic is just to get a feel of what the users of this site think is the best features of the FE series. I also added some potential ideas.

I voted for FE4 skill system FE 10 weapon triangle system, only Manaketes, two promotions, and level 60 cap not resetting.

The last one because it makes you feel like you've accomplished something with a level 60 character ;): . As well as that way if you promote early you can make up the levels later.

There is no more room just add any other opinions to posts.

Edited by luigi bros
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9 and 10 skill systems are somewhat different. (In 9, skills cannot be reassigned once assigned, including innate skills. In 10 innate skills just do not take up capacity).

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I absolutely love the skill system in 10, but I haven't played 4/5 really (played about a chapter or two of 4 before I got annoyed with japanese). Could someone explain for me that one?

Split promotions should be added (FE8).

Edited by Ring Wraith
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In addition, I think that Fire Emblem should have:



GBA Canto

GBA Constitution system

Branched promotions, like in FE8

Powerful mastery skills like in FE10 (rather than the sucky FE9 masteries)

Staff range runs off 1~Mag/2 rather than infinite range or 1~Mag

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Here are my selections:

  • Skills: Other
  • Magic Triangle: Other
  • Non-Human Races: Other
  • Classes: Other
  • Level Cap: 20 per class

For skills, I feel like a balance between FE9 and FE10's would make the most sense. Skills that are innate to a character should be locked to them, but should not count against the unit's skill points. (Canto/Shove shouldn't count either.) Skills that are assigned via scrolls/manuals/whatever should be able to be removed to free the space up, but should not be converted back into scrolls.

For the Magic Triangle, I would have voted FE10's, but I'd personally like to see more types of magic implemented in the future.

For Option #3, Mamkutes/Manaketes are a staple of the series, so they deserve to stay. However, FE8 did one thing right with the monsters: acknowledging that they still exist. Considering that the FE world isn't nearly as civilized as modern day society, monsters and beasts should still be prevalent.

For possible classes, I think one promotion works the best, but instead of being based solely on the class, it should be based on the character's personality and "details". In that vein, I suppose it fits more closely with how FE4/5 handled their promoted classes.

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Villager -> Soldier* -> (Halberdier/Lance Paladin) -> [sentinel|Silver Knight]

*The villager gets options depending on body type like FE11/12's class swapping. You can branch promote from here. The final promotion is not a branch, but instead set in stone depending on which you chose last time. There is no class swap.

Normal level cap system of 20 per class. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

I'm not a fan of laguz at all, and as for monsters/dragons... I prefer a more human conflict instead of lolevil vs divine dragon.

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I liked the FE10 skills & the triangle. The two promotions were also nice.

I don't like the laguz at all. Now, I do like them from a gameplay perspective and I like their strengths and limitations, but story-wise, no. (really, does every non-human race have to live for a fucklong period of time?)

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I liked FE4s skill system, unremovable, all personal, and no silly capacity. It made units more unique instead of "stick *skill* on *character* and profit!*. Class skills were cool too.

Double Magic Triangle.

Voted Laguz, because I like them in terms of gameplay, despite absolutely terrible balancing.

Branched Promotions were the best thing about FE8 IMO and I'd love it if they returned.

FE4 Level Cap.

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Mastery skills in FE10 are way too strong. too weak in FE9, however. There is quite a lot of middle ground between pierce half enemy def (maybe makes you do 50% extra damage) and negate enemy def completely and triple str (makes you do like 400% extra damage). I don't know why they made such an extreme jump.

Also, I like skills being not able to be transferred from one unit to the next since it leaves more room for units to be unique, but I do like some skills being available to assign to whoever you want (ie scrolls).

Edited by Reikken
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Mastery skills were WAY too strong, but the skill system for FE10 was the still best, IMO. I like being able to switch skills (from a gameplay standpoint) because it creates lots of opportunity to be creative and change character's strengths and weaknesses.

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Man I feel so lonely voting in favor of monsters. They had so much potential but everyone hates them because IS thought it was a good idea to make them all suck =(

It's okay, Brad. I voted for monsters by proxy.

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In addition, I think that Fire Emblem should have:



GBA Canto

Staff range runs off 1~Mag/2 rather than infinite range or 1~Mag

Agreeing with this for starters.

As for promotions, I would like two promotions, but having the first one branched. So, something like

Cavalier -> Paladin -> Gold Knight

Cavalier -> Great Knight -> ???

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Man I feel so lonely voting in favor of monsters. They had so much potential but everyone hates them because IS thought it was a good idea to make them all suck =(

Personally, I don't just dislike monsters because their stats suck, but also because most of them don't actually use weapons (meaning there's no weapon triangle against them) and if they use magic, it's always dark magic (giving light magic a permanent advantage and anima magic a permanent disadvantage against them).

In fact, having extremely sucky enemy stats is something that pretty much all FEs are guilty of to some degree.

Anyway, I voted for:

- FE9 Skill system

I liked skills not being reassignable, but new skills being available to assign at your will. While masteries in this game were pathetic for the most part, I prefer weak-ish assignable masteries over FE10's automatic and overpowered masteries, which could as well all have been called "Lethality with better activiation rate". That said, FE9's masteries maybe wouldn't even have been that useless if the enemies hadn't been so weak that, say, stunning them is completely pointless just because your entire army ORKOs them anyway.

- FE10 magic triangles

I'm fine with the GBA magic triangle as well, but I like having a distinction between Fire, Thunder and Wind as long as there's enough variety among their tomes.

- Only Manaketes

I actually like the fact that FE is mostly about wars of humans against humans, and that a monster actually is something special and dangerous. I don't really mind FE8 (and haven't played 2), but I wouldn't want another FE that focuses on monsters as your main enemy.

Manaketes are fine though. No medieval fantasy setting is complete without dragons, and manaketes are an interesting way of handling them.

- One promotion

It's just the series standard. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

That said, I don't mind two promotions either - if the game is actually long enough to warrant them. While FE10 in theory was long enough, the fact that you spent that time on training three armies instead of just one meant that the failure brigade would always remain a bunch of losers, as their play time is simply not enough to keep up with how ridiculously quickly their enemies become stronger than themselves.

Two promotions are okay if the game really is long enough for it to make sense and you don't have to train multiple armies. Otherwise, just keep it to a single promotion please, thanks.

- 20 levels per class

Series standard, and I like it that way.

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FE10 Skill system:

Why? I liked being able to customize my squad with skills. Made it feel more personal.

FE10 triangles:

You didn't just have a physical weapon triangle, you had a magic triangle. And in the magic triangle you had another triangle! (yo dawg)

Non-human races:

Other, because I want both dragon people and Laguz in the same game. It would be interesting to see their interactions.

Two promotions:

RD is the best.

Level up:

Please keep the level cap 20.

Edited by Royal Ludroth
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FE10 skill system. (Not the skills themselves, but the ability to assign/remove freely, capacity which depends on the unit, etc etc etc.)

FE10 magic triangle.

Other (Laguz or manaketes w/out laguz)

Classes: Really not sure what best promotion system is, IMO. Totally clueless. I think this REALLY needs context for me to vote. I.E. if it is a "staged" game like FE10, with forces of many different sides coming together, three tier promotion would be best but I'd like to see a bit more attempt to make the weaker characters more usable by the end.

(A little more attempt at balance, not stressing it excessively.)

Level cap: Other, again

It turns out there's a reason FE10 had my favorite gameplay!

(But, none of the above reasons. Mostly the shifting perspectives, and how it affected matters of gameplay. But I thought FE9 had better story w/ one perspective.)

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preferred skill system:

- other, I would like to see the FE10 skill system again, but no more overpowered skills that fail when you actually need them

preferred triangle:

- FE10, but maybe even though wind, fire and thunder form a weapon triangle, still keep it under the anima weapon level.


- Laguz, the game play needs some improvement, but the idea is great.


- 2 promotions, 3 seems like overkill, 1 is nice, 2 is great. as long as it's balanced enough.

although...now that I'm thinking about it. 1 seems like enough already. too lazy to change it now though...

level cap:

- just 20 per Tier. since it's all I've ever seen in FE, it doesn't seem like FE anymore without it.

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I would like FE10's skill system in a future Fire Emblem, as long as Shove and Canto don't take up capacity. Also, I shouldn't be forced to take up 25 or 30 Capacity for an occult skill that is useless against the final bosses. I do want the mastery skills to still be there, but units should have to find an Occult Scroll first, and I should be able to remove it if I want to.

I think it would be cool if third tier promotions were combined with FE8's branching promotion system. There would be a lot more possibilities, especially for units that start first tier.

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I think it would be cool if third tier promotions were combined with FE8's branching promotion system. There would be a lot more possibilities, especially for units that start first tier.

branched promotions were nice, but I still think they shouldn't bring it back. most choices just don't make any sense story-wise. (like making Franz a GK, Ewan a summoner or Vanessa a wyvern knight.)

I don't think the branched promotions should return, neither should the reclassing system.

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